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Sep 20th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. VarusRule34: has ching chong name
  3. VarusRule34: isntspeaking ching chong
  4. VarusRule34: reportage
  5. VarusRule34: ching chong
  6. VarusRule34: top of the ching chong to ya
  7. VarusRule34: ching chong bing bong
  8. VarusRule34: ching chong
  9. VarusRule34: philippenene number 1
  10. VarusRule34: ching chong
  11. VarusRule34: u just succ
  12. VarusRule34: nice
  13. VarusRule34: aWW YEAS
  14. VarusRule34: gg
  15. Game 1
  16. narutodude23: yeah cause ur dumb nigga
  17. narutodude23: Teemo where are u?
  18. narutodude23: go in
  19. narutodude23: rakaan
  20. narutodude23: kayn
  21. narutodude23: u have a small cock dont you
  22. narutodude23: damn
  23. narutodude23: ya know
  24. narutodude23: its a real shame you werent the victim of an ethnic cleansing
  25. narutodude23: we need less jew niggers like you in the world tbh
  26. narutodude23: o my bad
  27. narutodude23: jew niggers like u dont know how to read
  28. narutodude23: xd
  29. narutodude23: ya know
  30. narutodude23: the jim crow laws werent that bad tbh
  31. narutodude23: ya know kayn
  32. narutodude23: must hurt being the lowest person in society tbh
  33. narutodude23: i aint being salty bc im bad
  34. narutodude23: u just dont deserve the win
  35. narutodude23: the funny thing about this all
  36. narutodude23: is youre probs gonna cry like a little faggot reporting me after game
  37. narutodude23: sensitve suicidal pussy lul
  38. narutodude23: i mean i really wish ur father beat ur mother when u she was pregnant a little more
  39. narutodude23: hopefully you wouldve been a miscarige
  41. Game 1
  42. anime tiddy god : kat and zac ur both dirty nig.gers
  43. anime tiddy god : gj kat
  44. anime tiddy god : u have nbo cs
  45. anime tiddy god : u dumb nig.ger
  46. anime tiddy god : i bet ur dad beats ur mom
  47. anime tiddy god : lag
  48. anime tiddy god : please
  49. anime tiddy god : your name is yng yasuo
  50. anime tiddy god : how much did your parents neglect you as a kid
  51. anime tiddy god : probs not judging by the fact im not a degenerate faggot ass yasuo lmao
  52. anime tiddy god : kinda sucks your father didnt beat your mother into a miscariage tbh
  53. anime tiddy god : shouldve kicked her down the stairs one more time
  54. anime tiddy god : come kat
  55. anime tiddy god : show me on the scuttle where your father used to extinguish the cigarettes on you
  56. anime tiddy god : im reporting you
  57. anime tiddy god : im not feeding im level 21
  58. anime tiddy god : its just an off meta buid
  59. anime tiddy god : a nigga is trying to yabba dabba do what he gotta do
  60. anime tiddy god : report katarina for toxicity
  61. anime tiddy god : wow no peel
  62. anime tiddy god : é
  63. anime tiddy god : shut up nigger
  64. anime tiddy god : you did when u logged on to lol
  65. anime tiddy god : its just banter chill
  66. anime tiddy god : if only we had a reliable mid laner
  67. anime tiddy god : shut the fuck up
  68. anime tiddy god : you ching choing looking ass
  69. anime tiddy god : motherfucker
  70. anime tiddy god : fucking queer
  71. anime tiddy god : jk ily
  73. Game 1
  74. LinearSkillshot: ok i check ur i appologise
  75. LinearSkillshot: sorry vayne
  76. LinearSkillshot: he s5
  77. LinearSkillshot: d5
  78. LinearSkillshot: ur a nigger omar
  79. LinearSkillshot: hes just gay and retarded
  80. LinearSkillshot: terminal gay nigger aids :(
  81. LinearSkillshot: i think so
  82. LinearSkillshot: feel free to call omar a nigger btw
  83. LinearSkillshot: Gg
  85. Game 1
  86. narutodude23: it ass eating time
  87. narutodude23: dont be poor ezpz
  88. narutodude23: not our fault ur broke ass cant afford to buy movies and u dc
  89. narutodude23: were not gonna ff if u ugys waste ur time trying to complete kleds suicide missions
  90. narutodude23: just let him int
  91. narutodude23: and we can scale up
  92. narutodude23: sorta
  93. narutodude23: no shit
  94. narutodude23: renga
  95. narutodude23: rengar can onshot her
  96. narutodude23: and liss can ulti one person
  97. narutodude23: yeah
  98. narutodude23: maybe if u did somethiung besides sitting in a lane like a pussy when we had kill presure id be ahead
  99. narutodude23: lol they sat in a minion wave
  100. narutodude23: maybe if u liike e;d them out and forced a trade we coulda done something
  101. narutodude23: i dont care anymore lmao
  102. narutodude23: lets jsut conceed i dont wann play with a fucking retard support
