
Along the Wayward Shore, Session 3

Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. <DM> -=QUEST RESUMO!=-
  2. * X__X is now known as Interloper
  3. * Interloper stands before you, ready to battle. DO YOU HAVE A POKEBALL TO CATCH IT?
  4. <Interloper> Wait what.
  5. <Lightwall> (no pokeball; I think...)
  6. <Lightwall> (lol)
  7. <DM> *Before Interloper is able to do anything else, DM interrupts by re-explaining how that path thing works.*
  8. <DM> *Courtesies of physics + shenanigans not working properly together, if you walk in the direction of the path, it moves against you while you appear to stand still.*
  9. <Lightwall> (even after having broken the chains?)
  10. <DM> (oh right those...... I knew I was forgetting something)
  11. <DM> (nah, this shouldn't affect this much)
  12. <DM> (kay, assume this explanation means the chains are on by your own will)
  13. <DM> *However, if you turn and walk a direction that's away from the path, the path will move parallel to the direction you walk in, meaning you'll still look like you're standing still.*
  14. <DM> *How this works in context of others...
  15. <DM> *The path is chained to you. If you walk in the path's direction, which moves against you, whoever is on the path moves the opposite direction you're going.*
  16. <DM> *And if you turn directions and move away, whoever is on the path gets swept up in the darkness, which seems to be a zone that restricts the Moblin... and theoretically the Interloper, but we'll see how that works. o_O*
  17. <DM> *Note that doing these path movements are optional, as you broke those chains from earlier. You can still use them, you're just not forced into it anymore.*
  18. <DM> *That too confusing or you think you got it?*
  19. <Lightwall> (I think it will make more sense in practice. Seems simple, kinda'...)
  20. <DM> (kay)
  21. <Interloper> Can I speak yet?
  22. * DM reactivates Interloper's ability to speak like he's evil or something.
  23. <Interloper> Mwahahahhaahh! ...... I suddenly don't feel so evil.
  24. * Lightwall looks up at the Interloper, confused.
  25. <Interloper> No matter, for I shall erase you... and become you!
  26. <Lightwall> Oh, I don't think so!
  27. * Moblin stands in between Lightwall and the Interloper, his spear ready.
  28. <Moblin> Grumble! Defend Wall of Light, grumble!
  29. <Lightwall> (Besides, I'm not a drawing! I fear no erasers!)
  30. <DM> .......
  31. <Lightwall> (joking, of course)
  32. <DM> ....... you would make a good DM, you know that?
  33. <DM> And by that, I mean screw with players' minds.
  34. <Lightwall> (ohhh, niiiice! Hee hee!)
  35. <DM> *Moblin has learned your name finally! ..... sorta.*
  36. <Moblin> Wall of Light, ultimate force!
  37. <DM> *Actually, that would be me.*
  38. <Moblin> GRUMBLE!
  39. <DM> *Actually, that would be Navi, or in this case, Tatl.*
  40. <Lightwall> (Oh I get it! Wall of Light! lol Guess that's me!)
  41. <DM> lulz
  42. <Moblin> Wall of Light, backed by...... by....... noname?
  43. * Moblin has no name. Grumble.
  44. <Lightwall> Shall I call you Moe?
  46. <Interloper> What.
  47. <Lightwall> (lol)
  48. <Interloper> Hah! A pitiful human that doesn't even know his own heritage and a lowly Moblin. Fine then.... COME AT ME!
  49. * DM restores Hearts and Magic to max..... if that was needed.
  50. <DM> *Roll initiatives!*
  51. <Moblin> $init 1d10
  52. <Tatl> Moblin: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
  53. <Interloper> $init 1d10
  54. <Tatl> Interloper: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
  55. <DM> holy wut
  56. <Lightwall> $init 1d10
  57. <Tatl> Lightwall: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 4.
  58. <DM> $init s
  59. <Tatl> The battle has begun!
  60. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  61. <Tatl> Bonus Turns: Moblin (10).
  62. * Moblin gets the initiative and charges Interloper with a spear thrust! (Roll Power)
  63. <Interloper> Gah!
  64. <Moblin> $13d10
  65. <Tatl> Moblin: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 3, 9, 1, 4, 6, 1, 10, 5, 8, 1, 6 and 1. Total: 64. Successes: 8.
  66. <Interloper> $7d10
  67. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 10, 3, 10, 8, 6 and 3. Total: 48. Successes: 7.
  68. <Interloper> Hmph!
  69. * Moblin manages to land a poke at Interloper, dealing 1 damage.
  70. <Interloper> 36h, 12m
  71. <DM> oh yeah, profile is up -
  72. <Moblin> HMPH!
  73. <Moblin> 8h, 5m
  74. <Moblin> $endturn
  75. <Tatl> Moblin has ended their turn.
  76. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  77. <Tatl> Bonus Turns Over! Round 1 Begins Now!
  78. <Moblin> Grr!
  79. <Moblin> Light, command me!
  80. * Moblin is motioning you to uhhh... give him orders.
  81. <Lightwall> Oh, right! ...
  82. <Interloper> I suppose I should take out the beast first.
  83. <Lightwall> Moblin, use thrust!
  84. <Moblin> Grumble!
  85. * Moblin tries another spear thrust at Interloper! (Roll Power)
  86. <Moblin> $13d10
  87. <Tatl> Moblin: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 5, 8, 1, 10, 5, 3, 8, 2, 1, 1, 8 and 5. Total: 67. Successes: 10.
