
My and Gia once again

Nov 15th, 2014
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  1. Chat
  2. Gregor has changed the room to: (ED1)Park plaza
  3. ChloeBarker has joined the chat
  4. ChloeBarker: Wow this is really nice
  5. ChloeBarker: -chuckles-
  6. Gregor: Wow, you still as mind blowing as always.
  7. ChloeBarker: -smiles- Ty Im glad someone thinks so
  8. ChloeBarker: How are you hun?
  9. Gregor: -Nods.- I'm pretty sure there are tons of them men out there who think you still pretty hot to make pop corn of that ass of yours. -Chuckles.- But that is another perverted story.
  10. Gregor: I'm alive, fresh, and twisted as always. What about yourself?
  11. ChloeBarker: -chuckles shaking my head- That's very sweet of you hun. You look good! I definitely dig the Lennon shades
  12. Gregor: Shameful you would not dig more. -Chuckles more-
  13. Gregor: Always able to bring the pervert of me. -Points to her laughing.- that was one thing I hated that you can do to me.
  14. ChloeBarker: lol I dont remember you being so glib but I apologize if you got deleted
  15. Gregor: But what ever I say and may seem sexual, I can't really deny you taste of fashion when it comes to dressing and looking amazing.
  16. Gregor: However.
  17. Gregor: I think there is someone who is not really over you till now.
  18. ChloeBarker: I dont find you pererted bu more so funny if anything else.
  19. ChloeBarker: Im aware
  20. ChloeBarker: He's been blatantly disrespectful I cant tolerate that
  21. Gregor: And still in a need of you as well.
  22. ChloeBarker: you can tell him I said so in theother chat -grins and waves-
  23. Gregor: i promise you he does not know we are even talking at the moment.
  24. Gregor: You really failed to know me on that part deary.
  25. ChloeBarker: We can be friends you and I yes?
  26. Gregor: Yes.
  27. Gregor: And trust me I thought we already are.
  28. ChloeBarker: Despite the falling out with Dragun?
  29. Gregor: Sure.
  30. ChloeBarker: -smiles softly and nods- Thank you...
  31. Gregor: I mean me and Stephan are not even as friends as much as you thought you.
  32. Gregor: If you ask me, I think you do like me more than he does.
  33. ChloeBarker: lol
  34. ChloeBarker: How so?
  35. Gregor: Mercs and Spies do not go well togther.
  36. ChloeBarker: Ah...there is that whole trust issue
  37. Gregor: Yes, and by nature of business A man like me has more than just bullseyes on his rare not to mantion so much fucken haters.
  38. Gregor: Yet, here I'm giving them my middle finger as I shout saying "Catch me if you can!"
  39. ChloeBarker: -slides one thigh atop the other and chuckles- If one had no enemies....then i could be easily determined that he/she stood for nothing at one point or another...
  40. ChloeBarker: it*
  41. Gregor: Life of a Pirate, and I would take any other. -Winks with a fixed sinster grin.-
  42. ChloeBarker: -Smiles-
  43. Gregor: For I all recall I never stood but for the right to commit the great seven, the unholy once.
  44. ChloeBarker: Those 7 were simply guidelines hun....there is a lot of contradition is "The Good Book" to those Seven
  45. ChloeBarker: in*
  46. Gregor: I was found in the inferno of this great poet if you ask me, till Dan Brown was able to twist it and like lighting strick upon the damned I was to understand I should get over that passion and find a new oppsation knowing he ruined it's deadlly beauty to me and made me see truly ugly face of it.
  47. Gregor: Lucky me I was in FLorance last year and was able to see the dead face of his, Palazzo Vecchio was the place that happened I came face to face with the dead poet.
  48. ChloeBarker: Who is the Dead Poet?
  49. Gregor: Dante Alighieri, the writter of Dante's Inferno.
  50. ChloeBarker: Ah
  51. Gregor: Did I lose you there Gia?
  52. Gregor: Sorry I can be mind confusing sometimes, poker-ish life style. -Smirks.-
  53. ChloeBarker: Yes lol but I know of Dantes Infernos, and would be lying if I said I read it
  54. Gregor: Aww, well you need to read it sometime. It's poetic.
  55. ChloeBarker: -chuckles-
  56. Gregor: Once you are passed like ten pages, there is no letting this book go. It's mind captive.
  57. ChloeBarker: -smiles- You are truly an interesting guy.
  58. ChloeBarker: You know this yeh?
  59. Gregor: I know I'm twisted person who have been acused of madness and insainty amoung other things. "And there this nutcase!" Pretty much my bio around here. Which let me own a few names out of sracsim and rightful rightous fit.
  60. Gregor: I know I'm not what you call noraml person and that is for sure.
  61. ChloeBarker: Normal is boring....unique is liberating and refreshing
  62. Gregor: But you are not any less your self.
  63. ChloeBarker: I try and remain true to who I am and my convictions
  64. Gregor: I always aim to be new and original.
  65. ChloeBarker: you succeed hun
  66. Gregor: Then when I say I really would like to see you more around and even roleplay sometime you should really be interested yet no promsing, right?
