
Ch 4: Part 4: To Serve Evil: Session 64

Sep 13th, 2013
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  1. [15:18] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:18] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 4: Endless Night~~~
  3. [15:19] <Kilarra> -Session 64-
  4. [15:20] <Kilarra> After returning from dealing with the escaped driders, the party were praised for their efforts in spite of Kjell's moral conflicts. No real drow would have such hesitations, so Kjell's humanity at least remains intact. After that, he had a conversation with Kahree about her origins, and Aluthyra and Kilarra fended off some drow in the streets who had a grudge against House Vonnarc.
  5. [15:28] <Kilarra> The 'rewards' for their efforts may not be exactly what they would have liked however. Aluthyra is elected to endure an act of performance torture at the hands of Second Daughter Faidaeva. Kahree and Kilarra both end up working as guards in the Noble QUarters of House Vonnarc, while KJell is assigned to protect a payment en route to its destination.
  6. [15:33] <Kilarra> Aluthyra's training allows her to close her mind to the painful experience and endure it with gusto, and Kahree is more than adept at keeping watch. Kjell and KIlarra however, are not.
  7. [15:35] * Kilarra is very displeased at what happened to Aluthyra, but is willing to deal with it if the assimar says she can take it
  8. [15:37] <Kilarra> The next day sees Kahree and ALuthyra both on noble guard duty, Kilarra serving as a Bodyguard for a noble's outing, and Kjell once again on payment escort.
  9. [15:42] <Kilarra> Kjell's heart doesn't seem to be in his work, after the drider incident, as he fails yet again. The others all succeed thought.
  10. [15:43] <Kilarra> Aluthyra, Kahree, and Kjell all end up on Noble Guard duty again. Kilarra is put to torture for the entertainment of the nobles.
  11. [15:43] * Kilarra is used to whippings, thanks to the Silken Veil, and takes it with gusto.
  12. [15:45] <Aluthyra> Both Kahree and Aluthyra try and assist Kjell on the shift, seeing him fall behind.
  13. [15:46] <Kilarra> Kjell is mercifully spared a flogging, thanks to the exceptional performance of the other two, but it's becoming rather obvious that he's having the most trouble keeping up here.
  14. [15:48] <Kilarra> Kilarra and Kjell are assigned noble Guard Duty together, Aluthyra is assigned as a treasure guard, and Kahree gets a turn in the torture chamber
  15. [15:51] * Kilarra helps keep Kjell off the hook again, but is gettin annoyed at his inability to keep up on his own.
  16. [15:52] <Kilarra> Aluthyra performs exceptionally as a treasure bearer, and Kahree manages to endure the torture.
  17. [15:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree doesn't like it though. She adds another name to her kill later list.
  18. [15:53] <Aluthyra> The list is only in her head.
  19. [15:55] <Kilarra> The next day sees ALuthyra back on Noble Guard duty, Kahree acting as a Dress Guard for a lesser Vonnarc noble, Kilarra in the torture chamber once again, and Kjell trying treasure guarding again
  20. [15:59] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kahree perform admirably, but Kilarra is treated to a world of hurt more than she can take this time. Kjell once again is met with failure
  21. [16:00] * Kilarra nurses herself when she gets back to the room, not wanting anyone to see her hurting except maybe Aluthyra.
  22. [16:01] * Aluthyra sighs sadly upon seeing Kilarra. She shakes her head. "You would think a promotion would be sought after, here... How are you feeling?"
  23. [16:02] * Kilarra 's wounds are nothing lethal, and easily remedied with a curing spell. "I've had worse. Like when that dragon sprayed us with acid. Or we got blown up. Twice."
  24. [16:03] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Right..." She sits next to Kilarra, kissing her cheek. "As long as you can handle it..."
  25. [16:06] * Kilarra nods, "I'm tough, and I know you are too. I'm more worried abotu KJell at this point. He really hasn't been right since the drider hunt."
  26. [16:07] * Aluthyra nods. "We will just need to help him where we can." She sighs. "Perhaps it would be safer if he were to return to lower-tiered duties."
  27. [16:08] * Kilarra nods, "Probably."
  28. [16:08] * Kilarra notes, "At least the rest of us are doing alright. Hell, Kahree's been really excelling here, in spite of herself."
  29. [16:09] * Aluthyra notes, "Although she's counting the days until she can kill several of those here."
  30. [16:09] * Kilarra shrugs, "Well, I can't reall blame her, but hopefully she can wait until we get a chance to actually get the info we need on the Azrinae's before going on a spree."
  31. [16:11] * Aluthyra nods, falling back into the bed. "Hopefully."
  32. [16:13] * Kilarra falls in next to Aluthyra, snuggling against her. She really hoped this would end up being worth it.