  88. <Interloper> $7d10
  89. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 1, 4, 1, 9, 8 and 9. Total: 41. Successes: 4.
  90. * Interloper is hit hard by this one!
  91. * Moblin deals a painful ... oh right, that last attack should've had +2 damage.
  92. * Moblin deals 6 + 2 = 8 damage.
  93. <Interloper> (taking into account the first +2 that should've happened)
  94. <Interloper> 26h, 12m
  95. <DM> *As the Interloper is hit, part of his body seems to explode momentarily before reforming.*
  97. <Moblin> 8h, 5m
  98. <Moblin> $endturn
  99. <Tatl> Moblin has ended their turn.
  100. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  101. * Interloper opens his arms, as if welcoming you to attack him.
  102. <Interloper> Please, by all means... hit me.
  103. <DM> *Interlopers are apparently masochists. Good to know!*
  104. <Interloper> WHAT?!
  105. * Lightwall slices at the Interloper with his Steel Sword! (roll Courage)
  106. <Lightwall> (lol)
  107. * Interloper goes for the doooodge!
  108. <Lightwall> $11d10
  109. <Tatl> Lightwall: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 3, 2, 5, 5, 1, 2, 9, 1, 5 and 10. Total: 46. Successes: 6.
  110. <Interloper> $9d10
  111. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 7, 2, 4, 8, 1, 9, 8 and 7. Total: 49. Successes: 5.
  112. * Interloper is hit!
  113. <Lightwall> 6-5=1
  114. * Interloper takes 1 damage from your little slice.
  115. <Interloper> You want swords, do you?
  116. <Lightwall> (Aww, but my heart went into thaaaat!)
  117. * Lightwall feels his spider sense tingle aga- *shot*
  118. <DM> (But if you sing a song about putting your into it and how it will go on, your giant ship might sink.)
  119. * DM ruuuuuuuuns.
  120. <DM> ($endturn?
  121. <Lightwall> (d'oh!)
  122. <Lightwall> $endturn
  123. <Tatl> Lightwall has ended their turn.
  124. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  125. <Interloper> 25h, 12m | Unknown Charge: 12/??
  126. <Interloper> Let's try this again...
  127. * Interloper transforms and takes the form of Dark Link!
  128. <Interloper> 25h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 12/??
  129. * Interloper pulls out a sword resembling the Master Sword and a shield that looks like a dark mirror.
  130. <Interloper> Now... Lightwall... you shall....
  131. * Interloper charges the Moblin.
  132. <Interloper> DIE LATER!
  133. <Moblin> GRUMBLE?!
  134. * Moblin raises his spear to defend!
  135. <Lightwall> ???
  136. <Interloper> $14d10
  137. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 10, 5, 4, 1, 1, 6, 6, 7, 9, 9, 5, 1 and 2. Total: 69. Successes: 9.
  138. * Interloper slices at Moblin..... derp.
  139. * Lightwall is surprised.
  140. <Moblin> $9d10
  141. <Tatl> Moblin: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 3, 1, 8, 9, 7, 3, 3 and 5. Total: 40. Successes: 4.
  142. <Moblin> HURK!
  143. * Interloper gets a deep slice on Moblin, dealing 9 - 4 = 5 - 2 = 3 damage... CURSE YOUR ARMOR
  144. <Interloper> Gah! You're surprisingly sturdy, aren't you...
  145. <Moblin> I'm a boss.
  146. <Interloper> 25h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 15/??
  147. <Interloper> $endturn
  148. <Tatl> Interloper has ended their turn.
  149. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  150. * Moblin recovers 1 heart.
  151. <Interloper> ....
  152. * Lightwall smiles, though still a little confused.
  153. <Moblin> 6h, 5m
  154. <DM> *Suddenly, in the distance in the direction of the path.... you can see a faint light.*
  155. <DM> *I wonder what it is?*
  156. <Interloper> Che! It seems the fairies are waking up, thanks to your presence.
  157. <Lightwall> Moblin, ram him hard!
  158. <DM> *FYI, regarding movement, it's a free action, if you want to walk towards it.*
  159. <Moblin> GRRRRUMBLE!
  160. * Moblin goes to uhhh......
  161. * Moblin charges up.
  162. <Moblin> $endturn
  163. <Tatl> Moblin has ended their turn.
  164. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  165. <Moblin> 6h, 5m | Ram is charged
  166. * Lightwall charges his magic and propels a Bullet Spray at the Interloper! (roll Wisdom)
  167. * Moblin is in a protective mode, making him extra sturdy it seems.
  168. <Lightwall> $12d10
  169. <Tatl> Lightwall: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 4, 10, 3, 7, 6, 6, 10, 9, 7, 2 and 7. Total: 75. Successes: 10.
  170. * Interloper raises his dark shield.
  171. <Interloper> Wrong move, sparky.
  172. <Interloper> $12d10
  173. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 7, 5, 4, 7, 8, 7, 1, 8, 6, 6 and 8. Total: 69. Successes: 9.
  174. <Lightwall> O_O
  175. <DM> *The water bullets impact the shield and seem to phase right through it, hitting the Interloper. However....
  176. <Interloper> 24h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 16/??
  177. <DM> *The bullets fire right back at you, except they're now shadow bullets! (Roll Wisdom)*
  178. <Interloper> $11d10
  179. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 5, 5, 6, 3, 5, 5, 5, 8, 6 and 4. Total: 59. Successes: 9.
