

Apr 14th, 2013
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  1. /********************************************************************************************
  2.  *
  3.  * Greetings & Welcome to ByteCoin v0.1.. Pls visit
  4.  *
  5.  * The year is 2013 & the bitcoin project has been running for about 10years already..
  6.  * The nr of bitcoin blocks produced is roughly halfway of total production with
  7.  * ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) already developed but not being bought
  8.  * on a scale we've seen from the various computer platforms that have emerged, yet..
  9.  * We've seen Mainframes, DataCentres, Desktops, Laptops, iPads, the iPhone & what not..
  10.  * With every development cycle in IC technology there has been both an increase in scale
  11.  * & complexity, a reduction in size as well as an increase in clock speed..
  12.  * So the production of bitcoins is not going be long to reach it's target volume with
  13.  * more & more people learning about it, wanting to be in on the action, figuring out
  14.  * how to make use of idle computer time at their disposal (especially in large numbers)
  15.  * in order to generate cash..
  16.  *
  17.  * The word cash would require some more thought so #HWG..
  18.  * We as a human race have been raised with the concept of money / currencies dating back
  19.  * to the dark days when the first coins were introduced, so it's existence has become a basic fact
  20.  * of life that a child will come to know about money in no other way than that it's real..
  21.  * Here's a wake-up call.. It's not.. It's a scheme..
  22.  *
  23.  * The concept of having a currency backed by Gold is not bad at all 2 be honest..
  24.  * We simply need to have ways of interacting / trading with one & other so money / currencies
  25.  * is something we simply can't do without.. The problem however is that the system is
  26.  * rigged & the whole population is being kept in the psychological prison of thoughts like
  27.  * 'there is not enough', 'there is lack' followed by the 'fear of lack' and greed..
  28.  * Look at how any country runs it's operation, people are being suppressed, kept small,
  29.  * brainwashed by the thing we just can't get away from, out TV-set & all is fueled by fear..
  30.  * That is how one keeps an entire race, even a clever one, in check.. Everyone learns that
  31.  * there's law & order & one has to follow the rules, regulations, standards & norms that
  32.  * society has brought forth.. Or else.. They are going to hunt you down, put you to trail
  33.  * and lock you up with some parts of the world bringing in torture & death to have the
  34.  * fear generating mechanism work even better..
  35.  *
  36.  * Here's what.. We are going to re-write this program..
  37.  *
  38.  * A human being can be thought of as a highly advanced computer system, running a chemical
  39.  * plant by means of sending electrical signals through our nervous system & than we're
  40.  * probably going to have a snare from the Big Man upstairs because we left out some vital details..
  41.  *
  42.  * So all biology is in fact chemistry &
  43.  * .. all chemistry is in fact physics &
  44.  * .. all physics is in fact mathematics..
  45.  * .. factor in the energy supply from the sun & the effect of the moon creating tides..
  46.  * .. and we have ourselves an ecosystem amazing beyond description..
  47.  * .. We would like to call it Mother Earth & Mother Nature..
  48.  * .. and than comes God..
  49.  *
  50.  * <<SSystem>> is now know as <G0D>
  51.  * <<G0D>> 0k dan.. #HWG..
  52.  *
  53.  * So we have human beings that are not just amazing in design or capacity but it's nature
  54.  * is such that it is friendly, loving, seeking harmony & helpful to name but a few..
  55.  * Now this changes when this peaceful & loving creature get's attacked, physically,
  56.  * emotionally or psychologically or when it's primary means to sustain itself are being
  57.  * taken away by force or circumstances.. Then the built-in mechanism of 'fight or flight'
  58.  * kicks in.. If you watch Cesar Millan's brilliant show the DogWhisperer you will see
  59.  * that dog's are not only much more receptive to smells & energy but
  60.  * they have the exact same mechanism built in.. Nothing wrong with that..
  61.  * Barack Obama just confirmed to Benjamin Netanyahoo on his trip to the middle east
  62.  * that Israel has the right to defend itself.. Nothing wrong with that either..
  63.  * Just like any human being has that right but not even in our precious so called
  64.  * civilized world one is allowed to act in such a way..
  65.  *
  66.  * So what went wrong.. We were given this marvelous planet on which abundance is
  67.  * the rule of law & we have a loving, peaceful race a the top of the food-chain..
  68.  *
  69.  * What happened is that we've been #hacked..
  70.  * It must've been somewhere about 13k years ago but that nr is not confirmed..
  71.  * Think of 2000 years, according to our calendar while the Jews are already counting
  72.  * 6000 years (like 3! times more history) & than double that.. That's a long time..
  73.  * The thing is that even our history is being manipulated / rigged & we are being told
  74.  * what they want us to know & we are not informed about what they don't want us to know..
  75.  *
  76.  * So who is 'they' you might be wondering..
  77.  * John Lennon said the following: "Our society is run by insane people, for insane
  78.  * objectives & i'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's
  79.  * what is insane about it.." That's them & they use fear, oppression & finance in
  80.  * order to keep the whole population suppressed & mentally inprisoned..
  81.  *
  82.  * So we're going to re-write this program..
  83.  *
  84.  * The beauty about the human super-computer is not only that it can be programmed,
  85.  * but it can also be de-programmed or debugged if you will..
  86.  *
  87.  * <<G0D>> is now know as <debugger>
  88.  * <<debugger>> 0k dan.. #HWG..
  89.  *
  90.  ********************************************************************************************
  91.  *
  92.  */
  94. #include <sys/system.h>
  95. #include <sys/time.h>
  96. #include <stdio>
  98. int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  99. {
  100.   cout << "Ladies & Gentlemen.. Welcome #Abort..";
  102. }
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