
Death Blow!!!

Feb 16th, 2017
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  1. Death Blow(Rank B)
  2. Location:Krakenburg Stadium
  3. Time:7PM Nohrian District
  4. Entrants:6
  5. Rank:B
  6. Prize money:7000G(1st) 4200(2nd)
  8. 1.Stolzio
  9. 2.Seigi
  10. 3.Epsilion
  11. 4.Vegas
  12. 5.Malone
  13. 6.Torebits
  15. (We gonna skim over the matches, we will show Seigi's 1st match and then skip over the rest...and do the same with Stolzio's....Last match will be Seigi vs Stolzio to win the cup)
  17. Seiki
  18. 514/407/457/405/413/359
  19. Fire Punch(POW)(Mid)
  20. D/C/E/E-17 Guts
  21. Smoke Bomb(INT)(Close)
  22. C/E/E/E-13 Guts
  23. Punch Rush(POW)(Close)
  24. S/D/E/E-18 Guts
  25. Scissors(POW)(Close)
  26. E/B/E/D-22 Guts
  27. X-Blade(POW)(Mid)
  28. D/C/E/B-22 Guts
  29. Crescent(INT)(Far)
  30. A/C/D/E-27 Guts
  31. Big Edge(Best)(INT)(Far)
  32. A/A/D/C-48Guts
  33. Blazing Fists(Best)(POW)(Close)
  34. S/A/B/B-55 Guts
  35. Lightning(INT)(Far)
  36. -S/E/E/D-32 Guts
  38. Stolzio
  39. (Parentheses = actual stats thanks to Alternation)
  40. 437(524)/423(507)/489(376)/428(329)/419(502)/362
  41. Wild Slash(POW)(Close)
  42. C/D/E/E-12 Guts
  43. Wild Bite(POW)(Close)
  44. E/C/E/E-14 Guts
  45. Claw Combo(POW)(Close)
  46. C/B/E/E-28 Guts
  47. Wild Upper(POW)(Mid)
  48. B/D/D/E-19 Guts
  49. Flare Upper(POW)(Close)
  50. C/A/C/E-31 Guts
  51. Tornado(INT)(Far)
  52. E/D/B/E-24 Guts
  53. Beam(INT)(Far)
  54. B/D/D/D-25 Guts
  55. Super Claw(POW)(Close)
  56. S/D/E/D-30 Guts
  57. Crimson Arms(POW)(Close)
  58. A/B/A/C-45 Guts
  60. >The day is finally here as All kinds of media is here to broadcast the Death Blow
  61. >Jalen and the gang are walking to the arena...Jalne getting some boos here thanks to the media showing him as an asshole by twisting his words
  62. >Soleil grabs his hand and reassure him that everything's gonna be allright
  63. >Jalen nods as Rin reads her text and see that her mother ask can she and her friends come up to the noble box
  64. >Rin nods and tell them about the text...Lucina nods and tell them to follow her to the box...Soleil kiss Jalen one last time as Rin wish him luck, Severa tell him that he will win, and Lucina nods at him
  65. >Jalen and Seigi head to the lobby...inside, they see everyone's in there...a Zilla(Malone) a Garu/Hare(Vegas) a Arrowhead(Torebits) and a Hengar(Epsilion)...and Dio and his monster...
  66. >Jalen and Dio just stare off as do their monster...everyone present understand the intense rivalry between them...
  67. >Meanwhile..Camilla greets Rin and her friends...Colt and Severa learning that Camilla has adopted Rin...Camilla ask Rin is she ready, to which she nods..
  68. >They all step in to see plenty of nobles...including the Dammerungs and Verlassens...Almedha asks what's the meaning of letting the gutter trashes up here...Xander is confused as well...Camilla announced that a couple of months ago...she has legally adopted Rin and have the paper to prove them
  69. >Almedha is utterally consumed with rage as Ashley looks jealous and angry....Xander quirks an eyebrow as does Leo...Elise meanwhile is happy as she hugs her niece(Who's older than her)...Siegbert looks dismayed at this news..
