
GURPS Macros

Jan 31st, 2018
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  1. &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}} {{action=[[dice]]}}
  2. SPEED
  3. &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}} {{Speed=[[@{Speed}&{tracker}]]}}
  4. Speed= (@{DX}+@{HT})/4
  5. /emas @{selected|token_name} has a speed of [[Speed&{tracker}]]
  6. /w gm @{selected|token_name} has a speed of [[Speed&{tracker}]]
  8. /emas @{selected|token_name} aims at @{target|character_name} ?{how many times|once|twice|thrice}
  9. /emas @{selected|token_name} evaluates @{target|character_name} ?{how many times|once|twice|thrice}
  11. &{template:default} {{name=Dodge}} {{Dodge=[[@{selected|Dodge}+?{Defense Bonus?|1[DB]}+?{Reeling (-4) at ?HP|0[Not Reeling]|-4[Reeling]}-?{Encumbrance|0[None]|1[Light]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}}
  12. &{template:default} {{name=Dodge}} {{Dodge=[[((Dodge*?{Reeling at n hp?|0.5[reeling]|1[not reeling]})+?{DB?|DB[DB]|0[no DB]})-?{Encumbrance|0[None]|1[Light]}+?{mod|0}-3d6]] (a result of *-0.5* is a successful dodge)}}
  13. /emas @{selected|token_name} attempts to dodge [[((Dodge*?{Reeling at n hp?|0.5[reeling]|1[not reeling]})+?{DB?|DB[DB]|0[no DB]})-?{Encumbrance|0[None]|1[Light]}+?{mod|0}-3d6]] (a result of *-0.5* is a successful dodge)
  14. /emas @{selected|token_name} attempts to dodge [[(Dodge*?{Reeling at n hp?|0.5[reeling]|1[not reeling]})+?{mod|0}-3d6]] (a result of *-0.5* is a successful dodge)
  15. &{template:default} {{name=Weapon Parry}} {{Parry=[[@{selected|Parry}+?{Defense Bonus?|1[DB]|0[no DB]}-?{Number of Parries|0[first parry]|4[second parry]|8[third parry]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}}
  16. &{template:default} {{name=Unarmed Parry}} {{Parry=[[@{selected|Parry}+?{Defense Bonus?|1[DB]|0[no DB]}-?{Number of Parries|0[first parry]|4[second parry]|8[third parry]}+?{misc mod|0}-?{Parried Weapon is...|0[thrusted, unarmed, or I KNOW KARATE/JUDO]|3[swung, no karate/judo]-3d6]]}} {{Note=A failed parry against a weapon allows the attacker to choose to hit their original target or the parrying arm.}}
  17. /emas @{selected|token_name} attempts to Parry [[Parry+?{DB?|DB[DB]|0[no DB]}-?{Number of Parries|0[first parry]|4[second parry]|8[third parry]}+?{mod|0}-3d6]]
  18. &{template:default} {{name=Small Heavy Shield}} {{Block=[[10+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}} {{Details=DR4/15HP; Cover DR 7}}
  19. /emas @{selected|token_name} attempts to interpose his shield [[Block+?{mod|0}-3d6]] @{selected|bar1}
  21. &{template:default} {{name=Melee Weapon}} {{To Hit=[[SL+?{Hit Location|0[torso or RHL]|-2[left arm]|-4[left hand]|-2[right arm]|-4[right hand]|-5[face]|-2[left leg]|-4[left foot]|-2[right leg]|-4[right foot]|-5[neck]|-7[skull]|-9[eye]|-3[vitals]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}} {{Damage=damage}} {{Details=Reach ? Parry ? ST ($, lbs).}}
  22. /emas @{selected|token_name} swings his weapon at @{target|character_name} [[SL+?{Hit Location|0[torso or RHL]|-2[left arm]|-4[left hand]|-2[right arm]|-4[right hand]|-5[face]|-2[left leg]|-4[left foot]|-2[right leg]|-4[right foot]|-5[neck]|-7[skull]|-3[vitals]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]] for Damage Roll and Type
