

Sep 3rd, 2013
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  1. †Champion Maxerus†: I don't like Cloy...
  2. Dojo King Hiro: may be dishonorable a little
  3. †Champion Maxerus†: But can you contact Yushi?
  4. Dojo King Hiro: but they get shit done XD
  5. Dojo King Hiro: and i can't
  6. †Champion Maxerus†: Amen
  7. †Champion Maxerus†: Aww
  8. Dojo King Hiro: why do you think i asked you if you knew where she was?
  9. Dojo King Hiro: also, her team haaaaaaaaates sigilyph
  10. †Champion Maxerus†: I forgot you asked man
  11. Dojo King Hiro: so once i made a team of pokemon that just swept her team
  12. Dojo King Hiro: and she couldn't get past the sigilyph that i ut first XD
  13. Dojo King Hiro: she got so mad XD
  14. †Champion Maxerus†: Aww evil haha
  15. Dojo King Hiro: but she didn't quit
  16. Dojo King Hiro: she let the bastard rip her apart
  17. Dojo King Hiro: and that was her way
  18. †Champion Maxerus†: Limb from limb
  19. Dojo King Hiro: she's got intuition too
  20. †Champion Maxerus†: Wow you must've been around her alot
  21. Dojo King Hiro: and she's great with people
  22. Dojo King Hiro: i was her master for all of about a week XD
  23. †Champion Maxerus†: She promise you aren't her mate?
  24. Dojo King Hiro: i'm just great at reading people is all
  25. Dojo King Hiro: it's a talent i have
  26. †Champion Maxerus†: I can but in person is easier.
  27. Dojo King Hiro: i watched her battle in the ladder and some of the predictions she made were just spooky XD
  28. Dojo King Hiro: like once she was fighting this really good guy
  29. †Champion Maxerus†: I used to be psychic like that
  30. Dojo King Hiro: and she was predicting all his stuff
  31. Dojo King Hiro: and then he adapted and started predicting her predicts, but he never got her once. she predicted his predicts of her predicts
  32. †Champion Maxerus†: O.o
  33. Dojo King Hiro: i think she should have been a psychic type with those skills XD
  34. Dojo King Hiro: but she always went on about her fighting spirit
  35. Dojo King Hiro: and how she just had to master one type XD
  36. Dojo King Hiro: and then she copied my team :P
  37. Dojo King Hiro: she even took the same names as my team XD
  38. †Champion Maxerus†: are either Yushi or she is nuts
  39. Dojo King Hiro: dude
  40. Dojo King Hiro: she's nuts XD
  41. †Champion Maxerus†: No I believe you haha! But wow you knew her well
  42. Dojo King Hiro: i only wanna find her cuz i wanna see how my pupil is doing
  43. †Champion Maxerus†: I guess "trainers" do
  44. Dojo King Hiro: ha
  45. †Champion Maxerus†: Well she quit sadly and that's all I know :(
  46. Dojo King Hiro: i'm a trainer trainer ZS
  47. Dojo King Hiro: **XD
  48. Dojo King Hiro: was it recent or like a while ago?
  49. †Champion Maxerus†: Umm...a week or so
  50. Dojo King Hiro: ok
  51. †Champion Maxerus†: Hey get on your old name and we can fight again! Be like league match
  52. Dojo King Hiro: oh, did you ever meet adrianna?
  53. †Champion Maxerus†: No haha
  54. †Champion Maxerus†: Another student?
  55. Dojo King Hiro: ah no
  56. †Champion Maxerus†: Ohhhh who then?
  57. Dojo King Hiro: Yushi has a few screws lose
  58. Dojo King Hiro: **loose
  59. Dojo King Hiro: she keeps her problems pretty well hidden, but her hidden power is definitely dark type
  60. Dojo King Hiro: adrianna is her "alter"
  61. Dojo King Hiro: she's well
  62. Dojo King Hiro: cruel
  63. †Champion Maxerus†: Oh...
  64. Dojo King Hiro: i spare you the gruesome details, but basically, her ability to read people makes it so she can make someone she hardly knows cry themselves to sleep that night
  65. †Champion Maxerus†: Are you trolling dude or is this serious?
  66. Dojo King Hiro: you never saw adrianna? I guess she must be getting it under control then
  67. Dojo King Hiro: i'm serious
  68. Dojo King Hiro: i respect her i just
  69. Dojo King Hiro: ...
  70. Dojo King Hiro: worry for her...
  71. †Champion Maxerus†: Yeah I see why
  72. †Champion Maxerus†: Hey gettingon alt hold on
  73. Dojo King Hiro: kk
  74. T-snake joined.
  75. T-snake: Ok back
  76. T-snake: But yeah i see why
  77. Dojo King Hiro: there are very few truly compassionate people
  78. Dojo King Hiro: but Yushi was one of them
  79. Dojo King Hiro: but every rose has its thorns
  80. Dojo King Hiro: and every light casts a shadow
  81. T-snake: Yeah. Odd thorns lol
  82. Dojo King Hiro: the brighter the light, the darker the shadow
  83. T-snake: Yeah. Wish she'd return
  84. T-snake: Every day I check alts for her
  85. Dojo King Hiro: wow you must have really liked her ;)
  86. T-snake: Not like that she was just a dedicated user
  87. Dojo King Hiro: but you're looking for her
  88. Dojo King Hiro: like a long lost lover XD
  89. Dojo King Hiro: so how many people did she seduce into being her friends in this league?
  90. Gym TRNR Marley joined.
  91. †Gym Ldr. Bamdee† joined.
