

Jun 22nd, 2016
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  1. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2. (Chameleon) *is hit, flies back*
  3. 3:30
  4. LSDKama
  5. (???) *Sends the metal dust at Chameleon, it forming a javelin mid-air.*
  6. 3:32
  7. Gallibon the Destroyer
  8. (Chameleon) *grabs the javelin*
  9. (Chameleon) *snaps it into two*
  10. 3:33
  11. LSDKama
  12. (???) *Slams his front hooks again, charging up magnetic energy.*
  13. 3:33
  14. Gallibon the Destroyer
  15. (Chameleon) *burrows*
  16. (Chameleon) *pops back up and kangaroo kicks (???) *
  17. 3:35
  18. LSDKama
  19. (???) *Knocked down.*
  20. (???) *Gets back up, jabbing Chameleon in the head.*
  21. 3:37
  22. Gallibon the Destroyer
  23. (Chameleon) *is hit, stumbles back*
  24. Welcome to WZRP Chat!!!! (mot) <(hai)
  25. 3:37
  26. Gallibon the Destroyer
  27. (Chameleon) *burrows away*
  28. 3:37
  29. Fr0stfur
  30. hi o/
  31. 3:37
  32. Gallibon the Destroyer
  33. o/
  34. 3:37
  35. GarudaGoji
  36. Hi
  37. 3:38
  38. LSDKama
  39. Hi
  40. 3:39
  41. Fr0stfur
  42. and then chat was dead
  43. 3:39
  44. GarudaGoji
  45. yay
  46. JadgVlady has been slashed by Gigan!
  47. 3:42
  48. Fr0stfur
  49. yy.
  50. 3:42
  51. Gallibon the Destroyer
  52. test
  53. Kama, PM
  54. 3:46
  55. Gojiran103
  56. bbl
  57. o/
  58. 3:46
  59. DrGodzilla120
  60. o/
  61. 3:46
  62. GarudaGoji
  63. bye gojiran
  64. 3:46
  65. LSDKama
  66. bye
  67. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  68. You are now away.
  69. You are no longer away.
  70. 3:50
  71. Gallibon the Destroyer
  72. *As (Chameleon) digs away, two figures standby*
  73. (Emperor Tazarus) *facepalms*
  74. (Garbage Monster) <(What is the matter? I thought Chamleon did alright.)
  75. (Emperor Tazarus) <(I know, but this has become a repeat.)
  76. (Garbage Monster) <(I see.)
  77. (Emperor Tazarus) <(Not to mention our most recent attack on Indonesia did not go to well....)
  78. (Garbage Monster) *awkwardly* <(Hehe.)
  79. (Emperor Tazarus) <(Effiency has also gone downward like a spiral.)
  80. (Emperor Tazarus) <(Ugh, this is become more irritating than the invasion of Mortellon.)
  81. (Garbage Monster) <(That was such a boring planet.)
  82. (Emperor Tazarus) <(Your not alone, our forces almost fell asleep while attacking.)
  83. *The two suddenly do no feel alone*
  84. *Almost as if somebody is watching them*
  85. (Emperor Tazarus) *sense it* <(....)
  86. 3:56
  87. GarudaGoji
  88. mmmmmmmmmkay
  89. 3:56
  90. Gallibon the Destroyer
  91. (Garbage Monster) *takes out his "Trash Blade"*
  92. (Garbage Monster) <(HALT! Who goes there!?)
  93. (Emperor Tazarus) *poses*
  94. (???) *only his voice can be heard* <(You need help I hear? Look no further then me.)
  95. (Garbage Monster) <(Who said that?!?) *looks around* <(Are you some kind of tree monster?)
  96. (Garbage Monster) <(....He's behind me, isn't he?) *checks*
  97. (???) *to (Garbage Monster) * <(I'm in front of you.)
  98. (Garbage Monster) <(AH!)
  99. (Emperor Tazarus) *facepalms*
  100. (???) *appears to be a slick, dark-colored Jiran*
  101. (Emperor Tazarus) <(Who are you? A newcomer?)
  102. 4:00
  103. GarudaGoji
  104. f-f
  105. 4:00
  106. Gallibon the Destroyer
  107. (???) <(I heard about you before.)
  108. (Emperor Tazarus) <(How?)
  109. Flaredragon00 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  110. 4:01
  111. Gallibon the Destroyer
  112. o/
  113. 4:01
  114. LSDKama
  115. hi
  116. 4:01
  117. GarudaGoji
  118. Hi i guess
  119. 4:01
  120. Gallibon the Destroyer
  121. (???) <(Didn't you come here in Janurary?)
  122. (???) <(I recall you sending in Garbage Monster then as well.)
  123. (???) <(Plus I recall hearing about your attacks on the Oceania.)
  124. (Emperor Tazarus) <(How do you know this?)
  125. (???) <(I get around.)
  126. (???) <(And about your "effeinceny" problem....)
  127. (???) <(I can fix that.)
  128. (Garbage Monster) *to (???) * <(NO! We've got a ton of supplies from the KoZ, we don't need your help!)
  129. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  130. 4:05
  131. Thegoldnguy
  132. ayyyo
  133. 4:05
  134. Gallibon the Destroyer
  135. (Emperor Tazarus) <(Garbage Monster, shut up.)
  136. o/
  137. 4:05
  138. Thegoldnguy
  139. Got Godzilla on PS4 a couple hours ago.
  140. One word:
  141. "Boring".
  142. 4:05
  143. ShodaiGoro
  144. Geez
  145. 4:06
  146. Gallibon the Destroyer
  147. (Emperor Tazarus) <(It'd be foolish to turn down someone's help.)
  148. (Garbage Monster) <(This guy seems pretty shifty.)
  149. (???) <(I will admit I get that a lot from others who meet me.)
  150. (???) <(I'd also like to say I'm not from around here.)
  151. (Garbage Monster) <(So your a SpaceJiran?)
  152. (???) <(Close.)
  153. (??) *suddenly appears from behind (Emperor Tazarus) *
  154. (???) <(So what do you think?)
  155. 4:08
  156. GarudaGoji
  157. And you'll be contantly assasulted by messages such as "godzilla is approaching the generator" and all that jazz.
  158. 4:09
  159. Gallibon the Destroyer
  160. (Emperor Tazarus) <(I don't know; are you legit?)
  161. 4:09
  162. Thegoldnguy
  163. Godzilla has entered zone 5
  164. Squad 4, proceed with attack phase.
  165. Godzilla is approaching the generator
  166. The generator is losing power
  167. 4:10
  168. GarudaGoji
  169. Those messages, yep.
  170. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  171. 4:10
  172. Thegoldnguy
  173. a kaiju has appeared
  174. It's King "Geedarah"
  175. 4:11
  176. GarudaGoji
  177. The ones that drive you slowly to lose sanity and want you to stick a knife right on your brain.
  178. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  179. 4:13
  180. Gallibon the Destroyer
  181. (???) <(Beleive me, yes. I have helped out other people similar to you and their all successes.)
  182. (Emperor Tazarus) *thinks*
  183. (Emperor Tazarus) <(I'll consider it.)
  184. (???) <(Good.)
  185. (Garbage Monster) *to (Emperor Tazarus) * <(Do you really trust this guy?)
  186. (Emperor Tazarus) <(We see what he does in his first days. If he gets fishy, I'll give you the order to throttle him.)
  187. (Garbage Monster) <(Yes boss.)
  188. (Emperor Tazarus) *back to (???) * <(Alright, wed like to-
  189. (???) *has left*
  190. (Garbage Monster) <(He's gone?)
  191. 4:16
  192. Fr0stfur
  193. Godzilla is approaching the generator.
  194. The generator is losing power.
  195. 4:16
  196. Gallibon the Destroyer
  197. (Emperor Tazarus) *looks down below and sees a card* <(Not quite.)