  23. &{template:default} {{name=Simple Missile Weapon}} {{To Hit=[[SL+?{Aiming|0[I don't need to aim]|ACC[Acc]}+?{Further Aiming|0[No further aiming]|1[I need to aim]|2[I really need to aim]}-?{Speed/Range|0[1-2m]|1[3m]|2[5m]|3[7m]|4[10m]|5[15m]|6[20m]|7[30]|8[50]|9[70]|10[100]}+?{Hit Location|0[torso or RHL]|-2[left arm]|-4[left hand]|-2[right arm]|-4[right hand]|-5[face]|-2[left leg]|-4[left foot]|-2[right leg]|-4[right foot]|-5[neck]|-7[skull]|-9[eye]|-3[vitals]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}} {{Damage=damage}} {{Details=Range ?/? RoF 1 Shots ?(?) ST? Bulk -?.}}
  24. /emas @{selected|token_name} launches a projectile at @{target|character_name} [[SL+?{Aiming|0[I don't need to aim]|Acc[Acc]}+?{Further Aiming|0[No further aiming]|1[I need to aim]|2[I really need to aim]}-?{Speed/Range|0[1-2m]|1[3m]|2[5m]|3[7m]|4[10m]|5[15m]|6[20m]|7[30]|8[50]|9[70]|10[100]}+?{Hit Location|0[torso or RHL]|-2[left arm]|-4[left hand]|-2[right arm]|-4[right hand]|-5[face]|-2[left leg]|-4[left foot]|-2[right leg]|-4[right foot]|-5[neck]|-7[skull]|-9[eye]|-3[vitals]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]] for Damage Roll and Type
  25. &{template:default} {{name=Rapid Fire Ranged Weapon}} {{Shots Fired=?{RoF 15|1} shot(s)}} {{To Hit=[[SL+?{Shots Fired|0[2-4 Shots]|1[5-8]|2[9-12 shots]|3[13-16]|4[17-24]|5[25-49]|6[50-99 shots]}+?{Aiming|0[I don't need to aim]|1[Acc]}+?{Scope|0[1x]|1[3x]|2[6x]|3[9x]}+?{Further Aiming|0[No further aiming]|1[I need to aim]|2[I really need to aim]}-?{Speed/Range|0[1-2m]|1[3m]|2[5m]|3[7m]|4[10m]|5[15m]|6[20m]|7[30]|8[50]|9[70]|10[100]}+?{Hit Location|0[torso or RHL]|-2[left arm]|-4[left hand]|-2[right arm]|-4[right hand]|-5[face]|-2[left leg]|-4[left foot]|-2[right leg]|-4[right foot]|-5[neck]|-7[skull]|-3[vitals]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}} {{Damage=damage}} {{Details=Range ?/? RoF 1 Shots () ST Bulk .}}
  26. /em @{selected|token_name} fires ?{RoF 15|1} shot(s) at @{target|token_name} from their rapid fire weapon [[SL+?{Shots Fired|0[2-4 Shots]|1[5-8]|2[9-12 shots]|3[13-16]|4[17-24]|5[25-49]|6[50-99 shots]}+?{Aiming|0[I don't need to aim]|Acc[Acc]}+?{Further Aiming|0[No further aiming]|1[I need to aim]|2[I really need to aim]}-?{Speed/Range|0[1-2m]|1[3m]|2[5m]|3[7m]|4[10m]|5[15m]|6[20m]|7[30]|8[50]|9[70]|10[100]}+?{Hit Location|0[torso or RHL]|-2[left arm]|-4[left hand]|-2[right arm]|-4[right hand]|-5[face]|-2[left leg]|-4[left foot]|-2[right leg]|-4[right foot]|-5[neck]|-7[skull]|-9[eye]|-3[vitals]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]. Range Rcl Bulk Malf.
  27. DAMAGE
  28. [[(Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{wounding multipliers|4[skull or eye]|0.5[all else]|0.2[Unliving]|0.1[Homogenous]}]] small piercing (pi-)
  29. [[(Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{wounding multipliers|4[skull or eye]|1[all else]|0.5[Unliving]|0.33[Homogenous]}]] piercing (pi)
  30. [[(Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{wounding multipliers|4[skull or eye]|1[limb or extremity]|1.5[all else]|}]] large piercing (pi+).
