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.play decompiler 1.0.1

a guest
May 18th, 2021
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  1. #NOTE: i'm not responsible for any emotional or psychological
  2. #damage that might be caused by the code structure below. you have been warned.
  4. #update 1.0.1 - fixed jacket and biker being their cars and vice versa
  6. vehicleIDs = [236, #ObjFansVan         editor ID is 1582
  7.               764, #objCopCar
  8.               1049, #objTaxi
  9.               1341, #objMilitaryJeepUSA
  10.               1366, #objSonCar
  11.               2040, #objRatBusStop
  12.               870, #objCobraCar
  13.               2349, #objPigCart
  14.               1147, #objHenchmanCar
  15.               2394, #objHammerCar
  16.               2345, #objJacketCar
  17.               2347] #objBikerBike
  20. playerCharacterIDs = [185, #ObjPlayerZebra         editor ID is 1583
  21.                       169, #ObjPlayerTiger
  22.                       859, #ObjPlayerBear
  23.                       1051, #objPlayerSwanChainsaw
  24.                       763, #ObjCop
  25.                       1048, #objWriter
  26.                       324, #objNicke
  27.                       1347, #objSon
  28.                       1225, #objRat
  29.                       866, #objPlayerCobra
  30.                       35, #objPigButcher
  31.                       1067, #objPlayerHenchman
  32.                       2387, #objTheHammer
  33.                       2335, #objJacket
  34.                       2334] #objBiker
  36. enemyIDs = [1064, #objDogPatrol         editor ID is 10
  37.             170,  #objEGangMeleeRandom
  38.             183,  #objEGangRandom
  39.             184,  #objEGangPatrol
  40.             186,  #objEGangStatic
  41.             229,  #objEGangIdlePipe
  42.             230,  #objEGangIdleKnife
  43.             231,  #objEGangIdleSmoke
  44.             941,  #objEGangMeleePatrol
  45.             1144, #objEGangIdleMoney
  46.             1289, #objEGangFat
  47.             2286, #objGangDodger
  48.             875, #objEMafiaMeleeRandom
  49.             876, #objEMafiaRandom
  50.             877, #objEMafiaStatic
  51.             878, #objEMafiaPatrol
  52.             916, #objEMafiaIdlePhoneSilencer
  53.             938, #objEMafiaMeleePatrol
  54.             1464, #objEMafiaFat
  55.             2407, #objEMafiaIdleSmoke
  56.             2408, #objEMafiaIdlePipe
  57.             1354, #objColombianMeleeRandom
  58.             1355, #objColombianMeleePatrol
  59.             1356, #objColombianRandom
  60.             1357, #objColombianStatic
  61.             1358, #objColombianPatrol
  62.             1359, #objColombianIdlePipe
  63.             1737, #objColombianHiding
  64.             1886, #objColombianDodger
  65.             931, #objEPoliceMeleeRandom
  66.             932, #objEPoliceRandom
  67.             933, #objEPolicePatrol
  68.             934, #objEPoliceStatic
  69.             937, #objFatPolice
  70.             939, #objEPoliceMeleePatrol
  71.             2409, #objPoliceIdleTalk
  72.             1530, #objGuardMeleeRandom
  73.             1531, #objGuardMeleePatrol
  74.             1532, #objGuardRandom
  75.             1533, #objGuardStatic
  76.             1534, #objGuardPatrol
  77.             2168, #objGuardIdleStick
  78.             672, #objSoldierMeleeRandom
  79.             674, #objSoldierRandom
  80.             696, #objSoldierPatrol
  81.             697, #objSoldierStatic
  82.             698, #objSoldierFatKnife
  83.             704, #objSoldierFatGun
  84.             706, #objSoldierIdlePonchoSmoke
  85.             707, #objPoncho
