
Proofred Doki Doki Ep 13

Apr 28th, 2013
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  1. Alice: We will proceed with our usual protocol.
  2. Understood.
  3. Miss, about the negotiations...
  4. We shall observe a while longer before making a move.
  5. Understood.
  6. This concludes today's meeting.
  7. Thank you.
  8. Yes?
  9. Mana and her friends have arrived.
  10. Ai, are you doing well?
  11. Ai! Ai!
  12. MakoPi, what's the matter?
  13. I'm concerned about the Princess.
  14. That's right.
  15. We need to find her soon.
  16. If only we had some kind of clue, no matter how small...
  17. Clue, huh?
  18. Oh yeah!
  19. The Princess loves roses!
  20. Roses?
  22. Start: Thank you for waiting! The Precure Support App is now available!
  23. Download the App and starting this week, when you cheer on the Precure,
  24. you'll be able to take your pictures with the Precure!
  25. For details, please check the program's smartphone homepage.
  27. Start: But knowing only that...
  28. I have a flyer here that's about a rose.
  29. The Rose Lady Contest?
  30. This is a contest to find the lady with the most love for roses.
  31. The winner receives a newly discovered breed of rose,
  32. the Royal Yellow.
  33. That's the rose the Princess loves!
  34. Eh?
  35. But that rose is only found in the royal gardens. It shouldn't exist in this world.
  36. It's a mystery!
  37. Let's enter this contest and win the Royal Yellow rose.
  38. That rose may be a clue in finding the Princess.
  39. Nice idea!
  40. That's my Alice!
  42. Title: Finally a Discovery!? A Clue to Finding the Princess!
  43. Typeset: Itsutsuboshi Rose Garden
  45. Mana: So this is the rose garden where the contest is going to be held.
  46. It's so pretty!
  47. Maybe the Princess will come here since she loves roses.
  48. Who is it that's calling for me?
  49. I'm as pretty as princess, and I'm here.
  50. Oh? What a cute baby!
  51. Could this girl be the Princess?
  52. Do you like roses?
  53. Roses? I hate them.
  54. I can't forgive anything that's more beautiful than me.
  55. H-How's it look?
  56. It doesn't seem to be her.
  57. That's so cute!
  58. Give it to me.
  59. I'm sorry, that's a bit...
  60. Then how about a trade?
  61. If you want this world to remain at peace...
  62. I'm just kidding.
  63. I'll be going now.
  64. No need to show me the way.
  65. What's with that girl?
  66. Are you an idiot?
  67. You went into Beast Mode like Bel?
  68. It was to defeat the Precure. You got something against it?
  69. You lost, so it was pointless.
  70. Shut up.
  71. King Selfishness is quite angry.
  72. There's no way out, Mammo.
  73. I don't need you to tell me that.
  74. I'll finish them off this time.
  75. With beautiful cruelty.
  76. Thank you all for waiting!
  77. The Rose Lady Contest's first event is ballroom dancing!
  78. Ballroom dancing?
  79. I've never done that before.
  80. I thought I saw a few stray monkeys. But it seems to be Alice and her friends?
  81. Monkeys?
  82. Oh my, Reina. Calling them monkeys is a bit mean.
  83. Really?
  84. How about my dear monkeys?
  85. That's my Reina! It suits them perfectly!
  86. Does this mean Alice will go crazy...
  87. The things you said to Mana...
  88. You take it back right now!
  89. What's the matter?
  90. Alice gets really angry whenever she hears someone badmouth her friends.
  91. In elementary school, she even took out these middle school bullies.
  92. Reina, you're quite the jokester.
  93. This is the owner of the garden and my childhood friend, Itsusuboshi Reina.
  94. I'm more like her rival.
  95. My name is a rank greater than Yotsuba. I am the rose of the Itsutsuboshi Corporation.
  96. Note: Yotsuba = four-leaf clover. Itsusuboshi = five stars.
  97. Itsutsuboshi Reina!
  98. Are you taking part in the contest, too?
  99. Yes.
  100. I am the most suited to becoming the Rose Lady.
  101. Let me see in return. You're also taking part, right?