  198. (Emperor Tazarus) *reads it*
  199. 4:16
  200. Fr0stfur
  201. Godzilla is approaching the generator.
  202. 4:16
  203. Gallibon the Destroyer
  204. *It says "Inconnu"*
  205. 4:16
  206. Fr0stfur
  207. The generator is losing power.
  208. 4:16
  209. Gallibon the Destroyer
  210. End of solo RP.
  211. 4:17
  212. GarudaGoji
  213. mmmmmmmmmmmmmkay
  214. 4:18
  215. Gallibon the Destroyer
  216. KK
  217. 4:19
  218. GarudaGoji
  219. No
  220. 4:20
  221. Gallibon the Destroyer
  222. Yes.
  223. You are now away.
  224. brb
  225. 4:25
  226. Thegoldnguy
  227. poopy
  228. brb
  229. 4:30
  230. Gallibon the Destroyer
  231. back
  232. Oh darnit
  233. You are no longer away.
  234. 4:35
  235. GarudaGoji
  236. -|_|-
  237. 0|_|0
  238. 4:39
  239. Gallibon the Destroyer
  240. <_>
  241. LSDKama has been slashed by Gigan!
  242. LSDKama has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  243. 4:44
  244. Thegoldnguy
  245. I am an emissary from hell! SUPAIDAMA!
  246. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  247. 4:46
  248. Thegoldnguy
  249. Imma do a brief solo RP
  250. 4:46
  251. Gallibon the Destroyer
  252. Alright.
  253. 4:47
  254. Thegoldnguy
  255. *Someone knocks on Rilah's door* (Rilah) <(Yo. Who is it?) *She opens the door, only to be greeted by Jack.*
  256. (Jack) <(It's me, the new guy. I just wanted to ask you something.)
  257. (Rilah) <(Er, yeah?)
  258. (Jack) <(Who were those strange men in your apartment last night? From the way it sounded, they broke in.)
  259. (Rilah) <(...excuse me?) *She quickly realizes there were people that broke into her apartment during her fight with Saturn.*
  260. (Rilah) <(...oh, yeah. They seem to be gone now.) *She cracks her knuckles*
  261. 4:49
  262. LSDKama
  263. *Namely LSDKama and SQM...*
  264. 4:49
  265. Thegoldnguy
  266. (Jack) <(Alright then. I could deal with people those if you're ever gone, okay?)
  267. (Rilah) *She looks him over.* <(Naaah... you don't look strong enough...)
  268. 4:50
  269. LSDKama
  270. (Emil Jäger) *Is in a VTOL heading for Richmond, Virginia.*
  271. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  272. 4:50
  273. Thegoldnguy
  274. (Jack) <(Appearances can be deceiving, Rilah.) *He nods and returns to his room.*
  275. 4:50
  276. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  277. Hi
  278. 4:50
  279. LSDKama
  280. Hi
  281. 4:50
  282. Thegoldnguy
  283. Ha
  284. *hai
  285. 4:50
  286. Gallibon the Destroyer
  287. o/
  288. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  289. 4:51
  290. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  292. 4:52
  293. Thegoldnguy
  294. Still not as good as Toei Spider-Man.
  295. 4:52
  296. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  297. I really like that Goblin costume tho
  298. 4:52
  299. Thegoldnguy
  300. It is rather impressive, yes.
  302. 4:53
  303. LSDKama
  304. (Emil Jäger) *VTOL lands on the STADPA US. Embassy.*
  305. (Emil Jäger) *Gets out.*
  306. 4:53
  307. Thegoldnguy
  308. Change Leopardon!
  309. Any Goblin is better than the one from Amazing Spider-Man 2.
  310. 4:56
  311. Gallibon the Destroyer
  312. ^
  313. Flaredragon00 has been slashed by Gigan!
  314. 4:56
  315. Thegoldnguy
  316. At least the other Goblins practiced dental hygene.
  317. 4:58
  318. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  319. gtg
  320. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has been slashed by Gigan!
  321. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  322. 5:00
  323. LSDKama
  324. ...
  325. 5:01
  326. Thegoldnguy
  327. yech
  328. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  329. 5:01
  330. Gallibon the Destroyer
  331. ...
  332. 5:02
  333. ShodaiGoro
  334. (KoDeibu)
  335. 5:02
  336. Gallibon the Destroyer
  337. ...
  338. 5:02
  339. LSDKama
  340. (Emil Jäger) *Looks around.*
  341. *Somebody else departs the VTOL, which then takes off.*
  342. 5:03
  343. Thegoldnguy
  344. bbl, gonna play Godzilla again
  345. 5:03
  346. GarudaGoji
  347. mmmmmmkay
  348. 5:03
  349. LSDKama
  350. Bye
  351. Thegoldnguy has been slashed by Gigan!
  352. 5:03
  353. ShodaiGoro
  354. o/
  355. 5:03
  356. LSDKama
  357. (Emil Jäger) *Walks down, ending his cameo.*
  358. 5:06
  359. Gallibon the Destroyer
  360. o/
  361. ...
  362. 5:12
  363. GarudaGoji
  364. I'm just beating up random characters in MUGEN as raditz.
  365. 5:12
  366. Gallibon the Destroyer
  367. k
  368. At least you doing something.
  369. *your
  370. 5:13
  371. GarudaGoji
  372. I guess you could say that.
  373. Gallibon the Destroyer
  374. yeah
  375. Gojiratheking has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  376. 5:19
  377. LSDKama
  378. (???) *Looks similar to a Chojin, but with traits of the Greater Lostverse^ Purgatorian species.*
  379. [^GLV.]
  380. 5:24
  381. GarudaGoji
  382. boooo
  383. 5:24
  384. LSDKama
  385. (???) *Walks down the steps and into the embassy.*
  386. 5:26
  387. Gallibon the Destroyer
  388. booloni
  389. LSDKama has been slashed by Gigan!
  390. LSDKama has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  391. 5:39
  392. GarudaGoji
  393. (dat boi)
  394. 5:40
  395. Gojiratheking
  396. (dat boi) vs (sanic) vs (shrek)
  397. 5:40
  398. Gallibon the Destroyer
  399. BBL, work
  400. o/
  401. 5:40
  402. DrGodzilla120
  403. o/
  404. (John Cena) wins.
  405. 5:40
  406. Gojiratheking
  407. (wave)
  408. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  409. 5:41
  410. Gojiratheking
  411. XD
  412. LSDKama has been slashed by Gigan!
  413. 5:42
  414. DrGodzilla120
  416. LSDKama has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  417. 5:47
  418. GarudaGoji
  419. u-u
  420. [oops]
  421. ShodaiGoro
  422. dr's avatar on ff.nt
  423. is pepe
  424. wtf
  425. 6:00
  426. Gojiratheking
  427. XD
  428. wait
  429. (pepe)
  430. nope
  431. 6:00
  432. GarudaGoji
  433. dr dislikes normies
  434. 6:01
  435. Gojiratheking
  436. What about the dank maymays?
  437. aka memes
  438. Welcome to WZRP Chat!!!! (mot) <(hai)
  439. 6:04
  440. GarudaGoji
  441. dooooooooooongs
  442. 6:05
  443. Gojiratheking
  444. (expand dong)
  445. 6:15
  446. DrGodzilla120
  447. Currently working on a story for the Smaller Dracoverse.
  448. Which features abominations like the Monster Barracuda and Geglet.
  449. 6:15
  450. GarudaGoji
  451. yy
  452. 6:18
  453. DrGodzilla120
  454. Geglet is a fusion of Showa MechaGodzilla and SMG who uses a sentient advertisement piece as his main weapon.
  455. ...
  456. I found the best compound ever.
  457. Or whatever this is.
  459. BRB
  460. 6:36
  461. GarudaGoji
  463. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  464. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  465. 6:51
  466. Gojiratheking
  468. AHHH
  469. 6:54
  470. ShodaiGoro
  471. bbl
  472. o/
  473. ShodaiGoro has been slashed by Gigan!
  474. 6:55
  475. Gojiratheking
  476. are we sure this isn't half life 3?
  477. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  478. 6:58
  479. Thegoldnguy
  480. Aaaaayyyo
  481. 6:59
  482. GarudaGoji
  483. Oh hey, it's you again.
  484. 7:00
  485. Thegoldnguy
  486. Huzzah
  487. Just finished Godzilla PS4.
  488. 7:00
  489. LSDKama
  490. Hi
  491. 7:01
  492. Thegoldnguy
  493. I liked G14's reveal, but other than that it was underwhelming.
  494. And even then his reveal footage is ripped straight from the opening.
  495. LSDKama has been slashed by Gigan!
  496. LSDKama has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  497. 7:18
  498. Fr0stfur
  499. You finished it?
  500. like, 100%?
  501. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  502. 7:19
  503. Gallibon the Destroyer
  504. Hello.
  505. o/
  506. Oh wow, a dead chat.
  507. 7:21
  508. LSDKama
  509. Hi
  510. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  511. You are now away.
