
Dungeon Meido 2 = 2011.08.15

Aug 22nd, 2011
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  1. [01:45] <@Serpentarius> The First Great Maid Tournament is an event that remains shrouded in mystery. No one knows the outcome, but the names of the combatants have been enshrined in legend.
  2. [01:47] <@Serpentarius> The method of testing maids inside a hostile dungeon has become the most highly regarded method of testing the abilities of prospective maids, and countless imitators have tried to duplicate the circumstances of the tournament.
  3. [01:49] <@Serpentarius> One facility specialized for this purpose is the Meido Volcano Fortress. The five contestants find themselves on a cargo plane en route to this place, for one reason or another.
  4. [01:50] <@Serpentarius> A television screen turns on, and a respectable-looking maid in full meido regalia addresses the assembled maids.
  5. [01:52] <@Serpentarius> "Gentlewomen!" She says. "During the last training exercise at the Meido Volcano Fortress, a group of maids went rogue and took over the facility for themselves! Apparently, they were spurred into action by the fugitive maid Yumeko, who was present at the First Great Maid Tournament."
  6. [01:52] <@Serpentarius> "We're sending you in to deal with them. However, the facility program is still running, so be aware of the rules."
  7. [01:53] <Cocona> Pii pii~ Pii pii~ Pii pii....PIIIIII~ GPS lolicator App ver.2.1 has confirmed current location to be....: on a cargo plane! on a cargo plane, en route to this location! this location being the meido volcano fortress! for one reason or another....
  8. [01:53] <Vanilla> Greetings, brother television. This unit humbly commends your attempt to remain bright and clear in the face of inferior resolution size and obsolete technological specifications. Carry on, comrade-in-arms.
  9. [01:53] <Chao-Fran> Good morning! What a great day to be dead!
  10. [01:53] * Chao-Fran waves with four arms
  11. [01:54] <@Serpentarius> The television flickers back at Vanilla appreciatively.
  12. [01:54] <Cocona> "Pii piiiiii~ Primary Objective confirmed - correct Lady Yumeko's vital signs!" Cocona chirps
  13. [01:54] <Chao-Fran> Wait.... one... two... three... Anyone in here missing arms? I seem to have a pair too much :O
  14. [01:54] <Blair> ->A shining silver suit of armor with the edges refined with gold sits against the wall, it's smooth, and slender, the person inside unable to be seen from behind the suit.
  15. [01:54] <@Serpentarius> "Firstly, your maid garments are the source of your power. Every article of clothing less than three that you have will result in a -1 penalty to all your rolls!"
  16. [01:55] <Nina> What a colorful group. Perfect thing to go with TWO challenges... Not what I was forced into at the beggining! ><;;
  17. [01:55] <@Serpentarius> "Secondly, the Volcano Fortress is very hot and stuffy. Moving between rooms will incur 1d6 stress from the heat."
  18. [01:56] <Cocona> "Pii Piiiiii! Lolimeta App ver. 2 detects serious damage to the space-time integrity of the FOURTH WALL...recallibrating....recallibrating....nya..."
  19. [01:56] <Chao-Fran> Excuse me, I do perfectly fine without clothing"!
  20. [01:56] <Chao-Fran> My customers said so!
  21. [01:57] <@Serpentarius> "Thirdly, every time your stress maxes out, the training program will send a shinigami, known as The Little Death, to collect one of the articles of clothing rendered useless by the damage and stress of use!"
  22. [01:58] <Vanilla> If that is so, may I eat them instead? My Mr. Fusion core reactor has been lacking in fetish-fuel for a while now.....nya.
  23. [01:58] <Chao-Fran> Free food when I'm stressed? Waaaai~
  24. [01:58] <@Serpentarius> "All equipment procurement will be on-site. Be on the lookout for bonus outfits hidden behind challenges that the rogue maids may have missed."
  25. [01:59] <@Serpentarius> "Defeat all four of the rogue maids and reclaim the facility, and we'll teleport you out."
  26. [01:59] <Cocona> "Cocona wants to make friends of this training program! Really really.... #%QDEAD#Q$...friends!"
  27. [01:59] * Nina flaps her wings. "Eeh, I don't think that the Lord had a good idea signing me up for this... ><;;"
  28. [02:00] <@Serpentarius> "Good luck!" The cargo plane flies over the facility, and the onboard teleporter zaps you into the first room!
  29. [02:00] * Chao-Fran claps her hands and hits herself in the face accidentially with the second pair
  30. [02:01] <Chao-Fran> Owww, that will take time to get used to ;___;
  31. [02:01] <@Serpentarius> You're inside a square room carved from the rock of the volcano. It is indeed very hot. The first thing you notice is that some of your clothes and provisions haven't been teleported in with you!