  31. [[(Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{wounding multipliers|4[skull or eye]|3[vitals]|2[face/neck/groin/torso]|1[limb or extremity]}]] huge piercing (pi++) or impaling Reach Parry
  32. [[(Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{wounding multipliers|4[skull or eye]|2[tight beam at vitals]|1[all else]}]] burning (burn)
  33. [[(Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{wounding multipliers|1.5[typical]|2[neck]|4[skull]}]] cutting Reach Parry
  34. [[(Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{wounding multipliers|4[skull]|1.5[neck]|1[all else]}]] crushing Reach Parry
  35. [[((Damage+?{mod to basic dmg|0}-?{DR|0}[DR])*?{Penetrating Shot(s)|1}) insert appropriate wounding multipliers
  36. Random Hit Location pieces
  37. ?{RHL?|no RHL|[[1t[RHL]]]} wounding multiplier without knowing hit location: |1[I chose RHL, multiply the damage yourself]
  39. &{template:default} {{name=(Hook) Disarm Attempt}} {{Roll to Strike Weapon=[[SL-?{Weapon Penalty|5}-?{Weapon Type|0[Fencing or Hooked Weapon]|2[Non-hooked or -fencing Weapon]}-3d6]]}} {{Note on Defense=Dodge as normal, Parry only with the targeted weapon, no Block whatsoever, Defense Bonus doesn't apply.}} {{Quick Contest of Weapon Skill=[[SL+?{Weapon Type|2[Hooked Weapon]|2[used Jitte/Sai or Whip skill]|0[none of the above]}-3d6]]; May be *based on* ST.}} {{Details=[Info](}}
  40. &{template:default} {{name=Hook Shield Disarm Attempt}} {{Roll to Hook Shield=[[SL-4+?{Defense Bonus}-3d6]]}} {{Note on Defense=Dodge as normal, I'd rule Block without Defense Bonus}} {{Quick Contest of Skill or ST=[[SL-3d6]] Opponent gets +4 if shield is strapped to his arm}} {{Details=[Info](}}
  41. &{template:default} {{name=Shove}} {{To Hit=[[@{selected|DX or Sumo Wrestling}-3d6]]}} {{Shove=[[(@{selected|thr}-?{# of Hands|1[one hand]|0[two hands]})*2]] knockback}} {{Note=Victim is knocked back one hex every full multiple of their ST-2 rolled as knockback "damage." See B378}} {{View=[view](}}
  42. &{template:default} {{name=Grapple}} {{To Hit=[[SL+?{SM Difference|0}+?{Hit Location|0[torso|-1[left arm]|-2[left hand]|-1[right arm]|-2[right hand]|-3[face]|-1[left leg]|-2[left foot]|-1[right leg]|-2[right foot]|-3[neck]|-4[skull]}+?{misc mod|0}]]-3d6}} {{Details=is ?{how many hands|one|two|three|four}-handed}}
  43. &{template:default} {{name=Grapple Maintenance}} {{Quick Contest of ST=[[@{selected|ST}+2[Wrestling]+?{# of hands|0[one-handed grapple]|5[two-handed grapple|7[three-handed grapple|9[four-handed grapple}+?{Pinned?|0[Not Pinned Yet|5[Pinned}-?{Stunned?|0[Not Stunned|4[Stunned]}-3d6]]}} {{Note=Successfully breaking free from a grapple allows immediately moving one hex away in any direction.}}
  44. &{template:default} {{name=Break Grapple}} {{Quick Contest=[[@{selected|ST}+?{# of hands|0[one-handed grapple]|2[two-handed grapple|4[three-handed grapple|6[four-handed grapple}-3d6}} {{Note=Breaking free allows one hex of movement in any direction immediately.}}
  45. &{template:default} {{name=Takedown}} {{Quick Contest=[[@{selected|ST DX or grappling}-?{Posture|0[Standing]|2[Crouching, Kneeling, or Sitting]|4[Crawling or Lying Down]}-3d6]] vs highest of ST DX or grappling skill}} {{Note=**Win**: your victim falls down next to you (on a game board, he falls in your hex and any adjacent hex of your choice). If he was grappling you, he loses his grip. **Lose**: you suffer the same effects! **Tie**: nothing happens.}}
  46. &{template:default} {{name=Pin}} {{Regular Contest=[[@{selected|ST}+?{+3 per greater SM|0}+?{the most free hands?|0[fewer free hands]|3[more free hands]}-3d6]] vs ST}}
  47. &{template:default} {{name=Wrench Arm}} {{Quick Contest=[[@{selected|ST}-4+2[Wrestling]-3d6]] vs. the higher of your victim’s ST or HT.}} {{Wrenching=[[@{selected|sw} crushing; The target’s *rigid* DR protects normally. Flexible armor – including natural DR with the Flexible or Tough Skin limitation – has no effect.}} {{Details=This counts as an attack}}
  48. &{template:default} {{name=Wrench Leg}} {{Quick Contest=[[@{selected|ST}-4+2[Wrestling]-3d6]] vs. the higher of your victim’s ST+4 or HT+4.}} {{Wrenching=[[@{selected|sw} crushing; The target’s *rigid* DR protects normally. Flexible armor – including natural DR with the Flexible or Tough Skin limitation – has no effect.}} {{Details=This counts as an attack}}