  86.             708, #objSoldierIdleRain
  87.             1460, #objSoldierHiding
  88.             2396, #objSoldierMeleePatrol
  89.             2109, #objPrisonerMeleeRandom
  90.             2110, #objPrisonerMeleePatrol
  91.             2111, #objPrisonerRandom
  92.             2112, #objPrisonerStatic
  93.             2113, #objPrisonerPatrol
  94.             2145, #objPrisonerPsycho
  95.             2146, #objPrisonerMeleeStatic
  96.             2148, #objPrisonerFat
  97.             2167] #objPrisonerIdleGuns
  100. weaponIDs = [179, #obj9mm
  101.              880, #objSilencer
  102.              1352, #objMagnum
  103.              178, #objUzi
  104.              2343, #objSilencedUzi
  105.              1348, #objFamae
  106.              1349, #objMendoza
  107.              724, #objM16
  108.              723, #objKalashnikov
  109.              177, #objShotgun
  110.              150, #objDoubleBarrel
  111.              180, #objNailGun
  112.              910, #objBottle
  113.              2261, #objAcid
  114.              940, #objTaser
  115.              173, #objKnife
  116.              175, #objButterfly
  117.              936, #objStick
  118.              2337, #objDrill
  119.              83, #objBat
  120.              176, #objPipe
  121.              881, #objClub
  122.              1368, #objSword
  123.              741, #objMachete
  124.              1818, #objAxe
  125.              1351, #objSkateboard
  126.              174, #objChain
  127.              2338, #objPotFull
  128.              2339, #objPotEmpty
  129.              144, #objHammer
  130.              100, #objShotgunWall
  131.              720, #objHeavy
  132.              721, #objFlameThrower
  133.              722, #objSniperRifle
  134.              882, #objMP5
  135.              1055, #objChainsaw
  136.              1227, #objDiscardedGun
  137.              1228, #objGunClip
  138.              1350, #objShardBlade
  139.              2105, #objPipeBig
  140.              2106, #objBrush
  141.              2292, #objNickeKnife
  142.              2293, #objBottleBroken
  143.              2346] #objCleaver
  145. doorIDs = [25, #objEditorDoorV
  146.            26, #objEditorDoorH
  147.            2254, #objEditorDoorH2
  148.            2255] #objEditorDoorV2
  150. wallIDs = [7, #objEditorWallH #white walls
  151.            8, #objEditorWallV
  152.            31, #objEditorBrickWallV #red walls
  153.            32, #objEditorBrickWallH
  154.            33, #objEditorSoftWallV #soft walls
  155.            34, #objEditorSoftWallH
  156.            1271, #objSewerWallV #sewer green walls
  157.            1272, #objSewerWallH
  158.            101, #objEditorPorchWallV #sickly green walls
  159.            102, #objEditorPorchWallH
  160.            675, #objWoodWallV #brown wood walls
  161.            677, #objWoodWallH
  162.            682, #objWoodWindowV #normal windows, idk why wood in name
  163.            683, #objWoodWindowH
  164.            2413, #objEditorRailsLeft #brown wooden rails
  165.            56, #objEditorRailsUp
  166.            55, #objEditorRailsDown
  167.            54, #objEditorRailsRight
  168.            53, #sprEditorRailsLeft #actually unused in the editor? look at 1st rails
  169.            1511, #objRenovationWallH #shoot through "walls"
  170.            1512, #objRenovationWallV
  171.            1724, #objSubwayWallV #yellow black "danger" walls
  172.            986, #objSubwayWallH
  173.            1725, #objBoatRailingH #dead ahead
  174.            1726, #objBoatRailingV
  175.            1259, #objBalconyRailsH #idk, used in the henchman bar map
  176.            1260, #objBalconyRailsV