  180. <DM> ROLLOFF
  181. <Interloper> $12d10
  182. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 9, 9, 1, 4, 3, 5, 9, 5, 10, 5 and 2. Total: 68. Successes: 9.
  183. <DM> oh, right
  184. <DM> Mob Mentality increases all your dice rolls by 1
  185. <DM> so uhhh.... don't forget your little bonus
  186. <Lightwall> (Um, am I supposed to be rolling without the added bonus from Bullet spray?)
  187. <DM> (this is a defensive roll, so it should be Wisdom + shield bonuses + 1 from Mob Mentaility)
  188. <Lightwall> $10d10
  189. <Tatl> Lightwall: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 4, 7, 8, 2, 5, 7, 5, 8 and 3. Total: 51. Successes: 6.
  190. <Lightwall> *gulp*
  191. <DM> *The shadow bullets pelt you, dealing 3 damage - armor.*
  192. <Interloper> Now, why don't you run along to those fairies so I can shoot you again.
  193. <Lightwall> 9-6=3 damage - 2 armor = 1
  194. <Lightwall> 8h 3m
  195. <Lightwall> $endturn
  196. <Tatl> Lightwall has ended their turn.
  197. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  198. <DM> *Last time you moved the path away from the Interloper, he seemed to get stuck in the darkness. Just an fyi, if you want to move the path, which is a free action.*
  199. <Lightwall> Urrgh... The only running around here is going to be your time running out!
  200. <Interloper> .....
  201. * Interloper takes 1 damage from facepalming.
  202. <Interloper> 23h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 17/??
  203. <Interloper> Hmm.. I heard from the real Dark Link that his original often used something like this weapon here...
  204. * Interloper switches the sword out of a hammer of similar size. He tests it against the ground with a tap, causing the ground to shake a bit.
  205. <Interloper> I wonder what happens when I hit with this...
  206. * Interloper swings his dark Megaton Hammer at you, Lightwall! (Roll Power)
  207. * Lightwall attempts to move the path to his right by moving left while facing the Interloper.
  208. <DM> (err, clarification, tis on your turns only)
  209. <DM> (did you mean to do it then?)
  210. <Lightwall> (yeah, sorry)
  211. <DM> (okay)
  212. <DM> (fyi, the path is linked to you.... no matter where you move, it moves with you)
  213. <DM> (by moving to your right along with the path, the Interloper moves off the path....... and the Moblin)
  214. <Lightwall> (oh right; maybe I'll reconsider that...)
  215. <DM> (well it's either that or get smacked by a megaton hammer to the face)
  216. <Lightwall> (yeah, you're right... I'll try it.)
  217. <DM> (lol)
  218. <DM> *You move to the right, with the path moving with you. As you do, your Moblin ally and the Interloper get caught in the darkness.*
  219. <Interloper> Argh! Why am I not immune to thii--------
  220. * Interloper gets engulfed.
  221. <Moblin> Grumb----
  222. * Moblin gets engulfed.
  223. <Interloper> 23h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 17/?? | Engulfed
  224. <Interloper> $endturn
  225. <Tatl> Interloper has ended their turn.
  226. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  227. * Moblin recovers 1 heart.
  228. <Moblin> 7h, 5m | Ram is charged | Engulfed
  229. <Moblin> $endturn
  230. <Tatl> Moblin has ended their turn.
  231. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  232. <DM> *You hear a voice in your head...
  233. <DM> "Help... help us..."
  234. <DM> *It seems to be coming from the direction of the light at the end of the path.*
  235. <DM> (by the way, it's totally possible to swing the path so the Moblin is back on it but not the Interloper)
  236. * Lightwall moves to allow the Moblin to get back on the path but not the Interloper.
  237. * Moblin catches his breath.
  238. <Moblin> Ha-har!
  239. <DM> *You hear various haunting whispers coming from the direction of the Interloper.*
  240. * Lightwall attacks the Interloper with PSI-Blast! (roll Wisdom)
  241. <Lightwall> $9d10
  242. <Tatl> Lightwall: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 3, 9, 2, 10, 2, 3, 3 and 5. Total: 47. Successes: 6.
  243. * ChanServ sets mode +q #zurpg Sephiroth
  244. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Sephiroth
  245. <DM> *Your PSI Blast enters the darkness without trouble..... however...*
  246. * Sephiroth kicks DM out the window.
  247. * You have been kicked from #zurpg by Sephiroth (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a hospital, where you are suffering from a terminal case of bees. Time for a buzz cut! «16,693»)
  248. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jul 30 17:56:44 2014
  250. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jul 30 17:56:44 2014
  252. * Now talking on #zurpg
  253. * Topic for #zurpg is: Teamspeak for Voicechat! - | Hey, listen! Navi is able to watch you now. Forever. | Quests for this week! -
  254. * Topic for #zurpg set by WindStrike at Mon Jun 16 20:50:57 2014
  255. * ChanServ sets mode +a #zurpg DM
  256. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to DM
  257. <DM> *Sephiroth emerges from it, replacing your PSI Blast- wait what the crap.*
  258. <Lightwall> (lol Release da' bees!)
  259. <Interloper> $15d10
  260. <Tatl> Interloper: You rolled 15 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 3, 5, 8, 4, 10, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 3, 9, 2 and 3. Total: 80. Successes: 10.
