
Longest Night: Germ

Aug 6th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. You're feeling very down. You're convinced you didn't make enough of an impression on any of your new friends to justify asking for their hospitality.
  2. You mentally count them all. Is there anybody you're forgetting?
  3. You're not sure.
  4. You aimlessly wander the streets of Possum Springs for hours, staring despondently at the buildings, fantasizing about the people inside and their Longest Night festivities, certain that they're all having a better time than you.
  5. You only go inside once- into the Snack Falcon- and only because you were hungry.
  6. You find that nobody's there. Cautiously, you grab a sandwich and a drink and leave some money on the counter.
  7. You eat your meal morosely.
  8. It actually starts getting dark again and you consider calling it quits and heading back home and watching TV until you fall asleep.
  9. You're walking through the Towne Centre and looking at the lit windows when you see a shadowy figure up ahead on the sidewalk, riding a bike.
  10. The street is quiet and there aren't any cars driving by. It's a bit creepy. Who would be out here on Longest Night?
  11. You should talk, of course, since you're out here too.
  12. The figure slowly becomes more visible as it comes closer, as you realize it's only Germ.
  13. You'd forgotten about him. He barely spoke when you met him, and all you can remember about him is his old video games and his skills at playing them.
  15. player: …Germ? That you?
  16. Germ: Yep.
  17. player: What're you doing out here?
  18. Germ: Getting some feed.
  19. What're *you* doing out here?
  20. player: Nothing, really.
  21. What do you mean, 'feed'?
  22. Germ: For my animals.
  23. player: Oh, you have pets?
  24. Germ: Not exactly.
  25. They're rescues!
  26. player: Oh wow, I had no idea you rescued animals.
  27. That's pretty cool.
  28. Germ: Pretty cool for the animals, yeah.
  29. You wanna come?
  30. You seem lonely.
  31. player: Oh, um… sure.
  33. You start following him, walking alongside him while he slowly pedals his bike, still processing what just happened.
  35. player: Where do you get the food? I thought the Ham Panther wouldn't be open today.
  36. Germ: It's not.
  37. But I know somebody who runs a food bank.
  38. player: Isn't that for people food?
  39. Germ: Animals are people too!
  40. They need more than just pet stuff, anyhow.
  41. player: What kind of animals are we talking about?
  42. Germ: You'll see!
  44. You head east towards the edge of the Towne Centre, where the houses begin. You come to a staircase going up a hill.
  46. player: Isn't this the way to the church?
  47. Germ: Yep.
  49. Germ gets off his bike to push it up the stairs, and you climb said hill, and Germ leads around to the back of the church, an angle you hadn't seen before.
  50. Germ leans his bike against the wall and knocks on a door.
  51. A few seconds later a woman in glasses emerges.
  52. #if you've been to a sermon
  53. You recognize her as the pastor.
  55. Pastor K: Oh hello, Germ! In need of Longest Night dinner again, I see.
  56. Pastor K: And who's your friend?
  57. Germ: This is [newname]. [heshethey] wanted to come with me today.
  58. player: Hi.
  59. #if you've been to a sermon
  60. player: I haven't introduced myself, but I was here last Sunday.
  61. Pastor K: Oh, ok! So how did you like my sermon? Not too boring, was it?
  62. player: Oh no, I liked it, don’t worry.
  63. Pastor K: That's good. Although it's not as if the Word of God isn't already entertaining enough, don't you think?
  64. You laugh.
  66. Pastor K: Anyway, come in, both of you!
  68. The room is small and plain, strictly utilitarian, and mostly filled to the brim with boxes and cans of food, some kept in an ice cooler to stay fresh.
  69. Germs starts putting a few items in a cardboard box.
  71. Pastor K: I hope you're both having a happy Longest Night.
  72. Germ: I'm good. But [newname] isn't doing so great, am I right?
  73. player: …Oh yeah. Couldn't find anything to do.
