
Hinawa's Believes (Rp Kazmina & Hinawa)

Oct 3rd, 2019
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  1. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 07:44 Uhr
  2. I think I'm fine to start.
  3. __
  5. Soft knocks came onto the wooden door to Hinawa's room. Between the lack of sleep and and the amount of work she had put in today, Kazmina was nothing short of exhausted. But she needed to at least finish a last bit of business before retiring for the night. "Lady Hinawa. A word?"
  7. Shurianletzten Montag um 07:51 Uhr
  8. she looks for a bit at the door as she hears those words.
  9. A beaten captain, lady, really not what the mouse needed but..... it would have to do because a word was needed, making her stand up from her bed with not too much noise, axe in hand the "lady" opens the door, revealing a tall standing mouse who looks....... spiritless.
  10. "What?"
  12. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 07:54 Uhr
  13. Well this already can't be good...
  15. Kazmina gazed upwards to Hinawa, immediately softening her own expression as best as she could. "... You look like even more shit than I do. Would you rather talk in quiet? My quarters?"
  17. Shurianletzten Montag um 08:03 Uhr
  18. standing there with her axe she was.... quite surprised to see the captain already soften up, did she look that pathetic?
  19. That Kazmina would really show her compassion?.... But she saw no reason to refuse the offer responding a bit surprised even if weak
  20. "Uh.... yeah."
  21. the mouse walks forward a bit to push the door close behind her, not wasting any time to lock it up and ready to follow kazmina
  23. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 08:08 Uhr
  24. The gremlin led Hinawa in silence upstairs and to her own chambers. Once both were inside she closed and locked the door, giving the two absolute privacy. Kaz took a seat at her desk, inviting Hinawa to take a seat on the bed. "I was going to ask how the meeting for First Mate went. I haven't had much time to really ask anyone..."
  26. Shurianletzten Montag um 08:09 Uhr
  27. finally lowering her axe as she sat down on the bed with a sigh, not even feeling the energy to.... walk, geez, she looks towards her captain with a really monotone answer
  28. "Sol."
  30. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 08:23 Uhr
  31. "Sailas, right. I'll be sure to speak with him later then."
  32. She eyed Hinawa up and down, examining her. The spark that she carried with her, the spirit that Kazmina was so used to seeing. The happiness, seemingly sucked out. "... Hinawa, don't tell me losing the position meant that much to you? It's really just a title, since... Well, we own the ship. They'll need to listen to us all anyway."
  34. Shurianletzten Montag um 08:33 Uhr
  35. she clenshes her fist into each other looking down, trying to at least say what she's saying in an understandable, not muffled weak way
  36. "Nobody voted against Sol"
  37. the mouse puts quite the heavy emphasis on the "nobody" in that sentence, trying to make clear she means herself included
  39. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 08:36 Uhr
  40. "Huh. Guess I gave him a hell of a pep talk earlier this morning..."
  42. Her feet swung freely from the chair, almost akin to a child's. She had not thought it would be a unanimous decision, to be quite frank. The more she thought on it, the less it really made sense, and as she considered Hinawa'a words...
  44. "... Who voted for him?"
  46. Shurianletzten Montag um 08:49 Uhr
  47. "Adelina..... me..... and after that there was no more voting, I left the room, I have no clue what happened after that."
  48. she says all that down as if she's just... reading it from somewhere, no emotion, no effort, that's all she has to say about the first mate vote
  50. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 08:57 Uhr
  51. Kazmina's' eyes narrowed in on Hinawa. She had been so set on obtaining the role herself, what would have made the mouse change her mind? "Hinawa? Look at me. I need to see something."
  53. Shurianletzten Montag um 08:58 Uhr
  54. as the mouse stares towards her captain, there are... blank.... dead eyes, she looks even more soulless than adelina or the captain herself right now, it's very obvious that she's forcing herself badly to talk right now and that even lifting her head for her captain was a major pain in the ass right now
  56. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 09:07 Uhr
  57. She raised a hand to Hinawa, a single finger pointing in her direction. Under her breath she whispered words in her native draconic language for a few seconds, keeping eye contact with Hinawa. "... There's something else on your mind," she stated, keeping her focus in on the mouse in front of her. "I've a little bird telling me so right now, wriggling in that mind. Please, enlighten me Lady Hinawa."