  261. * Fireblast124 ( has joined #zurpg
  262. * ChanServ gives voice to Fireblast124
  263. * Interloper emerges at the edge of the darkness, this time taking the form of a poe.
  264. <Moblin> Grumble, not good, grumble!
  265. <Fireblast124> ((THE MOBLIN IS AN INTERLOPER))
  266. <DM> ($endturn?
  267. <Fireblast124> $turns
  268. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  269. * Lightwall tries to move again, to engulf the Interloper but not the Moblin.
  270. <DM> *You already used your movement action for the round.*
  271. <Lightwall> (d'oh! Scratch that.)
  272. <Lightwall> $endturn
  273. <Tatl> Lightwall has ended their turn.
  274. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Moblin (10), Lightwall (4) and Interloper (1).
  275. <DM> *However, the Interloper is actually still engulfed. The Moblin is not.*
  276. * Interloper appears to be impervious to the darkness while in Poe form. Odd that it's trying to stay in the darkness though...
  277. * Interloper fires a blast of shadowy magic at Lightwall! (Roll Wisdom)
  278. * Navi ( has joined #zurpg
  279. * ChanServ sets mode +a #zurpg Navi
  280. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Navi
  281. <DM> (crap, you're gonna screw up the initiative with navi in here)
  282. <DM> (screw it, we have the turn order)
  283. * Tatl has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  284. <Lightwall> $10d10
  285. <Navi> Lightwall: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 7, 4, 7, 1, 9, 2, 9, 8 and 10. Total: 59. Successes: 7.
  286. <Interloper> $14d10
  287. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 4, 10, 8, 7, 8, 5, 5, 10, 7, 9, 7, 9 and 2. Total: 100. Successes: 14.
  288. <DM> (hooooooly)
  289. <Lightwall> 0_0
  290. <Sephiroth> Been busy, but we had a brief service outage earlier this week. ...
  291. <Sephiroth> forgot to restart the bot.
  292. <DM> ahh
  293. * Interloper lands a shot that catches Lightwall square in the chest, dealing 14 - 7 = 7 damage - armor
  294. <Lightwall> 14-7 = 7-2 = 5
  295. <DM> *You find yourself lifting off the ground slightly, as you're caught in a shadowy bubble. The path still remains below you.*
  296. <DM> *It appears you cannot move while the bubble lasts.*
  297. <Lightwall> 3h 2m
  298. <Interloper> 23h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 22/?? | Engulfed, in Poe Form
  299. * Interloper ends turn.
  300. <DM> *Moblin's turn!*
  301. * Moblin is prepared to charge the Interloper.
  302. <DM> (don't forget, Moblin has some support spells you might find handy)
  303. * Moblin recovers 1 heart.
  304. <Moblin> 8h, 5m | Ram is charged
  305. <Lightwall> Moblin! Use heal beam on me!
  306. <Moblin> Grumble?
  307. * Moblin fires a Heal Beam at you, Lightwall!
  308. <DM> *The Heal Beam almost connects with you, but it gets trapped just outside of the bubble.*
  309. <DM> *It's still there, but it's floating around you instead of reaching you.*
  310. <Moblin> Wot next?
  311. * Moblin can still do an attack.
  312. <Moblin> 8h, 3m | Ram is charged
  313. <Lightwall> Moblin, see if you can pop this bubble!
  314. <Moblin> Grr.. rumble..... ah... hah!
  315. * Moblin uses his spear to slice at the bubble!
  316. <Moblin> $14d10
  317. <Navi> Moblin: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 8, 5, 4, 6, 8, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 7, 8 and 10. Total: 71. Successes: 9.
  318. * Moblin slices the bubble open with ease, allowing the Heal Beam to connect with Lightwall, healing 5 hearts.
  319. <Moblin> 8h, 3m | Ram is charged
  320. * Moblin ends turn.
  321. <Lightwall> 8h 2m
  322. <DM> *You find yourself back on the ground, able to move again.*
  323. * Interloper is still in the darkness and is still in that deadly Poe form.
  324. * Lightwall moves so that both the Interloper and Moe the Moblin are both on the path.
  325. <Interloper> Ahh, you're smarter than I thought...
  326. <DM> *As Interloper ends up back on the path, he phases from the Poe form to the Zora form.*
  327. <Interloper> And I was hoping you could try to defend in futility from my spells... oh well.
  328. * Lightwall attempts to slice the Interloper's talkative mouth off! (Roll Courage)
  329. <Interloper> Oh I'm not that annoying, am I- oh shi-
  330. <Lightwall> (Oh yeah, I have a +2 buff on my courage! I forgot.)
  331. <DM> (+1 from mob mentality too)
  332. <Lightwall> $13d10
  333. <Navi> Lightwall: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 10, 6, 1, 9, 10, 7, 2, 8, 7, 1, 3 and 4. Total: 74. Successes: 10.
  334. <Interloper> $9d10
  335. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 4, 7, 8, 5, 3, 7, 8 and 1. Total: 51. Successes: 6.
  336. <DM> *Your sword slice lands a clean hit on the Interloper, dealing 4 damage!*
  337. <Interloper> 19h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 26/?? | Zora form
  338. <Lightwall> (Talk about talking "SMACK"! ... in the face, that is.)
  339. * Interloper face-palms again, taking another point of damage.