  177.            676, #objWoodWallInteriorV #wooden walls but sickly yellow
  178.            678, #objWoodWallInteriorH
  179.            987, #objSubwayWindowH #no V version
  180.            950, #objBarsH #prison bars
  181.            951] #objBarsV
  183. screenTransitionID = 124         #editor ID is 2297
  184. elevatorID = 810         #editor ID is 2410
  185. barrierID = 2411         #same in editor
  186. entryIDs = [302,303]         #editor ID is 2412
  187. darknessID = 1417         #same in editor
  188. rainID = 663         #same in editor
  189. lightOverlayID = 1770         #same in editor
  190. weaponID = 2401
  192. def generic_object_conversion(lines):
  193.     global lc
  194.     lc+=6 #a generic object in .play is 6 lines, so move 6 lines ahead in the read
  195.     objID = int(lines[0][:-1]) #grab 1st line (objectID) for finding editorID (:-1 for removing the \n)
  196.     reorder = [1,2,3,4,0,5] #order of reorder
  197.     lines = [lines[i] for i in reorder] #reordering
  198.     lines.insert(0,"dummy") #adding the editorID
  199.     #print("written "+str(lines)) #debug
  200.     return(lines)
  202. def wall_conversion(lines): #these "change only 1 line" functions aren't really necessary tbh and only make a mess, but too late lol i already made em
  203.     global lc
  204.     lc+=6 #a wall in .play is 6 lines, so move 6 lines ahead in the read
  205.     lines = lines[:-1] #removing the last (random number) line
  206.     return lines
  208. def screen_transition_conversion(lines):
  209.     global lc
  210.     lc+=10 #a screen transition in .play is 10 lines, so move 10 lines ahead in the read
  211.     lines[0] = "2297\n" #changing the objectID to editorID
  212.     return lines
  214. def elevator_conversion(lines):
  215.     global lc
  216.     lc+=7 #an elevator in .play is 7 lines, so move 7 lines ahead in the read
  217.     lines[0] = "2410\n" #changing the objectID to editorID
  218.     return lines
  220. def entry_conversion(lines):     #THIS IS A MESS
  221.     global lc
  222.     lc+=6 #an entry in .play is 6 lines, so move 6 lines ahead in the read
  223.     lines.append("0\n")
  224.     if lines[0] == "302\n": #... it means it's vertical
  225.         if debugFlag: print("inserting vertical 2nd editor id")
  226.         lines.insert(-2, "4356\n")
  227.         if lines[-2] == "-1\n": #... it means it's left
  228.             lines[-2] = "-1\n"
  229.         else: #... it means it's right
  230.             lines[-2] = "1\n"
  231.         lines[-1] = "0\n" #neutralizing horizontal direction line      
  232.     else: #... it means it's horizontal
  233.         if debugFlag: print("inserting horizontal 2nd editor id")
  234.         lines.insert(-2, "4355\n")
  235.         if lines[-2] == "-1\n": #... it means it's up
  236.             lines[-1] = "-1\n"
  237.         else: #... it means it's horizontal
  238.             lines[-1] = "1\n"
  239.         lines[-2] = "0\n" #neutralizing vertical direction line
  240.     lines[0] = "2412\n" #finally editing the objectID to editorID
  241.     return lines
  243. magicNumber = input("gimme - ")
  244. if ("d") in magicNumber:
  245.     debugFlag = 1
  246.     magicNumber = magicNumber.replace("d","")
  247. else:
  248.     debugFlag = 0
  249. if ("e") in magicNumber:
  250.     enemyFlag = 1
  251.     magicNumber = magicNumber.replace("e","")
  252. else: enemyFlag = 0
  253. if debugFlag: print("debug flag on, printing debug info")
  255. readPlay = open("level"+magicNumber+".play","r")
  256. inputData = readPlay.readlines()
  257. readPlay.close()
  258. inputData = inputData[2:] #getting rid of the 0 and -1
  259. inputData.append("EoF") #end of file marker, hey it works alright?