  102. Yes, all four of us.
  103. Are you Kenzaki Makoto?
  104. Yes...
  105. That's no fair!
  106. You're entering even though you're an idol?
  107. You'll be using your special position as a performer to sway the judges!
  108. That's right! It's unfair! You wolf!
  109. This time, Alice will definitely get mad.
  110. Please stop that.
  111. This is a contest to determine the best lady.
  112. Being an idol has nothing to do with it.
  113. That's right!
  114. Oh well.
  115. I'll defeat all of you with my abilities!
  116. Let's go.
  117. Reina, I think Alice will make this contest quite tough for you...
  118. Don't worry.
  119. She gets mad whenever anyone badmouths her friends and goes crazy.
  120. She'll fail in this contest.
  121. We'll make Alice mad by bullying those monkey friends of hers.
  122. Okay!
  123. Typeset: Rose Lady Contest
  124. This is the first time I've done ballroom dancing.
  125. Somehow it's working out.
  126. My experience dancing on stage came in use.
  127. What's going on here?
  128. Don't you worry.
  129. We made a small crack in her high heels.
  130. Anytime now...
  131. Ow...
  132. Mana!
  133. Don't tell me...
  134. How unsightly.
  135. What an unsightly monkey.
  136. Come on. Go crazy.
  137. I see. She's trying to make Alice angry.
  138. I'm fine.
  139. I'll just do this, then.
  140. Now it's even easier to dance.
  141. Let's start over this dance over.
  142. The second stage is a painting contest!
  143. Let us begin!
  144. No way...
  145. Reina is trying to make Alice angry so she'll be disqualified, right?
  146. I'm sure she'll try something here, too.
  147. Are you all finished?
  148. We're almost done.
  149. Sorry about that. My hand slipped.
  150. Now there's nothing you can do.
  151. That's enough, you girls!
  152. They improved our paintings quite a bit.
  153. It was a nice lesson on the Jackson Pollock's style of drip painting.
  154. Wow!
  155. Please teach us how to do it, too!
  156. All right.
  157. Next time, I'll succeed...
  158. The third stage is a piano recital!
  159. Piano, huh?
  160. I have confidence in this.
  161. First up will be Hishikawa Rikka.
  162. Okay!
  163. Do your best, Rikka!
  164. Do your best!
  165. Leave it to me!
  166. A cat!?
  167. Why is there a cat here!?
  168. It looks so peaceful sleeping, too. I don't want to wake it up.
  169. Oh my. The saying goes, "like cats and dogs."
  170. But it seems that wolves don't like cats.
  171. Now you won't be able to play.
  172. Alice may be able to hold her temper, but I'm getting really mad!
  173. That's right.
  174. What a nice sound...
  175. All my anger's disappeared ...
  176. She's only playing the notes the cat isn't resting on, so it won't wake up.
  177. You're amazing, Alice!
  178. Ugh! I hate this!
  179. We'll announce the two finalists right now.
  180. The first finalist is Itsutsuboshi Reina!
  181. Of course.
  182. The second finalist is Yotsuba Alice!
  183. Yes!
  184. The final stage is a tennis match!
  185. The winner will be crowned the Rose Lady!
  186. Do your best, Alice!
  187. Do your best!
  188. Okay!
  189. Typeset: Reina / Alice
  190. After many breathtaking rallies,
  191. the game comes down to this tiebreak!
  192. Alice will win if she takes the next point!
  193. There was a light shining in Alice's eyes just now!
  194. It was shining from over there!
  195. Let's go take a look!
  196. There it is!
  197. So you're all here.
  198. Whoops, my hands slipped!
  199. How unsightly! Quite unsightly!
  200. The monkeys are all so dirty now!
  201. Now you should be getting quite angry.
  202. Come on, come on, come on!
  203. Why aren't you angry!?
  204. I'm protecting my friends!
  205. Your friends are getting bullied! Why aren't you angry?
  206. I don't know why, but I don't feel angry at all!
  207. Just why!?
  208. I don't know.
  209. But if something's changed inside me,
  210. it's thanks to Mana and the others!