  340. <Lightwall> $endturn
  341. <Navi> Lightwall: A battle is not in progress.
  342. <Interloper> 18h, 10m | Unknown Charge: 27/?? | Zora form
  343. <Interloper> Let's try this again.
  344. * Interloper switches to the Dark Link form again, this time equipping the Dark Mirror Shield from before..... and a Dark Megaton Hammer.
  345. <Interloper> You're ticking me off, you know...
  346. <Interloper> So why don't you shove it up this hammer?
  347. <Moblin> ... that made no sense, grumble.
  348. <Interloper> Silence, beast.
  349. <Lightwall> (Man, I sure wish I could use the back slice right about now!)
  350. <Moblin> Only Lightwall or DM can make me do that, grumble. ....... who's DM?
  351. * DM pats Moblin on the head.
  352. <DM> ^_^
  353. * Interloper attacks Lightwall with his Megaton Hammer! (Roll Power)
  354. <Interloper> $8d10
  355. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 7, 10, 4, 7, 2, 5 and 2. Total: 39. Successes: 5.
  356. <Interloper> Darn, this thing is heavy!
  357. <Lightwall> (power + 1 for mob mentality, right?)
  358. <DM> (yep)
  359. <DM> (technically it's dice +1, but whatever, same result)
  360. <Lightwall> $8d10
  361. <Navi> Lightwall: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 3, 8, 6, 9, 9, 4 and 7. Total: 51. Successes: 6.
  362. <DM> *You dodge his hammer, which slams into the ground, causing the entire ground to shake. Good thing you dodged that!*
  363. * Interloper ends turn.
  364. <Interloper> 18h, 8m | Unknown Charge: 27/?? | Dark Link form
  365. <Moblin> Ram time?
  366. <Lightwall> Moe, ram that fiend!
  367. * Moblin looks at Interloper.
  369. <Lightwall> (I finally remembered his name that time.)
  370. * Moblin charges Interloper with super speed! (Roll Power)
  371. <DM> (It's three letters, you're telling me you can't remember three letter names?)
  372. <DM> oh snap, this is gonna hurt
  373. <Moblin> $16d10
  374. <Navi> Moblin: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 9, 10, 7, 5, 7, 9, 7, 6, 7, 5, 2, 9, 7, 8 and 1. Total: 104. Successes: 15.
  375. <Interloper> $10d10
  376. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 5, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 6, 1 and 4. Total: 33. Successes: 3.
  377. <Interloper> Awwww shhhhhhhh
  378. <Lightwall> (Nah, just used to "Moblin".)
  379. * Moblin SLAM JAMS into Interloper, sending him flying. An imprint of MOE is etched into his face as you can see his jaw condense. The Interloper lands on the other side of the path, far away from you. The impact also sends both his hammer and his shield flying into the darkness.
  380. <Interloper> ARGH! GAH OOF HUUUUURK!
  381. * Interloper takes a hefty 12 damage.
  382. <Interloper> 6h, 8m | Unknown Charge: 39/?? | Dark Link form, missing shield and hammer
  383. <Moblin> 8h, 3m | Satisfied
  384. * Moblin ends turn.
  385. <Moblin> Just for you, Wall of Light!
  386. <Interloper> Gah... almost... there...
  387. * Lightwall attempts to slice and dice the Interloper! (Roll Courage)
  388. <Interloper> Just a bit more... POWER!
  389. <Lightwall> $13d10
  390. <Navi> Lightwall: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 3, 2, 9, 1, 9, 6, 8, 10, 1, 8, 9 and 4. Total: 72. Successes: 8.
  391. <Interloper> $11d10
  392. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 3, 1, 9, 8, 4, 1, 1, 2, 7 and 8. Total: 45. Successes: 4.
  393. <DM> *Your sword slice hits the Interloper, almost causing him to disperse.... almost...*
  394. <Fireblast124> $turns
  395. <Navi> Fireblast124: A battle is not in progress.
  396. <Interloper> 2h, 8m | Unknown Charge: 40/40
  397. <Interloper> Heh... heheheh.... well....
  398. <Interloper> It appears you've made a mistake, Young Lightwall....
  399. * Lightwall ends his turn.
  400. <Interloper> You let me live too long.
  401. * Lightwall thinks, "Uh-oh... oh, great!"
  402. * Interloper begins to transform. You can see a cloak of darkness begin to form across its back.
  403. <Lightwall> You think I wanted to?
  404. <Interloper> I've been wanting this form since I was born, for its powers are beyond what anyone can imagine!
  405. <DM> *A scythe with a edge capable of cutting darkness itself appears in his hands as the cloak wraps around him. He hovers slightly above the path.*
  406. <DM> *The transformation completes itself, and his form seems to take on that of a Reaper Poe.*
  407. <Interloper> 2h, 16m | Reaper Poe
  408. <Interloper> Now... which one of you just sent me flying?
  409. <Lightwall> O_O (Oh, snap.)
  410. * Interloper turns to Moblin.
  411. <Interloper> Die, you filthy beast!
  412. * Interloper swings his scythe in a whirlwind. A tornado of shadows forms from it, converging into a dark laser. It fires at the Moblin! (Roll Wisdom)
  413. <Interloper> $13d10
  414. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 4, 5, 2, 5, 6, 4, 2, 5, 8, 1, 9 and 4. Total: 57. Successes: 6.
