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Oct 2nd, 2014
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  1. [08:10] <@MDFification> man I wanna play pandemic now
  2. [08:13] <@MDFification> disease name: brones
  3. [08:17] <@MDFification> 26 infected brones so far
  4. [08:21] <@MDFification> 1000 brones
  5. [08:21] <@MDFification> brones virus is begining to be noticed by world leaders
  6. [08:22] <@MDFification> 4000 brones
  7. [08:23] <@MDFification> brones is found to have infected canadian water supplies
  8. [08:23] <@MDFification> so far nobody has died of brones
  9. [08:23] <@madcat> MDFification: madagascar beats brones
  10. [08:23] <@MDFification> nah the ports not closed yet
  11. [08:24] <@MDFification> hory shit 36000 brones
  12. [08:24] <@MDFification> how did there get to be so many so quickly
  13. [08:24] <@MDFification> how has my disease not even killed on dude yet or spread outside the country
  14. [08:25] <@MDFification> ahaha yes goodbye canadian water
  15. [08:25] <@MDFification> brones have arrived in the united states
  16. [08:29] <@MDFification> china has shut down its port to prevent infection with brones
  17. [08:30] <@MDFification> this just got interesting
  18. [08:30] <@MDFification> mexico and greenland are infected with brones
  19. [08:30] <@MDFification> there are several million brones patients worldwide
  20. [08:30] <Muffinlicious> infecting greenland is hard af
  21. [08:30] <@MDFification> so far the disease has not caused any fatalities
  22. [08:31] <Muffinlicious> the bronies must be pretty contagious
  23. [08:31] <@MDFification> b/c I'm specing in infection rates before lethality
  24. [08:31] <twisty> drop them all at once
  25. [08:31] <@MDFification> Brones spreads to peru
  26. [08:32] <@MDFification> USA shuts down absolutely everything because 'murica loves government overreach
  27. [08:32] <@MDFification> so far this is just a cough, seriously. no other syndromes
  28. [08:32] <@MDFification> Yet america shuts down the schools, the borders, the ports, and declares a curfew
  29. [08:32] <@MDFification> >mfw
  30. [08:32] <pollux_> war has changed
  31. [08:33] <@MDFification> Disease spreads to japan. America declares martial law
  32. [08:33] <@MDFification> The common cold has killed freedom but no people so far.
  33. [08:34] <@MDFification> Madagascar is now closed off. Cuba too. disease spreads to russia.
  34. [08:34] <Muffinlicious> is anyone dead yet
  35. [08:34] <@madcat> did it spread to madagascar before being shut down
  36. [08:36] <@MDFification> No. Madagascar will be a brone-free state
  37. [08:36] <Muffinlicious> aw thats dissapointing
  38. [08:36] <@MDFification> The world is in panic over brones. Governments are shutting borders to prevent infection. However, it is far too late
  39. [08:36] <@MDFification> brones are everywhere
  40. [08:37] <@MDFification> New Zealand, China and Brasil are all infected with brones
  41. [08:37] <@MDFification> Though none have paniced to the extent the US has (which has basically become a brutal dicatorship in response to what is technically just a bad cough with a 0% fatality rate)
  42. [08:37] <@MDFification> The world is worried
  43. [08:37] <Muffinlicious> damn brones
  44. [08:38] <twisty> over brones
  45. [08:38] <@Anonpon3> 3manyBrones
  46. [08:38] <Muffinlicious> "the US basically become a brutal dicatorship in response to what is technically just a bad cough with a 0% fatality rate"
  47. [08:38] <twisty> this proves we need a brone mass execution
  48. [08:38] <Muffinlicious> reminds me of brones on kym
  49. [08:38] <Muffinlicious> brone mods
  50. [08:39] <@MDFification> diahrea has been added to the symptoms of brones
  51. [08:39] <@madcat> just when we thought brones were dieing
  52. [08:40] <@MDFification> Muffin this is accurate
  53. [08:40] == Anonpon3 has changed nick to DefNotABroneMod
  54. [08:40] <@MDFification> Mexico joins US in the totalitarian-anti-cold club. The first victim of brone dies in Brazil
  55. [08:40] <@MDFification> The time of love and tolerance and infectuous disease is over
  56. [08:40] <Muffinlicious> oh shit people are dieing
  57. [08:40] <@MDFification> The virus has begun to kill
  58. [08:41] <twisty> brones are dieing
  59. [08:41] <n0_0ne> brones are killing people
  60. [08:41] <twisty> they must have ran out of pone toys
  61. [08:41] <@MDFification> Basically I already bought all the non-lethal/infecuous traits
  62. [08:41] <twisty> figthing for the last one with their lives
  63. [08:41] <@DefNotABroneMod> Brones have become the disease
  64. [08:41] <@MDFification> and most of the resistances
  65. [08:41] <@MDFification> To continue to expand, brones must kill
  66. [08:42] <@MDFification> Indonesia, now infected, is the 3rd government to collapse into authoritarianism due to brones
  67. [08:42] <@MDFification> The death rates are primarily in the newest countries to be infected. The established brone colonies remain healthy
  68. [08:43] <@MDFification> India has been infected. The world finally begins researching a vaccine.