  261. output = []
  262. playerCharactersOutput = []
  263. vehiclesOutput = []
  264. enemiesOutput = []
  265. screenTransitionsOutput = []
  266. elevatorsOutput = []
  267. barriersOutput = []
  268. entriesOutput = []
  269. doorsOutput = []
  270. rainOutput = []
  271. darknessOutput = []
  272. lightOverlayOutput = []
  273. weaponsOutput = []
  274. trueGenericObjectsOutput = []
  276. wallsOutput = []
  278. #print(inputData)
  279. lc = 0 #linecounter
  280. while inputData[lc] != "EoF":
  281.     if debugFlag: print("current line "+str(int(inputData[lc])))
  282.     if int(inputData[lc]) in playerCharacterIDs: #a player character is a generic object
  283.         package = inputData[lc:lc+6] #a generic object is 6 lines
  284.         if debugFlag: print("initial player character data "+str(package))
  285.         converted = generic_object_conversion(package)
  286.         converted[0] = "1582\n" #player character editor ID
  287.         if debugFlag: print("converted player character data "+str(converted))
  288.         playerCharactersOutput.append(converted)
  289.     elif int(inputData[lc]) in vehicleIDs: #a vehicle is a generic object
  290.         package = inputData[lc:lc+6] #a generic object is 6 lines
  291.         if debugFlag: print("initial vehicle data "+str(package))
  292.         converted = generic_object_conversion(package)
  293.         converted[0] = "1583\n" #vehicle editor ID
  294.         if debugFlag: print("converted vehicle data "+str(converted))
  295.         vehiclesOutput.append(converted)
  296.     elif int(inputData[lc]) in enemyIDs: #an enemy is a generic object
  297.         package = inputData[lc:lc+6] #a generic object is 6 lines
  298.         if debugFlag: print("initial enemy data "+str(package))
  299.         converted = generic_object_conversion(package)
  300.         converted[0] = "10\n" #enemy editor ID
  301.         if enemyFlag:
  302.             converted[0] = "11\n"
  303.             if debugFlag: print("enemy flag on, changing id from 10 to 11")
  304.         if debugFlag: print("converted enemy data "+str(converted))
  305.         enemiesOutput.append(converted)
  306.     elif int(inputData[lc]) == screenTransitionID: #a screen transition is a unique object
  307.         package = inputData[lc:lc+10] #a screen transition is 10 lines
  308.         if debugFlag: print("initial screen transition data "+str(package))
  309.         converted = screen_transition_conversion(package)
  310.         if debugFlag: print("converted screen transition data "+str(converted))
  311.         screenTransitionsOutput.append(converted)
  312.     elif int(inputData[lc]) == elevatorID: #an elevator is a unique object
  313.         package = inputData[lc:lc+7] #an elevator is 7 lines
  314.         if debugFlag: print("initial elevator data "+str(package))
  315.         converted = elevator_conversion(package)
  316.         if debugFlag: print("converted elevator data "+str(converted))
  317.         elevatorsOutput.append(converted)
  318.     elif int(inputData[lc]) == barrierID: #a barrier is a unique object
  319.         package = inputData[lc:lc+5] #a barrier is 5 lines
  320.         lc+=5
  321.         if debugFlag: print("general barrier data "+str(package)) #barrier structure doesn't change from play to obj
  322.         barriersOutput.append(package)
  323.     elif int(inputData[lc]) in entryIDs: #an entry is a unique object
  324.         package = inputData[lc:lc+6] #an entry is 6 lines
  325.         if debugFlag: print("initial entry data "+str(package))
  326.         converted = entry_conversion(package)
  327.         if debugFlag: print("converted entry data "+str(converted))
  328.         entriesOutput.append(converted)
  329.     elif int(inputData[lc]) in doorIDs: #a door is a unique object
  330.         package = inputData[lc:lc+7] #a door is 7 lines
  331.         lc+=7
  332.         if debugFlag: print("general door data "+str(package)) #door structure doesn't change from play to obj
  333.         doorsOutput.append(package)
  334.     elif int(inputData[lc]) == darknessID: #a darkness is a unique object