  103. narutodude23: we have a broke ass kled and a brain damage support
  104. narutodude23: plays probs one game and thinks hes mata
  105. narutodude23: gg
  107. Game 1
  108. LinearSkillshot: idk how to play this champ
  109. LinearSkillshot: i bet ahri would treat me well and wouldnt beat me :(
  110. LinearSkillshot: watch ur mouth
  111. LinearSkillshot: look in a miror idiot
  112. LinearSkillshot: i bought her taco bell this is defamation of my name
  113. LinearSkillshot: not my fault u live in the shit hole of canada
  114. LinearSkillshot: shut up
  115. LinearSkillshot: no one cares
  116. LinearSkillshot: go im omw
  117. LinearSkillshot: start it
  118. LinearSkillshot: start im omw
  119. LinearSkillshot: comit xomit
  120. LinearSkillshot: ???
  121. LinearSkillshot: report this bot for trolling me
  122. LinearSkillshot: trolls
  123. LinearSkillshot: y ff??
  124. LinearSkillshot: we have late game
  125. LinearSkillshot: well im reporting u guys for griefing then
  126. LinearSkillshot: ????
  127. LinearSkillshot: rakan????
  128. LinearSkillshot: stop trolling please
  129. LinearSkillshot: this is winable game
  130. LinearSkillshot: if bot stops troll we can win
  131. LinearSkillshot: gg bot
  132. LinearSkillshot: trolls
  133. LinearSkillshot: why ff??
  134. LinearSkillshot: ???/
  135. LinearSkillshot: ????????
  136. LinearSkillshot: ???
  137. LinearSkillshot: ?
  138. LinearSkillshot: u guys are throwing
  139. LinearSkillshot: trolls
  140. LinearSkillshot: report this bot for toxicity please
  141. LinearSkillshot: h
  142. LinearSkillshot: how
  143. LinearSkillshot: yeah gj for not trolling mw like this botlane
  144. LinearSkillshot: not my fault
  145. LinearSkillshot: get rekt ahri
  146. LinearSkillshot: u guys suck XD
  147. LinearSkillshot: ahaha eX
  148. LinearSkillshot: ez
  149. LinearSkillshot: is this silver 4 ahahah ez game amirite
  150. LinearSkillshot: nice f xD
  151. LinearSkillshot: i cant carry this botlane xD
  152. LinearSkillshot: GG
  154. Game 1
  155. Pre-Game
  156. madison hoffe: adc
  157. In-Game
  158. madison hoffe: say nigger
  159. madison hoffe: shut up u fucking nigger
  160. madison hoffe: go back to lan yasuo
  161. madison hoffe: go 6ft under pls
  162. madison hoffe: LAN yasuo omegalol
  163. madison hoffe: stupid beaner
  164. madison hoffe: shut up u fucking spic
  165. madison hoffe: mexican
  166. madison hoffe: go back to LAN
  167. madison hoffe: plz
  168. madison hoffe: drink ur e coli tap watert
  169. madison hoffe: gg niggers
  170. Post-Game
  171. madison hoffe: send this yasuo back to LAN pls
  173. Game 1
  174. In-Game
  175. Zoairia x Ethan: mid
  176. Zoairia x Ethan: ur bad
  177. Zoairia x Ethan: hahah
  178. Zoairia x Ethan: ^^
  179. Zoairia x Ethan: hey
  180. Zoairia x Ethan: retards
  181. Zoairia x Ethan: dont 4v5
  182. Zoairia x Ethan: whjen im dead
  183. Zoairia x Ethan: pls
  184. Zoairia x Ethan: yawn
  185. Zoairia x Ethan: gg
  186. Game 2
  187. In-Game
  188. Zoairia x Ethan: why
  189. Zoairia x Ethan: didnt we just
  190. Zoairia x Ethan: take
  191. Zoairia x Ethan: the tower
  192. Zoairia x Ethan: it was free
  193. Zoairia x Ethan: doesnt matter if you have a free objective take it
  194. Zoairia x Ethan: lol
  195. Zoairia x Ethan: i cant fight
  196. Zoairia x Ethan: whern there is a malphite between me
  197. Zoairia x Ethan: and a mf r
  198. Zoairia x Ethan: worthelss
  199. Zoairia x Ethan: Gg
  200. Post-Game
  201. Zoairia x Ethan: yorick ur fucking worthless shut you bitch ass up nigga
  203. Game 1
  204. In-Game
  205. xStinkyMcQueefx: Yes sir, Major TheLegend
  206. xStinkyMcQueefx: why did u base when they were all there neeko and we were flanking?
  207. xStinkyMcQueefx: auto fill?
  208. xStinkyMcQueefx: faggot
  209. xStinkyMcQueefx: ggwp
  210. xStinkyMcQueefx: faggot
  212. Game 1
  213. Pre-Game
  214. madison hoffe: okay nigger
  215. madison hoffe: speaking to a degenerate in terms he knows
  216. In-Game
  217. madison hoffe: ur pathing is so shit
  218. madison hoffe: morg are u okay?
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