  74. Pastor K: Oh that's a shame. We should all keep ourselves busy, at least.
  75. Pastor K: At least you've found a friend in Germ here, right?
  76. Germ: Pretty sure I'm [hishertheir] last resort.
  77. player: No no, it's not…
  78. …ok, you caught me.
  79. Germ: Nah, it's no problem. Kind of a compliment, really.
  80. I can be a wall to lean on.
  81. Pastor K: I admire that attitude.
  82. Pastor K: Ok, we got canned peaches back here. I hear Sriracha likes them?
  83. Germ: Yep.
  85. What're they talking about? Sriracha sauce 'likes' peaches?
  86. Actually, that sounds kind of good, possibly.
  88. player: …Can I help?
  89. Germ: Oh sure. Can you carry that big bag of kibble over there?
  91. You turn to where he's pointing and see a 25-pound bag of the stuff.
  92. Oof. That'll be heavy.
  94. Pastor K: Not everyone thinks to donate food for our beloved animals, unfortunately.
  95. Germ: Pretty sure I'm their only customer!
  97. You grab the bag of kibble, stumbling and nearly falling as its weight yanks down your arms.
  99. Pastor K: Have you got that?
  100. player: …I think so.
  101. I'm not gonna have to carry this all the way to your place, am I, Germ?
  102. Germ: Maybe you'd better not.
  103. Looks like we'll have to borrow the wheel barrow again, Ms. K.
  104. Pastor K: Borrow the barrow?
  105. Germ: Borrow the barrow.
  106. Pastor K: It's around the side like always.
  108. You set the bag on the floor, exhaling in relief.
  110. player: What does a church need a wheel barrow for?
  111. Pastor K: The grounds need weeding from time to time.
  112. Germ: Sometimes people leave garbage behind.
  113. Pastor K: Sadly.
  114. I like to think it isn't anybody from our congregation.
  115. player: Ok, I'll go get it.
  116. Germ: Thanks!
  118. You quickly head outside, and you spot the wheel barrow with only one scan of the area, thankfully. You grab it and push it inside.
  119. It's a little awkward navigating the room with it, since the pathways between stacks are a little narrow.
  120. You accidentally knock over a can of green beans, denting it.
  122. player: Oops, sorry.
  123. Pastor K: It's okay, no harm done.
  125. You lift the bag with a grunt and drop it into the wheel barrow.
  127. Germ: This'll feed Stormcloud for about a month!
  128. Pastor K: Is that everything you need?
  130. Germ's box is full of everything from fruit to meat to eggs and marshmallows.
  132. Germ: Think so.
  133. Pastor K: Alright, glad I could help the little guys.
  134. Germ: Yeah, thanks!
  135. Pastor K: Happy Longest Night, you two.
  136. Germ: You too!!
  138. You smile and wave to her. You push the barrow outside, but not without rattling a box of oatmeal.
  139. Germs places the box of food into a basket attached to his bike.
  140. You also have difficulty taking the barrow down the stairs, and it makes a lot of clanging sounds, and the bag nearly falls out. You feel it rattle your bones in the frigid cold. Ugh.
  141. You and Germ head out into town, presumably to his house. He pedals his bike at a slow pace so you can keep up.
  143. Germ: We got some ways to go, 'cause I live *way* over on the west side of town.
  144. player: Glad I don't have to carry this bag then.
  145. Germ: I gotta pedal this bike. Pretty sure it's harder than walking.
  146. Not a competition, though.
  148. Germ seems like such an easygoing guy, you're glad you're hanging out with him.
  149. It's pretty dark in Possum Springs now, but thankfully your way is lit by all the Longest Night lights that are still on, adding to the street lamps.
  151. player: …So how was your Longest Night?
  152. Germ: Not bad. Ate some cookies.
  153. player: Cookies are good.
  154. Germ: Always.
  155. player: Even oatmeal raisin?
  156. Germ: When my mom makes ‘em.
  157. player: Ah, of course.
  158. Germ: I'd ask how yours was, but I think I already know.
  159. player: Yeah.
