
Pumpkin Reports Jump

Mar 25th, 2017
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  3. When Max Green discovers his new adoptive brother and sister are vegetable-based aliens from the pumpkin planet Kemii-Lar, sent to Earth as the advance party for an invasion, he realizes he and his friends are the only people who can stop his innocent-looking siblings from turning all humans into their unwilling slave-gardeners... starting with his town. Synopsis fromt South African website
  5. Cucumbertown I thinkt the place is called
  6. Drop-In???
  7. A perk that makes you moderatly skilled at a wide variety of things.
  8. Diplomancy???
  9. Maybe some sort of investigation perk?
  12. Since I'm having trouble with items maybe I'll give drop-ins a couple free points or make it so they can choose something for a discount twice? Probably give them a free 400cp.
  14. Adult (Based off of the tech guy)
  15. Have programming and machine building skills
  16. Some sort of profession perk for like gardening and stuff?
  18. Professional: Choose a single mundane profession, like programming or gardening for example. Not only are you very good at what you do, but you'll always be able to land a job in your chosen profession. 100Cp (Discount: Adult)
  20. Human Ingeniuty: Who says only aliens get to have cool sci-fi stuff? You can build amazing things out of random pieces of junk. Ray guns and beams that create invisible cages are well within your reach. Making stuff with this perk is slower than with Technoharvest, but you also don't need any specialized equipment to do so. 600cp (Discount: Adult)
  23. Items
  24. Sweet van 100cp-300cp?
  25. That sweet hideout 600cp
  27. Kemii
  28. Cost points to start as because of super strength and that vine tail Ran used his tail to make an impression of a key. Probably 300cp to start as a Kemii.
  30. Logical: You're amazingly good at pushing aside your emotions and thinking things through logically. In fact, you're so good at it that you could fool yourself into believing that you don't have emotions, but that would be illogical, wouldn't it? 100cp (Free: Drop-In)
  33. Polymath: Wow, you seem to have overtaken the competition, all of it. Not only do you learn twice as fast as you used to, but your talent in every single mundane skill is well above average. While you may not be a master, you'd definitly be at the top of the class. 600cp (Discount: Drop-In)
  36. Gourd Head: Your head must be hollow or something, because you can eat things to store stuff inside of it for later. Eating is also a lot faster and easier for you because your tongue can stretch out to be as long and almost as broad as your body. 100cp (Free: Kemii Spy)
  38. Infiltator: Not only are you really good at blending in and acting like you belong, but you're also an excellent liar. It doesn't hurt that most people are stupid enough to buy the flimsiest excuses you can give for why something or someone isn't out of place. You could probably convince an entire town that an inhuman alien walking around in broad daylight is just an actor if you had to. 300cp (Discount: Kemii Spy)
  40. Technoharvest: You find designing and producing biotechnology a breeze. From love potions to machines that project a person's worst fear in their head, you can grow just about anything you inside of alien pumpkins. While this usually takes specialized equipment, you also seem to have the miracolous ability to build the machines you need out of ordinary gourds and computer parts. I hope you're a fan of pumpkins, because everything you produce seems to have a gourd motif. 600Cp (Discount: Kemii Spy)
  42. Items:
  43. Report Launcher (lets you send faster than light messages) and a computer that can create the messanger fruit things 100cp (Free)
  44. Pumpkin scooter thing
  45. The sweet goard base 600cp
  48. Tenacity: You just don't give up do you? It doesn't matter if your enemy is smart than you, stronger than you, and has more advanced technology, you'll keep on trying to the bitter end. 100cp (Free: Kid)
  50. She's Up to Something: Some may call you paranoid or crazy, but they're simply ignorant to the truth. Only the best disgueses and most skillful liers will be able to fool you as long as you have reason to suspect something's up. You're also quite a bit better at stumbling upon secret plots before they have a chance of being executed. 300cp (Discount: Kid)
  52. She's Part of the Family in a Twisted, Evil Sort of Way: As long as your enemy isn't a complete monster they won't actively try and kill you or your loved ones as long as you don't actively try to kill them or the people they care about. One of you may die going up agianst each other, but they won't smother you in your sleep or anything. 600cp (Discount: Kid)
  54. Items:
  55. Maybe that one gun Max had?
  57. Children companions are likely to be related to you, like your child or neice or super young sibling or something.
  59. Items:
  60. Love potion
  61. fear recorder
  62. spy fly bots (Kemii Bees) I think they can turn invisible. Draw energy from the bot replicator
  63. Maybe a bot replicator to create Kemii bees.
  64. Stun gun botton that can paralyuze multiple people
  65. False memory darts (Discount: Drop In)
  66. Some sort of ray that turns things to fudge
  67. Humans: Invisible energy cage gun
  68. Monster Grow: A fertiilzer that makes plants grow giant, they will eventually explode if you give them too much water but if you cut the water off they shrink (Discount: Adult)
  69. Mirror of Gavlon: A mirror that people can enter and be trapped in. Can't move the mirror from the mirror world. Sound doesn't travel through it and the mirror person can't be seen, but you can move suff around. Can still be seen through other mirrors though. (Discount: Drop-In)
  71. A Kemii base like Loom has. While you can use it to produce technology like Technoharvest, Technoharvest actually makes you know what you're doing, good at it, and automatically understand how to convert technology from other worlds into Kemii-tech
  73. Simon has plutonium???
  74. There was some sort of bioenergizer from space that cause things to grow larger and change form slightly. Bioreversal beam undos it. The squirrel got fused with a worm and could burrow through concrete
  77. Volgoths are venus fly traps that can be trained to eat anything and can pop in and out of the ground
  79. Pumpkin: An average, ordinary pumpkin will appear in your warehouse once a week. (Free)
  83. Drawbacks:
  84. Makes you unable to talk like Ran/Goliath 100cp
  85. Amnesia 200cp
  86. Have trouble uinderstanding others with different mindsets and causes you to constantly leave flaws in your plans that others can exploit 100cp-200cp?
  87. Squirrels are always causing problems or be obsessed with squirrels? 100cp
  88. Makes it so you are incredibly easy to fool 300cp
  89. Makes it so no one ever believes you except your closest friends 100cp
  90. Permanent love potion? 300cp
  91. Loom wants to fucking murder you 300cp
  92. The kids don't like you and want to take you out 200cp?
  96. Invade This Planet Now: Wow, it looks like Loom finaly convinced the Kemii to invade Earth. You have to wonder why they seemed so reluctant to do so seeing as how they seem to have an endless amount of ships, manpower, and technology that outstrips what you'd find on Earth. It looks like you'll be spending the next decade fighting off an alien invasion. Even if you yourself are a Kemii the others will think you're a traitor. +300cp
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