  512. 7:28
  513. Gallibon the Destroyer
  514. Back to one of my old avatars.
  515. 7:32
  516. Gojiratheking
  517. OMG
  519. IS NOW A GIANT EGG!!!!!!!1
  520. XD
  521. 7:33
  522. Gallibon the Destroyer
  524. JadgVlady has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  525. 7:41
  526. JadgVlady
  527. aaa
  528. 7:41
  529. LSDKama
  530. hi
  531. 7:41
  532. Gojiratheking
  533. aaa
  535. 7:43
  536. JadgVlady
  537. anti-aircraft armament
  538. 7:43
  539. LSDKama
  540. *Shoots Vlady.*
  541. GarudaGoji has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  542. 7:44
  543. LSDKama
  544. Hi
  545. 7:44
  546. GarudaGoji
  547. Hi
  548. 7:44
  549. Gallibon the Destroyer
  550. o/
  551. 7:47
  552. JadgVlady
  553. o6
  554. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  555. 7:47
  556. JadgVlady
  557. o7
  558. 7:47
  559. Gojiratheking
  560. OH NO, NOT SONIC 06!
  561. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  562. 7:50
  563. Gallibon the Destroyer
  564. ...
  565. 7:51
  566. GarudaGoji
  567. Mission
  568. Fishing
  569. Diminish
  570. You are no longer away.
  571. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  572. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  573. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  574. 7:57
  575. Gojiratheking
  576. TEST
  577. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  578. 7:57
  579. Gallibon the Destroyer
  580. .................
  581. Internet...
  582. Gojiran103 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  583. 8:00
  584. GarudaGoji
  585. Hi
  586. 8:01
  587. Thegoldnguy
  588. Ayyo also hi
  589. 8:01
  590. JadgVlady
  591. hi
  592. 8:01
  593. Thegoldnguy
  594. very quiet day
  595. 8:01
  596. JadgVlady
  597. wanna start a RP~?
  598. 8:01
  599. Gojiran103
  600. wow so dead
  601. 8:01
  602. Gallibon the Destroyer
  603. dead chat
  604. 8:04
  605. Gojiratheking
  607. 8:10
  608. Gallibon the Destroyer
  609. test
  610. 8:11
  611. Thegoldnguy
  613. 8:12
  614. GarudaGoji
  615. aaaaaaaaaaaa
  616. 8:13
  617. Gallibon the Destroyer
  619. 8:15
  620. Gojiratheking
  621. then jaden's all like "what the heck mate" XD
  622. 8:19
  623. JadgVlady
  624. oooooooooH
  625. 8:19
  626. Gallibon the Destroyer
  627. oooooooooooooooooh
  628. Flaredragon00 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  629. 8:22
  630. Gojiran103
  631. test
  632. 8:23
  633. Gallibon the Destroyer
  634. o/
  635. 8:23
  636. Thegoldnguy
  637. o hai Flur
  638. When is MI3 starting again? I have characters indefinitely suspended in that until it ends.
  639. 8:24
  640. Flaredragon00
  641. I have no idea
  642. 8:24
  643. GarudaGoji
  644. (shrug)
  645. 8:24
  646. Flaredragon00
  647. I'm not coordinating MIW3, Krazar is.
  648. 8:24
  649. Thegoldnguy
  650. I know
  651. It was a rhetorical question.
  652. 8:25
  653. GarudaGoji
  654. And he gave you a rhetorical answer. :p
  655. 8:26
  656. Thegoldnguy
  657. Not exactly rhetorical. He responded as if I was asking him specifically.
  658. 8:26
  659. JadgVlady
  660. nei
  661. 8:26
  662. Gallibon the Destroyer
  663. Hmm...
  664. 8:26
  665. Gojiran103
  666. Krazar knows when MIW3 is starting; we don't
  667. So, who knows.
  668. 8:28
  669. Gallibon the Destroyer
  670. Yeah.
  671. I haven't seen Krazar in a while now actually.
  672. 8:31
  673. Thegoldnguy
  674. He was banned.
  675. 8:31
  676. Gojiran103
  677. Just for two days, though.
  678. 8:31
  679. Gallibon the Destroyer
  680. Really?
  681. User:Krazar77
  682. 8:31
  683. GarudaGoji
  684. Yeah.
  685. 8:31
  686. Gallibon the Destroyer
  687. Doesn't look like it.
  688. 8:31
  689. Thegoldnguy
  690. Apparently it was because "Super Bagan", MI3's final boss, was intentionally targetting main characters.
  691. 8:32
  692. Gallibon the Destroyer
  693. Isn't that what a final boss is supposed to do though?
  694. 8:32
  695. Gojiran103
  696. And godmodding.
  697. 8:32
  698. JadgVlady
  699. elelelele no
  700. 8:32
  701. Gojiran103
  702. No
  703. 8:32
  704. Gallibon the Destroyer
  705. Especially if it's called "Super Bagan"?
  706. 8:32
  707. JadgVlady
  708. i saw a good villain must dear with the "weak" ones first
  709. say*
  710. 8:32
  711. Fr0stfur
  712. dear?
  713. 8:32
  714. JadgVlady
  715. because you know, they may just have a trick undr their sleeve
  716. deal*
  717. 8:33
  718. Gojiran103
  719. Krazar's been banned eight times...
  720. 8:33
  721. Fr0stfur
  722. whoa
  723. 8:34
  724. Gallibon the Destroyer
  725. The seventh one was a misunderstanding though.
  726. 8:34
  727. JadgVlady
  728. what
  729. EIGHT times
  730. holy doolee
  731. 8:34
  732. Gojiran103
  733. Kinda surpasses the seventh ban limit wher eif you're banned seven times you're banned forever
  734. 8:35
  735. JadgVlady
  736. what
  737. 8:35
  738. Fr0stfur
  739. By comparison
  740. 8:35
  741. JadgVlady
  742. ho-lee SHIT
  743. 8:35
  744. Fr0stfur
  745. Herokra was only banned twice
  746. 8:35
  747. Gojiran103
  748. Krazar acts up mate @Vlads
  749. 8:35
  750. Gallibon the Destroyer
  751. The seventh one was a misunderstanding though.
  752. 8:35
  753. Fr0stfur
  754. Not counting a ban by Goro to test something
  755. 8:35
  756. Gallibon the Destroyer
  757. Remember? Back in February?
  758. 8:35
  759. Thegoldnguy
  760. Oh yeah
  761. 8:36
  762. Gojiran103
  763. Banning Herokra for a test? Sounds very suspicious
  764. 8:36
  765. JadgVlady
  766. just 4 curiosity, have I received a ban?
  767. 8:36
  768. Gojiran103
  769. nope
  770. 8:36
  771. GarudaGoji
  772. So the last ban will be a permament one.
  773. 8:36
  774. Gallibon the Destroyer
  775. Depending what is though.
  776. *it is
  777. 8:36
  778. Gojiran103
  779. If we go with the ban formula, then yeah.
  780. 8:36
  781. Fr0stfur
  782. @Gojiran
  783. 8:36
  784. JadgVlady
  785. damn krazar is goofd
  786. 8:36
  787. Fr0stfur
  788. 21:32, October 27, 2015 ShodaiGoro (wall | contribs | block) blocked HerokraShadowgem (wall | contribs) with an expiry time of 2 hours () (Just testing something, don't worry.) (unblock | change block)
  789. 8:36
  790. Gojiran103
  791. Nope you've never been banned Vlady
  792. 8:37
  793. Gallibon the Destroyer
  794. This is a disturbing....
  795. 8:37
  796. Gojiran103
  797. goro wasn't testing shit
  798. why would you ban herokra for a test
  799. 8:37
  800. Fr0stfur
  801. lol he unbanned him 1 minute later
  802. 8:37
  803. Gallibon the Destroyer
  804. Why were we talking about Krazar's bans exactly?
  805. 8:38
  806. JadgVlady
  807. because of MIW3
  808. 8:38
  809. Fr0stfur
  810. I'm gonna see how many times Ceo's been banned
  811. 8:38
  812. Gallibon the Destroyer
  813. That's not really a positive sign though.
  814. *topic, not sign
  815. 8:38
  816. Gojiran103
  817. Oh shit Ceo
  818. 8:38
  819. Fr0stfur
  820. wow
  821. only 4 times
  822. 1 for each alt
  823. 8:38
  824. Gojiran103
  825. wait really
  826. just four
  827. 8:38
  828. Fr0stfur
  829. yep
  830. 8:38
  831. Gallibon the Destroyer
  832. Ceo did worse though.
  833. 8:38
  834. Fr0stfur
  835. His first ban was permanent
  836. 8:39
  837. Gojiran103
  838. I thought he was banned ten times xd
  839. 8:39
  840. Gallibon the Destroyer
  841. Lemme check...
  842. 8:39
  843. Fr0stfur
  844. maybe that was Mantax?