  415. <Moblin> Oooooooh grumble. ;_;
  416. <Moblin> $4d10
  417. <Navi> Moblin: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 10, 1 and 2. Total: 19. Successes: 3.
  418. <Moblin> Hah! Armor- eh?
  419. <DM> *The beam pierces the Moblin, seeming to phase straight through his armor. It also eats through his magic, sapping 3 hearts and magic from him.*
  420. <Moblin> Blarghle!
  421. * Moblin falls to the ground, weakened.
  422. <Moblin> 5h, 0m | Ow, agony
  423. <Interloper> 2h, 16m | Reaper Poe
  424. <Lightwall> Moe! NO!!!
  425. <Interloper> err
  426. <Interloper> 2h, 13m | Reaper Poe
  427. * Moblin gets up, albeit a bit shaky.
  428. <Moblin> Grumble, me okay... ow..... yus!
  429. * Moblin pulls a thumbs up!
  430. * Interloper ends turn.
  431. * Moblin recovers 1 heart.
  432. <Moblin> 6h, 0m | YUS!
  433. * Lightwall nods at Moe, and then turns to face the Reaper Poe.
  434. <Interloper> It's useless. I have become the wandering death of the land... the great Reaper Poe that still lives from the war from 20 years ago...
  435. <Moblin> Grr, wot shall I try?
  436. <Lightwall> Moe, slice that thing to bits!
  437. <Moblin> R-r-roger!
  438. * Moblin tries to retaliate with a slice attack! (Roll Courage)
  439. <Moblin> $14d10
  440. <Navi> Moblin: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 4, 5, 3, 7, 7, 4, 3, 3, 1, 10, 6, 10 and 1. Total: 68. Successes: 8.
  441. <Interloper> $12d10
  442. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 9, 2, 5, 2, 7, 6, 4, 1, 9, 2 and 7. Total: 57. Successes: 6.
  443. <Moblin> HA-HARR!
  444. * Moblin slices the Interloper, despite the defense of the scythe. It... hits a magic barrier?
  445. * Interloper loses 2 magic instead of 2 hearts.
  446. <Interloper> 2h, 11m | Reaper Poe
  447. <Interloper> You didn't really think it to be that easy, do you?
  448. * Moblin ends turn.
  449. <Moblin> Grr!
  450. * Lightwall looks up, confused.
  451. <Lightwall> (If only I had some more magic...)
  452. <DM> (you wanna fire a spell at a Poe?)
  453. * Lightwall attacks the Interloper with PSI-Blast! (Roll Wisdom)
  454. <Lightwall> $10d10
  455. <Navi> Lightwall: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 1, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8, 8, 3 and 10. Total: 60. Successes: 8.
  456. <Interloper> I shouldn't even have to try for this...
  457. <Interloper> $14d10
  458. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 3, 8, 4, 1, 6, 7, 10, 6, 2, 7, 8, 7 and 7. Total: 80. Successes: 10.
  459. * Interloper bats the PSI Blast away with his scythe, dispering it into a few drops of water.
  460. <Interloper> Oh, I wonder... can I use THAT move in this form?
  461. * Interloper is almost ignoring you, consumed in his newfound power.
  462. <Moblin> Grumble?
  463. <Lightwall> 8h 1m
  464. * Lightwall ends his turn, albeit begrudgingly.
  465. <Interloper> Oh yes... this shall be the end!
  466. <Lightwall> (afk - gotta' go return something real quick)
  468. * Interloper is cut off by your afk-ness.
  470. <DM> Sup.
  472. * WindStrike (~WindStrik@ has joined #zurpg
  473. * WindStrike is now known as X___X
  474. <Lightwall> (back)
  475. <Interloper> And now...
  476. * Interloper holds his hands up in the air, as is casting something grand.
  477. <Interloper> AETERNAL DARKNESS!
  478. <DM> *And then there was silence.*
  479. <DM> *You can hear some crickets in the background.*
  480. <Interloper> ... what?
  481. <Interloper> Why is nothing happening?!
  483. <DM> *Someone appears behind the Interloper.*
  484. <DM> [???]: Cause you're still really weak.
  485. * Interloper turns around to see no one there.
  486. * Interloper turns back around to Lightwall.
  487. * Lightwall thinks, "Yeah, that's kinda' what I was gonna' say!"
  488. <Interloper> Who are you?! What did you just do?! I KNOW THAT WAS YOU!
  489. <Interloper> You... you....
  490. * Lightwall glares at the Interloper.
  491. <DM> *Interloper has spent too long babbling and talking about nothing and has used his turn.*
  492. <DM> *ROUND 7!*
  493. <DM> *The light from above suddenly shines brighter than ever, almost blinding you. You hear a familiar voice from above...*
  494. * X___X is now known as Wisp
  495. <Wisp> It worked! I merged with the ball of of light! Can you hear me, Lightwall?
  496. <Lightwall> Yes! Thank the goddesses!
  497. <Wisp> I can see you two... you look a bit beat up.
  498. <Wisp> I can't join you from here, but I can offer this at least...
  499. <Lightwall> Yeah...
  500. <Interloper> THE DEVIL IS THAT?!
  501. * Lightwall looks back at the Interloper.
  502. <Lightwall> You're the one that's a devil!
  503. * Lightwall smirks.