  70. >Elise sticks to Rin and talk to her about every subject known to man as Colt giggle behind Rin...Siegbert ask Lucina how is Robin to which Lucina only reply with well...The Dammerungs don't know Robin's true self...
  71. >Rin plan on telling Camilla whenever she gets the chance with Lucina however...
  72. >But no time for that...The Cup is Underway!!
  75. >The 1st match goes to Stolzio easily as he beat down on Torebits brutally...Almedha and Ashley cheering on loudly as Camilla notes that Dio seems to use more than enough Force that's needed to Rin
  76. >The 2nd match proves to be wild as Seigi topples Malone while tanking some hits...Jalen's worried about Seigi, but know that he can do it...and wins their 1st match
  77. >As the Cup goes on...Leo points out the rising viewership and even points out that some of it comes from Hoshido as well...shocking Xander who thinks that maybe one of those numbers is their rivals, The Yoakes(It's Takumi and Shiro, watching seperately...)
  78. >Severa points out Stolzio in between matches is getting Pain Suppressants...Lucina grimly nods...saying that Robin will love this to be in Ylisse to make a profit..sitting next to them Soleil is sure that Jalen will win....and get a text from her mom that where is she for Inigo's party...she text back that she is in Nohr with her boyfriend and told her that she couldn't make it...Olivia gets upset and as for her to bring him over as soon as they come home...Siegbert notes that Lucina don't call Robin mom...but don't bring it up
  79. >Almedha boasts that Monster Alteration is the future of Nohr and worldwide...Rin disagrees heavily and tell her why
  80. >As Ashley tells her that Stolzio was happy to get the limbs...Camilla pierces her soul(And Everyone except for Almedha) with a question regarding did Stolzio TRULY wanted it or not...
  83. >The last match is here as the crowd gets whipped up...Soleil holds her hands together...Rin gets into the match...
  84. >Stolzio and Seigi fights...and after a very grueling match...Seigi wins
  85. >Dio cannot believe it as the crowd roars with a mixed cry of joy and anger..each side wanting Dio to win or lose..
  86. >Camilla turn to Xander and tell him that now that he have seen enough...WHat will he do now...
  87. >Xander nods and make an annoucement for all to hear that Monster Alterations will be banned for life and ask the Medical Staff to take Stolzio....indefinitely...Much to The Verlassens and Dio's horror and rage
  88. >As Stolzio is carried off, Dio walk out of the arena in rage..forgetting his money..Jalen takes his and hear the crowd cheers his name...he look at Seigi who is very hurt, but happy to win..and think that's time to retire him..
  89. >Soleil is so happy as is everyone else when they greet him...and the gang head on home..where a new saga will begin...and one that will have a ever-lasting effect on not just them...but the world...
  93. >Dio leaves the Verlassens...Unsatified with where he is at with them and leaves Nohr as a whole...Where he is one knows...He swears to ruin Jalen's life and all who is close to him(Possibly Plegia)
  96. >Lissa gets sick....Lucina, while looking through the library for a cure..sees a letter....from CHROM!!!...AND THE LETTER LEAVES DETAILS ON THE SICKNESS THAT HE DIED FROM THAT LISSA HAVE.....AND THAT ROBIN IS THE KILLER!!!
  97. >Jalen meets Soleil's parents and get to a rocky-start with them(Olivia dislike him beating her darling child Inigo as Lon'Qu doesn't realy appreciate Soleil leaving them years ago to Nohr....Which she told them, but they weren't listening cause they were spoiling Inigo)
  98. >Rin receives a letter that Dio has left the Verlassens and haven't been seen since the Death Blow from Camilla..
  99. >Lucina round up Jalen, Rin, and Soleil for a special mission...heading to Plegia...
  100. >Also....RIP Seigi...he's now officially retired and rest at the house...;-;7
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