  845. Special:Log/block?page=User:Ceoxal
  846. Mantax was also only banned once
  847. oh crap nvm
  848. i didn't check for chat bans
  849. Mantax had 4
  850. 3*
  851. 2*
  852. Goro and me banned him permanently at the same time so it doesn't really count
  853. 8:41
  854. Gallibon the Destroyer
  855. I could have sworn Coe was banned more...
  856. Did some of them get removed?
  857. *Ceo
  858. 8:41
  859. Gojiran103
  860. Who would unban CEO?
  861. 8:41
  862. Gallibon the Destroyer
  863. Also most of them bans for Krazar were kind of small....
  864. In terms of time.
  865. Again though, why bring this up?
  866. 8:42
  867. Fr0stfur
  868. ok Ceoxal was actually banned
  869. 12 times
  870. 8:43
  871. Gojiran103
  872. WOW
  873. 8:43
  874. GarudaGoji
  875. Say, who has the highest ammount of bans?
  876. 8:43
  877. Gojiran103
  879. 8:43
  880. Gallibon the Destroyer
  881. Lord Vehk?
  882. @Garuda
  883. 8:43
  884. Fr0stfur
  885. You wanna know how many ban's Krazar's had, counting chat bans AND blocks?
  886. Eleven
  887. 8:44
  888. GarudaGoji
  889. Jeez! He just barely there with Ceo in terms of Ban numbers!
  890. 8:44
  891. Gallibon the Destroyer
  892. ...
  893. 8:45
  894. Gojiran103
  895. These ban counts mayn
  896. 8:45
  897. Fr0stfur
  898. March 2015, April 2015, January 2016, February 2016, June 2016, December 2015, August 2015, April 2015 (Again), February 2015, January 2015
  899. 10 actually
  900. 8:45
  901. Gallibon the Destroyer
  902. ....
  903. 8:45
  904. Gojiran103
  906. 8:46
  907. GarudaGoji
  908. Jeez.
  909. 8:46
  910. Gallibon the Destroyer
  911. I hate this topic.
  912. 8:46
  913. Gojiran103
  914. Jesus
  915. 8:46
  916. Gallibon the Destroyer
  917. Can we talk about something else?
  918. 8:46
  919. Gojiran103
  920. That's REALLY bad
  921. 8:46
  922. JadgVlady
  923. boobs
  924. 8:46
  925. Gallibon the Destroyer
  926. I hate talking about bans.
  927. 8:46
  928. Gojiran103
  929. dr can talk about that @Vlady
  930. 8:48
  931. GarudaGoji
  932. Let's talk about....
  933. ...
  934. 8:48
  935. JadgVlady
  936. oh
  937. 8:48
  938. GarudaGoji
  939. (dat boi) !
  940. 8:48
  941. JadgVlady
  942. ehmmm
  943. 8:48
  944. Gojiran103
  945. Sweden?
  946. Koenigsegg?
  947. 8:48
  948. JadgVlady
  949. *sniff* no
  950. 8:48
  951. Thegoldnguy
  952. Dat boi is dead.
  953. 8:48
  954. JadgVlady
  955. marussia STRONK
  956. 8:49
  957. Gojiran103
  958. Marussia's are actually pretty radical. @Vlady
  959. 8:49
  960. JadgVlady
  961. ye
  962. 8:49
  963. Gallibon the Destroyer
  964. derp derp derp
  965. 8:50
  966. Gojiran103
  967. like this beauty
  968. 8:50
  969. JadgVlady
  970. have you heard the new mexican exotic car tho
  971. inferno exotic car, i believe
  972. You are now away.
  973. 8:50
  974. Gojiran103
  975. imma look it up
  976. 8:50
  977. JadgVlady
  978. like dood
  979. 8:50
  980. Gallibon the Destroyer
  981. derp
  982. 8:51
  983. JadgVlady
  984. this is like the mexican silver lightning
  985. 8:51
  986. Gojiran103
  987. looks like an extreme concept car
  988. 8:51
  989. Gallibon the Destroyer
  990. yee
  991. 8:51
  992. Gojiran103
  993. acceleration? top speed?
  994. engine?
  995. i'd like to know cause this does look awesome
  996. 8:52
  997. JadgVlady
  998. wait, let me look up
  999. ok
  1000. 8:52
  1001. Gojiran103
  1002. 245 MPH sounds gooood
  1003. 8:52
  1004. JadgVlady
  1005. so in terms of speed ehhhh
  1006. but the acceleration SHIT
  1007. 8:52
  1008. Gojiran103
  1009. oh...
  1010. You are no longer away.
  1011. 8:53
  1012. JadgVlady
  1013. &lt;3 .0S 60 MPH
  1014. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  1015. 8:53
  1016. JadgVlady
  1017. < 3.0S *
  1018. 8:53
  1019. Gojiran103
  1020. wow
  1021. 8:53
  1022. JadgVlady
  1023. also the 1400 HP is just goooood
  1024. 8:53
  1025. Gojiran103
  1026. that's kinda fuckin' trash
  1027. but at least the top speed is top quality
  1028. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1029. 8:53
  1030. Gojiran103
  1031. it surpasses the laferrari, p1, 918 and the veneno
  1032. or most hypercars
  1033. 8:53
  1034. JadgVlady
  1035. damn
  1036. 8:54
  1037. Gojiran103
  1038. a hypercar is a car that surpasses 200mph right
  1039. 8:54
  1040. JadgVlady
  1041. oh
  1042. i didn't know that tho
  1043. 8:54
  1044. Gojiran103
  1045. well hypercars are like
  1046. 8:55
  1047. JadgVlady
  1048. that you talk about it, the acceleration well, it's...
  1049. also aero efficiency looks good, nothing near a plane but ehh
  1050. 8:56
  1051. Gojiran103
  1052. yeh
  1053. don't all hypercars have like f1 or top spot car technology
  1054. 8:56
  1055. JadgVlady
  1056. maybe
  1057. 8:57
  1058. Gojiran103
  1059. seriously though 245mph and 1400hp sounds pretty satisfying
  1060. i like the inferno exotic car
  1061. 8:58
  1062. JadgVlady
  1063. which was the arabian car made out of cardboard?
  1064. 8:58
  1065. Gojiran103
  1066. you mean the devel sixteen
  1067. that thing was 345mph
  1068. 8:58
  1069. JadgVlady
  1070. damn
  1071. 8:58
  1072. Gojiran103
  1073. which i'm preeeetty sure we haven't reached the technology to add that much speed to a car yet
  1074. 8:58
  1075. JadgVlady
  1076. imagine going at the top speed and just breaks in halkf lmao
  1077. half*
  1078. like: "oh shit. my car just broke into two"
  1079. 8:59
  1080. Gojiran103
  1081. you can fucking die in that car
  1082. why would you ever go at 345mph, you could fly out
  1083. 8:59
  1084. JadgVlady
  1085. well
  1086. 9:00
  1087. Gojiran103
  1088. unless you're THAT insane and you wanna make it to top speed
  1089. 9:00
  1090. JadgVlady
  1091. or just don't care about life
  1092. aaand boooom
  1093. 9:00
  1094. Gojiran103
  1095. pretty much
  1096. 9:01
  1097. JadgVlady
  1098. also what you said about the tech of cars not going faster than that...