  32. [02:01] * Blair is still in a sitting position, being a suit of armor
  33. [02:01] <Chao-Fran> Alright, time to check attendance! Whom of you is edible?! :D
  34. [02:01] * Blair or at least most of said armor
  35. [02:02] <Vanilla> Primary target - 4 stiffs and one pile of rubbl-....cyclic redundancy check...overflow check....moral buffers reset....4 captured maids and one intact facility.
  36. [02:02] * Nina yells to the heavens. Or the ceiing in this case. "You better give me good payment for this, you hear?"
  37. [02:02] <@Serpentarius> -> Blair has blouse, panties, stockings, and a pie that can fully restore the Spirit of herself and one other maid!
  38. [02:02] <Vanilla> Teleporter-tan....when I get back, we will have words.
  39. [02:03] <@Serpentarius> -> Cocona has headdress, apron, skirt, stockings
  40. [02:03] <@Serpentarius> -> Nina retains blouse, apron, skirt, panties
  41. [02:03] * Chao-Fran walks over to Blair and starts climbing into the armor
  42. [02:03] <Chao-Fran> Hmmm, whazzat~?
  43. [02:03] <@Serpentarius> Vanilla still has headdress, blouse, stockings, and her own pie.
  44. [02:03] <Blair> ->Chao-Fran feels herself getting very cold, and the sensation of walking into a death trap.
  45. [02:03] <@Serpentarius> Chao-Fran has headdress, blouse, panties, skirt
  46. [02:04] <Chao-Fran> Ooooh! This feels like a freshly digged grave!
  47. [02:04] <Chao-Fran> What a nice feeling~ :)
  48. [02:04] <@Serpentarius> To the north is a door with two buttons by it. One will open the door, and one will trigger a trap. A maid must be Lucky in order to hit the right one.
  49. [02:05] <@Serpentarius> To the east is a door caked with grime and mud. A Skilled maid could more easily clean it up enough to open it.
  50. [02:05] <Cocona> "Meatshiel-....!#$@!$^!#...autocorrect function #@$ Organic life-form Chao-Fran's resourcefullness now noted in data-banks."
  51. [02:05] * Blair is a ghost within an armor chest plate+arms and gauntlets, greaves and spats for underwear, the ghost has vermilion eyes with golden hair
  52. [02:05] <@Serpentarius> To the south is a door locked by a complex puzzle. A maid must have Cunning to solve it.
  53. [02:05] * Blair 's gender is, unable to be determined at this time.
  54. [02:05] * Chao-Fran stares at Blair
  55. [02:05] <Chao-Fran> You look wavy
  56. [02:05] <Chao-Fran> Something wrong with you?
  57. [02:05] <@Serpentarius> To the west is a door on the other side of an incredibly long, deep pit with spikes on the bottom. Only the most Athletic of maids would be wise to attempt it.
  58. [02:06] <Blair> "I'm a ghost like that, ya got a problem with that?"
  59. [02:06] <Nina> (Flight is forbidden?)
  60. [02:06] <@Serpentarius> (Sadly. Or at the very least, you'd have to roll Athletics against the door's difficulty to manage it.)
  61. [02:06] <Nina> (Aww.)
  62. [02:06] <Chao-Fran> Oh, you are dead as well? Waaai~
  63. [02:06] <Nina> Eeeh, I feel heavy...
  64. [02:06] <@Serpentarius> In the room itself is the Shop, manned by a cloaked shinigami! This is the only place where you may spend Favor.
  65. [02:07] <@Serpentarius> Here, you may buy a random article of clothing for 5 Favor, a specific article of clothing for 8 Favor, 10 Favor to repair a unique outfit, or 10*x favor to raise a stat from x-1 to x.
  66. [02:08] <Blair> "Yes I'm dead, I died on the battlefield as I was going to reclaim the throne that was rightly mine but taken away from me by my horrible father who was stupid and deserved a metal fist in his face. Also I am one with the armor, and the armor in itself is living."
  67. [02:09] <Chao-Fran> Oh cool. I died during some "business" with a necromancer who thought it would be fun t--- I don't think you want to know more :D
  68. [02:10] <Blair> "You get used to these stories when you start living with the dead, well not living but ya get what I mean don't ya?"
  69. [02:10] <Nina> You two are dead, the other two are Machines... Am I the only living person in here? ><;;
  70. [02:10] <Chao-Fran> I hope not, I don't like when I have to fight over food :D
  71. [02:10] <Vanilla> Greetings, inappropriately-dressed organic, are you not uncomfortable under such a heavy cloak nyaa~?
  72. [02:10] * Vanilla addresses the shinigami
  73. [02:11] <Nina> ...Y-You're not going to eat me! ><;;
  74. [02:11] <Chao-Fran> Says who?