  59. Shurianletzten Montag um 09:10 Uhr
  60. surprisingly... that got a really weak giggle out of the mouse, thanks to her state she's rather.... methodical right now, she knows exactly when magic is being cast, squinting towards her seeker stone has become second nature to her by now.
  61. "If you'd truly be able to read my mind you wouldn't react this calmly right now."
  62. ......the mouse lowers her head again looking at her fists
  63. "I am impressed that not even me having my axe with me stops you from dropping that stupid lady act."
  65. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 09:12 Uhr
  66. "I trust you." was as plainly as Kaz could put her answer, sliding off of her chair to join Hinawa on the bed now. "Just as I'm sure you'd trust me not to truly attempt magic on you, aye?"
  68. Shurianletzten Montag um 09:16 Uhr
  69. "It at least made me giggle........"
  70. despite her not really wanting to talk, kazmina's getting concerned and her actually talking about trusting her.... was she truly that pathetic that she needs a pep talk?
  71. But the mouse actually had own stuff she needed to talk about, so let's try that as a topic change!
  72. "Question Kazmina, where are we headed?"
  73. she doesn't raise her head, try to look towards the captain, or anything
  75. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 09:19 Uhr
  76. That was certainly a question. Kazmina had to scratch at the back of her head, trying to buy some time to come up with a legitimate answer to Hinawa's question. "Well, with Saltmarsh in its current condition... Supplies should be a priority. Foodstuffs, medical, tools... Somewhere nearby is what we desperately need. That would leave Burle and Seaton. Burle wouldn't have the supplies we really need, though, too small of a farming town..."
  78. Shurianletzten Montag um 09:22 Uhr
  79. the mouse responds surprisingly fast as if one of the names sparked something within her even if it was just for a short moment
  80. "I am for Seaton"
  82. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 09:24 Uhr
  83. "Seaton, right. Can't say I know terribly much about it."
  85. Kazmina was very hesitant, but she ended up giving a slow pat onto Hinawa's back. A very poor attempt at trying to give the impression that everything was okay. "Will have to hear from the rest of the crew on what they think. This journey won't be an easy one..."
  87. Shurianletzten Montag um 09:26 Uhr
  88. this time she just talks robotic, not even listening to the second half, with some... weird actual determination in her voice? Ignoring the pat on her back for... NOW.
  89. "Old port town, military devision of the queens guard, one of the safest ports you could probably dock at if you get past the military checks without issue"
  91. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 09:29 Uhr
  92. This was growing tiresome. Kazmina had tried being nice, but she was far too weary to continue the efforts. This time she gave a harder slap to her back, although with her strength it probably would not cause a single bit of concern for the brute. "Hinawa, will you fucking talk to me, you dense fucker? Something happened to you, doesn't even take a fucking mind reader to tell!"
  94. Shurianletzten Montag um 09:35 Uhr
  95. Hinawa clenches her fists, not feeling the slap too badly, but with her mood right now, forcing herself a bit to calm down and then responding... calmly looking towards her captain, starring daggers towards her.... with a bit of defeat in her voice
  96. "....What 'cha mean? You said you don't know what seaton is.
  97. It's a backwater town exactly like saltmarsh, has been taken over, same way that saltmarsh was nearly taken, if Seaton wouldn't be a thing those fucks probably wouldn't even have left Saltmarsh all together because this shitty backwater town holds no current value to them because they have a military division close by.
  98. If you're curious why I WANT to go there, because I am a pathetic loser."
  100. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 09:42 Uhr
  101. Then came a string of draconic muttering for several seconds. Wherever Hinawa's livelyhood at went, Kazmina planned to bring it back. And she started by standing on the bed and shoving at the hulking mouse. "And who the fuck decided to make you one!?" she hissed, letting her anger show through. "You? The future conqueror of an entire nation!?"
  103. Another push, a little grunt of effort put into this one as she continued onwards. "You're acting as though someone's made you their bitch! If that's the case, give me a fucking name so I can take notes at least!"
  105. Shurianletzten Montag um 09:45 Uhr
  106. okay by now there's some anger in her voice, but she knows immediatly what to answer with some swaying in words as she gets pushed multiple times
  107. "The queens guard, why do you think I want to travel to a military base?"