  161. You eventually reach the Arts Council building and walk past it and into the parking lot.
  162. It's a vast, empty space that seems to stretch out in all directions. You can see the night sky clearly above the hills beyond, and each star is visible.
  163. The street lamps are turned off here, making it very dark. Everything is silent and still.
  164. Germ stops his bike and steps onto the asphalt, and looks up at the sky.
  166. Germ: Pretty, isn't it? This is what Longest Night is for.
  167. player: …Huh?
  168. Germ: It's in the name!
  169. There are almost twelve hours of darkness today. Hence, Longest Night.
  170. A bunch of people way back thought it was special enough to make it into a holiday.
  171. It's the darkness that we're celebrating.
  172. player: Huh. I never thought of it that way.
  173. Germ: Used to be that people were scared of so much darkness. So they'd make bonfires and burn stuff.
  174. They'd even sacrifice goats and stuff just to make the darkness go away.
  175. player: Good thing we don't do that sort of thing anymore.
  176. Germ: We kind of still do?
  177. We eat a bird or a cow or a lamb for dinner.
  179. Suddenly you feel a little squeamish.
  181. player: …Oh.
  182. Germ: Nah, it's okay. Animals eat other animals too.
  183. So we made a party out of it, and here we are.
  184. Now we're not so scared of the dark.
  185. It's sort of funny that we stay indoors now and out of the darkness, don't you think?
  186. I like to look at the stars and think.
  187. player: That's kinda cool.
  189. You join him and gaze at the stars for a moment.
  191. Germ: I'd like to stay here forever, but we got animals to feed.
  193. Germs gets on his bike again. You're kind of bummed that you can't stay too, but he's right.
  194. You head past a chainlink fence and into a wooded area.
  196. player: I didn't think there was any town left beyond here.
  197. Germ: You're not the first!
  199. You climb a gently sloping hill, passing a tire swing. Pushing the barrow is a little difficult here too.
  201. Germ: You *just* missed my uncles and cousins coming over for dinner.
  202. player: Did I miss anything fun?
  203. Germ: Not really. One of my sisters got a new tablet, but she cracked the screen within fifteen minutes.
  204. Then she cried for twenty minutes.
  205. They've prob'ly gone to bed by now.
  206. But they're prob'ly not asleep.
  207. player: Why would they be awake at this hour?
  208. Germ: They have a new tablet.
  209. What do you usually do at this time of night?
  210. player: I surf the web?
  211. Germ: There you go!
  213. Germ parks his bike and takes out the box.
  215. Germ: We don't need to bother my parents right now.
  217. Huh? You're not sure why he thinks so, but you *think* you can guess.
  218. You eschew entering his house and go around it. You're curious what Germ's home and family are like, but you're disappointed for now.
  219. Maybe some other time.
  220. You notice a trampoline along the way, and you're tempted to jump right into it, but Germ remains focused. Duty calls, apparently.
  222. In his backyard is a small building in the shape of an arch, mostly made up of slightly rusty corrugated metal.
  223. Germ opens the door, which is sealed with a padlock. He goes in and you follow and take in the sight.
  224. Germ must spend most of his income on this shelter alone: the building is separated into several sections with old chainlink fences, each area forming what must be a large, roomy cage for each animal.
  225. There are boxes, cat trees to climb, soft beds and old towels on the floor, and many, many different types of kibble and other kinds of food in large plastic tubs.
  226. The trio of animals are all different. There's an elderly-looking grey cat sleeping soundly in a cardboard box lined with towels…
  227. A raccoon climbing a large branch in the corner…
  228. And a skinny 'possum who sadly appears to have lost its left front leg, but seems oblivious to it as it sniffs the air in anticipation of its next meal.
  230. Germ sets the box down on the floor and goes up to the cat.
  231. He reaches down to pet it, and the sleepy cat makes a surprised trilling sound.
  232. The cat opens its eyes and stands up to stretch and yawn.
  234. Germ: Stormcloud here, I found him in the parking lot.
  235. I think he was abandoned by his owners 'cause he's blind and prob'ly couldn't catch mice anymore.
  237. Stormcloud meows and steps closer to Germ, sniffing the air to find him. Germ gives him a pat on the head and a scritch under the chin. Stormcloud starts purring.