  69. [08:43] <@DefNotABroneMod> Brones have overthrown ISIS and are now taking over the middle east.
  70. [08:43] <@MDFification> Some say the brones should just get their won thread
  71. [08:43] <@MDFification> or board
  72. [08:43] <@MDFification> but they are ignored
  73. [08:43] <@MDFification> actually yes the disease is everywhere but Africa and Europe now
  74. [08:44] <Muffinlicious> >governments are shut down due to the disease
  75. [08:44] <Muffinlicious> "The world finally begins researching a vaccine."
  76. [08:44] <Muffinlicious> bit late
  77. [08:44] <@MDFification> The middle east collapses into dictatorship (presuming they already weren't dictatorships?) due to brones
  78. [08:45] <@MDFification> Many imams declare fatwah on brones before being overcome. The disease causes one to shit oneself to death.
  79. [08:45] <@DefNotABroneMod> Brome mods become the new dictators.
  80. [08:45] <@MDFification> Japan and Russia have collapsed in the face of brones
  81. [08:46] <@MDFification> The only uninfected regions are Europe, where people have some taste, and Africa, where people don't have internet
  82. [08:46] <@MDFification> The rest of the world is rapidly being overcome by brones. Shit-covered bodies are being found on the streets. Governments are at the verge of collapse.
  83. [08:46] <n0_0ne> damn
  84. [08:46] <n0_0ne> brones are good
  85. [08:47] <n0_0ne> how about the vaccine?
  86. [08:47] <@MDFification> Fully half of the world's hospitals will no longer treat brones to curb the infection rates. This is not enough.
  87. [08:47] <@MDFification> The vaccine progresses slowly. Nobody can agree what to do about brones.
  88. [08:48] <@DefNotABroneMod> The penguins of Antarctica have been converted to brones
  89. [08:49] <@MDFification> It is estimated that 89 days remain until the vaccine is complete. Almost half of the world is brones.
  90. [08:49] <@MDFification> The remaining uninfected regions, East/West Europe, North/South Africa, Madagascar and Australia, are attempting to sever contact with the outside world. It is already lost.
  91. [08:50] <@MDFification> Brones shit themselves to death with increased vigour.
  92. [08:50] <@MDFification> Ships wander the ocean, fully of infected. None will accept them. They have become mobile tombs
  93. [08:51] <@DefNotABroneMod> m00t tried banning all IPs, but brones continued posting. They found their way into the software.
  94. [08:51] <@MDFification> The release date from brone vaccine is increasingly delayed
  95. [08:51] <@MDFification> Brones escape containment. they will not stay in quarantine threads. They demand their own fap thread in JFF.
  96. [08:52] <@madcat> brones cannot be stopped
  97. [08:52] <@MDFification> The remaining brone-free zones huddle in terror, afraid to let a single brone through their borders
  98. [08:53] <@DefNotABroneMod> Brones modify into a new generation. The vaccinations become dismally ineffective.
  99. [08:53] <@DefNotABroneMod> Hope is lost
  100. [08:53] <@MDFification> The remaining brone-infected states collapse. Brone mods start banning users for being anti brone
  101. [08:54] <@MDFification> The brone outnumber the uninfected in brone regions significantly
  102. [08:54] <twisty> this is some ISIS shit
  103. [08:54] <@MDFification> Governments burn poop-covered bodies in the streets
  104. [08:54] <@MDFification> Not only does brone cause individuals to poop themselves to death. Now their lungs fill up with fluid - delicious anti-brone tears
  105. [08:55] <@MDFification> The vaccine release date is pushed back furhter and further, but it is getting closer to completion. The only question is, will any be left in the brone infected zones when it is deployed?