  75. [02:12] * Chao-Fran waggles all of her four arms menacingly
  76. [02:12] <Blair> "Either way, my armor was once the man on the silver mountain, but I tamed him and now he is my brother in arms, my armor that does not rust away and does not stay destroyed."
  77. [02:12] * Blair monologue monologue monologue monologue
  78. [02:12] <Vanilla> Fear not, my diet consists of anything non-organic....such as the remaining loot after you're done with your meal, strangely-disemboweled being.
  79. [02:13] <Chao-Fran> The armor is male and you are... part of.... and I thought MY job was kinky O__O
  80. [02:13] <Vanilla> Like the armour over there, man on silver mountain or no....nya....
  81. [02:13] <@Serpentarius> -> Also, best to mention this now. As Affection is the only stat without a direct dungeoncrawling use, it is the main attack stat - you can still fight with your other stats, but they won't be as effective. A maid's power comes from her moeness!
  82. [02:13] <Blair> "He only refers to be spoken of in the male pronoun."
  83. [02:13] * Vanilla scans Blair
  84. [02:13] <Vanilla> ....
  85. [02:13] <Vanilla> Heh.
  86. [02:13] <Blair> "He was originally a golem"
  87. [02:13] * Vanilla stiffles a snicker
  88. [02:14] * Chao-Fran 's eyes go wider and wider
  89. [02:14] <Chao-Fran> Whooooah
  90. [02:14] <Chao-Fran> With a golem? O__O
  91. [02:14] <Chao-Fran> Didn't that... hurt?
  92. [02:14] <Nina> ...W-What are you implying? ><;;
  93. [02:14] * Nina flails.
  94. [02:15] <Blair> "We fought in an honorable duel against each other, we did not have sex, we didn't do the dirty or spoon or whatever you kids are calling it now a days."
  95. [02:15] <Chao-Fran> Oh you know, when a man and a woman, or a lolizombie and a necromancer.... are you even old enough to hear about that?
  96. [02:15] * Chao-Fran crawls near Nina and inspects her closely
  97. [02:15] <Chao-Fran> Jiiiiiiii
  98. [02:15] * Nina smacks Chao's head with her wing.
  99. [02:16] <Nina> Don't you even dare!
  100. [02:16] * Blair walks over to the shop, offering 5 favor for a piece of clothing
  101. [02:16] <Chao-Fran> Nyu!
  102. [02:16] <Cocona> "Pii piii~ Strategy app Zhuge Loliang Emulator Ver. 7 now activat- !%!#@!KILL#%$@ -ing....attempting to calculate most strategic move order and course of action that #!%@$WONTKILLCANNONFODDER!#!#@ preserve team mate life and operational status."
  103. [02:16] * Chao-Fran waddles over to Cocona
  104. [02:16] * Chao-Fran stares at Cocona now
  105. [02:16] <Chao-Fran> Jiiiiiiiiiiiii
  106. [02:16] * Nina approaches Cocona, knocks her head.
  107. [02:16] <Cocona> Piiiiiii~
  108. [02:17] <Chao-Fran> Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~
  109. [02:17] <Nina> Eeeeeeeeh~ ><
  111. [02:17] * Cocona sounds hollow
  112. [02:17] * Chao-Fran four-arm-glomps Cocona
  113. [02:17] <Chao-Fran> A FRIEND :D
  114. [02:17] * Vanilla moves over to Cocona as well
  115. [02:17] <@Serpentarius> The shinigami nods, and then a wheel appears next to it!
  116. [02:18] <@Serpentarius> The shinigami spins the wheel, waits for it to slow down and stop, then consults the markings on it.
  117. [02:18] <Cocona> "A MEATSHI-....$!@!%subtletysubtlety@$#% FRIEND!"
  118. [02:18] <@Serpentarius> It then hands Blair a fresh new skirt
  119. [02:19] <Cocona> "....vital signs not confirmed....lifeform not quite alive...term reset....Chao-Fran now categorized as a deadform....reset 'MEATSHIELD' category? Y/N? N. Confirmed. So, Cocona now has a new friend! a DEAD new friend!" Cocona glomps Chao-Fran
  120. [02:19] * Blair takes the skirt, wrapping it around her waist, the silver and gold lining of the man on the silver mountain spreads to the skirt, smoothing it out to armor plating, connecting down to her greaves, now only missing the 'apron' and 'head-dress'
  121. [02:20] <Chao-Fran> Waaaai~
  122. [02:21] <@Serpentarius> -> Oh, one more thing. Even if you have extra articles of clothing, you can't put on clothing in the middle of battle.
  123. [02:21] <Nina> Eeeh, you all seem so dangerous...
