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a guest
May 6th, 2015
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  1. # Usage:
  2. This method is *great*.
  3. You can use it to do all kinds of things.
  4. 1. Make you a sandwich.
  5. 2. Bake a delicious raspberry pie.
  6. 3. End world hunger
  7. 4. Find a cure for virus
  8. # Parameters:
  9. 1. This parameter is useful.
  10. 2. Not as useful as this one!
  11. 3. An extra-useful parameter, in fact
  12. it is so useful, it deserves an extra line!
  13. # Exceptions
  14. * NullReference: This means I fucked up!
  15. * ArgumentOutOfRange: This means you fucked up!
  16. * OutOfMemory: This means we all fucked up!
  17. # Remarks
  18. If you're reading this part, you must be **really** bored.
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