  1099. 9:01
  1100. Gojiran103
  1101. nyeeees
  1102. 9:01
  1103. JadgVlady
  1104. imagine if a jet fighter and a car had the love love
  1105. 9:01
  1106. Gojiran103
  1107. if you're talking about that rocket car that goes up to 1000mph
  1108. 9:01
  1109. JadgVlady
  1110. ye
  1111. 9:02
  1112. Gojiran103
  1113. you wouldn't see that on the street or on any race track
  1114. 9:02
  1115. JadgVlady
  1116. who knwos
  1117. knows*
  1118. 9:02
  1119. Gojiran103
  1120. wait
  1121. what are your thoughts on the chiron
  1122. 9:02
  1123. JadgVlady
  1124. looks like the old one
  1125. 9:02
  1126. Gojiran103
  1127. lol
  1128. 9:02
  1129. JadgVlady
  1130. a little bit uglier for me
  1131. 9:03
  1132. Gojiran103
  1133. i'm not sure if it has an even faster acceleration than the super sport but
  1134. 9:03
  1135. JadgVlady
  1136. lmao
  1137. 9:03
  1138. Gojiran103
  1139. it's electronically limited to 266mph, but people say that it can truly go up to 288mph
  1140. 9:03
  1141. JadgVlady
  1142. nah
  1143. 9:03
  1144. Gojiran103
  1145. that's almost 290mph
  1146. 9:03
  1147. JadgVlady
  1148. i don't believe going to 288 mph
  1149. 9:03
  1150. Gojiran103
  1151. and essentially 300mph
  1152. 9:04
  1153. JadgVlady
  1154. 300 mph? no
  1155. 9:04
  1156. Gojiran103
  1157. almost 300mph
  1158. 9:04
  1159. JadgVlady
  1160. ...except if you send it flying off a hill
  1161. 9:04
  1162. Gojiran103
  1163. lawl
  1164. 9:04
  1165. JadgVlady
  1166. or send it dive bombing
  1167. 9:04
  1168. Gojiran103
  1169. do you not like bugatti tho?
  1170. 9:05
  1171. JadgVlady
  1172. i like it
  1173. 9:05
  1174. Gojiran103
  1175. oh
  1176. 9:05
  1177. JadgVlady
  1178. the super sport's actually a very good car, just it's that the chiron is not my cup of tea
  1179. 9:05
  1180. Gojiran103
  1181. i like the chiron
  1182. 9:05
  1183. JadgVlady
  1184. and hell who would buy that car
  1185. 9:05
  1186. Gojiran103
  1187. i'm ehhhh on the appearance, but i'm jumping up and down on the specs it has
  1188. people who wanna die lawl
  1189. 9:06
  1190. JadgVlady
  1191. ...if you say very rich people i am going to shiv you
  1192. oh
  1193. lel
  1194. 9:06
  1195. Gojiran103
  1196. and very rich people
  1197. 9:06
  1198. JadgVlady
  1199. * JadgVlady shivs gojiran *
  1200. 9:06
  1201. Gojiran103
  1202. ow
  1203. i'm gonna look up how much it costs
  1204. 2.5 million
  1205. 9:06
  1206. Gojiratheking
  1207. gtg
  1208. 9:06
  1209. JadgVlady
  1210. shit
  1211. bye
  1212. 9:06
  1213. Gojiran103
  1214. o/
  1215. Gojiratheking has been slashed by Gigan!
  1216. 9:07
  1217. Flaredragon00
  1218. take
  1219. on
  1220. me
  1221. (take on me)
  1222. take
  1223. me
  1224. on
  1225. 9:07
  1226. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1227. o/
  1228. 9:07
  1229. Flaredragon00
  1230. (take on me)
  1231. 9:07
  1232. Gojiran103
  1233. there's cars that cost more than 2.5 million right vlads
  1234. 9:07
  1235. Flaredragon00
  1236. i'll
  1237. be
  1238. gone
  1239. 9:07
  1240. JadgVlady
  1241. the veneno?
  1242. 9:07
  1243. Flaredragon00
  1244. in a day or twoooooo
  1245. 9:07
  1246. Gojiran103
  1247. holy SHIT
  1248. it's 7.4 million
  1249. 9:07
  1250. JadgVlady
  1251. se
  1252. 9:07
  1253. Gojiran103
  1254. the veneno is extremely expensive
  1255. 9:07
  1256. JadgVlady
  1257. see*
  1258. 9:08
  1259. Gojiran103
  1260. do you think that higher quality cars should cost more
  1261. 9:08
  1262. JadgVlady
  1263. like holy shit why is it that expensive
  1264. 9:08
  1265. Gojiran103
  1266. exactly 7.4 million is fucking insane
  1267. 9:08
  1268. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1269. When is Kama coming back...
  1270. 9:08
  1271. JadgVlady
  1272. for me its: +speed +acc +aero +safety = worth it
  1273. 9:08
  1274. Gojiran103
  1275. same.
  1276. @vlads
  1277. 9:08
  1278. JadgVlady
  1279. because it may go as fast as a Tu-144
  1280. but if you aren't safe, then...
  1281. 9:09
  1282. Gojiran103
  1283. i'm serious on that price though, freaking 7.4 MILLION
  1284. 9:09
  1285. JadgVlady
  1286. ye
  1287. 9:09
  1288. Gojiran103
  1289. do you think the hennessey or the venom gt is sloppy or cool
  1290. 9:10
  1291. JadgVlady
  1292. cool
  1293. looks cool, not over excessive and fest
  1294. 9:10
  1295. Gojiran103
  1296. i'm 50/50
  1297. it's just 1.2 million, yeah
  1298. also, why has koenigsegg not opened up about the actual top speed of several of their hypercars?
  1299. 9:11
  1300. Flaredragon00
  1301. JUST 1.2 million
  1302. 9:11
  1303. Gojiran103
  1304. because their agera, agera r, agera s, agera rs, one:1 all have "theoretical top speed"
  1305. 9:11
  1306. JadgVlady
  1307. because koegnisegg is: a) lying b) sekrit dokuments or c) just creating suspense
  1308. b )
  1309. 9:12
  1310. Gojiran103
  1311. 1.2 million isn't really that expensive if you were a car fanatic and talking about hypercars @flare
  1312. 9:12
  1313. JadgVlady
  1314. nah
  1315. 9:12
  1316. Gojiran103
  1317. what do you think it is out of those options vlad
  1318. 9:12
  1319. JadgVlady
  1320. b )
  1321. 9:12
  1322. Gojiran103
  1323. probs
  1324. 9:12
  1325. JadgVlady
  1326. it's the sekrit dokuments all along
  1327. 9:12
  1328. Gojiran103
  1329. lawl
  1330. 9:12
  1331. JadgVlady
  1332. maybe it's 666 mph who knows
  1333. 9:12
  1334. Gojiran103
  1335. xd
  1336. well
  1337. the chiron will be the fastest production car or whatever you call it once it's released, that's if koenigsegg doesn't do anything about it
  1338. 9:14
  1339. JadgVlady
  1340. koegnigsegg be like: U WOT BITCH?!
  1341. 9:14
  1342. Gojiran103
  1343. i hard that their regera hypercar will be laid back and it's just gonna be 255mph tho
  1344. 9:14
  1345. JadgVlady
  1346. ...afterwards they lose it and build a plane cause fuck it
  1347. 9:14
  1348. Gojiran103
  1349. *heard
  1350. 9:14
  1351. JadgVlady
  1352. only 255 mph?
  1353. *disappointment arises*
  1354. 9:15
  1355. Gojiran103
  1356. i dunno why they decided to take on a laid back approach
  1357. maybe they wanna lay off the theoretical 270/280mph
  1358. 9:16
  1359. JadgVlady
  1360. or maybe they just made the wrong calculus
  1361. 9:16
  1362. Gojiran103
  1363. they probably meant the calculus
  1364. 9:16
  1365. JadgVlady
  1366. just said: "throw some numbers in there, maybe it will appear something cool"
  1367. "shit it's 255"
  1368. 9:16
  1369. Gojiran103
  1370. wait no
  1371. it's 245mph
  1372. 9:17
  1373. JadgVlady
  1374. "my mistake brother, IT'S 245"
  1375. "what"
  1376. 9:17
  1377. Gojiran103
  1378. okay no one actually knows, the regera's top speed is fucking theoretical too
  1379. 9:17
  1380. JadgVlady
  1381. let's make it...
  1382. 345 mph B)
  1383. 9:17
  1384. Gojiran103
  1385. they say the horsepower is either 1,800mph or 1,500mph
  1386. *hp
  1387. 9:17
  1388. JadgVlady
  1389. LELE
  1390. 9:17
  1391. Gojiran103
  1392. and the top speed is either 255 or 248
  1393. 9:17
  1394. JadgVlady
  1395. 1800 mph
  1396. you made the best goddamn mistake
  1397. 9:17
  1398. Gojiran103
  1399. yeah i'm afriad that ain't possible yet vlads
  1400. 9:17
  1401. JadgVlady
  1402. awww
  1403. w8 let me calculate to km/h
  1404. 9:18
  1405. Gojiran103
  1406. alright
  1407. 9:18
  1408. JadgVlady
  1409. IT'S FUCKING 2896 KM/H
  1410. 9:18
  1411. Gojiran103
  1412. XD
  1413. 9:18
  1414. JadgVlady
  1415. holy SHIT
  1416. 9:18
  1417. Gojiran103
  1418. 2896km/h
  1419. 9:19
  1420. JadgVlady
  1421. just imagine that
  1422. 9:19
  1423. GarudaGoji
  1424. get along, little froggy
  1425. 9:19
  1426. Gojiran103
  1427. no one would remain alive in that car
  1428. 9:19
  1429. JadgVlady
  1430. like: "where's mike" *sees mike in the car* "well he's not here anymore"
  1431. 9:19
  1432. Gojiran103
  1433. lel
  1434. he's a reaaallly ugly looking skeleton
  1435. 9:20
  1436. JadgVlady
  1437. ok so 2896 km/h to km per second...