  49. &{template:default} {{name=Wrench Spine: Position}} {{Place in Position=[[@{selected|ST or Wrestling}-4-3d6]]}} {{Details=Success means you lift him up and swing him over your shoulders. Any failure means you fall down with your foe on top of you and take thrust damage to your own neck. If your opponent’s weight exceeds [[@{selected|BL}*4]], you simply can’t pick him up; your attempt fails but you don’t fall or hurt yourself.}}
  50. &{template:default} {{name=Wrench Spine: Wrench}} {{Quick Contest of Wrench Spine=[[@{selected|ST or Wrestling}-4-3d6]] vs. the higher of your victim’s ST+4 or HT+4.}} {{Spine Wrenching=[[@{selected|sw} crushing damage to the spine. The target’s *rigid* DR protects normally. Flexible armor, including natural DR with the Flexible or Tough Skin limitation, has no effect. The spine’s own DR doesn’t help, either – you’re not striking the spine but applying continuous pressure to break it.}} {{Details=There’s no wounding multiplier for this location but sufficient injury can mean severe and possibly permanent crippling; see New Hit Locations (MA137).}}
  51. &{template:default} {{name=Neck Snap}} {{Quick Contest of ST=[[@{selected|ST}-4-3d6]] vs. the higher of opponent's ST or HT.}} {{Damage=[[(@{selected|sw}-?{Rigid, non-flexible neck DR|0}[DR])*1.5]] crushing damage to the neck}} {{Worth Mentioning=The target’s rigid DR protects normally, but flexible armor – including natural DR with the Flexible or Tough Skin limitation – has no effect.}} {{Details=This counts as an attack. Neck injury can have serious consequences; see Lasting and Permanent Injuries (MA138-139) if using those rules.}}
  52. HT ROLLS
  53. &{template:default} {{name=HT vs KO/Death}} {{Against Subdue=[[@{selected|HT}+1[Fit]-?{negative HP Penalty|0[more than -1xHP]|1[-1xHP]|2[-2xHP]|3[-3xHP]|4[-4xHP]}-3d6]]}} {{Against Death=?{Against Death|[[@{selected|HT}+1[Fit]-3d6]]|No risk of dying.}}}
  54. /emas @{selected|token_name} attempts to grasp onto consciousness and/or life (respectively) [[@{selected|HT}+1[Hard to Subdue 1]-?{negative HP Penalty|0[more than -1xHP]|1[-1xHP]|2[-2xHP]|3[-3xHP]|4[-4xHP]}-3d6]]. ?{Risk of dying?|[[HT-3d6]]|No risk of dying}.
  55. &{template:default} {{name=HT vs Stunning}} {{Resist=[[@{selected|HT}+1[Fit]+?{Pain Threshold|3[High Pain Threshold]|0[Normal Pain Threshold]|-4[Low Pain Threshold]}-?{Major Wound Modifiers|0[no major wound]|5[major wound to face or vitals]|10[major wound to skull or eye]}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}}
  57. &{template:default} {{name=ST Roll}} {{ST=[[@{selected|ST}}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}}
  58. &{template:default} {{name=DX Roll}} {{DX=[[@{selected|DX}}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}}
  59. &{template:default} {{name=Intelligence Roll}} {{IQ=[[@{selected|IQ}}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}}
  60. &{template:default} {{name=Will Roll}} {{Will=[[@{selected|Will}}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]]}}
  62. /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Reaction Rolls}} {{PC Name=[[3d6+0[Appearance]+?{Status 0|0}[status difference]+?{PC Misc|0}]] and circumstantial modifiers, perhaps with a FoA [[3d6]]}} {{etc=[[3d6-1[Half-Breed Stigma]+?{Emeric Misc|0}]] -4 from Authority figures}}
  63. /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Reaction Roll Results}} {{0 or less=Disastrous}} {{1-3=Very Bad}} {{4-6=Bad}} {{7-9=Poor}} {{10-12=Neutral}} {{13-15=Good}} {{16-18=Very Good}} {{19+=Excellent}} {{Ref=B560}}
  64. /w gm [Quick Reaction Table]( See B560.
  65. /w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} Per}} {{Per=[[@{selected|Per}+?{misc mod|0}-3d6]] other sense bonuses}}
  66. /w gm &{template:default} {{name=@{token_name}'s Stealth}} {{Roll=[[SL-{Encumbrance|0[None]|1[Light]|2[Medium]|3[Heavy]|4[Extra Heavy]}+?{-5 to hide in area w/o natural hiding places, +3 if many hiding spots|0}-?{Movement|0[Move1 or slower]|5[Move1 or faster]}-?{Discriminatory Smell?|-5[Seeker has discriminatory smell|0[seeker no smell well]}]]}}
  67. &{template:default} {{name=Rapid Fire Bonus Table}} {{**Shots**=**Bonus To Hit**}} {{2-4=+0}} {{5-8=+1}} {{9-12=+2}} {{13-16=+3}} {{17-24=+4}} {{25-49=+5}} {{50-99=+6}} {{each x2=+1}}
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