  238. Stormcloud's long grey fur fits his name perfectly.
  239. Germ gestures at you offering you to pet the cat. You reach out and let Stormcloud smell your hand like you were always told to, and as soon as he realizes you're there, he rubs his cheek against it.
  240. Seems pretty mellow.
  241. Germ opens the bag of cat food you'd been carrying in the barrow this whole time, grabs a metal bowl, and scoops up a generous helping.
  242. Stormcloud meows with enthusiasm, loudly. He starts eating instantly, purring even louder.
  244. player: Aw, that's cute!
  245. Germ: Isn't he, though?
  246. Who would ever not want to keep him?
  247. player: I can't imagine.
  249. Germ moves on to the next cage, which seems more naturalistic. The raccoon climbs down the branch head first to meet him.
  250. The raccoon reaches up to Germ with his front paws, and Germ gently grasps them and rubs the fur there.
  252. Germ: Roadkill was crying alone by the side of the road outside of town. I think he lost his mom.
  253. I think you can guess why I named him that!
  255. Roadkill stares at you suspiciously but seems mostly unconcerned, probably because Germ is with you.
  256. You've never been this close to a raccoon before. You've seen them wandering the streets in town, but only brief glimpses. How should you act?
  257. Luckily for you, Roadkill seems to have decided to ignore you, especially when Germ opens a box of strawberries and hands one to him.
  258. You resist giving out a squeak of delight when he takes the fruit in his paws and starts munching it.
  260. player: It's like he has little hands!
  261. Germ: They might as well be. They can open locks with those things!
  262. I had to change the lock on his cage five times already. Now I'm using a key!
  264. Germ also pulls the tab off a can of mild beef chili and pours some of it into a bowl, which Roadkill happily consumes.
  266. Next Germ goes up to the opossum. It's been sniffing the air vigorously this whole time.
  268. Germ: Sriracha here, her mom was hit by a car.
  269. You should always check a dead mother's pouch to see if there's still any babies left.
  270. Her siblings were fine so I released them back into the wild last month, but Sriracha’s leg was broken and had to be amputated. So she's gotta stay with me.
  272. Sriracha climbs down a ramp, wobbling a bit, but she seems eager to meet Germ.
  273. Germ opens a can of peaches. Suddenly you make the connection- Sriracha loves peaches.
  274. Sriracha smacks her lips as she scarfs them down sloppily, drooling.
  275. She's kind of awkward and weird-looking, but you can't help but find her cute in a strange sort of way.
  276. Germ starts picking up the opened cans and wrapping them in foil, and places them in a nearby mini-fridge.
  277. It strikes you as odd that when you last saw Germ, he barely spoke, and now he's telling you the backstories of all his rescues. Maybe he just likes talking about animals.
  278. A thought crosses your mind.
  280. player: Have you got a license for all this?
  281. Germ: Nope!
  282. player: …Is that legal?
  283. Germ: Prob'ly not.
  285. Germ sees your concern and tries to elaborate.
  287. Germ: Don't worry, pretty sure I know what I'm doing. Did a lot of research. Been doing it for years now.
  288. I'm lucky I know a vet in town for the real emergencies. I can only help so far myself.
  289. And I've done tons of research.
  290. player: Oh, okay.
  291. How did you start doing this, anyway?
  292. Germ: I got Rabies a few years ago!
  293. player: …What??
  294. Germ: Rabies is a 'possum.
  295. player: …Oh. Well, you can understand my confusion.
  296. Germ: I found Rabies after a big flood, and I felt so sorry for him that I started feeding him.
  297. He's real special. He made me want to keep doing the same for other animals, so I did.
  298. player: So he was your first rescue?