  1438. 9:20
  1439. Gojiran103
  1440. VLADY NO
  1441. 9:20
  1442. JadgVlady
  1443. is 0.804 KM PER SECOND
  1444. 9:20
  1445. Gojiran103
  1446. oh GOD
  1447. 9:20
  1448. JadgVlady
  1449. my GOD
  1450. 9:21
  1451. Gojiran103
  1452. 0.804 km per second is out of this fucking world
  1453. 9:21
  1454. JadgVlady
  1455. ok so let's compare it
  1456. moscow - minsk is 719 km
  1457. it would take like...
  1458. 894 SECONDS
  1459. 9:23
  1460. Gojiran103
  1461. xd
  1462. 9:23
  1463. JadgVlady
  1464. like 10-14 mins approx.
  1465. like damn
  1466. 9:24
  1467. Gojiran103
  1468. god
  1469. jesus christ that is so insane
  1470. 9:24
  1471. JadgVlady
  1472. "hey man, where is mike?" "where are we and how long he's been" "idk, we're in moscow and he's gone for like 13 mins" "sorry man, he's chilling in belarus" "shit"
  1473. 9:24
  1474. Gojiran103
  1475. xd
  1476. r.i.p mike
  1477. 9:25
  1478. GarudaGoji
  1479. 2016-2016
  1480. 9:25
  1481. JadgVlady
  1482. mike 2016-2016 "hand me the keys and the vodka. i'll do it"
  1483. 9:25
  1484. Gojiran103
  1485. in loving memory of mike
  1486. jim: mike was like a brother to me.....
  1487. 9:26
  1488. JadgVlady
  1489. bill: he didn't pay the vodka
  1490. bob: where's my car-
  1491. like dude you don't even need the plane
  1492. you go flying with your magic 1800 mph car
  1493. 9:27
  1494. GarudaGoji
  1496. this theme's fuckin' crazy
  1497. imo
  1498. 9:28
  1499. Gojiran103
  1500. "mike died from driving a 1,800mph car in a bet with "keys n' vodka". moments later, he died from an unbearable explosion in the whereabouts of minsk, russia."
  1501. 9:28
  1502. JadgVlady
  1503. minsk is in belarus
  1504. 9:29
  1505. Gojiran103
  1506. oh there's another minsk lawl
  1507. ...misnk is the capital of belarus. my bad. xd
  1508. 9:29
  1509. JadgVlady
  1510. "god fucking dammit gojiran"
  1511. 9:29
  1512. Gojiran103
  1513. still tho. i feel bad for mike. he didn't have to perform such an act
  1514. 9:30
  1515. JadgVlady
  1516. but he did
  1517. for the motherland (and for those extra 10 dollars)
  1518. 9:30
  1519. Gojiran103
  1520. lawl
  1521. 9:30
  1522. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1523. bored...
  1524. wish kama was awake
  1525. wish everybody else was awake
  1526. 9:30
  1527. GarudaGoji
  1528. and alive
  1529. 9:30
  1530. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1531. why is chat so dead
  1532. 9:30
  1533. Gojiran103
  1534. i'm pretty sure mike took many lives with him when he hit into minsk
  1535. 9:31
  1536. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1537. why am i typing like this
  1538. 9:31
  1539. JadgVlady
  1540. mike: -1 kill
  1541. 9:31
  1542. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1543. nvm forget it its more fun
  1544. 9:31
  1545. JadgVlady
  1546. he killed somebody so bad that it returned back to life
  1547. 9:32
  1548. Gojiran103
  1549. lawl
  1550. so, if any of you ever see a 1,800mph car, don't go for it, so you won't have to suffer the way mike had spiraled into
  1551. 9:33
  1552. JadgVlady
  1553. some say that mike is in inner earth of how brutal the crash was
  1554. 9:33
  1555. Gojiran103
  1556. lawl
  1557. 9:34
  1558. JadgVlady
  1559. but imagine just like trying to drive that
  1560. one little boop to the gas pedal and you are going faster than a jet
  1561. 9:34
  1562. Gojiran103
  1563. something would have had to happen to you while you were IN the car
  1564. how can you even turn the wheel
  1565. 9:34
  1566. JadgVlady
  1567. ...
  1568. vodka?
  1569. 9:35
  1570. Gojiran103
  1571. xd
  1572. 9:35
  1573. JadgVlady
  1574. because you know, vodka is pretty stronk stuff
  1575. 9:35
  1576. Gojiran103
  1577. wait, wouldn't the amount of speed have you stuck to the seat and with your hands forcefully grappled onto the wheel
  1578. 9:35
  1579. LSDKama
  1580. *Shows up, shoots Gallibon.*
  1581. 9:36
  1582. Gojiran103
  1583. and you couldn't move at all
  1584. 9:36
  1585. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1586. KAMA! *gets shot8
  1587. *shot*
  1588. 9:36
  1589. JadgVlady
  1590. so you're basically a skellington in a super-fast vehicle
  1591. huh
  1592. 9:36
  1593. Gojiran103
  1594. pretty muich
  1595. i wonder how mike's mother felt when he died in the explosion
  1596. 9:37
  1597. JadgVlady
  1598. mike's mother: i had a son?
  1599. 9:37
  1600. Fr0stfur
  1601. I know what Mike felt
  1602. nothing because he was dead
  1603. 9:38
  1604. DrGodzilla120
  1605. Kama and I played a game where I tamed a black lizard and named it Patrick.
  1606. 9:39
  1607. JadgVlady
  1608. @fr0st you clever bastard
  1609. 9:39
  1610. Fr0stfur
  1611. ik so origina
  1612. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1613. 9:39
  1614. Fr0stfur
  1615. hi o/
  1616. 9:39
  1617. JadgVlady
  1618. oh hi
  1619. 9:39
  1620. Thegoldnguy
  1621. o hai Tengen
  1622. 9:39
  1623. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1624. o/
  1625. 9:39
  1626. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1627. I had a dream where I kidnapped Liam Neeson's daughter. It didn't go over well.
  1628. 9:39
  1629. JadgVlady
  1630. what
  1631. 9:40
  1632. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1633. o/
  1634. 9:40
  1635. LSDKama
  1636. Hi
  1637. 9:40
  1638. Gojiran103
  1639. what
  1640. 9:40
  1641. Fr0stfur
  1642. You must've been hurting even after you woke up
  1643. 9:40
  1644. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1645. .... that was hours ago and I'm still hurting.
  1646. 9:40
  1647. Gojiran103
  1648.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/16x9_460/ken-peters-otterburne-fire-explosion-pipeline.jpeg basically what was shown directly after mike had died in the vehicle
  1649. Flaredragon00 has been slashed by Gigan!
  1650. 9:40
  1651. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1652. the fuck?
  1653. 9:40
  1654. Fr0stfur
  1655. Why Tengen
  1656. Why would you kidnap Liam Neeson's daughter
  1657. 9:41
  1658. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1659. Technically it wasn't kidnapping. She was totally cool with it. She just forgot to run it by him.
  1660. 9:42
  1661. JadgVlady
  1662. this is mike's last pic
  1663. 9:42
  1664. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1665. ..... he brought nails with him. and a rag
  1666. who the fuck is mike?
  1667. 9:42
  1668. Gojiran103
  1669. a hypothetical person we were talking about earlier
  1670. 9:42
  1671. LSDKama
  1672. Don't you know?
  1673. He's mike
  1674. 9:42
  1675. Gojiran103
  1676. he died in a car accident yesterday with a 1,800mph vehicle
  1677. 9:42
  1678. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1679. ......
  1680. he was one of vlady's characters, wasn't he?
  1681. 9:43
  1682. LSDKama
  1683. Dammit Gojiran
  1684. 9:43
  1685. JadgVlady
  1686. no
  1687. 9:43
  1688. Gojiran103
  1689. nope xd
  1690. 9:43
  1691. LSDKama
  1692. I was gonna confuse him.
  1693. 9:43
  1694. Gojiran103
  1695. Oh I see @Kama
  1696. 9:43
  1697. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1698. Giz/FishTank's?
