

Oct 16th, 2020
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  1. local FireServer
  2. plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  3. s = plr.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ClientScript
  4. repeat wait()
  5. for i,v in pairs(getgc()) do
  6. if type(v) == "function" and getfenv(v).script == s and getinfo(v).name == "FireServer" then
  7. FireServer = v
  8. end
  9. end
  10. until FireServer ~= nil
  11. local eggs = {}
  12. for i,v in pairs(workspace.Eggs:GetChildren()) do
  13. if not table.find(eggs,v.Name) then
  14. table.insert(eggs,v.Name)
  15. end
  16. end
  17. local af,as,ao,egg = false,false,false,""
  18. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AikaV3rm/UiLib/master/Lib.lua')))()
  19. local w = library:CreateWindow("Bubble gum simulator")
  20. local b = w:CreateFolder("Main")
  21. b:Toggle("Auto Farm",function(bool)
  22. af = bool
  23. end)
  24. b:Toggle("Auto Sell",function(bool)
  25. as = bool
  26. end)
  27. b:Toggle("Auto Open Eggs",function(bool)
  28. ao = bool
  29. end)
  30. b:Dropdown("Eggs",eggs,true,function(a)
  31. egg = a
  32. end)
  33. b:Button("Unlock All Islands",function()
  34. hrp = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  35. for i,v in pairs(workspace.FloatingIslands.Overworld:GetChildren()) do
  36. if v:FindFirstChild("RootPart") then
  37. hrp.Parent = nil
  38. hrp.CFrame = v.RootPart.CFrame
  39. hrp.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
  40. wait(.1)
  41. end
  42. end
  43. end)
  44. b:Button("Destroy Gui",function(value)
  45. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("CoreGui"):GetChildren()) do
  46. if v:FindFirstChild("HiI'mSexyDon'tTouchMePls") then
  47. v:Destroy()
  48. end
  49. end
  50. end)
  51. spawn(function()
  52. while wait() do
  53. if af then
  54. FireServer(nil,"BlowBubble")
  55. end
  56. end
  57. end)
  58. spawn(function()
  59. while wait() do
  60. if ao then
  61. if workspace.Eggs:FindFirstChild(egg) and (workspace.Eggs[egg].Hotkey.Position - plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude < 15 then
  62. FireServer(nil,"PurchaseEgg",egg)
  63. end
  64. end
  65. end
  66. end)
  67. spawn(function()
  68. while wait() do
  69. pcall(function()
  70. if as then
  71. bubbles = plr.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.StatsFrame.Bubble.Amount
  72. bubbles = bubbles.Text:split("/")
  73. if bubbles[1] == bubbles[2] then
  74. FireServer(nil,"Teleport","Sell")
  75. wait(math.random(100,150)/150)
  76. end
  77. end
  78. end)
  79. end
  80. end)
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