  299. Germ: Sort of. He lived outside like animals should.
  300. He needed to stay wild.
  301. Roadkill's almost old enough for release, actually. Won't be staying here much longer.
  302. player: Can I meet Rabies?
  303. Germ: Um… no.
  304. player: Why not?
  305. Germ: He's gone.
  306. player: …Oh. Sorry.
  307. Germ: S'okay.
  308. Unlike Roadkill, Stormcloud and Sriracha aren't releasable, though. I'll need to take care of 'em pretty much forever.
  309. And Stormcloud's a domestic anyway.
  310. player: I guess that's sort of nice.
  311. Germ: Guess so. Stormcloud's pretty old, and 'possums don't live very long.
  312. player: Oh, uh… that's too bad.
  313. Germ: It's part of the job.
  314. Wanna help me watch 'em? I gotta put this stuff away.
  315. player: Oh sure, but… what should I do?
  316. Germ: Just don't make any sudden moves. Or loud noises.
  317. It'd be best if you sat on the floor.
  318. player: …Ok.
  320. You oblige and sit cross-legged on the cold concrete, watching the animals polish off their meals while Germ takes all the food out of the box and puts them in plastic containers or in the fridge.
  321. The animals seem to trust each other well enough that they can inhabit the same space with the cages open.
  322. Stormcloud actually approaches you after he's done eating, and curls up into your lap. You feel sorta honored, especially since he's purring, but you suspect that he's never had a problem with strangers.
  324. Germ: Stormcloud likes you, I see.
  325. player: Am I lucky?
  326. Germ: He likes everybody, I'm afraid.
  327. But that's not a bad thing.
  328. Maybe he never was a mouser!
  330. Germ looks around. The animals seem to have finished eating.
  332. Germ: C'mon, they've been inside all day.
  334. He grabs a leash and a flashlight. He gently removes Stormcloud from your lap, who gives a small meow of surprise, but doesn't squirm or complain.
  335. Germ murmurs comforting words to the cat as he places the leash straps around him. Stormcloud seems to know what's going on, as do the others.
  337. player: I've never seen cat wear a leash before.
  338. Germ: He can't see where he's going.
  339. player: Ah, I see.
  341. Within seconds, Roadkill and Sriracha are near the door, waiting expectantly.
  343. Germ: You can help me watch 'em!
  345. You're flattered he thinks you can help, but you're not so sure you can. Is there a fence around the backyard? Aren't the woods out there? How would you keep them from escaping?
  346. Germ opens the door and the animals exit immediately. You're relieved to see that the back porch has a light casting itself across the surrounding area.
  347. It's freezing out here. You wrap your arms around yourself.
  348. Sriracha wobbles around the edge of the yard, just where the trees begin, sniffing the ground by the remnants of bushes that have lost their leaves in the winter. She probably can't very far with that missing leg.
  349. You're not so sure about Roadkill, however- he seems to know exactly where he wants to go, and hurries over to climb up a tree.
  350. You make a startled noise, which gets Germ's attention.
  352. Germ: Don't worry, he's still young enough to think of me as his mother.
  353. He knows where the food comes from.
  355. Germ seems like he has three pairs of eyes- he never seems to lose track of any of the animals.
  356. Meanwhile, Stormcloud explores his surroundings as best as he can.
  357. You start to relax a little, although you still try to keep an eye of the raccoon and the 'possum. Especially the raccoon.
  358. Eventually you get used to the situation and the cold, and appreciate the quiet night air, watching the cloudy breath escape you and Germ's mouths. You can see cold fog coming out of the critters' mouths as well.
  359. It's nearly silent, save for the sounds of rustling and snapping twigs underneath your feet, and the occasional vocalization from Germ that Roadkill and Sriracha seem to understand as calls to return to him.
  360. You slowly drift away from Germ's back porch, going downhill, guided by his flashlight. Eventually you come across a pile of stones in the middle of a clearing.