  1699. 9:43
  1700. JadgVlady
  1701. why the hell would i ever going to name someone mike
  1702. and no
  1703. 9:43
  1704. Gojiran103
  1705. Well, we'd thought you would give flowers to Mike's tombstone. He was a great guy.
  1706. 9:43
  1707. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1708. Who the fuck else in chat uses a car in RP?
  1709. 9:44
  1710. Gojiran103
  1711. tengen mike isn't a character in rp
  1712. 9:44
  1713. JadgVlady
  1714. ...we weren't RP
  1715. 9:44
  1716. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1717. ......
  1718. 9:44
  1719. Gojiran103
  1720. it's a character we all made up
  1721. 9:44
  1722. JadgVlady
  1723. we were just calculating shit
  1724. 9:44
  1725. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1726. oh.
  1727. was it vlady's idea?
  1728. 9:44
  1729. JadgVlady
  1730. ye
  1731. 9:44
  1732. Gojiran103
  1733. ye
  1734. 9:44
  1735. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1736. I knew it,
  1737. 9:44
  1738. Fr0stfur
  1739. I feel so bad for Mike
  1740. 9:44
  1741. LSDKama
  1742. Gojiran is a car fan, too.
  1743. 9:44
  1744. Gojiran103
  1745. Yeah
  1746. 9:44
  1747. JadgVlady
  1748. w00
  1749. 9:44
  1750. Gojiran103
  1751. I feel really bad for Mike
  1752. 9:44
  1753. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1754. WHO IS MIKE!?
  1755. 9:44
  1756. Gojiran103
  1757. He didn't have to die out in such a brutal way
  1758. 9:44
  1759. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1760. Kama, PM
  1761. 9:44
  1762. Fr0stfur
  1763. I bet his friend Bob wasn't happy that he died
  1764. 9:45
  1765. JadgVlady
  1766. no
  1767. 9:45
  1768. LSDKama
  1769. I prefer military vehicles
  1770. 9:45
  1771. JadgVlady
  1772. because mike stole bob's car
  1773. 9:45
  1774. Gojiran103
  1775. we like both lol @Kama
  1776. 9:45
  1777. JadgVlady
  1778. goddammit
  1779. @kama me too
  1780. 9:45
  1781. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1782. ...... I like the vehicles that turn into giant robots and beat the fuck out of stuff.
  1783. 9:45
  1784. Fr0stfur
  1785. ^
  1786. 9:45
  1787. JadgVlady
  1788. do you mean russian tenks?
  1789. 9:45
  1790. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1791. no.
  1792. 9:45
  1793. Gojiran103
  1794. Is Bob grieving Vlady
  1795. 9:45
  1796. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1797. I mean Sweet Tooth.
  1798. 9:45
  1799. JadgVlady
  1800. well you know
  1801. 9:45
  1802. Fr0stfur
  1803. no he means Michael Bay's transformers
  1804. 9:46
  1805. JadgVlady
  1806. the soviets once planned a plane to be made out of a tank
  1808. uhhhh
  1809. 9:46
  1810. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1811. did it have a cannon and/or change into a mech?
  1812. 9:46
  1813. Gojiran103
  1814. In the future, maybe. @Tengen
  1815. 9:46
  1816. JadgVlady
  1817. well
  1818. sekrit dokuments
  1819. 9:47
  1820. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1821. ......
  1822. it failed miserably. encyclopedia of tanks told me so
  1823. 9:48
  1824. Gojiran103
  1825. i think i'm going to make mike a page...
  1826. 9:48
  1827. JadgVlady
  1828. @tengen that's what they want you to believe
  1829. 9:48
  1830. Gojiran103
  1831. i'll probably delete it right after lol
  1832. 9:49
  1833. JadgVlady
  1834. lmao
  1835. 9:49
  1836. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1837. Then why bother?
  1838. lol
  1839. 9:49
  1840. Gojiran103
  1841. should i give him an infobox
  1842. 9:49
  1843. JadgVlady
  1844. idk
  1845. 9:50
  1846. Fr0stfur
  1847. Mike would be friends with Bob & Joe
  1848. 9:50
  1849. Gojiran103
  1850. i'm gonna use sam niegel as his picture lol
  1851. 9:51
  1852. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1853. ....
  1854. 9:51
  1855. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1856. .....
  1857. 9:52
  1858. Gojiran103
  1859. ...I then realize that Sam Riegal voiced Spiderman in the TASM games. XD
  1860. *riegel
  1861. 9:54
  1862. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1863. xd
  1864. hey dr. have you seen (Ichigo) 's new form?
  1865. You are now away.
  1866. 9:55
  1867. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1868. derp
  1869. 9:56
  1870. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1871. I guess Kenpachi isn't the only one with a new bankai.
  1872. You are no longer away.
  1873. Flaredragon00 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1874. 9:57
  1875. Flaredragon00
  1876. z
  1877. 9:57
  1878. LSDKama
  1879. Hi
  1880. 9:57
  1881. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1882. o/
  1883. 9:58
  1884. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1885. o/
  1886. Gojiran103.
  1887. I have terrible news.
  1888. 9:59
  1889. Gojiran103
  1890. wha
  1891. 9:59
  1892. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1893. Ex-Aid is the last Kamen Rider series.
  1894. 10:00
  1895. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1896. o/
  1897. 10:00
  1898. Gojiran103
  1899. I don't believe you.
  1900. 10:00
  1901. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1902. That's up to you. I'm just telling you what I know.
  1903. 10:01
  1904. LSDKama
  1905. Source?
  1906. Ain't finding that anywhere
  1907. 10:02
  1908. Gojiran103
  1909. Yeah
  1910. ShodaiGoro has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1911. 10:02
  1912. LSDKama
  1913. Hi
  1914. 10:02
  1915. ShodaiGoro
  1916. (KoDeibu)
  1917. 10:02
  1918. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1919. I found it earlier at work when I was slacking off. You'll have to give me a minute to find it.
  1920. 10:02
  1921. ShodaiGoro
  1922. o/ .
  1923. 10:02
  1924. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1925. Hi
  1926. 10:03
  1927. JadgVlady
  1928. gtg
  1929. 10:03
  1930. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1931. o/
  1932. 10:03
  1933. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1934. o/
  1935. 10:04
  1936. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1937. just search fandom. it's there somewhere.
  1938. 10:04
  1939. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1940. "fandom"
  1941. :3
  1942. 10:04
  1943. LSDKama
  1944. Bye
  1945. ...Fandom?
  1946. 10:04
  1947. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1948. Yeah.
  1949. JadgVlady has been slashed by Gigan!
  1950. 10:05
  1951. Gojiran103
  1952. Anyway
  1953. Mike 'tis done
  1954. 10:05
  1955. LSDKama
  1956. That totally sounds official.
  1957. 10:05
  1958. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1959. This.
  1960. 10:06
  1961. LSDKama
  1962. ...Again
  1963. That's obviously official.
  1964. 10:06
  1965. ShodaiGoro
  1966. Who the hell is Mike?
  1967. 10:06
  1968. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1969. XD
  1970. 10:07
  1971. ShodaiGoro
  1972. Seriously
  1973. 10:07
  1974. LSDKama
  1975. A joke that went on too long.
  1976. 10:07
  1977. ShodaiGoro
  1978. Oh God
  1979. 10:07
  1980. Gojiran103
  1981. Some hypothetical character all of us made up
  1982. 10:07
  1983. ShodaiGoro
  1984. ...for the lulz, I'll allow it
  1985. Maybe add a disclaimer template
  1986. 10:07
  1987. LSDKama
  1988. It got old faster than KoDeibus did, IMO.
  1989. 10:07
  1990. Gojiran103
  1991. yeah
  1992. I'll put in the disclaimer
  1993. 10:07
  1994. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1995. Whoa, a joke that got older than the KoDeibus. @Kama
  1996. That must be pretty bad.
  1997. 10:07
  1998. LSDKama
  1999. ^
  2000. 10:08
  2001. Gojiran103
  2002. ...where's the disclaimer template
  2003. 10:08
  2004. ShodaiGoro
  2005. Does this mean I can give KoDeibus a page?
  2006. 10:08
  2007. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2008. ..... no.