  67. ChloeBarker: lol
  68. ChloeBarker: Sure roleplay is fun hun I wouldnt mind
  69. Gregor: Good, I can use some true sense of RP these days with all of them cocky Mercs trying to prove manhood is how much you kill, and god moding vampire/weerewolves/evles/mermaids/unicorn
  70. ChloeBarker: lol
  71. Gregor: Like I really need to deal with stupid poeple.
  72. Gregor: Deal with those guys is what made my ex IMVU leave me saying I need anger control sessions.
  73. ChloeBarker: lol
  74. ChloeBarker: When you allow someone to anger you....that person becomes your master
  75. Gregor: I was never angry.
  76. Gregor: When I'm angry i go noobish
  78. Gregor: ROFL!
  79. ChloeBarker: lol
  80. Gregor: Sorry couldn't help but to act like one.
  81. Gregor: Hey, you did smirk right there in real didn't you?
  82. ChloeBarker: Your funny actually
  83. ChloeBarker: yes lol
  84. Gregor: You're*
  85. ChloeBarker: lol
  86. Gregor: Last time we meet you made me a grammar Hitler.
  87. ChloeBarker: You're....yes that is correct
  88. ChloeBarker: met*
  89. ChloeBarker: :P
  90. Gregor: I see you still have it as skill.
  91. Gregor: No sticking your tongue out, quite tempted to paw it or flick; sort of a cute childish reaction will happen.
  92. ChloeBarker: -chuckles- If I didn't know better I'd say you were hitting on me
  93. Gregor: Why deny the chance I might be? -wiggles eye brows in teasing behover.-
  94. ChloeBarker: Behaviour* -chuckles-
  95. Gregor: Women!
  96. ChloeBarker: lol
  97. ChloeBarker: Just sayin'
  98. Gregor: Say nothing and cuddle that teddy bear.
  99. ChloeBarker: -looks over and smiles-
  100. Gregor: :P
  101. ChloeBarker: lol
  102. ChloeBarker: What teddy bear?
  103. Gregor: IDK, all single women has a teddy bear to cuddle or snuggle sometime.
  104. Gregor: If you do not have one, I will know you are a dude. -Cowboy narrow dangerous eyes.-
  105. Gregor: :D
  106. Gregor: ROFL!
  107. ChloeBarker: -.- He showed you my pic
  108. ChloeBarker: Son of a bitch
  109. Gregor: Wait
  110. Gregor: NO.
  111. Gregor: You should it to me.
  112. ChloeBarker: I did?
  113. Gregor: That day when I said you look like Jessica rabbit only blonde in a pink dress.
  114. Gregor: Yes.
  115. Gregor: Dragun would never share such a thing and you know.
  116. ChloeBarker: Ah
  117. Gregor: You remember now.
  118. ChloeBarker: wait I think I remember -scratches my head-
  119. ChloeBarker: yes...sorry
  120. Gregor: He is anything but a fucken asshole.
  121. Gregor: Wait, he is one. but a cuntish one.
  122. Gregor: I mean he tried to kill me more than one time.
  123. ChloeBarker: Why?
  124. Gregor: I was another man back then, AKA The Red Joker under an avatar called Midhat. An utter chaos, kidnapping mafia Donna, selling nukes, making USSR president get inovlved with slave trade, spreading drugs, and a very long history of dating the Miss Wrong till our very day.
  125. ChloeBarker: lol
  126. ChloeBarker: Youve changed then?
  127. Gregor: Not to mention he is an exterm racist who took it even far when he knew I have half Egyptain father.
  128. Gregor: Not much.
  129. ChloeBarker: Nothing wrong with being Egyptian
  130. ChloeBarker: or any race
  131. Gregor: Say that to him. -Chuckles.-
  132. ChloeBarker: I have
  133. ChloeBarker: many many many many times
  134. Gregor: And yes, I changed it a bit but never did change the dating wrong girl much.
  135. ChloeBarker: Awww
  136. ChloeBarker: You will find the right one
  137. ChloeBarker: I promise
  138. Gregor: I give up that part a long time ago. -Relaxes lighting a cigarette.- No woman can handle my dark side.
  139. ChloeBarker: Oh Im sure there are a few that could -chuckles-
  140. Gregor: Challange accepted. -Bitter laugh.-
  141. ChloeBarker: LMAO
  142. Gregor: I love chess!
  143. Gregor: :D
  144. ChloeBarker: I like having you as my friend...there is longevity in that relationships on here...not so much
  145. Gregor: Ya tell me about it.
  146. ChloeBarker: :)
  147. Gregor: My firend got married for about three days now.........Less than two days and then he got devoriced.
  148. ChloeBarker: Yikes
  149. ChloeBarker: Im sorryto hear
  150. Gregor: Don't be, better be hurt than living a lie with someone who consumes you as much as Kronos would do to his new born.
  151. Gregor: She stole his credits like any whore would do.
  152. Gregor: Sent some sexy photos and got married credits as gifts.
  153. Gregor: And bitch was gone.
  154. Gregor: So classic.
  155. ChloeBarker: :( Jesus....
  156. ChloeBarker: What a bitch
  157. Gregor: Ya Jesue, was a good man. Making water turn to wine and stuff. XD
  158. ChloeBarker: lol
  159. Gregor: Funny enough I was called TheSaint at a point, so sarcistic.
  160. ChloeBarker: Well my sweet I actually have to head out for a bit. I have to close outof several chats too I apologize for the delayed response. Im playing catch up but we should speak again soon I hope
  161. Gregor: Sure, look up my rooms and you are welcome at anytime. -Winks.- Till we meet remain sexy like the eye candy you are.....and stay classy as much.
  162. ChloeBarker: ;) I will dolce ty
  163. ChloeBarker: -kisses your cheek-
  164. ChloeBarker: speak soon
  165. ChloeBarker has left the chat
  166. Whispering to
  167. Stop whisper
  168. Send
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