

Sep 13th, 2014
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  1. He didn’t exactly enjoy doing things like this. The aesthetic was wrong, the place was wrong, and the who by which he was being approached was just as wrong. Really though, he should have expected this, the girl was relentless and his last agreement with her had been something of a disaster.
  3. Ok, so it had been a little funny to watch her try to flirt with him and that other person all at once, funny in that uncomfortable way that’s best when you weren’t one of the ones involved in the ensuing train wreck.
  5. “... Service?” he had to ask again, just to be sure he heard correctly.
  7. “Yeah, don’t make me repeat myself.” The offering girl admitted, her face set in a bit of a scowl. He supposed it had to do with how she’d essentially been thwarted by the spell bringing down her mood, he could understand, dealing with the dammed thing could be all kinds of frustrating when it came to working around how specific it was. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d lost a customer for not having the right amount of cash on hand, almost but not there. Not being able to vary the value of one’s service made the entire exercise far more of a chore than it needed to be. Other businesses had the ability to give discounts for a reason...
  9. Of course on the other hand there was the nice little fact that no matter what his services couldn’t be devalued, which was in and of itself a pretty big thing. So it all balanced out in the end.
  11. Still the crazy lady seemed to find her way into some nice guns, and despite the fact that he’d been salivating over her metal cylinder shamelessly despite not having the money to buy it off of her right now, he couldn’t quite see what she could have had to offer worth his time beyond the deal he’d already given.
  13. “You know I don’t swing that way...” he spoke, a sour look crossing his face.
  15. “And you know I don’t give a shit. Look a blowjob is a blowjob. And I’m not offering for you to be climbing all over me. I just wanna get this shit over with... and if a good blow will move things along then fuck it, I’m game.” She’s a rude bitch, but she’s got a point. Even if she isn’t his type, he could appreciate the feeling of a warm wet mouth in the afternoon... problem was, that was never enough for him.
  17. “Look no offense, but you don’t exactly have much in the way of... what I’m looking for out of an encounter. And I don’t really feel that the... simulated experience would really ping my interests... And I doubt the spell will be too happy with it if I don’t actually value the thing being exchanged.” He turned his nose up at the idea, sure her furry friend had the build he was looking for... thick ropy musculature, rippling beneath that fur as she strode in cat like motions... if she hadn’t been a she, he’d have been totally into it. But Jun had standards, and one of those was that real partners for him shouldn’t have fake cocks.
  19. It was the real thing he craved, hot and heavy.
  21. ... big enough...
  23. “I wasn’t talking about substituting fakes.” Even as she spoke, Ruby patted her crotch... which bulged...
  25. Oh! Right... Ruby had one of those... but she was a bit scrawny... stick thin really... he kinda doubted that she had the ability to properly provide what he really wanted.
  27. But maybe she was close enough that it wouldn’t matter.
  29. “... ugg... Ok. Look, I’ll let you do it.” Jun sighed... he’d allow her to ‘pay’ the extra this way... maybe she could plow him well enough to make up for the lack.
  31. She didn’t waste a moment, pushing him down into the seat intently, then flipping up his skirt.
  33. “Sit down, shut up, and lemme do my thing... you like it up the ass and I’m going to give it to you.” She’d given up on being subtle with the boy ages ago. “Now relax and maybe grab some porn. In fact, no. Fuck the porn. I don’t care if you are the happiest man in the world... I’m going to blow your brains right out of your cock. And you will fucking LIKE IT.”
  35. ... that was said with just a bit TOO much vehemence...
  37. But he couldn’t quite say he didn’t like it. He preferred it when the other party knew what they wanted and took charge. That she was on her knees in front of him didn’t do much for him though, no nice broad shoulders to make him squirm in delight... no rippling movements that could hypnotize and entrance.
  39. She was scrawny, scraggly, and a bit disheveled. But at least she wasn’t fat... nor, as he noted, did she exactly have anything in the chest department to detract from what attractiveness she did actually have. She looked enough like a man that maybe he could pretend that she was a more suitable one, once she started.
  41. Her mouth engulfed him.
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