  124. [02:21] <Chao-Fran> I'm not dangerous. I'm deadly :D
  125. [02:21] <Cocona> "Priorities: Preserve lives of team memb-....paradoxical contradiction detected....Chao-Fran is not alive, thus does not require preservation? Recalibrating common sense app Lolilolimatter ver 0.002 prototype version....."
  126. [02:21] <Chao-Fran> Wait, I'm dead. Adjective, not adverb
  127. [02:21] <Chao-Fran> My bad
  128. [02:22] <Chao-Fran> I'm well preserverd already! Not like those silly zombies that rot and drop flesh wherever they shuffle!
  129. [02:22] * Nina sits in the floor, mopes.
  130. [02:23] <Nina> What did I do to deserve this...? I only followed orders, this isn't fair! ><;;
  131. [02:23] <Vanilla> Do not fear, my factory defaults were deemed safe and secure for use alongside organics. Test results showed only 25% collateral mortality in operational area during testing, which was deemed within operational standards.
  132. [02:24] <Chao-Fran> so.... there is more meatsacks somewhere behind those doors, right?
  133. [02:24] * Chao-Fran starts drooling
  134. [02:24] <Nina> 25%? I'm more afraid now? ><;;
  135. [02:24] <Vanilla> Please note the following disclaimer - Aperture Science Ltd. Is not responsible for any injury, persona, material or otherwise, loss of life or limb, any damage to user mentality, or any other damages howsoever caused. We also cannot be held responsible for any accidents involving Pie. Especially Delicious PIe.
  136. [02:25] * Blair faces to the west
  137. [02:25] <Blair> "This looks like something I can handle, we should start moving on."
  138. [02:25] <@Serpentarius> -> Blair sees the long, deep pit, filled with spikes. It looks quite dangerous.
  139. [02:25] <Chao-Fran> "I hate cleaning! I hate sports! I have thinking!"
  140. [02:25] <Nina> ...Aperture? Damnit I know I'm done for. ><;;
  141. [02:25] * Chao-Fran heads north
  142. [02:26] <Vanilla> That sounds really nice~ Cocona didn't come with a disclaimer...Cocona didn't even come with a user manual....everyone died before they could write one for Cocona....
  143. [02:26] <Chao-Fran> "Hmm, with two buttons and four hands I have a 200% success rate! I'm so good with math :D "
  144. [02:26] <Vanilla> (Woops! *Smacks Gappy*)
  145. [02:27] <@Serpentarius> -> Roll Ath to take on the west door, or Luck to take on the north door. You may also cooperate and roll together on any door but a Luck door, taking the best of your results and using that to determine whether the group passes or fails.
  146. [02:27] * Blair looks at the pit, and stands her ground before running towards it!
  147. [02:28] <Cocona> "There was that one doc titled end-user terms and agreements...but it got all messy with blood and MEATSHIELD BI-...entrails..."
  148. [02:28] * Chao-Fran randomly throws all four hands on the buttons (4x1, because dice hate me :V
  149. [02:29] * Nina approaches the East door, and tries to clean. (2x4=8)
  150. [02:29] <@Serpentarius> -> Blair leaps into the air in a badass slow motion shot!
  151. [02:29] <@Serpentarius> -> As she's in the air...
  152. [02:29] * Vanilla assists Nina - (5*4 = 20)
  153. [02:30] <Nina> A-Ah? Thanks...
  154. [02:30] * Cocona assists Blair (6*4 = 24 ath)
  155. [02:30] <@Serpentarius> -> Chao-Fran must have done something wrong, because a flamethrower emerges from the Luck door and blasts her in the face! She takes 5 Stress.
  156. [02:30] <Chao-Fran> Uwaaaaaaaah!
  157. [02:30] * Chao-Fran hits her head with her arms, sending it flying through the room
  158. [02:30] <Chao-Fran> ...wait, I don't feel pain...
  159. [02:31] <Chao-Fran> ....stupid habits!
  160. [02:31] <Chao-Fran> BODY! OVER HERE!
  161. [02:31] <Vanilla> (Excuse me one sec, I'll just move to my own computer to avoid Gappy hijacking Vanilla again.)
  162. [02:31] <Chao-Fran> Heh, someone shove that thing over here or pick me up!
  163. [02:31] <@Serpentarius> -> Vanilla and Nina skillfully clean the door to a brilliant shine. The door is now open, Vanilla is granted 2 Favor, and Nina is granted 1 Favor.
  164. [02:31] == Vanilla [~webchat@1289AA91.BB57A48C.12F035A4.IP] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  165. [02:31] == Vanilla [~webchat@1289AA91.BB57A48C.12F035A4.IP] has joined #dungeon1
  166. [02:32] <@Serpentarius> -> It looks like it's going to be a close call for Blair! But Cocona turns her cooling fan up to max or something to blow her the rest of the way there, and she makes it easily. Blair can now lower a bridge for the others, and her and Cocona each get 2 Favor.