  211. Alice!
  212. What's so great about those friends of yours covered in mud?
  213. They're my treasured friends, who shine ever so brightly!
  214. That's the match!
  215. The winner is Yotsuba Alice!
  216. Well done.
  217. You useless girls! Get out of my face!
  218. Excuse us!
  219. Alice didn't beat me because of her skills.
  220. It's all her friends' fault!
  221. If only her friends would just disappear!
  222. But I really want friends like that, too.
  223. Wouldn't that be nice? If her friends just disappear...
  224. Let me make your wish come true.
  225. Reina!
  226. Grant me your darkness!
  227. Mammo Beast is here!
  228. That's a rose?
  229. I see.
  230. This rose will prove to be quite thorn in your sides!
  231. Everyone, let's go!
  232. Okay!
  233. Cheryl!
  234. Precure Love Link!
  235. L-O-V-E!
  236. Abundant love! Cure Heart!
  237. The light of wisdom! Cure Diamond!
  238. A warm and sunny spot! Cure Rosetta!
  239. The courageous blade! Cure Sword!
  240. Resonate! The beat of love!
  241. DokiDoki! Precure!
  242. It seems like you've lost your love, my sad rose!
  243. I, Cure Heart, will restore your heart-throbbing excitement!
  244. I don't need any of your heart-throbbing!
  245. Oh no!
  246. My rosy tactics are working!
  247. If I stop Heart, Diamond, and Sword,
  248. then Rosetta's nothing to worry about. All she can do is set up a barrier.
  249. W-Wait up! This isn't what I expected!
  250. I decided back then.
  251. I'll use the power of Precure to protect my friends and those precious to me!
  252. What friends?
  253. There's no need for them!
  254. No, there is!
  255. I didn't have any friends before meeting Mana and the others.
  256. That's why I always wanted friends!
  257. So when those feelings overwhelmed me,
  258. I acted crazy whenever anyone badmouthed my friends.
  259. What are you talking about!?
  260. But after becoming a Precure with Mana and the others,
  261. I was able to share many different experiences with them!
  262. Our bonds have become even stronger!
  263. Because of our deep and unyielding trust in each other,
  264. I'm now able to control my emotions!
  265. Alice!
  266. So what!?
  267. Now that we have true bonds that connect us, I will not waver.
  268. I will use my powers the right way to protect my friends!
  269. Love Heart Arrow!
  270. Precure Rosetta Reflection!
  271. What can you do with a barrier?
  272. Thank you, Rosetta!
  273. Precure Diamond Shower!
  274. Precure Sparkling Sword!
  275. Precure Heart Shot!
  276. Huh? What was I doing?
  277. I'll remember this!
  278. Here you go.
  279. Do you remember anything else about the Princess?
  280. Not at the moment.
  281. But Alice, you were able to get this rose for us.
  282. Thank you.
  283. It's nothing, really.
  284. It's thanks to all of you.
  285. That's the first time I've seen Alice get serious!
  286. It's amazing!
  287. MakoPi's praising Alice!
  288. We've never gotten that.
  289. Alice was so cool today!
  290. So cool!
  291. Now the Precure will get even stronger!
  292. That's reassuring!
  293. That's...
  294. Curse you, Precure.
  295. That's too bad, Mammo.
  296. We should ask for a break and go on a vacation.
  297. I'll let you rest for all of eternity, if that's what you wish.
  298. In other words, you'll be fired.
  299. Huh?
  300. Who are you?
  301. Acting all cocky...
  302. That's because I am amazing.
  303. Who are you, exactly?
  304. Me?
  305. I'm Regina.
  306. King Selfishness's daughter.
  308. Preview: Oh no!
  309. Rikka's...
  310. Possessed!
  311. DokiDoki! Precure! A Dream or a Promise? Rikka's Major Concern!
  312. Can't stop my fluttering heart!
  314. Typeset: Precure Musical opens this summer!
  315. For details, please check the ABC Corporation homepage!
  317. Dokidoki! Precure is presented by Bandai, the company that brings you loads of fun,
  318. as well as these other sponsors.
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