

Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. if {game} is true:
  3. set player's gamemode to spectator
  4. teleport player to {spectatespawn}
  5. if {default.%player%} is set:
  6. set join message to "&7%player% &eJoined."
  7. if {vip.%player%} is set:
  8. set join message to "&a[VIP] %player% &6joined the game!"
  9. if {vip+.%player%} is set:
  10. set join message to "&a[VIP&6+&a] %player% &6joined the game!"
  11. if {mvp.%player%} is set:
  12. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &b[MVP] %player% &6joined the game! &a<&c<&b<"
  13. if {mvp+.%player%} is set:
  14. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &b[MVP&c+&b] %player% &6joined the game! &a<&c<&b<"
  15. if {special.%player%} is set:
  16. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &d[SPECIAL] %player% &6joined the game! &a<&c<&b<"
  17. if {admin.%player%} is set:
  18. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &c[ADMIN] %player% &6joined the game! &a<&c<&b<"
  20. on quit:
  21. if {game} is true:
  22. set quit message to "&7%player% &7Disconnected."
  23. execute console command "/kill %player%"
  25. on death of player:
  26. if {game} is true:
  27. set death message to "%victim% &ewas killed by %attacker%"
  29. command /menu:
  30. trigger:
  31. if {lobby} is true:
  32. open chest with 3 row named "&aMenu" to player
  33. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to nether star named "&aゲームに参加" with lore "&7ここをクリックすると" and "&7チーム選択画面に移り、" and "&7ゲームに参加できます。" and "&1" and "&8Click to open"
  34. set slot 13 of player's current inventory to emerald named "&aショップ" with lore "&7ここをクリックすると" and "&7キットまたはコスチューム購入画面に移り、" and "&7購入することができます。" and "&1" and "&8Click to open"
  35. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to chest named "&aコスチューム" with lore "&7ここをクリックすると" and "&7コスチューム選択画面に移り、" and "&7自分の所持しているコスチュームを" and "&7選択しています。" and "&1" and "&8Click to open"
  37. on inventory click:
  38. if name of player's current inventory contain "&aMenu":
  39. cancel event
  40. if name of clicked item is "&aゲームに参加":
  41. open chest with 3 row named "&aMenu" to player
  42. set slot 11 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&c赤チームに参加" with lore "&7ここをクリックすると" and "&7赤チームに参加します。" and "&1" and "&8Click to join"
  43. set slot 15 of player's current inventory to blue wool named "&9青チームに参加" with lore "&7ここをクリックすると" and "&7青チームに参加します。" and "&1" and "&8Click to join"
  46. on explode:
  47. cancel event
  49. on drop:
  50. if {lobby} is true:
  51. cancel event
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