  361. You eye it curiously. Was this a manmade structure at one point?
  362. Looking at it more closely, you're pretty sure it's some sort of well that collapsed some years ago. In fact, there are fragments of stone all around what was once the hole, which is now filled in with debris.
  363. Nobody's using this well anymore, that's for sure.
  364. You get a weird vibe looking at it.
  365. Like something… creepy happened here, although there wasn't any chance that it would happen again, whatever it was.
  366. Even the animals don't seem to want to get very close to it. They seem to stay outside a six foot circumference around it.
  368. player "Hey Germ, what's up with this collapsed well in your backyard?"
  369. Germ "Oh yeah I just blew it up."
  370. "Threw dynamite in it."
  371. player "Why?"
  372. Germ "Mae told me to."
  373. player "Why?"
  374. Germ "Dunno."
  375. # special thanks to tastychunks
  376. "Prob'ly so no one else would fall into it?"
  377. player "Mae fell into it?"
  378. Germ "Pretty sure. The others were down there too!"
  379. player "All six of them??"
  380. Germ "Nah, just Mae, Bea, Angus and Gregg."
  381. Germ "Never did say why. Must be one heck of a story, I figure, but I guess they don't wanna tell me."
  382. player "That's… really weird."
  383. Germ "Everyone's got their secrets, I guess!"
  384. player "Is that what you think it is? A secret?"
  385. Germ "I dunno."
  386. "Maybe they dared each other to do it."
  387. "Or maybe they dropped something down there and had to go down and get it."
  388. "I figure they're a little embarrassed they got stuck down there, so I never mention it."
  390. Well that's bizarre, you think to yourself. If Germ's guess was right, why would they want to blow it up afterward?
  391. You're very curious about it, but if Mae and the others didn't want to explain it to an older friend, why would they tell you, who's almost a stranger to them?
  392. You figure it'll remain a mystery, but you can't help but wonder if you'll ever learn what happened that day.
  394. player Where did you get dynamite, anyway?
  395. Germ One of my uncles works in construction!
  396. player Ah.
  397. Germ: Almost midnight by now, I think.
  398. Better be turning in.
  400. You check your phone's clock. It is super late. It's sort of amazing you packed so much activity into the final hours of Longest Night.
  401. You follow Germ as he guides the animals back to the shelter. Suddenly, your stomach growls.
  402. How did you go on so long without food? You're real tired too.
  403. Maybe you were distracted this whole time. And now that you're almost done climbing up and down hills, the exercise is hitting you all at once.
  404. You reach the shelter and everyone goes in, satisfied with their exploration. Germ leads Stormcloud to his bed, who curls up into it almost immediately.
  405. The others know where to go, and head to their respective beds. Germ shuts the cage doors, his job well done.
  407. Germ I heard your stomach. It's hungry.
  408. player Uh…
  409. Germ Go ahead and have a midnight snack. I've got plenty.
  410. player Oh right. I almost forgot that most of this was technically not pet food.
  411. Germ I do that all the time!
  413. You look around and spot a banana. That'll do.
  414. You peel and take a bite. What now?
  416. player Should I return the wheel barrow?
  417. Germ We'll do that tomorrow. Ms. K is probably asleep by now anyway.
  418. You got a long way to walk back home, don't you?
  419. I'd invite you stay the night, but my family's asleep too.
  420. Wouldn't wanna have a stranger in my bedroom next morning!
  421. player Oh yeah…
  422. Germ How 'bout I walk with you?
  424. Germ is smiling, but he looks tired.
  426. player You sure? My house is nearly all the way across town.
  427. And you'd have to walk all the way back to your place.
  428. Germ It's okay, I don't mind.
  430. You should get some sleep, don't you think? I'll be okay by myself.
  431. I'd really appreciate you coming with me, actually.
  433. -sleep
  434. Germ Well, if you insist.
  435. Hope I made your Longest Night a little better!
  436. player You did, thanks!
  438. You toss the banana peel into the nearest can and head out, walking back to the parking lot.
  439. You worry that you've disappointed him, but you were concerned by how tired he looked, and you didn't want him to push himself any harder for your sake.