  167. [02:33] * Blair lowers the bridge.
  168. [02:33] <Vanilla> (Favour check please!)
  169. [02:33] <@Serpentarius> -> Vanilla, you're at 6 Favor.
  170. [02:33] <@Serpentarius> -> The west and east doors are now open!
  171. [02:34] <Nina> Ah, it worked... Much thanks... Uh, your name was...?
  172. [02:34] * Chao-Fran rolls over to her body, and gets picked up by it, then sets her head on straight
  173. [02:34] <Chao-Fran> Pffwah
  174. [02:34] * Chao-Fran glares at the doo
  175. [02:34] <Chao-Fran> *r
  176. [02:35] <Vanilla> This unit's designation is VANILLA XIII....though your organicness may refer to this unit as Vanilla.
  177. [02:35] <Blair> "I'm heading west, whoever's with me follow!."
  178. [02:35] * Blair goes through the west door.
  179. [02:35] <Vanilla> Your gratitude is appreciated but unecessary, your assistance, however, necessitates much praise.
  180. [02:36] <Nina> Vanilla, huh... Nice to meet you! I'm Nina Justina Ronah, champion of the lo- A-Ah, thanks...
  181. [02:36] <Cocona> "Chao-Fran! Chao- *MEATSH@($*!(ELD%U( Fran! Are you okaaaays~?"
  182. [02:36] * Cocona checks up on Chao-Fran
  183. [02:36] <Chao-Fran> Yep! I got a sunburn!
  184. [02:37] <@Serpentarius> -> Alright, Blair, roll 1d6 for the Stress you take walking down the hallway.
  185. [02:38] == Vanilla [~webchat@1289AA91.BB57A48C.12F035A4.IP] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  186. [02:38] == Eterna [~eternityi@1289AA91.BB57A48C.12F035A4.IP] has joined #dungeon1
  187. [02:39] <Blair> (rolled 4 for stress)
  188. [02:39] <Chao-Fran> Hmmm, let's follow full-metal foodstuffs!
  189. [02:39] * Chao-Fran runs after Blair
  190. [02:39] == rdj522|Reviewing [] has joined #dungeon1
  191. [02:39] <Chao-Fran> (4 Stress)
  192. [02:39] <Cocona> "Pii piiii~ Cocona suggests !%@(*MEATSHIELDSSTAYINFORMATION@$!$ we should all stay together for !$(IMY!@!@ everyone's safety!"
  193. [02:40] == Eterna has changed nick to Vanilla
  194. [02:40] * Vanilla follows
  195. [02:40] <Vanilla> (4 stress)
  196. [02:41] <@Serpentarius> -> As Blair walks into the next room, he sees a blonde maid! It's Yumeko! She quickly escapes through the door to the north, and it closes and locks behind her, filling with filth and grime.
  197. [02:41] * Nina follows as well.
  198. [02:41] <Nina> (3 stress.)
  199. [02:42] <@Serpentarius> -> Also in the room are a puzzle door to the west, a luck door to the south, and in the middle... A deep, dark pool filled with water. At the very bottom, something blue and white gleams up at you.
  200. [02:42] * Cocona follows (2 stress)
  201. [02:43] <Blair> Blair walks up to the dark pool filled with water, staring down, the shinies tempting her
  202. [02:44] <Chao-Fran> You are going to sink well :D
  203. [02:44] <Cocona> "SHINY!"
  204. [02:44] * Cocona leaps intot he pool
  205. [02:44] <Blair> "Man on the silver mountain does not weigh much, only as much as the clothing that was once not apart of him, and I am weightless in myself."
  206. [02:45] * Blair soon jumps down into the pool swimming down herself
  207. [02:45] <Blair> (2*3-6)
  208. [02:45] <Blair> =6*)
  209. [02:45] <Vanilla> Your appraisal is most apt, sister, t'is indeed shiny-...wait, sister? You weren't certified for aquatic operations. I'm afraid this necessitates termination protocols....later.
  210. [02:46] * Cocona swims (4*4 ath)
  211. [02:46] * Chao-Fran walks over to the next luck door and hits it (4x3)
  212. [02:46] <Nina> ...Termination?
  213. [02:47] * Nina sweatdrops plenty
  214. [02:47] <@Serpentarius> -> Blair flounders in the water and takes 16 Stress! She doesn't really get anywhere. Cocona swims down - the floating bits of seaweed and algae cling and try to stop her, but she manages to get quite deep. She takes 11 Stress, makes it about a third of the way down, and can roll again to keep diving.