  335.         package = inputData[lc:lc+5] #a darkness is 5 lines
  336.         lc+=5
  337.         if debugFlag: print("general darkness data "+str(package)) #darkness structure doesn't change from play to obj
  338.         darknessOutput.append(package)
  339.     elif int(inputData[lc]) == rainID: #a rain is a unique object
  340.         rainAmount = int(inputData[lc+1]) #its length depends on its 2nd line
  341.         rainLength = 2 + (4 * rainAmount) #objectID and amount of rain objects + amount*4(4 lines per object)
  342.         package = inputData[lc:lc+rainLength]
  343.         if debugFlag: print("general rain data "+str(package)) #rain structure doesn't change from play to obj
  344.         lc+=rainLength #variable length, look at rainLength
  345.         rainOutput.append(package)
  346.     elif int(inputData[lc]) == lightOverlayID: #a light overlay is a unique object
  347.         package = inputData[lc:lc+2] #a light overlay is 2 lines long
  348.         lc+=2
  349.         if debugFlag: print("general light overlay data "+str(package)) #light overlay structure doesn't change from play to obj
  350.         lightOverlayOutput.append(package)
  351.     elif int(inputData[lc]) in wallIDs: #a wall is a unique object, AND it's stored in .wll, AND Trans Rights btw
  352.         package = inputData[lc:lc+6] #a wall is 6 lines long
  353.         if debugFlag: print("initial wall data "+str(package))
  354.         lc+=6
  355.         package=package[:-1] #cutting off the weird random(?) number
  356.         if debugFlag: print("converted wall data "+str(package)) #except the last line, wall structure doesn't change from play to obj
  357.         wallsOutput.append(package)
  358.     elif int(inputData[lc]) in weaponIDs: #a weapon is a generic object
  359.         package = inputData[lc:lc+6] #a generic object is 6 lines
  360.         if debugFlag: print("initial weapon data "+str(package))
  361.         converted = generic_object_conversion(package)
  362.         converted[0] = "2401\n" #editor weapon ID
  363.         if debugFlag: print("converted weapon data "+str(converted))
  364.         weaponsOutput.append(converted)
  365.     else:               #it PROBABLY AND I HOPE TO GOD it means it's a true generic object
  366.         package = inputData[lc:lc+6] #a generic object is 6 lines
  367.         if debugFlag: print("initial true generic object data "+str(package))
  368.         converted = generic_object_conversion(package)
  369.         converted[0] = "11\n" #true generic object ID
  370.         if debugFlag: print("converted true generic object data "+str(converted))
  371.         trueGenericObjectsOutput.append(converted)
  373. if debugFlag: print("finished making output groups")
  375. orderedOutputs = [playerCharactersOutput,
  376.                   vehiclesOutput,
  377.                   enemiesOutput,
  378.                   trueGenericObjectsOutput,
  379.                   weaponsOutput,
  380.                   screenTransitionsOutput,
  381.                   elevatorsOutput,
  382.                   barriersOutput,
  383.                   entriesOutput,
  384.                   doorsOutput,
  385.                   rainOutput,
  386.                   darknessOutput,
  387.                   lightOverlayOutput]
  389. writeObj = open("level"+magicNumber+".obj","w")
  390. for outputGroup in orderedOutputs:
  391.     for object in outputGroup:
  392.         for line in object:
  393.             writeObj.writelines(line)
  394. if debugFlag: print("finished writing to .obj")
  395. writeObj.close()
  397. writeWll = open("level"+magicNumber+".wll","w")
  398. for wall in wallsOutput:
  399.     for line in wall:
  400.         writeWll.writelines(line)
  401. if debugFlag: print("finished writing to .wll")
  402. writeWll.close()
  403. print("done")
  404. input("enter to close program")
  405. #made by Kataiser17, aka actually Gofer#5776 on Discord
  406. #it may be a mess but it's mine and it works darnit
  407. #you're free to edit and share this script in any way you want, just don't take all the credit for it
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