  33. [16:16] <Kilarra> Kjell gets shunted back to the normal guard patrol, but at least its easier for him. Aluthyra is sent to collect a debt from a merchant in the city, Kahree gets Noble Guard duty again, and Kilarra is in the torture chamber a second day in a row. Apparently she was popular
  34. [16:19] <Kilarra> Aluthyra is not good at pressuring anyone into anything, and fails to bring back the money. Kilarra manages to take the torture this take without fail, and Kahree's senses are as keen as ever.
  35. [16:21] <Kilarra> The following day sees Kjell put on a watchpost, Kilarra sent to try and collect the money instead, Kahree in the torture chamber and Aluthyra standing guard over the noble quarters.
  36. [16:23] <Kilarra> Kjell and Kilarra fail this time, while Aluthyra and Kahree succeed most adeptly.
  37. [16:25] <Kilarra> The party's 26th day of service to the Vonnarcs sees Aluthyra as a treasure guard, Kahree and Kilarra together as extortionists, and Kjell as a Guardsman again
  38. [16:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes at Kilarra, showing her how it's done! Her method includes breaking things, yelling, pushing, and threatening to shove miscellaneous objects into his or her arse.
  39. [16:28] <Kilarra> Kahree's methods are most successful, helping Kilarra out a bit as well. Kjell is again met with failure, while Aluthyra is quite successful.
  40. [16:32] <Kilarra> The following day sees Aluthyra and Kahree both as dress guards to a prestigeous event, Kjell taking part in another set of drills, and Kilarra keeping watch over the noble quarters
  41. [16:42] <Kilarra> Kilarra and Aluthyra, on the following day, are assigned to guarding the noble quarters together, while Kjell gets a routine patrol. Kahree, unfortunately, gets another turn in the torture chamber.
  42. [17:05] <Kilarra> Kjell's routine patrol is uneventful, Aluthyra proves once again quite adept at guard posting, with Kilarra performing well enough. Kahree is probably getting more and more enamoured with turning the tables on her torturers, but she makes due.
  43. [17:09] <Kilarra> The next day has Kilarra swapping places with Kahree, with the former getting tortured and the latter guarding the noble quarters. Aluthyra is assigned as a dress guard for yet another party, while Kjell gets another routine patrol. The patrols may not be glamorous, but at least he wasn't failing repeatedly anymore.
  44. [17:13] <Kilarra> Kilarra manages to hang on through the 'entertainment', and Kahree performs as exceptionally as ever on watch. Aluthyra performs well enough.
  45. [17:16] <Kilarra> At the one month mark, 30 days after having been subjected to the Recorporeal Incarnation Spell, the party continues their labours for House Vonnarc, not really seeming to get much closer after they ran dry the information they could pick up on the streets. However, it does become apparent to the party that their increasing popularity with the Vonnarc nobles has come rather quickly, and to the chagrin of other servants.
  46. [17:17] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kahree are both posted to Noble Quarters guarding, Kjell gets another routine patrol, and Kilarra is assigned as a payment escort
  47. [17:23] <Kilarra> Kilarra manages to mess up her shift, but Aluthyra and Kahree both perform exceptionally. Kjell continues to manage the more mundane shifts without complaint.
  48. [17:24] <Kilarra> Verez, the Troglodyte Slave with whom Kilarra and Aluthyra are acquainted, gives them a subtle warning in passing about earning the ire of the other servants. Granted, their dealing with Gadak had kept other servants from trying anything, but there was beginning to be some rather evident jealousy of the party's competence. Mostly.
  49. [17:27] <Kilarra> Kjell was an exception because, aside from his unique martial and magical talents, he had been rather terrible at mostly everything else. This ultimately left him beneath notice, at least compared to the others. Kahree in particular was becoming exceptionally favoured as a servant, given her diverse skillset.
  50. [17:27] * Aluthyra takes note, thanking the trog, and keeps her eyes out for any trouble...
  51. [17:28] <Kilarra> Verez keeps his head low and acts like he hadn't done anything worth noting
  52. [17:28] * Kilarra smirks a bit, "I kinda like that guy."
  53. [17:30] * Aluthyra nods in agreement.
  54. [17:32] <Kilarra> The following day sees Aluthyra and Kilarra together on a payment escort, while Kahree gets another stint in the torture chamber. An unfortunate consequence of her popularity. Kjell is made to partake in a duel.
  55. [17:39] <Kilarra> Everyone is successful at their duties for the day. Kahree so much so (as much as one can be successful at 'being tortured'), that she is invited to act as a Noble Servitor, working directly for one of the House Nobles.
  56. [17:40] <Aluthyra> Kahree accepts, though begrudgingly... she manages to hide that, however.
  57. [17:43] * Kilarra encourages Kahree to take the shot. Working directly with a noble might just be the break they were waiting for.
  58. [17:43] <Kilarra> Kjell is content to remain in his more mundane duties. He wasn't screwing them up, and it seemed almost fitting that the three women he was with were performing better in the matriarchal drow society.