  109. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 09:50 Uhr
  110. Kazmina's instincts were telling her to stop. For once, however, she elected to ignore them. Another shove came forward, while Kaz was prepared for some form of retaliation at some point. "And you're going to let them do it? Roll over like a fucking animal!? What happened to the bitch I knew?"
  112. Shurianletzten Montag um 09:54 Uhr
  113. she has enough control to not grab an axe..... but enough anger to still do something, that mouse grabs the head of her captain and smashes it against the mattress below themselves, probably not hurting the captain too badly besides the grip, probably suffocating her a bit with quite the strong press down into the bed responding in a scream that can probably be heard some distance away "NO I AM GOING THERE BECAUSE I WON'T LET THEM DO IT, I AM GONNA KILL ALL OF THEM!"
  114. and with that, there is some sort of life back in those eyes, the sort of life her enemies usually feared, the moment her eyes began to literally glow from anger
  116. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 10:02 Uhr
  117. Well... Shit. Now she was stuck. Kazmina pulled as hard as she could to escape the grip, knowing exactly how futile it was. So she tried twisting her head enough to, first off breathe, and secondly to speak as she continued her struggle. "You can't kill shit if this is how you're gonna go about it! All fucking talk, but when the opportunity comes along? How the fuck am I supposed to believe you can do anything about it!?"
  119. Shurianletzten Montag um 10:09 Uhr
  120. the mouse had an urge to show her.... how she can kill..... but she holds herself back enough and just presses harder down, by now showing some actual pressure because that mattress can't stay soft forever
  121. "That's why I want to go there, I will create that opportunity myself now, I am sick of their shit."
  122. and with that.... the mouse relieves the stress, now rather angry, waiting for her captain to spout shit back at her
  124. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 10:18 Uhr
  125. Yeowch, talk about praying her skull was metal for once. When Kaz was able to break free she stood straight up, still trying to incite Hinawa. "You're sick of their shit? I'm sick of their shit! We're all sick of their shit! So what the fuck as you moping around like you've been slapped by someone with one of Loxley's arms!?"
  127. Shurianletzten Montag um 10:22 Uhr
  129. .........after the mouse screams that she...... calms down again.... looking back at her fists........
  130. "They...... It should have been...... obvious....." she can actually not utter another proper sentence right now... she seems lost?
  132. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 10:37 Uhr
  133. Oh...
  135. The hot air that Kazmina had built up immediately deflated, leaving her shoulders slumped in response. The gremlin had never heard Hinawa speak of parents before, nor had their conversations ever really turned to any parents of sorts. A few moments of thinking, considering how the day had went from sunrise to sunset, taking into account the short interview Kazmina had with her and the attitude Hinawa had below decks when Fiddler and his crew had came in, the funeral for Faulkner and Oceanus. Process of elimination at least could show Kaz that this was a revelation that Hinawa had learned very, very recently. So she stepped forward, standing cautiously on Hinawa's lap so Kazmina could look her in the eyes.
  137. And then leaned in, resting her forehead against the larger mouse's to try and show some sort of compassion for her.
  139. "... What can I do for you, Lady Hinawa."
  141. Shurianletzten Montag um 10:41 Uhr
  142. the mouse actually thinks for a moment, with her captain literally on her lap, talking in a bit of a despirited this time more sad than death tone looking at the gremlin leaning into her
  143. "For starters, cut the lady crap out...... besides that do you know if we have any candles on the ship?"
  145. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 10:45 Uhr
  146. A small little smirk stretched Kazmina's lips. "No," she began, giving Hinawa an almost gleeful glare. "I will not cut the 'lady crap' out. You're my crew - my family, and you are all to be treated with the utmost respect."
  148. Kaz slid off of Hinawa suddenly, crawling under the bed to get to the metal footlocker underneath. "I had a few candles on me. Put most of them into vessel's inventory, kept one for myself. May I ask...?"
  150. Shurianletzten Montag um 10:51 Uhr
  151. not what she hoped to hear about the lady thing, but just ignoring that for a moment looking after the gremlin sliding off her and actually answering the question to the most of her ability without sounds too horrible
  152. "Holding an eastern funeral with my sister the moment I can cope with it, requires a keepsake and candles to lit the way to the afterlife, can't really build a shrine because the keepsakes we have won't be given back for now but yeah I owe it to him.
