
Alex needs a baby

Feb 11th, 2019
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Covet: Cadence was hanging out on the couch, Titus was curled up in the oversized chair in the living room sleeping, and Trick was in his bouncer, sucking down a bottle. Cadence was laying back on the end of the couch, keeping an eye on her son with her hand on her stomach.
  3. Covet: [I'll bring Felix in with Steph and all that next post.]
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Steph had forced the guys to walk down the block because it was part of the very little physical activity she was actually allowed to do with no fighting, so therefore they walk. She tugged her jacket around herself and made her way up the driveway, heading toward the front door. // Alex was bringing up the rear, already kind of tired because he wasnt in very good shape. "How are you walking so fast? Slow down. Your legs move faster than mine." He was whining.-
  5. Covet: Felix had the dogs, and was walking back with Alex, but not by choice, just because his dog was slow as fuck. "She doesn't know how to slow down man." // Cadence moved the blanket around to look for her phone wondering where Steph, and the guys were at, anticipating them at any time.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "You have no excuses. Your legs are longer than mine, it should be easier for you to keep up." She said as she climbed the stairs to the front door, giving a knock and sort of just hoping the baby wasn't sleeping. // "I've noticed..." Alex said with a grumble, sucking in a deep breath. At least Felix was walking slower too so he didnt feel SO bad. "She knows we're coming, right?"-
  7. Covet: "Yes, she knows we're coming." Felix said, "C'mon Nugget, You'll get a treat and you can play with Titus, waddle faster buddy." He said as they made their way up the drive walking through the gate. // Titus stirred and started barking, running over to the door, not listening to Cadence as she called out, "Titus, Go lay down!" She got up and walked over to the door, opening it up. Titus went straight for Nugget doing the whole butt sniffing thing. "Hey guys, c'mon in."
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smiled to Cadence when she opened the door, moving out of the way when Titus went to go do dog things. "Hey, where is my godson?" She asked quickly, stepping inside and poking her head into the living room to see him in his bouncer. She walked straight to him, sliding her hands under his arms and picking him up, holding onto the bottle so she could hug him. // Alex watched as all the dogs went crazy being excited to see each other, shaking his head. "It kind of makes me laugh that they see each other so often and they greet each other like this every time. My dogs do it too." He said as he stepped up to Cadence, leaning in to give her a little hug. "How are you?"-
  9. Covet: "Right? They see each other often too." Felix said getting Nugget in the house to take off his leash so he could be free to go do dog things with Titus. // "He's eating in the living room." Cadence said to Steph as she pushed past to go get him. She hugged Alex back and gave a soft, but kind of forced smile. "Pregnant.. again.. still. Doing alright, considering."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Steph moved over to the couch with Trick in her arms, taking a seat and hoisting him up to lay against his shoulder, leaning her head against his and closing her eyes to just enjoy holding him. She's insanely baby crazy right now. // "I heard, congratulations." He said with a warm genuine smile, stepping further into the house. Steph hadnt filled him in on all the details of Remy because it wasnt her place, so he was a lacking some info here. "Considering?" He asked, his brows furrowing as he glanced at Felix since he was the only other person in immediate view right now.-
  11. Covet: Felix looked at Alex, "Uh, Remy and her, are...essentially seperated right now." he said filling him in. // "Yeah, thanks. Little girl. Due at the end of May, beginning of June." Cadence said as she went to sit down, not catching Alex's question before she walked off. She looked at Steph and Trick, "Then he's getting so big, Seven months this month."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Steph looked down at Trick, giving him a little bounce. "I know, he's such a big boy now, right Trick?" She asked, smoothing her hand over his little fluff hairs. "And he's going to have a baby sister soon, and then a little baby cousin." She said with way too much fucking confidence. // Alex nodded, pursing her lips. "Ah. I didn't know that." He fell into an awkward silence after that, turning into the living room to follow after the girls, smiling at Trick. "Wow, seven months? Time flies, huh?" He asked before looking at Steph in surprise. "Oh. Are you guys..." He asked, glancing between her and Felix.-
  13. Covet: "Not yet, but if things keep going in the right direction, then it's on the table. But Wedding first." Felix said coming in to sit next to Steph, watching her play with Trick. // "Yeah, tell me about it. But ever since finding out about my little boxing champ, it seems like it can't come fast enough." She said then gave a soft smile at Steph and Felix.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Right." Steph said, looking down at Trick and giving him a few more bounces. "Just need to make sure everything goes according to plan. Do you want to hold him?" She asked Felix. // "Well that's good." Alex said to them, moving to take a seat on the couch as well, looking to Cadence. "I can imagine. Did you have any names in mind for the new baby?"-
  15. Covet: "Sure, I'll hold him for a second." He said taking Trick so he could play with him. // "No, not yet. I've had other stuff on the brain lately." She said biting the inside of her cheek. "But I've got a few months still to figure it out."