  215. [02:48] <Cocona> (2*4 ath)
  216. [02:48] * Chao-Fran turns her head 180° and stares at Blair sinking
  217. [02:48] <Chao-Fran> Told ya :D
  218. [02:49] * Blair pulls herself off, water flowing out of her armor "I forgot I don't take up material space okay?"
  219. [02:49] <Vanilla> you have appropriated upgrades to allow underwater operational shall be spared termination protocols for now, while I shall unfortunately be spared my prospective lunch....
  220. [02:49] <@Serpentarius> -> Cocona struggles to swim deeper, but she's getting tangled up! She takes 12 more stress, and makes little progress.
  221. [02:49] <Vanilla> Chao-Fran, what specifications are you running on?
  222. [02:49] <@Serpentarius> -> Meanwhile, Chao-Fran hits the right button, and the south door pops open with a burst of confetti.
  223. [02:49] * Nina gasps at Vanilla.
  224. [02:49] <Cocona> (3*4 ath)
  225. [02:49] <Nina> W-What, you were going to EAT her!?
  226. [02:50] <Chao-Fran> Uhm.... specifikashuns? Can I eat those?
  227. [02:50] * Chao-Fran falls forward through the door
  228. [02:50] <Chao-Fran> Whooah!
  229. [02:50] <@Serpentarius> -> Cocona breaks free! She swims down deeper, deeper... She's getting close! The surface is just a dot of light above her.
  230. [02:51] <@Serpentarius> She takes 13 more stress from the effort.
  231. [02:51] <@Serpentarius> -> Also, Chao-Fran gets 1 Favor for popping open the door.
  232. [02:51] <Vanilla> The term 'eat' is reserved for the ingestion of organic matter, an activity that filth-...organics such as yourself partake in. No, we generation XIII gynoids simply...assimilate our...lesser brethren....
  233. [02:51] <Cocona> check stress please
  234. [02:52] <Vanilla> ...Nya...
  235. [02:52] <Nina> ...T-That's scary... ;_;
  236. [02:52] <@Serpentarius> You're at 38/40 Stress.
  237. [02:52] <@Serpentarius> Or 2/40 Spirit, if you prefer.
  238. [02:53] * Cocona swims again (2*4 ath - can I add favour to that?)
  239. [02:53] <@Serpentarius> -> Sure, Cocona, you can. Also, Chao-Fran, roll the Stress you take for walking through the south door.
  240. [02:54] <@Serpentarius> -> Spending 1 Favor will make it 2*5, spending 2 Favor will make it 2*6, and so on.
  241. [02:54] <Chao-Fran> (4)
  242. [02:54] <Vanilla> You organics too ingest lesser organic lifeforms, such as edible flora and fauna, do you not? We, however, endeavour to achieve a greater existence, unification towards perfection.
  243. [02:54] <@Serpentarius> -> Chao-Fran to 7/20 Spirit.
  244. [02:55] <Cocona> (spend 2 favour)
  245. [02:55] <Nina> ...I'm an angel, we don't eat at all...
  246. [02:55] <@Serpentarius> -> Chao-Fran comes to a room with a treasure chest in it! To the west is a deep bit, to the south is a complex puzzle, and to the east is a somewhat dirty door.
  247. [02:56] <Nina> And we serve an already superior Lord, so there's no need for us to do that...
  248. [02:56] * Chao-Fran runs to the chest
  249. [02:56] <Chao-Fran> Whaaaaai!
  250. [02:56] * Blair follows Chao-Fran
  251. [02:56] <@Serpentarius> -> Cocona makes it to the gleaming item! She touches it, and then it all becomes clear.
  252. [02:56] <Blair> (5stress)
  253. [02:56] <Vanilla> Angels....retrieving Maedopidia entry....found...your species' main source of sustenance is prey on the prayers and belief of lesser beings....
  254. [02:57] <Nina> Yeah, and down here I feel hungry ><;;
  255. [02:57] <Cocona> "Pii piii....pii piii...piiiiiiiii! It has all become clearBURBLEBURBLEBURBLEBLURBLE"
  256. [02:57] <@Serpentarius> ->The others see the water in the well burst up into a huge spray, and Cocona lands outside. Her maid uniform has been replaced by a blue school swimsuit with her name written on front!
  257. [02:57] <@Serpentarius> -> Cocona has found the first Secret Outfit!
  258. [02:58] <Nina> ...Sukumizu?
  259. [02:58] <@Serpentarius> -> At any time, even during battle, she may burst out of her maid clothes and into the Sukumizu. This *doubles* her Ath stat while she wears it.
  260. [02:59] <@Serpentarius> -> However, if she Stress Explodes while wearing it, then the suit will become damaged, and she'll be helpless until she gets a chance to change back into her maid clothes.
