
Actor's Anteroom: Yukata

Dec 16th, 2017
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  1. Stage is a small bunch of bushes in a city park. Night city can be seen and heard behind.
  3. (Enter S-ko. S-ko is wearing a yukata.)
  4. S-ko: I love fireworks so much. Just look at them! Flash and it's there, flash, and it's gone.
  5. S-ko: When I look at fireworks, I feel something profound about life.
  7. (Enter B-ko. B-ko is wearing a yukata. She has boyish short hair and a boyish voice)
  9. B-ko: They're, well, pretty, but that's not really why people come to these events...
  10. S-ko: What, is there somewhere else to look than on the sky that's blooming?
  11. B-ko: Of course, you! Your supple form contained in the yukata! Your eyes in which the fireworks reflect themselves!
  12. (B-ko falls on her knee, extending her arms towards S-ko.)
  13. B-ko: In fact, this is the harvest festival. It is a celebration of fertility. So, the reason that people come here is to -
  14. S-ko: To watch fireworks. I came here to watch fireworks. If you won't take your eyes off me, I don't need you!
  15. B-ko: B-but I love you! Let's celebrate harvest together!
  16. S-ko: Pervert!
  18. (B-ko dives onto S-ko, who dodges. B-ko stumbles and leaves the stage, or falls off it)
  20. S-ko: As I thought, that one was no good. Hey, mister! Did you come to watch fireworks too?
  22. (Enter H-ko. H-ko has a hat, a moustache, a trenchcoat, and also a deep voice.)
  23. H-ko: No, you see, my reason is a bit weird.
  24. S-ko: What can be weird about these dazzling explosions of light up above?
  25. H-ko: I am a bug catcher. I came here to collect fireflies.
  26. S-ko: Eww, bugs!
  27. H-ko: Look at this one. Isn't she pretty? Flash and she's alight, flash, and she's gone.
  28. S-ko: Why now of all the times anyway?
  29. H-ko: Fireflies are attracted to fireflies, young lady. They think that the fireworks are other fireflies, when they are infact deadly wheels of fire! They want to mate-
  30. S-ko: I am, uh, not listening anymore. Been nice meeting you.
  32. (S-ko pushes H-ko out of, or off the stage)
  34. S-ko: Now let's see... Oh, you, lady! You'll do just fine.
  36. (Enter Z-ko. Z-ko is also wearing a yukata, but a has the body of an older woman, and her face behind a veil.)
  38. Z-ko: O-ho-ho-ho-ho, young lady. Now what can I possibly help you with on this fine evening?
  39. S-ko: Would you watch fireworks with me? Just, like, stand over there, head up.
  40. Z-ko: Then my veil would fall off, missy. My head should be kept down when mourning.
  41. S-ko: Mourning!?
  42. Z-ko: Ah, yes, my husband has died recently. It's proper to mourn him, but I am inheriting so much money it's also reason to celebrate.
  43. S-ko: That is stupid.
  44. Z-ko: Does this booming above not remind you of life's own shortness? Flash, and you're here, flash, and you're gone. Perhaps you'll get hit by a car, or die of drug abuse from burning too brightly. Or, like me-
  45. S-ko: Like you, I might just leave all of sudden. There. Begone!
  47. (S-ko pushes Z-ko out of, or off the stage.)
  49. S-ko: I just want somebody to watch fireworks with. Is that so hard? Does everyone have to be a weirdo looking for a deeper meaning?
  51. (B-ko reenters the stage. She is bent over, breathing heavily.)
  53. B-ko: Here you are. Where did you run off to? You didn't have to be so violent!
  54. S-ko: Oh, it's you. I already pushed you out. You're not supposed to be coming back.
  55. B-ko: I am here because you needed -somebody- to watch with.
  56. S-ko: Well, you already blew it today, so-
  57. B-ko: Nobody is good enough to you, but you are always looking for somebody. Flash, and I am here, flash, and we'll be meeting at school tomorrow!
  59. (B-ko leaves angrily)
  61. S-ko: Well, now it's just not gonna be the same.
  63. (Curtain falls. The four shadow magical girls bow to the audience)
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