  92. Gym TRNR Marley left.
  93. Gym TRNR Marley joined.
  94. T-snake: Nooo like i need dedicated users and she had no reason to quit and I don't even know why
  95. Dojo King Hiro: even when she's being nice she always is kinda manipulative
  96. Gym TRNR Marley left.
  97. Dojo King Hiro: and she's dedicated alright
  98. T-snake: Well she was nice to me. I just wish I knew why she left. Our other champ won't say
  99. Dojo King Hiro: i'm telling you it was likely wanderlust
  100. Dojo King Hiro: also your other champ probably doesn't know either
  101. T-snake: He does...she told him and he was half-way involved
  102. Gym TRNR Marley joined.
  103. Gym TRNR Marley left.
  104. Dojo King Hiro: she has a way of making a spectacle of even enigmatic exits
  105. Dojo King Hiro: so who's the other champ?
  106. T-snake: Like all i got was she lost a match or something, words were said by the winner, she told Lights (the champ), the talked, and she said "I lost my fighting spirit" and left
  107. T-snake: Lights
  108. Dojo King Hiro: that doesn't sound like Yushi
  109. Dojo King Hiro: you sure she said that?
  110. T-snake: Yes
  111. T-snake: He said that was the last thing she said and he wouldn't say more
  112. Dojo King Hiro: will he say why he won't say more?
  113. T-snake: Yes
  114. T-snake: He says he feels it isn't anyones buisness
  115. Dojo King Hiro: why won't he say more?
  116. Dojo King Hiro: oh ok
  117. T-snake: I think it was partially his fault
  118. Dojo King Hiro: hm
  119. T-snake: He was down for a bit and said he just can't tell me
  120. Dojo King Hiro: did they fight a lot
  121. T-snake: No they were close. As far as I knew, she had no foes
  122. Dojo King Hiro: none?
  123. T-snake: Nope
  124. Dojo King Hiro: not even some dick who got mad at her antics?
  125. T-snake: None I can think of
  126. Dojo King Hiro: cuz she tends to attract those
  127. Dojo King Hiro: i was originally one of those
  128. T-snake: No. This onne chick that didn't like th others girls did but she never did anything
  129. Dojo King Hiro: i thought she was just some punk with a big mouth
  130. Dojo King Hiro: then she beat me
  131. Dojo King Hiro: she got lucky
  132. Dojo King Hiro: but she beat me
  133. Dojo King Hiro: then i trained her so that she would have skill not just luck
  134. T-snake: oh wait. We do have Fighting E4
  135. Dojo King Hiro: oh, does she ever use her always crit team?
  136. T-snake: Forgot about Diablo
  137. T-snake: No lol
  138. Dojo King Hiro: she went on about how fighting spirit could get her crits, so she made a team that had a super high crit rate
  139. Dojo King Hiro: then shouted FIGHTING SPIRIT whenever she got a crit
  140. Dojo King Hiro: it was ridiculous
  141. T-snake: Wow lol
  142. T-snake: That'd piss alot off
  143. Dojo King Hiro: and actually beat a fair few people
  144. T-snake: Oh yeah we have a Fighting E4
  145. Dojo King Hiro: i beat it with a battle armor team :P
  146. T-snake: Diablo
  147. Dojo King Hiro: is he any good?
  148. T-snake: Very!
  149. T-snake: He is one of the selct few better than me
  150. Dojo King Hiro: better than Yushi?
  151. T-snake: Tha idk
  152. T-snake: I'd say Yushi, Diablo, and Lights I never win against
  153. T-snake: Well, Lights once
  154. T-snake: And I tink Yushi once
  155. T-snake: But I only fought Diablo twice and he raped
  156. Dojo King Hiro: T-snake: I'd say Yushi, Diablo, and Lights I never win against
  157. Dojo King Hiro: win against what?
  158. T-snake: Me
  159. T-snake: Like those are the few that were probably better than me
  160. †Gym Ldr. Bamdee† left.
  161. Dojo King Hiro: oh i thought you meant You four never win against _
  162. Dojo King Hiro: like you cut off before you said psychic or something
  163. Dojo King Hiro: oh, i assume Lights is fire or ghost or something?
  164. T-snake: Oh ok haha
  165. T-snake: Fire
  166. T-snake: I am Ground
  167. T-snake: Diablo and Yushi are Fighitng
  168. Dojo King Hiro: obvi on that last one XD
  169. T-snake: Oh yeah haha
  170. T-snake:
  171. T-snake: Here's our site btw
  172. Agent S joined.
  173. Team Hunters Co joined.
  174. Team Hunters Boss joined.
  175. Dark Lord Maxerus joined.
  176. Dojo King Hiro: Machamp
  177. Dojo King Hiro: what's his story?
  178. Guest 296851 left.
  179. Gym Ldr. Maxerus joined.
  180. Gym Ldr. Maxerus: Who?
  181. Gym Ldr. Maxerus: Oh!
  182. Gym Ldr. Maxerus: Well idk much. All I know is he is gay or something
  183. Tumnis joined.
  184. MrchinTumnisStle joined.
  185. MrchingTumnisStle joined.
  186. E4 Maxerus joined.
  187. †Champion Maxerus† joined.
  188. Dojo King Hiro: hey could you take a message to lights for me?
  189. Dojo King Hiro: tell him i'm sure Yushi doesn't blame him
  190. †Champion Maxerus†: Sure
  191. Dojo King Hiro left.
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