  261. [03:00] <Cocona> "Lolidrobe systems App ver 3 appraisal....legendary item sukimizu acquired....adding to data banks....piii....piiii...piiii~"
  262. [03:00] <@Serpentarius> -> She may freely switch between her maid clothes and the Sukumizu while out of battle.
  263. [03:00] <@Serpentarius> -> (So, her maid clothes are not destroyed.)
  264. [03:01] <@Serpentarius> -> When Chao-Fran touches the chest, there's a *click* sound. Chao-Fran, Blair, roll Luck!
  265. [03:01] <Chao-Fran> (4x4)
  266. [03:01] <Blair> (6*2=12)
  267. [03:01] <Blair> (max roll, damn you low luck)
  268. [03:02] <Cocona> "Warning....overheating imminent....Lolicelsius systems app measures total heat at 38 degrees lolinheit....immediate cooldown necessary...." panels on her arms and legs slide open, revealing heat ventilation systems that immediately disperse hot steam into the air
  269. [03:02] * Cocona rests
  270. [03:02] * Vanilla follows Chao and Blair to the next room
  271. [03:02] * Nina follows too.
  272. [03:03] <Nina> "Eeeh, it's so hot... ><;;
  273. [03:03] <Vanilla> (3 stress)
  274. [03:03] <@Serpentarius> -> Oh, right, resting rules. When you're very close to Stress Exploding, you can rest and let your Stress go back down to five points below Stress Explosion.
  275. [03:03] <Nina> (1 stress.)
  276. [03:03] * Cocona switches back to maid mode as well
  277. [03:04] <@Serpentarius> -> Chao-Fran and Blair, by pure luck, aren't hit by any of the darts that suddenly fly through the room! The treasure chest opens to reveal a spare set of panties!
  278. [03:04] <@Serpentarius> -> Cocona is back to 35/40 Stress.
  279. [03:04] * Vanilla follows Chao and Blair (4 stress)
  280. [03:04] * Chao-Fran grabs the panties and stares at them
  281. [03:04] <Vanilla> (ooops again, no, no, that was Cocona)
  282. [03:04] <Chao-Fran> Eeeeeh....
  283. [03:05] * Cocona follows Chao and Blair (4 stress)
  284. [03:05] * Chao-Fran stuffs the panties away
  285. [03:05] * Cocona immediately blows off steam again (rest)
  286. [03:05] <@Serpentarius> -> Vanilla to 33/40 Spirit, Nina to 26/30, Cocona to 1/40.
  287. [03:05] <@Serpentarius> -> And now to 5/40. In fact.
  288. [03:06] <@Serpentarius> -> I'll just automatically rest you every time you move, except when there's some hazard in the next room.
  289. [03:06] * Nina tries cleaning the dirty door.
  290. [03:06] <@Serpentarius> -> Blair doesn't object to Chao-Fran taking the spoils?
  291. [03:06] <Nina> (2x1)
  292. [03:07] <Vanilla> Pie.
  293. [03:07] <Blair> >Nope, already got underwear)
  294. [03:07] <Chao-Fran> Pie? :O
  295. [03:07] <@Serpentarius> -> Nina gets mud all over her clothes! She takes 6 Stress.
  296. [03:08] <Nina> Eeeh! ><;;
  297. [03:09] * Blair looks at the west pit
  298. [03:09] * Vanilla sets the pie on top of the chest and prepares to split it.
  299. [03:10] <@Serpentarius> -> It's not as long as the one in the first room, and there are no spikes at the bottom.
  300. [03:10] <Vanilla> (Who needs a spirit charge?)
  301. [03:10] <Blair> (I doo)
  302. [03:11] <Vanilla> (Only 2 maids though, so you'll have to share with the other pie-bearer, I fear.)
  303. [03:12] * Vanilla splits the pie and tosses half to Cocona
  304. [03:13] * Blair looks over to Vanilla "I think I'll need half, either that or that reaper may strike."
  305. [03:13] <Vanilla> You owe me one organic-material-based high-temperature-set of-questionable-origin-and-purpose pastry, Sister
  306. [03:13] <Chao-Fran> does an armor get naked?
  307. [03:13] * Chao-Fran ponders
  308. [03:13] <@Serpentarius> -> Cocona and Blair are fully healed! Apparently pie aids the working of her cooling fans.
  309. [03:14] <Blair> "I still have mine, just that a single half won't keep well."
  310. [03:14] * Cocona opens her chest compartment and stuffs the pie half inside her reactor core
  311. [03:14] <Vanilla> (Kinky)
  312. [03:14] * Blair eats the half of pie, somehow, despite being a ghost
  313. [03:15] * Nina didn't have luck with cleaning... maybe the chasm will be better. Nina jumps, using her wings to try and help herself!