  504. <DM> *The light shines radiantly, blinding the Interloper and enveloping the two of you. You feel refreshed as the both of you recover 4 hearts and 4 magic each.*
  506. <Lightwall> 9h 6m
  507. <Moblin> 8h, 4m | ENLIGHTENED MOBLIN
  508. <Interloper> Me? A devil? Hmph, that's no way to disrespect me, who shall rival a god!
  509. <Moblin> Grumble, do what?
  510. <DM> (Hint - you haven't tried power on that poe yet)
  511. <Lightwall> I mean, look at you! You're just a Grim Reaper!
  512. <Lightwall> Moe, thrust him through!
  513. <Moblin> Oooooooh yeeeeeeaaaaah.....
  514. <Moblin> *As Moblin narrates his spear to life, the spear narrates itself into gaining epic powers, enchanted by the angels of Morgan Freeman.*
  515. <Moblin> *Moblin charges forth, thrusting his spear at the Interloper! It becomes a drill, one that will pierce the heavens. It is... HEAVENLY DRILL SPEAR THRUST OF THE GODDESSES' ENLIGHTENED SUPER ATTACK! (Roll Power)
  516. * DM adds 3 successes for this sucker.
  517. <Moblin> $13d10
  518. <Navi> Moblin: You rolled 13 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 7, 3, 8, 9, 4, 9, 7, 4, 2, 5, 10 and 10. Total: 79. Successes: 10.
  519. <Moblin> +3
  520. <Interloper> $9d10
  521. <Navi> Interloper: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 5, 1, 2, 8, 1, 1, 7 and 3. Total: 37. Successes: 4.
  522. <Interloper> oh come on, reall-
  523. * Moblin stabs Interloper with the spear, gutting Interloper's ability to retort to death itself.
  524. <Moblin> 13 - 4 = 9 + 2 = 11 damage
  525. * Interloper uses his magic to block the remainder of the damage.
  526. <Interloper> 2h, 0m | Reaper Poe form
  527. <Interloper> Gah! That filthy beast... I SHALL SLAY IT BEFORE I FALL!
  528. * Moblin ends turn.
  529. <Moblin> 8h, 4m | Pwned that newb
  530. * Lightwall raises his steel sword high, channeling his mental focus into the blade...
  531. <DM> *The light that empowered you earlier transfers to your blade. It bends all light in the area to its will, eclipsing the sword in a veil of your true potential.*
  532. * Interloper is swathed in complete darkness as you sap the light that was revealing him.
  534. * Lightwall points his sword at the Interloper and focuses, trying to fire the light at it.
  535. <DM> *You aim your sword at the Interloper. The light disappears for a moment, leaving you all in darkness in silence.... then....
  536. <DM> *A burst of light explodes from the tip of the blade, firing a massive destructive laser at the Reaper Poe.*
  537. * Interloper drops his scythe at the oncoming blast.
  538. <Lightwall> (GENO BEAM!!!)
  539. <Interloper> Ahh... I guess I'm just a weakling after all...
  540. <DM> *The beam pierces the Interloper and explodse inside of him, shooting rays of light in all directions.*
  541. <DM> *As the light swathes through the dark fountain, it cleanses the ink-like darkness, ridding the fountain of Agahnim's corruption.*
  542. <DM> *You find yourselves now resting on the fountain. The chains once surrounding it turn to dust as the fairy fountain regains its light.*
  543. <DM> *Several fairies pop up from the fountain, revolving around you.*
  544. * Wisp drops down from above, back to its normal state.
  545. <Wisp> Woah! That was awesome, whatever that was!
  546. <Lightwall> ... Woah!
  547. * Lightwall is in a little bit of shock at what just happened.
  548. <Moblin> Roger that, that was awesome, grumble.
  549. <DM> *The veil of darkness that was once surrounding the fountain disappears, revealing a nicely sunlit forest beyond this fountain.*
  550. * Lightwall shakes it off and looks around, trying to figure out where he was before this moment...
  551. <DM> *You were inside of the corrupted fountain, but now you're standing on top of it.*
  552. * Lightwall looks toward Wisp.
  553. <Wisp> Thank you, Lightwall, for saving our Forest. We are eternally grateful.
  554. <Moblin> Super Grumble awesomeness!
  555. * Lightwall bows his head a little.
  556. <Lightwall> It was my honor.
  557. <Lightwall> Still, I don't know what we would've done if you hadn't helped us back there.
  558. * Lightwall thinks for a moment.
  559. * Moblin epic narrates for a moment.
  560. <Lightwall> Wait... Why did that thing say it knew me, I wonder?
  561. <Moblin> *Lightwall and Moe would've shut the dark one the heck up with their fists! ... but light was cool too.*
  562. * Interloper is now known as X__X
  563. <Lightwall> (lol)
  564. <Wisp> Hmm.. when I looked into the fountain initially, it felt like I could hear your thoughts...
  565. <Lightwall> Unless...
  566. <Wisp> I think... when you entered the fountain, whatever was inside took form based on your mind... it may have read your mind.
  567. <Moblin> *Allow Moblin to expla-
  568. <DM> *Epic narration mode off.*
  569. <Moblin> ...... grumble.
  570. <Lightwall> (lol)
  571. <Lightwall> Yeah...
  572. <Lightwall> Still, that armored Zora...
  573. <Wisp> That would explain why it took that Zora form from your visions...
  574. <Wisp> Even I saw it too...
  575. <DM> *Apparently, wisps speak in elipses. Lots of them.*
  576. <Wisp> ...
