
Jonathan Vera

Jun 27th, 2016
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  1. Name: Jonathan Vera
  3. Personality: Jonathan to most people would come off as somewhat of an introvert. He's shy, a bit awkward during most conversations, and becomes embarrassed easily while the center of attention.
  5. Despite these social shortcomings, Jonathan still is well-mannered and polite to those around him and will go out of his way to avoid a conflict or try to talk it out.
  7. Even though he has at times been asked to join fights or battles, even then he has shown that he will go through great measures to follow through with his own morals and beliefs despite any higher power ordering him. He's shown compassion to his enemies when needed and has shown that he's willing to distance himself from the action at hand to do anything unpleasant that he feels must be done.
  12. Appearance: At the not-so-old age of 32, Jonathan fits the profile for the handsome, dorky, light-hearted looking guy.
  14. He has a a soft face, with a streamlined mouth and sort of pointy nose. He usually doesn't leave the house without his gold-rimmed glasses which only helps add to his average appearance as a geek.
  16. He currently has a short grizzly beard that's cut neatly down to his chin and he usually has his sideburns lined up pretty nicely too.
  18. As of right now, he's probably at the peak of his physical capabilities. He works out averagely and has a pretty consistent and planned diet which gives him an athletic and toned body. He's pretty tan on account of traveling by foot a lot and he keeps his long hair tied back into a short pony-tail often too busy to cut it regularly.
  20. His usual attire consists of semi-formal to formal suits, and he usually has a traveling coat over whatever he's wearing as well as a top-hat. The coat's pockets are useful to a Thaumaturge like him.
  25. Training: Jonathan had been researching the premise of this Thaumaturgy since his first class in college around his early twenties. It was only until he was 25 did he actually apply his extensively growing medical knowledge to Thaumaturgy itself and has been building on his research and Thaumaturgy since that then.
  27. The core concepts of his work in Thaumaturgy is knowing how the human body works, to the extent that he can manipulate it through thaumaturgy with complete confidence and without fear of misplacing a blood vessel or pushing the body past it's limits.
  29. Thanks to this he is able to heal most people past critical or mortal wounds, diseases, sicknesses, and infection and that's what he's most known for and what he uses his Thaumaturgy for the most.
  31. Past that, he's been able to take essentia from other biological things and use it to add to the human body and create improvements such as wings or horns or better eyes or senses but this was more just to expand his knowledge of the human body than to actually apply to his main goal.
  33. Before he applied his medical know-how to Thaumaturgy, he went through the ropes of becoming a basic Thaumaturge first. Learning basic formulas and catalysts, practicing how to perform basic things such as making a wall or platform more brittle, repairing house hold objects, or creating things from different materials.
  35. He also dove into extensive research on formulas themselves and how they can be applied to the human body. At the height of his understanding, he had a permanent catalyst symbol tattooed on his own body with an equation big enough to encompass any kind of self-changing or self--healing thaumaturgy that he might decide to apply to himself at any time.
  37. With the ground-breaking discovery on how to add to the human body, he also tattooed himself with a mark that let him store the essentia of biological things for him to pull on and for this reason he often will stop by a small dead animal or visit the morgue to break down unclaimed bodies and store them for his own uses.
  39. After that, he poured himself onto research of homunculi and chimeras, greatly interested on the concept of manipulating life. Through his, he's learned how to take the essentia that he builds up and create seemingly unintelligent beasts to carry out his own needs.
  41. His most recent research has been the creation and use of power stones, made by sacrificing quite a large number of people and going throughout a complicated process. He was working on this with other scientists of the country and did it mainly to excel his own research although he does feel responsible for the use of the stones and wouldn't make them on his own time. He treasures the knowledge of their making and whereabouts greatly.
  49. Background: YA BOY Jonathan Vera was destined for greatness the single moment he was pooped out of his mother's womb. He was brought up in a small rural farming town where his father was the town doctor, and his mom was the daughter of the town's mayor. He had a pretty conventional upbringing compared to most, and he was fascinated by his father's work at a young age and proved to be quite intelligent.
  51. His parents easily picked up that their son was a young genius, and nurtured his brain, saving funds up to eventually send him off to the country's most prestigious college so that he could put his doctoring skills to good use.
  53. Before he came of age to go off, his father fell ill and passed away and this hit a young Jonathan to his core. Feeling sick that the boundaries of conventional science couldn't save his father, he was now more determined than ever to break those boundaries and take medical science further through the use of the magical arts which he found he had a natural proficiency with later on in life.
  55. When he did start attending college, he made a name for himself as being one of the youngest and most outstanding young doctors the country has seen in some time. He got a job in the town that he was attending college in and many people would often journey to get him to scrub in on their surgeries.
  57. It was during this time that he finally discovered he had talent with the arcane arts and began to divide his time between expanding his medical know-how and delving into the world of thaumaturgy.
  60. When he graduated, he was not only a beginning thaumaturge but also an up and coming doctor. Unfortunately, he couldn't do much past basic thaumaturgy with his doctors salary or without a bigger pool of resources to draw from so he made the decision to become a state thaumaturge and got into the program by explaining and demonstrating his already blossoming healing skills. During his indoctoration of the military he was given the tittle of the the "Healing Thaumaturge" by the king himself.
  62. With access to national libraries, military research funds, and the work and research of other thaumaturges and scientists, he was able to go further with his work and expand his abilities. He began to travel a lot and offer his skills to any towns that he happened to cross and his name got pretty widespread through the country-side by that. He often would spend weeks at a town at major cities and towns, delving into their libraries and healing the local people to help fund his research once he used up his yearly military budget.
  64. Just as he made enough money on the side to buy himself and his mother a new house in their home town, he was called to duty for the first time where he witnessed the savagery of battle and proved his worth to the other thaumaturges and attending military personal by saving more lives in one day than an entire medical unit could in a month.
  66. After that he was called to assist in conflicts more often and because of this learned how to fire-guns, fight with spears and swords, and began to regularly practice hand-to-hand combat.
  68. A few new sets of skills resulted from his exposure to violence which included, scouting and other roguish abilities. He used his skills in thaumaturgy to change his appearance, voice, and build to scout out areas for the government and has even been assigned to assassination and kidnaping missions if he felt the cause was just.
  70. He's even lately begun to use these skills to help in his own endeavors, finding illegal thaumaturges or run-away scientists to ask them about their research until he defeats/kills them and turn them in.
  72. He more than always carried a handgun and ammunition on a holster, a bag of iron to createweapons, pieces of chalk to draw catalyst symbols, and a scalpel and blades in his coat pockets/belt.
  74. His most current project is leading him to find the secret of perfect cloning. Completely re-creating someone with fully cohesive cognitive abilities and a full memory of the original body.
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