  314. [03:15] <@Serpentarius> -> This game raises so many questions.
  315. [03:15] <Nina> (2x2=4)
  316. [03:15] * Blair helps Nina by leaping up and pushing her up while grabbing onto her!
  317. [03:15] <Blair> (fack, 1*3=3)
  318. [03:16] * Cocona assists the ath roll (2*4)
  319. [03:16] <@Serpentarius> -> Nina, Blair, and Cocona all tangle up and fall to the bottom of the pit in a pile!
  320. [03:16] * Chao-Fran looks over the edge of the pit
  321. [03:17] <Chao-Fran> Are you okay? D:
  322. [03:17] <Chao-Fran> Or if you are dead, can I eat you?
  323. [03:17] <Nina> M-My head... ><;;
  324. [03:17] <@Serpentarius> -> Nina takes 11 Stress, Blair takes 13 Stress, and Cocona takes 9 Stress!
  325. [03:17] <Blair> "Ack...
  326. [03:18] <Cocona> "Function: Add to vengeance list app lolihate ver 3.4, subject 'Gravity', method 'Painful and excruciating' Pii piii..."
  327. [03:18] <@Serpentarius> -> Derp, never mind.
  328. [03:18] <Nina> (?)
  329. [03:18] <Blair> (?)
  330. [03:18] <@Serpentarius> -> Nina takes only 4, Blair takes only 7.
  331. [03:18] <Nina> (!)
  332. [03:19] <Cocona> "!@#MEATSHIELDS#$@#! Team members still operational, friend Chao, your meal will unfortunately be postponed indefinitely~ Cocona suggests snacking on your own arms for now."
  333. [03:19] * Cocona climbs back up
  334. [03:19] * Vanilla helps everyone back out of the pit
  335. [03:19] <Chao-Fran> !!
  336. [03:19] * Chao-Fran starts gnawing her own arm
  337. [03:19] <Chao-Fran> ...
  338. [03:19] * Blair climbs back up
  339. [03:19] * Nina slowly goes up as well.
  340. [03:19] <Chao-Fran> Spices?
  341. [03:20] <Vanilla> Unit Nina, shall we?
  342. [03:20] * Vanilla nods at the Skill Door.
  343. [03:21] <Nina> A-Ah, I guess so...
  344. [03:21] * Nina is already somewhat dirtied from that door.
  345. [03:21] * Blair crosses her arms, pouting some "This gap is a very rude one.
  346. [03:22] * Chao-Fran waddles after Nina and Vanilla to the Skill Door
  347. [03:22] <Chao-Fran> I want to try as well :D
  348. [03:22] * Chao-Fran waves all four arms
  349. [03:22] <Nina> ...Don't even try to bite me. ><;;
  350. [03:22] <Vanilla> Unit is alright. No matter how dirty and sullied you are, I will always accept you. Always. In a totally organic way.
  351. [03:22] <Nina> ...!?
  352. [03:22] <Cocona> (chokes *hack hack cough*)
  353. [03:23] * Vanilla starts cleaning the door 3*4
  354. [03:23] <Chao-Fran> (2x4 here)
  355. [03:24] * Nina cleans as well, somewhat flustered. (4*2)
  356. [03:24] <@Serpentarius> -> The three maids make an easy job of it! The door is cleaned, and Vanilla, Chao-Fran, and Nina each gain 1 Favor.
  357. [03:24] <Chao-Fran> Waai~
  358. [03:24] <Chao-Fran> I'm getting used to using all four of those at once :D
  359. [03:24] <Nina> Ah, it worked this time...
  360. [03:26] <Vanilla> Of course it did, Unit Nina. Our blessed union was fated to succeed.
  361. [03:26] <Vanilla> The Machine-God decreed it so.
  362. [03:26] <Nina> B-Blessed union?
  363. [03:26] <Vanilla> Yes, see?
  364. [03:27] * Vanilla shows Nina a Yu-Gi-Oh deck-holder holding a set of tarot cards.
  365. [03:27] <Nina> ...?
  366. [03:27] <Nina> Those are cards. I don't get it.
  367. [03:29] <Cocona> It speaks of many things that are beyond our understanding, beyond even the vision of us machines, far away in the future....such as victory...and love....
  368. [03:30] <Cocona> (*BANGS ETERNA ON THE HEAD*)
  369. [03:30] <Vanilla> It speaks of many things that are beyond our understanding, beyond even the vision of us machines, far away in the future....such as victory...and love....
  370. [03:32] == rdj522|Reviewing has changed nick to rdj522
  371. [03:32] <Nina> Huh, if we needed such visions then we'd ask one of the Lord's servants...
  372. [03:32] * Nina is kinda oblivious.
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