  577. <DM> *See?*
  578. <Lightwall> Oh... so... I probably hadn't met that thing before after all.
  579. <Lightwall> (lol Nice!)
  580. <DM> *Well, I hope you met yourself before.*
  581. <Lightwall> Anyway, if you don't mind, could you help me find the "Wayward Shore"?
  582. <Wisp> Oh, yes of course!
  583. <Wisp> It should be to the far east... let me lead the way.
  584. <Wisp> ... the Moblin should stay here, in case we pass by other Moblins.
  585. * Moblin nods in agreement.
  586. <Moblin> Moe will be here, yarr!
  587. <Lightwall> Sounds good.
  588. * Moblin is apparently pirate suddenly.
  589. * Lightwall smiles.
  590. * Lightwall follows Wisp.
  591. <DM> *You follow Wisp through the forest, and I could fill this in with details, but we're getting close to the time limit, not to mention I don't know how much longer you've got on your end.*
  592. <DM> *After half a day's walk as evening begins, you reach the other side of the forest...*
  593. <Lightwall> (Yeah, I've got some time. 'bout 30 minutes or so.)
  594. * Moblin is now known as X_X
  595. <DM> *You reach a shoreline, from which you can see across the vast ocean as the sunset reflects off the water.*
  596. <Wisp> Whew... that's a nice view. Haven't been here since a year ago, when the Zora in armor... helped.. us....
  597. <Lightwall> (quietly: ) Wow!
  598. * Lightwall looks around, hoping to see some sign of the Zora.
  599. * Wisp is looking at some skeletal remains, which are resting in a posture with a view towards the beautiful sunset.
  600. * Lightwall 's heart sinks.
  601. <DM> *There is a blue armor, still in tact, next to the remains.*
  602. <Wisp> Oh... it seems... he passed away here...
  603. * Lightwall approaches the skeletal remains.
  604. <DM> *There's a piece of paper resting on the back of the skull.*
  605. * Lightwall sadly murmers, "Well... it WAS a long time ago, I guess..."
  606. <Lightwall> What's this?
  607. <DM> *There is some writing on it. Read it?*
  608. * Lightwall tries to pick up the paper and read it.
  609. <DM> *You read the paper itself. The blankness of it stares blankly at you. Meanwhile, the writing....
  610. * X_X is now known as Paper
  611. <Lightwall> (lol You know what I mean!)
  612. <Paper> "Dear Lightwall,
  613. <Lightwall> O_O
  614. <Paper> If you are reading this, my voice has reached you as I rest here, watching the sunset in my final moments.
  615. <Paper> I know we have never met... it was unfortunate, but war pulled me away from you when you were born.
  616. <Paper> I hope you are doing well, my son. Fight onwards to the day where Hyrule can live in eternal peace once again.
  617. <Paper> -Father Lightwall
  618. <DM> *There's a note in ultra fine print at the bottom.*
  619. <Paper> P.S: These aren't my bones. I just organized them here like this to screw with your mind. The armor is yours. Good luck finding me!
  620. * Paper turns to ashes.
  621. <Paper> Blargh, I am dead!
  622. * Paper is now known as X_X
  623. * Lightwall , upon seeing the final note, breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.
  624. * Lightwall ponders on this news.
  625. <Lightwall> So... I have a Zora... for a father???
  626. <Wisp> Wait, these aren't his bones?! WHAT?!
  627. <Wisp> Umm... aren't you Hylian?
  628. <Lightwall> I thought so, but I was found at Lake Hylia when I was a baby. I never knew my parents.
  629. <Lightwall> If this is true, then I must have (had) a Hylian mother.
  630. * Lightwall attempts to pick up the armor, removing it from the bones.
  631. <Wisp> Hmm, interesting he didn't mention her in the note... he must've assumed you knew about her.
  632. <Lightwall> Probably because he went to war...
  633. <Lightwall> ...and didn't know what happened to... her...
  634. <Lightwall> ... if anything, that is.
  635. <DM> *WILL WE EVER KNOW?*
  636. <Fireblast124> ((Nope))
  637. <Lightwall> I can't assume she's dead, because I don't know, but I just wonder how I ended up at Lake Hylia...
  638. <DM> *You pick up the armor. It is...... not yet defined, cause I realized 30 minutes ago "oh crap, I should've written this thing up"*
  639. <DM> *Buuuuut I'll add it to your profile later. Should be pretty awesome.*
  640. <Lightwall> (That's alright. Experience and rupees from the battle would be enough for now.)
  641. <Wisp> Well, I guess we'll just have to find him... but that's odd... no one has ever heard of him since he disappeared on this beach a year ago.
  642. <Wisp> Not here, not Termina, not Subrosia.... is it... perhaps... another land, we don't yet know about?
  643. * Lightwall looks around.
  644. <DM> *Wisp apparently has been stalking your phantom dad.*
  645. <Lightwall> (lol)
  646. <Lightwall> It coullllld be...
  647. <DM> *You see the sunset a little lower than before... nothing else.*
  648. <Lightwall> Maybe he swam out there...
  649. <Wisp> ... he is a Zora afterall...
  650. <DM> *He probably swam into the sunset, cause that's how cool guys go at the end of movies.*
  651. <Lightwall> Yeah.
  652. * Lightwall looks at the sand for footprints.
  653. <DM> *In the sand, you can see two words:
  654. <DM> -=QUEST END=-
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