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She twisted to pass Trick over to him, watching him hold the baby and sort of just making doe eyes at him. // "Ohyeah, plenty of time." Alex said with a nod, his eyes drifting over to look at Trick. "Lisa is very jealous of you. She hasn't stopped talking about when we're going to take a break for long enough to actually start a family."-
  17. Covet: Felix took the squirming kiddo, and started making faces at him.// Cadence laughed, "She can come babysit if she's that jealous. My best advice is if you guys are wanting that, whenever you can, because your life won't slow down afterwords."
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She stuck her tongue out toward Felix and Trick, leaning in to rest her head against Felix's arm so she could watch Trick. "Definitely. And I'm sure if you talked to the guys they would understand not wanting to tour for a year. I know that's kind of a long time for you guys, but life isn't going to wait for you." // "I know they would understand, but I don't know if I would. We're just been so busy that taking an entire year off to focus my attention elsewhere seems like a terrible career move. You can't just take a year off and disappear in the music industry. So few artists survive a hiatus like that."-
  19. Covet has left the chat
  20. Covet has joined the chat
  21. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: -She stuck her tongue out toward Felix and Trick, leaning in to rest her head against Felix's arm so she could watch Trick. "Definitely. And I'm sure if you talked to the guys they would understand not wanting to tour for a year. I know that's kind of a long time for you guys, but life isn't going to wait for you." // "I know they would understand, but I don't know if I would. We're just been so busy that taking an entire year off to focus my attention elsewhere seems like a terrible career move. You can't just take a year off and disappear in the music industry. So few artists survive a hiatus like that."-
  22. Covet: Felix turned Trick towards Steph, getting her involved in their face making and giggling. // "Yeah, which is why you get it on and get it going and it will be tough, but at the same time. There's no reason you can't do both." Cadence said.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -She reached her hand out to caress Trick's head, slowly turning her attention to Alex. "You really think you wouldn't be able to manage having a family and working? So many people do it. It's not like you'd just be ditching Lisa to raise a baby on her own." // "But then I'm just supposed to leave her for 4 months at a time pregnant, or alone with a newborn baby to go off galavanting around the world? I just don't feel right about doing that. That's not fair."-
  24. Covet: "Why not take her and the kiddo with you. I know music is a bit different from movies, but for the first while, when the kid's not in school, they could both go with you." Felix suggested. // Cadence just kind of curled up on the couch listening to Alex as he spoke about not being able to leave her, and the pangs of returned jealousy hit her hard. "I need something to drink anyone else?" She asked quickly, getting up.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah." She chimed in excitedly because she was kind of having this internal panic that this career wouldn't mesh with having a baby and she wanted both. "That way you guys can still be together, no one is alone with the baby, and you don't need to be away from a new baby either." She looked over to Cadence, shaking her head. "No thank you." // Alex shrugged. "Maybe, but it's kind of hard to tour with a baby isn't it? Especially when we all share a bus. There's already going to be a bunch of dudes living on a bus together which is hard enough and then I'm going to ask Lisa and a baby to come?" He said with a sigh. "Anything you have would be awesome, thanks Cadence."-
  26. Covet: "What if you guys had your own bus, Sure you would have to pay for that expense yourself, but That would give them their own space too?" Felix offered, looking at Steph because this was all stuff they would have to be considering too. "Some water would be just fine." // Cadence made her way into the kitchen, pulling the fridge open to get a few waters for everyone, her hands shaking. She stood there for a moment taking a few deep breaths trying to regain her composure.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that's completely doable." She nodded along with Felix's suggestion, her eyes flicking over into the kitchen to see if Cadence had needed help with beverages. When she saw her just standing there, she leaned over to kiss Trick on the cheek before standing up, walking over into the kitchen and lowering her voice. "Everything alright?" // "In theory yes, but a lot of the time that's not so up to me. You basically need to hire an extra few people to maintain the bus while you're touring, plus every venue is different as far as parking and access goes. Some cities don't even let us park our bus at the venue like New York City, LA, and Boston. I don't know if logistically we'd even be able to get a second permit." He let out a groan, running his hand back over his head. "I appreciate the help troubleshooting though."-
  28. Covet: "Okay Red." He said to Steph, then nodded at Felix. "Hey this is helping me too, we might be in the same boat here in a few years, so if you get it nailed down it will just make it that much easier later." // Cadence heard Steph and cleared her throat. "Yeah.. I'll be okay... I just need to take a few deep breaths." She said trying to do that but her inhale alone was shakey.