  2009. 10:08
  2010. LSDKama
  2011. Because we have a page for Mike
  2012. Yes
  2013. 10:08
  2014. GarudaGoji
  2015. do it
  2016. 10:08
  2017. ShodaiGoro
  2018. (KoDeibu) <(Shiddy shwabesh, dond be mean choo Weibu!)
  2019. 10:08
  2020. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2021. no
  2022. 10:08
  2023. Gojiran103
  2024. sure
  2025. 10:08
  2026. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2027. NO!
  2028. 10:08
  2029. LSDKama
  2030. It'd be unfair for bias to exist.
  2031. 10:08
  2032. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2033. don't do it.
  2034. 10:08
  2035. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2037. 10:08
  2038. GarudaGoji
  2039. DO IT
  2040. 10:08
  2041. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2042. it's a shitpost.
  2043. 10:08
  2044. GarudaGoji
  2045. JUDT DO IT
  2046. 10:08
  2047. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2048. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2049. 10:08
  2050. LSDKama
  2051. I'm not for or against
  2052. But if one bad joke can get a page
  2053. 10:08
  2054. Gojiran103
  2055. DO IT
  2056. 10:08
  2057. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2058. ..... did no one see what I did there?
  2059. 10:09
  2060. Gojiran103
  2061. JUST
  2062. 10:09
  2063. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2065. 10:09
  2066. Gojiran103
  2067. DO IT
  2068. no @tengen
  2069. 10:09
  2070. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2071. "it's a shitpost"
  2072. 10:09
  2073. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2074. NO
  2075. NO
  2076. NO
  2077. NO
  2078. NO
  2079. NO
  2080. NO
  2081. NO
  2082. NO!
  2083. 10:09
  2084. Gojiran103
  2085. brb
  2086. LSDKama
  2087. So was Mike
  2088. 10:09
  2089. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2090. ..... *facepalm*
  2091. 10:10
  2092. LSDKama
  2093. Yep
  2094. If we make shitposts page for one character
  2095. 10:10
  2096. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2097. it was a pun.
  2098. 10:10
  2099. LSDKama
  2100. All can get them.
  2101. 10:10
  2102. Gojiran103
  2103. back
  2104. 10:10
  2105. DrGodzilla120
  2106. Thing is, though.
  2107. 10:11
  2108. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2109. Ugh guys...
  2110. 10:11
  2111. ShodaiGoro
  2112. I don't think Mike was a shitpost
  2113. 10:11
  2114. LSDKama
  2115. Dr, PMz
  2116. 10:11
  2117. DrGodzilla120
  2118. ^
  2119. 10:11
  2120. Gojiran103
  2121. Yeah, Mike isn't a shitpost.
  2122. 10:11
  2123. DrGodzilla120
  2124. @Goro
  2125. 10:11
  2126. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2127. You messed up Kirbys page
  2128. 10:11
  2129. ShodaiGoro
  2130. We can make joke pages as long as they're funny
  2131. 10:11
  2132. Gojiran103
  2133. At all.
  2134. 10:11
  2135. LSDKama
  2136. *PM.
  2137. 10:11
  2138. ShodaiGoro
  2139. This is funny
  2140. 10:11
  2141. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2142. "Mike Kirby"
  2143. 10:11
  2144. GarudaGoji
  2145. ....
  2146. 10:11
  2147. ShodaiGoro
  2148. Especially the quote
  2149. 10:11
  2150. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2151. Guys
  2152. 10:11
  2153. ShodaiGoro
  2154. "Hand me the keys and the vodka. I'll do it. "
  2155. 10:11
  2156. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2157. The Mike picture replace the old Mike [icture for Kirby.
  2158. 10:11
  2159. Gojiran103
  2160. Should I just change the avatar to some Nicholas Cage or Liam Neeson crap
  2161. 10:12
  2162. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2163. *picture
  2164. 10:12
  2165. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2166. no.
  2167. they could sue us for that
  2168. 10:12
  2169. LSDKama
  2170. Actually
  2171. If he gets a page
  2172. 10:12
  2173. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2174. You guys might wanna fix the Mike Kirby pic.
  2175. 10:12
  2176. LSDKama
  2177. Why aren't the rules updated?
  2178. 10:12
  2179. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2180. who the fuck is mike Kirby?
  2181. 10:12
  2182. LSDKama
  2183. As something like Mike isn't important
  2184. But the rules are.
  2185. 10:13
  2186. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2187. Kirby
  2188. Go to abilities.
  2189. 10:13
  2190. GarudaGoji
  2191. .......
  2192. 10:13
  2193. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2194. There's a lot of them, but you'll find it.
  2195. 10:13
  2196. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2198. 10:13
  2199. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2200. See what's off yet?
  2201. 10:13
  2202. GarudaGoji
  2203. ..........
  2204. 10:14
  2205. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2206. Yeah, we might wanna get that old pic back.
  2207. 10:14
  2208. GarudaGoji
  2209. I'm gonna go and do that.
  2210. 10:14
  2211. Gojiran103
  2212. Kirby transforms into Sam Riegel!
  2213. 10:14
  2214. LSDKama
  2215. And we got rid of Kirby's image...
  2216. 10:14
  2217. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2218. XD
  2219. 10:14
  2220. LSDKama
  2221. For a stupid joke?
  2222. 10:14
  2223. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2224. ^
  2225. Go GarudaGoji.
  2226. 10:14
  2227. LSDKama
  2228. And yet the fact I pointed out the rules need to be updated around
  2229. I don't know
  2230. When I first fucking rejoined
  2231. 10:15
  2232. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2233. .......
  2234. 10:15
  2235. LSDKama
  2236. And yet nothing happened.
  2237. 10:16
  2238. GarudaGoji
  2239. And then i'm gonna possibly scream irl
  2240. 10:16
  2241. Gojiran103
  2242. The rules have barely been updated because a cluster of things had happened in RP that countered with what the rules say
  2243. Locations are one of them.
  2244. And it'd take a lot to put them down, and even then, some of them we don't remember
  2245. 10:16
  2246. LSDKama
  2247. Yeah
  2248. 10:16
  2249. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2250. I feel sorry for you. :( @GarudaGoji
  2251. 10:16
  2252. LSDKama
  2253. It's been 4 months
  2254. 10:16
  2255. Gojiran103
  2256. I guess we couldn't do it in four months, then.
  2257. 10:16
  2258. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2259. Say Gojiran
  2260. 10:16
  2261. Gojiran103
  2262. ?
  2263. 10:17
  2264. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2265. You might wanna retitle your "Mike" pictrue now.
  2266. Just in case GarudaGoji's reupload overrides yours.
  2267. 10:17
  2268. Gojiran103
  2269. I'll just rename it as Sam
  2270. 10:17
  2271. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2272. kk
  2273. 10:17
  2274. Gojiran103
  2275. NVM I refreshed, it didn't overwrite
  2276. 10:17
  2277. GarudaGoji
  2279. 10:18
  2280. LSDKama
  2281. And...
  2282. One more thug
  2283. *thing
  2284. De jure
  2285. 10:18
  2286. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2287. Poor GarudaGoji.
  2288. 10:18
  2289. LSDKama
  2290. Our rules are the same as what we write
  2291. So all those rules?
  2292. 10:18
  2293. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2294. And I mean it.
  2295. 10:18
  2296. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2297. ......
  2298. 10:18
  2299. GarudaGoji
  2300. Don't you dare pity me.
  2301. 10:18
  2302. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2303. kk
  2304. 10:18
  2305. LSDKama
  2306. Somebody could cheat and overrule them.
  2307. 10:19
  2308. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2309. sorry
  2310. 10:19
  2311. LSDKama
  2312. Because they aren't written down.
  2313. 10:19
  2314. Gojiran103
  2315. It's already happened, apparently.
  2316. 10:19
  2317. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2318. sorry
  2319. 10:19
  2320. Gojiran103
  2321. I mean, there's a couple I DO remember. Should I just go ahead and replace them with the current ones?
  2322. 10:20
  2323. GarudaGoji
  2324. Ergh. Nevermind, i can't rename it 'cause i forgot i'm not an admin.
  2326. 10:20
  2327. LSDKama
  2328. We've needed them updates for half a year
  2329. 10:20
  2330. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2331. GarudaGoji, PM
  2332. 10:20
  2333. LSDKama
  2334. So, yeah.
  2335. 10:23
  2336. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2337. Yeah.
  2338. GarudaGoji has been slashed by Gigan!
  2339. Gojiratheking has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2340. 10:26
  2341. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2342. o/
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