  59. [17:49] <Kilarra> Kahree's first day of Noble Servitude involves delivering a message on behalf of Second Son Tiryin. A rarity amongst the house of mages, Tiryin has a lust for violence and martial combat. Barely a hundred years old, he holds little influence over the affairs of the house, and yet his physical prowess has kept him alive in the face of various 'hardships'
  60. [17:51] <Kilarra> His family finds his martial talents embarassingly common, especially amongst a noted house of magical talents. Aluthyra meanwhile, gets another turn in the torture chamber while Kilarra is assigned as a dress guard. Kjell gets another routine patrol
  61. [17:57] <Kilarra> Kahree takes to her new duties well, and is given a fair amount of praise for it. Eliciting further jealousy from the other servants. Almost enough to overshadow Kilarra and Aluthyra, who were doing reasonably well themselves. Kjell continues to remain mostly beneath notice
  62. [18:00] <Kilarra> The next day sees Kahree delivering another message on behalf of second daughter Faidaeva, Kilarra serving as a dress guard again, Aluthyra standing watch over the noble quarters, and Kjell on lookout duty
  63. [18:04] <Kilarra> Kahree is proving most capable, even in the face of more difficult tasks assigned to her by the nobles. Kilarra adapts quickly, performing exceptionally well as a dress guard each time, and Aluthyra's powers of perception remain as honed as ever.
  64. [18:06] <Kilarra> As Kahree returns from delivering her message, she arrives back at House Vonnarc at the same time as a drow merchant delivering a batch of riding Lizards that she is remarkably adept at herding. She leads them over to the kennels.
  65. [18:08] <Kilarra> After leaving the lizards in the care of Verez and the other stable servants, she heads inside to conduct her business.
  66. [18:09] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow, stopping the merchant as she places her hand on her shoulder. "Tell me, what would those lizards be for?"
  67. [18:12] <Kilarra> The merchant bats Kahree's hand away, "I don't know where you get off touching me servant, but you obviously haven't been here long if you don't recognize me. I am Safan, and my business is with those who actually make decisions around here."
  68. [18:14] <Kilarra> Verez comes up to Kahree. He doesn't speak to Safan, but notes to Kahree, "I can vouch for her; she's been here a few times before, and produces some rather quality stock."
  69. [18:14] <Kilarra> Safan sneers at the Troglodyte, "I do not need a slave to defend my presence here, but at least it seems one of you knows how to behave."
  70. [18:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree sneers. "Where I get off? My bedchambers, though touching you has nothing to do with it."
  71. [18:16] <Kilarra> Safan glares at Kahree, "You should learn to hold your tongue, before I recommend to your Slavemother it be removed." She heads inside without another word of acknolwedgement to Kahree.
  72. [18:17] <Aluthyra> Kahree snickers, turning to Verez. "Know anything about her? Besides her being a bitch, of course."
  73. [18:19] <Kilarra> Verez raises an eyebrow, "You make it sound as though her attitude differs greatly from your own, or that of most non-noble women." He coughs at that, remembering his own station, then answers, "She has delivered here a few times before. She is lowborn, but a rather successful breeder of cave geckos. I think perhaps she eventually hopes to use her business skills to increase her own standing."
  74. [18:23] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Ha. Ha." She rolls her eyes. "Whatever, thanks for the info."
  75. [18:24] <Kilarra> Verez seems relieved his lip was met only with return sarcasm. He counts his blessings and moves to stable the delivered lizards. How many remained there would depend on how well Safan negotiated.
  76. [18:26] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs, making her way back to the room.
  77. [18:27] * Kilarra is there, stretching out and fiddling with her tail. SHe looks to see if Aluthyra is still resting off the torture from earlier.
  78. [18:27] <Kilarra> Kjell returns around the same time as Kahree and seats himself on a crate, pulling out his spellbook to pass some time.
  79. [18:28] * Aluthyra is indeed still resting.
  80. [18:29] <Aluthyra> Kahree sits on her own bed. "Saw some merchant drop by lizards for the drow on my way in, might be important. She wouldn't talk to me, said she'd only talk to 'those who actually make decisions around here'."
  81. [18:31] * Kilarra shrugs, "Well, we don't really have any purchasing power do we? Unless we wanted to buy our own lizards. Which, frankly, I don't."
  82. [18:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Just thought I'd mention it." She leans back into her bed.
  83. [18:33] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I suspect one of the lesser nobles is in charge of purchases made on behalf of the House. Although, I don't really see what would make one merchant more important than any of the other few that come by occasionally."
  84. [18:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "Guess it doesn't matter to us, anyway. Hopefully we'll find something important out soon..."
  85. [18:36] * Kilarra lays down in bed with Aluthyra
  86. [18:36] <Kilarra> Kjell puts his spellbook away and decides to rest early. Kahree was the closest of any of them to the nobles, not that that meant too much for them as servants, but it was their best option.
  87. [18:40] <Aluthyra> Kahree closes her eyes and begins to nod off.
  88. [18:40] <Kilarra> In the middle of the night, unannounced, Undamesta throws open the door to the party's room. "Gear up. QUickly! And follow me."
  89. [18:41] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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