  153. Won't burn down the ship, no worries."
  155. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 10:56 Uhr
  156. "Right right, I believe that." She fished her backpack out of the footlocker, then the candle from the backpack. Plain, simple white wax with a single wick, now being held out from under the bed. "Check the cargo down below," she called out. "I put four more down there, check the smaller crates to the bow. Second deck."
  158. Shurianletzten Montag um 10:57 Uhr
  159. hinawa takes the candle and nods
  160. "Will do......."
  161. ....thinking for a moment how she should word the next words
  162. "I know that sounds stupid considering you've just met her today but kazmina, if we travel to seaton, please take care of Ciel for me."
  164. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 11:00 Uhr
  165. Kaz scrambled back out from under the bed, giving a piercing glare up to Hinawa in response. "If we travel to Seaton, we are all going to be leaving Seaton. What the fuck would Ciel think? Just find her sister, only to immediately lose her as well?"
  167. Shurianletzten Montag um 11:03 Uhr
  168. .......suddenly she sees a bit... blurry.... her eyes are turning soggy..... is she about to cry? And with that her voice begins to sound incredibly sad
  169. "I know and she deserves to liv- live, you weren't wrong I should finally do something against those... sh-shitbags from the inquisition so I plan to lea- lea"
  170. she can't even finish the sentence, she has a really awkward smile on her face, tears running down right next to it, it's a weird mix of fear of what she's about to say and what her plans are that basically spell suicide for her, she can't bring herself over saying what she wants to say to her captain
  172. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 11:07 Uhr
  173. "Hinawa."
  175. She lay on her back, still staring almost angrily up to her. "I promised you I'd help with this, remember? Do you really think I would let you piss off alone? We are going to kill the bastards, but we need more than 'run in, smash head, repeat' as our plan. And if you argue, I'm in the best position to bite yer fucking ankles, understand me?"
  177. Shurianletzten Montag um 11:09 Uhr
  178. that bitch's actually crying and beginning to dry off her tears, she has no response, she's beaten
  180. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 11:16 Uhr
  181. A moment of silence was allowed as Kazmina stood amd brushed herself off. She made it a point not to let her personal life define her, but this entire conversation already had broken that moral code plenty of times. What was showing another moment of weakness to her?
  183. "I lost my entire family, Lady Hinawa. I lost my life. And I can't even remember them! Not a name, not a face... Can't get past this fucking fog in my head when I try to remember them. So I'm trying my hardest, my fucking hardest, to make this crew work. To make this family come together.
  184. "So to have you try and run off just to get yerself killed is not only disrespectful to me? But by far the fucking shittiest way to treat that new sister of yours, Ciel. Is that the legacy you want to leave her?"
  186. Shurianletzten Montag um 11:19 Uhr
  187. she's actually trying to give a response and she sounds really cute and weak for once, not even able to get one word out properly
  188. "N-No"
  190. RaiRyoletzten Montag um 11:21 Uhr
  191. "But that's what you were just thinking of doing!"
  193. Kaz slapped at Hinawa's knee, mich more gently than the physical contact she was making before. "Don't fucking end up like me. Understand? Can't guarantee Lady Vanilla can pull a second miracle our her ass..."
  195. Shurianletzten Montag um 11:31 Uhr
  196. taking a bit to actually dry her face completly, she can finally see again, looking at Kazmina with still a weak voice but at least.... convinced?
  197. "O-Okay........."
  198. rubbing her nose for a moment the mouse takes a moment before she responds, waiting till it feels like the hiccup is gone, no snorting, no more tears.... taking a deep breather, slapping her own knees and looking at the ceiling
  199. "You know captn, this entire plot of taking over the kingdom... it's probably more selfish than I dared to ever tell you.
  200. I am not sure if that truly ever was my intend, I just used it as a justification but I couldn't give less shits about what the inquisition is hunting probably."
  202. she takes another breather continuing her talk
  203. "I..... guess I somehow just believed that I'd see my father again....... the person who's taught me everything I know.........."
  204. the mouse takes a bit before she continues her words in a more... stern/serious fashion just to get her message across.