  106. [08:56] <@MDFification> Natural disasters are striking the brone world - earthquakes, droughts and riots. Is this the wrath of god? Has he turned his back on his creation? Is brone divine punishment?
  107. [08:57] <@MDFification> It is 40 days since the begining of season 1. As the season draws to a close, humanity outside the safe zones realizes that it may not have too many future dawns to look forward too.
  108. [08:58] <@DefNotABroneMod> Reports of brones recovering have been heard of in remote parts of China. Few believe since evidence is covered up.
  109. [08:58] <@MDFification> In many nations, there are no healthy individuals left. All is brones. Brone is love. Brone is life.
  110. [08:58] <@MDFification> As the disease evolves, the release date for vaccination is pushed back even further
  111. [09:00] <@MDFification> Of the brone zone, only 36 individuals remain uninfected
  112. [09:00] <@MDFification> I begin to ponder the monstrosity I have released on civilization. What have I done?
  113. [09:00] <@DefNotABroneMod> New variants of brone appear that can become infectious through sound.
  114. [09:01] <@DefNotABroneMod> The remaining35 choose to be deaf
  115. [09:01] <@MDFification> Day 50 after season 1. Outside the Quarantined States, no uninfected remain. The territory of mankind has shrank back to her original territories in Europe and Africa
  116. [09:01] <Muffinlicious> did the brones die everyone
  117. [09:01] <@MDFification> For the rest of the world, the sun rises on a brone planet.
  118. [09:02] <@MDFification> The world's population has seen a preceptious drop. Brones do not wish to wait for season 2, insisting that without lauren faust life isn't worth living.
  119. [09:03] <Muffinlicious> is lauren faust not one of them
  120. [09:03] <@MDFification> The infected zone's population is halfed over night as brones poop themselves to death or drown in their own tears
  121. [09:03] <@MDFification> there is no god
  122. [09:03] <@MDFification> We killed him when we released season 1
  123. [09:03] <twisty> there is one
  124. [09:03] <twisty> its you
  125. [09:03] <@MDFification> I can only pray for the end
  126. [09:04] <twisty> a merciless god
  127. [09:04] <Muffinlicious> rip
  128. [09:04] <@DefNotABroneMod> Few of the remaining turn to eating broke as a source of food. This proves fatal.
  129. [09:04] <@MDFification> In the Uninfected States, work on the vaccine continues.
  130. [09:04] <@MDFification> Cuba, the last holdout in the Americas, is at the forefront of research. The quarantine holds, but for how long?
  131. [09:04] <Muffinlicious> some of them, half crazed, worship a Celestia plushie as their god
  132. [09:05] * DefNotABroneMod becomes brone
  133. [09:05] <twisty> >worshipping celestia plushie
  134. [09:05] <twisty> >not luna's one
  135. [09:05] <n0_0ne> did they make BSoD dakimakura yet?
  136. [09:05] <Muffinlicious> haha
  137. [09:05] <@MDFification> Greenland is the last of the infected countries to maintain its democracy.
  138. [09:06] <@MDFification> However, the end approaches. As their friends and family succumb around them, the remainder do the only thing they can do; they reduce the ammount of pain.
  139. [09:06] <@MDFification> The sun rises in Greenland. None greet her.
  140. [09:06] <@MDFification> What have I done.
  141. [09:06] <Muffinlicious> They do this by watching the show that originally caused the outbreak
  142. [09:07] <Muffinlicious> you are the devil
  143. [09:08] <@MDFification> Day 60. The reality sets in; brones are dieing. Soon the infected states will be kill.
  144. [09:08] <pollux_> this is tourcher
  145. [09:08] <Muffinlicious> this is terrifying
  146. [09:08] <@MDFification> The disease continues to mutate towards increased lethality. The qustion is; will the Quarantined States finish their vaccines in time to save any of the now globe-spanning fandom?
  147. [09:09] <twisty> internet is now fully infected with ponies
  148. [09:10] <@MDFification> I hope this is recorded. I hope someone has the transcripts. I pray that someday, the lucky ones in the Uninfected Safe Zone read this. So they know our final moments.
  149. [09:10] <@MDFification> This is the monster we created.