  29. Alexithymiaa: -She furrowed her brows and put her hand on Cadence's back, staring in to her face. "What's going on? Is it the baby?" She asked because she sort of just assumed. // Alex paused, looking to the girls in the kitchen and sort of leaning in a bit to talk more privately to Felix. "I don't really mean to pry or overstep, but you guys aren't even married yet and I've heard her make several comments over the last few days that I had to stop and think about if she was pregnant right now. Is that like... a goal or....?"-
  30. Covet: "Long term goal. It's keeping her motivated in the right direction. She's not pregnant, but damn does she have that itch." Felix said exhaling a bit. "I'm hoping this one and the one on the way will help tide her over for a couple of years still. She's not ready, physically for that." // Cadence shook her head, "No, the baby is fine." She said unable to stop the tears from falling down her cheeks. "It's nothing...Just.. pregnancy emotions." She said pulling that card though this was definitely not that, and was more of a day to day occurence.
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Without hesitation, she leaned in and wrapped her arms around Cadence, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry if we're overwhelming you. It's kind of late anyway and we should probably get out of your hair and stop bothering you. I just wanted to make sure we brought Alex over to see you and Trick before we sent him back to LA tomorrow." // Alex nodded with a bit of relief, exhaling. "That's good. I know she's been sick for a while and after hearing her talk, I was a little concerned. I'd never put my two cents in because it's really none of my business, but I just wouldn't want to see anything bad happen."-
  32. Covet: "Yeah, She still has to get the okay from the doctor, but I promised her if she did her best and got back on track that I was game, but I don't think she realizes how long that's going to take."// Cadence hugged Steph back, "Oh? Okay, yeah, if you guys need to go, I understand." She said sniffling a bit, feeling a chill down her back. She wiped her face. " I appreciate you guys stopping by. Sorry, I couldn't keep my shit together."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "It's your house, you're allowed to throw your shit wherever you want, whenever you want regardless of who's here." She said to her with a smile, leaning back to look at her. "You should get some sleep. We'll stop bothering you." She turned and walked back into the living room, looking at the guys. "Can you get the dogs? It's late and we need tohead out." // Alex pursed his lips because Felix's choice of words was a little off to him, but he wasnt going to get into it now. When Steph walked back into the room, he stood up. "Yeah I'm sure this little one needs to get to bed, right?" He said, looking at Trick.-
  34. Covet: "Yeah, It's bedtime for everyone." Felix said, getting up to put him back into his bouncer. Tricks eyes were already falling heavy. "Yeah, I got'em." He said then whistled to get the dogs' attention leashing those that needed leashed and such. // Cadence tried to push the negative thoughts out of her head, but was failing. "Yeah. You guys have a good night, get home safe." Her hands wrapped around herself as she bit the inside of her cheek hard.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Steph smiled to Cadence, giving her a little wave as she headed for the door. She didn't want to get into it this late and with the guys present, so she intended to text her tomorrow to check in on her and make sure she was feeling alright. // Alex walked over to Cadence, leaning in to give her a little hug. "It was good to see you. Lisa is going to send more baby stuff out here so keep an eye on your packages." He said with a smile before turning to follow Steph and Felix to the door.-
  36. Covet: Felix headed out with the beasts. // Cadence hugged Alex back, walking them to the door." Okay, I will tell her I say thank you. Goodnight." She said to them closing the door and waited for them to get far enough away that she could break down a bit because depression yay.
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