  205. "I guess to someone like you who lost her entire family this is a bit petty, maybe even laughable..... but I just heard not even a few hours ago that the person who raised me, the only positive memories of my childhood, one of the only people on this planet I loved.... died. All those memories I have of him now are just..... memories, I won't be able to see him again" she actually begins slightly tearing up again, but this time not going over into complete crying againRai
  207. Ryoletzten Dienstag um 16:46 Uhr
  208. _
  210. "Nah. I don't think any of that."
  212. Maybe in a past life, she would have thought differently. Though she definitely had not grown numb to the idea of it. There were plenty of restless nights for her that she spent thinking about a countless amount of blank faces she had lost. If anything, the fact made Kaz understand more. "I think yer dad would be uh... Proud, if anything. If it's something he wanted, anyway. You just have to go about it smart, not just throwing yourself to the wolves and expecting the best. Got others that rely on you now, aye?"
  214. With a short pause, Kazmina took a deep breath and added in, "I'm sure those memories are nice, though. I'd trade a hell of a lot for mine."
  216. Shurianletzten Dienstag um 16:55 Uhr
  217. the mouse, takes a breather for a moment... leaning back and then looking at the captain
  218. "Yeah.... they were.........."
  219. with those words the brute stood up, stretches and looks back
  220. "So, anything else 'cha need?"
  222. RaiRyoletzten Dienstag um 16:59 Uhr
  223. "Me? No."
  225. Kaz went ahead and unlocked the door to her cabin, giving Hinawa the go ahead to leave. "Is there something you need, though? I, uh, can attend the memorial for him if you want me. Unless it's between Ciel and you..."
  227. Shurianletzten Dienstag um 17:12 Uhr
  228. the mouse shrugs and walks towards the door to walk out of it
  229. "Sorry I couldn't keep Sol away from you as first mate pfffff"
  231. RaiRyoletzten Dienstag um 17:12 Uhr
  232. "Huh? Oh, that's uh, not really a concern for me. I didn't want to play favorites, so I'm not going to argue who gets the position." Kaz gave Hinawa a small bow, letting her have her exit. "Just don't be a daft idiot about it, will you? I'll talk to him probably tomorrow about the position."
  234. Shurianletzten Dienstag um 17:16 Uhr
  235. the mouse yawns, still sounding a bit defeated, grabbing her axe and just looking at the captain for a moment
  236. "Eh, I gave him my vote, if it was a horrible decision I need to live with it, even if it was just in a fit of rage"
  238. RaiRyoletzten Dienstag um 17:18 Uhr
  239. A lazy shrug ensued, followed by Kazmina stating openly "If he's that bad, we either keelhaul him or pick someone else. Simple as that."
  241. A little silence followed before she tacked on "And uh, anything that happened in here. Gonna stay in this room. Right?"
  243. Shurianletzten Dienstag um 17:27 Uhr
  244. the mouse actually giggles for a very short moment and then turns around towards the door
  245. "Hey if anyone hears that I cried my heart out to you I am not gonna use my hand to get your head next time."
  247. RaiRyoletzten Dienstag um 17:33 Uhr
  248. "Don't go for the head, dumbass" she replied, pointing to her own chest where the mechanical heart sat. "Make that swing count though, else I gotta start giving lessons on how t' kill for you. Got it?"
  250. Shurianletzten Dienstag um 17:50 Uhr
  251. "Would be boring if you'd die instantly"
  252. with that, she takes one step out of the room, giving one last remark before she leaves back for her cabin
  253. "Just be careful with who you piss off"
  255. RaiRyoletzten Dienstag um 19:24 Uhr
  256. A wicked little grin stretched across her face, one very similar to the first time Hinawa and Kazmina spoke about overthrowing the eastern kingdom. "I'll piss off whoever I want, Lady Hinawa. Might not be the ocean's nightmare anymore, but I'll be damned if I'm not still a nightmare."
  258. Shurianletzten Dienstag um 21:38 Uhr
  259. not really a smirk but basically the most snarky response she can muster comes out of of that walking mouse, with her not even turning around for it and just walking out of the captain with it
  260. "Well just remember that people will just react like this."
  261. with that the mouse flicks her captain off while she walks out
  262. "Good night"
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