  150. [09:10] <twisty> sites like facebook have now been completely taken over to create facehoof
  151. [09:10] <@MDFification> Our end.
  152. [09:10] <twisty> where brones can show pics of their plushie waifus and talk about how to survive till season 2
  153. [09:11] <twisty> knowyourpone
  154. [09:11] <@CuteMaster> IRP
  155. [09:12] <@MDFification> The second state to succumb to brones is New Zealand. As the last of New Zealand's brones die out, sheep have replaced them as the country's dominant life form.
  156. [09:12] <@MDFification> What have I done.
  157. [09:13] <@CuteMaster> >birds begin to grow hooves
  158. [09:13] <@MDFification> After the loss of Greenland, no democracies exist among the infected states. The people have turned to nazimods to save them from the brones. But no such salvation exists beyond the Quarantine Zone.
  159. [09:14] <@CuteMaster> >fish begin to neigh
  160. [09:14] <@MDFification> Slowly but surely, the uninfected territories move towards a cure. How many will they be able to save? Entire cultures have died, subsumed by the brone.
  161. [09:15] <@MDFification> The diseas mutates further. Brones now demonstrate hypsersensitivity. It exasperates other sydromes; lungs filling with liquid and intense diahrea, along with an ever present 'neighing' cough
  162. [09:16] <@MDFification> 121 days after the end of season 1. New Zealand is completely devoid of life.
  163. [09:16] <@MDFification> Season 2, however, is not halfway done.
  164. [09:17] <@MDFification> Canada and the United States are now completely depopulated.
  165. [09:17] <@MDFification> Soon, the rest of the infected territories will succumb to the brone
  166. [09:17] <twisty> who are thei aiming season 2 to if everyone is dead?
  167. [09:17] <@MDFification> Perhaps once all have died, the rebuilding can begin anew
  168. [09:17] <Starscream> has serbia succumb?
  169. [09:17] <twisty> remove brone
  170. [09:18] <@MDFification> but infected groundwater means that for centuries, mankind shall be restricted to her remaining holdouts
  171. [09:18] <@MDFification> Serbia has managed to remove Brone. The remaining Safe Zones are: Cuba, Western/Eastern Europe, North/South Africa, Madagascar
  172. [09:18] <@CuteMaster> >season 2 begins broadcasting on all channels
  173. [09:18] <Starscream> Karadzik has removed brone
  174. [09:19] <@MDFification> Scarcely 2500 brones remain alive. Brones are dieing. The infected world is almost devoid of survivors.
  175. [09:19] <@MDFification> In the safe zones, an aura of panic is dissapaiting. Life returns to normal.
  176. [09:20] <@MDFification> Bar, of course, over 2/3rds the planet's habital area and population. Scarcely an 8th of humanity has survived the great brone pandemic
  177. [09:21] <MoeKat> The last of the brones
  178. [09:21] <@CuteMaster> >the internet is restored to pre-brone backups
  179. [09:21] <@MDFification> I'd like to take a break from my narative of the brone pandemic to mention how glad I am I chose smooth jazz as my music during this playthrough
  180. [09:21] <@MDFification> This is some disturbing and sad shit
  181. [09:21] <@MDFification> I killed 7/8ths of humanity with brone
  182. [09:22] <@MDFification> Day 141: 6 brones remain. Almost all infected nations are depopulated.
  183. [09:23] <MoeKat> Day 165: Anti-brones take over the world
  184. [09:23] <@MDFification> The entire new world is gone. The remaining survivors of brone are located in China and India. These 2 stats, once home to the vast majority of mankind, have been reduced to a mere 6 brones
  185. [09:23] <@MDFification> A note of desolation plays
  186. [09:24] <twisty> wait
  187. [09:24] <twisty> everyone died?
  188. [09:24] <twisty> or is there uninfected states?
  189. [09:24] <@MDFification> The vaccine will come too late. The infected states are depopulated. the infected watershed means they cannot be repopulated for centuries.
  190. [09:25] <@MDFification> In the Quarantined Territories, the grim reality sets in. In less than a year, man has been reduced to less than a third of his territories.
  191. [09:25] <@MDFification> The brone menace has burned itself out, but the grim struggle for man's future has only begun...
  192. [09:25] <@MDFification> The end.
  193. [09:25] <@MDFification> Brones are kill, world is fucked.
  194. [09:25] <@MDFification> GG
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