  440. At least now you think about the day you had. Germs seems genuinely nice, if a little strange.
  441. Taking care of that many needy animals seems like such incredibly hard work. You're not sure if have enough emotional fortitude to do it yourself.
  442. The walk back seems even longer than the way over somehow. The only sound is your own footsteps.
  443. You suddenly feel very lonely without Germ around. You look forward to the next time you get to hang out with him.
  444. When you finally reach your house, quickly enter it and head straight to bed. You practically collapse into it, and fall asleep instantly.
  446. -walk
  447. player It's been pretty nice hanging out.
  448. Germ Cool.
  449. Glad to be worthy of hanging-out-ness.
  451. You toss the banana peel into the nearest can and both head out, walking back towards the parking lot.
  453. Germ It's literally all downhill from here. No stairs to climb.
  454. player Thank goodness, I ache from all this walking.
  455. Germ You'll have pretty strong legs after this!
  456. player I had better!
  457. Germ It was still worth it.
  458. player Yeah, it was. It was nice meeting your rescues.
  459. Germ You're welcome to visit any time.
  460. Maybe my parents will learn you exist next time.
  462. You laugh, albeit a bit wearily.
  463. You had no idea Germ was so… different.
  465. player So how come I don't see you hanging out with the others much?
  466. Germ Taking care of the animals takes a lot of time.
  467. And I'm pretty sure I'm not part of the "core group".
  468. player What, just because you're not always there?
  469. Germ Nah, it's not that.
  470. Y'know Mae, Bea, Gregg, and Angus? They've been through a lot together.
  471. It's like destiny and stuff.
  472. I'm kind of a spectator.
  473. player Isn't that kinda putting yourself down a bit?
  474. Germ Nah, I don't mind.
  475. Everyone's got their own drama, but those four? They seem to share it.
  476. player Well I'm glad to be with you.
  477. Germ I thought I was the one helping!
  478. player Ha, maybe it's mutual!
  480. You both laugh, feeling a little better.
  482. player Y'know, I don't think I could what you do. Taking care of animals like that.
  483. Germ Not everyone's up to it.
  484. You gotta accept that it's not always easy or fun.
  485. And you can't be squeamish.
  486. player I'll bet.
  487. Germ Mae loves animals too, but she gets all weird when I mention Sriracha's leg or Stormcloud's blindness.
  488. player Oh, too bad.
  489. Germ I think her empathy gland is too big.
  491. You snort.
  493. player Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh…
  494. Germ S'okay, I'd bet Mae would laugh too!
  495. But yeah, sometimes empathy can actually make stuff harder!
  496. Having a big heart can be rough!
  497. player I thought you said it was her empathy gland!
  498. Germ Everything's too big. We'll have to operate.
  499. player Even her funny bone looks a little funny.
  500. Germ Just don't touch the sides. It'll make her nose light up!
  502. You both fall into a fit of giddy laughter, bent over in the middle of town.
  504. player Oh God, somebody will hear us…
  505. Germ We're just Saint Nicodemus' elves, checking in on the townsfolk.
  506. Our laughter is a comfort.
  507. player Oh God, stop, I'm tearing up…
  508. I'm so tired, I think I'm going crazy…
  509. Germ Ok, ok, ok!
  510. Let's keep going!
  512. Your laughter slowly fades, and you move on. You're on the last leg of the journey, and you point the way to your house to Germ.
  514. Germ I thought all the houses down this way were like, abandoned.
  515. player Not this one, anyway.
  516. Well, maybe it was after all, when my dad disappeared.
  517. Germ Cool. Living in an abandoned house.
  519. You arrive at your driveway. Germ seems to take it as his cue to say goodbye.
  521. Germ Hope I made your Longest Night a little better!
  522. player You did, thanks!
  524. He waves and turns to leave. You’re sorry to see him go, but it's been a long day.
  525. You quickly enter your house and head straight to bed. You practically collapse into it, and fall asleep instantly.
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