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Jun 20th, 2020
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  1. “Wow, dude. Your ass is like, bursting out of those shorts!” Mike gasped, unable to take his eyes off of his friend’s giant posterior. “You’re some hot Asian chick now!”
  3. “Yeah I know, it’s gigantic and stuff.” Georgia replied, her voice sounding tired as she grabbed a handful of ass, letting it jiggle for emphasis. “Literally everybody has been commenting on it. Nobody asks what it’s like to be changed into a woman, or how I’m feeling, noooooo... it’s always ‘Wow Georgia, your booty is so big now, wanna come to my dorm to study later’? Seriously, it’s like people only cared once I turned into some attractive girl.” Looking over her shoulder, she glanced down at her prize-winning rump, feeling her long dark hair brush against it. She could feel her big ass tissue wobble and bounce with every step, the gaze of pervy college guys locked to her hips as she walked around college campus. “Guys barely make eye contact with me anymore. I thought life was bad as some dorky, freshman, virgin engineering student, but I’m already sick of feeling like a piece of meat.”
  5. Mike looked away as his friend glared at him, even though both of them knew he had been staring. “That sucks. Well, aren’t you getting a lot of money at least?”
  7. Georgia sighed and leaned against a rail, her fat caboose spreading out on top of it. “Well, the class-action lawsuit against Coke is apparently going to be a few years at least because surprise, there’s no precedent for contaminated cola that changes people’s race and gender. So for now it’s going to be a while. The good news is that the Science department has taken a big interest in the ‘mutation’ and is offering the dozen or so of us a lot of money in the meantime for some study. It’s just...”
  9. “Just what?” Mike asked.
  11. “Well, part of the study involved taking photos of our naked bodies, as part of some experiment or something, right? Well ‘allegedly’ some horny senior liked me so much he decided to leak the photos to his friends, and now... ugh... everybody on campus knows what I look like naked.”
  13. Mike blushed, his cock hardening in his pants as he imagined his friend’s naked body, her bare ass wiggling in full display. “Well, you wouldn’t happen to know where those photos are, do you? So we can shut them down of course.”
  15. Georgia rolled her eyes, brushing her hair back over her shoulder as she pulled her phone from her bra. “Seriously? Gross. I should have known you had a ‘thing’ for Asian girls ever since that party during Intro week. I swear, nobody takes me seriously anymore. I thought being popular would be fun, but now I’ve got a pussy, I have to wear a bra for these stupid tits, and I can’t find any clothes that fit my ass!” She began to break down, sobbing at her terrible luck.
  17. “There there, it’s okay.” said Mike, shuffling up to the young woman and putting his arm over her shoulder. Georgia could feel the curves of her hips pressing into his body as he came in close to try and comfort her. “You want a drink? I saw a vending machine nearby. My shout.”
  19. Georgia slowly got to her feet, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Alright, I’ll have a Coke.” Seeing the incredulous look in Mike’s eyes, she giggled. “Don’t laugh, but I miss the flavor. It can’t get any worse anyway, right?”
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