
Jess The Weirdass

Nov 14th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting at the couch with the coffee table pulled close while he was looking down at the DnD books. He had his phone out with the character sheet app pulled up. He furrowed his brow as he wrote down a few notes in a notebook.
  2. Tsaaq: ((DND!))
  3. Covet: [He's helping Adam out bro. I downloaded like. 5 different D&D related apps for 5th edition XD]
  4. Alexithymiaa: (Adam needs help because I need help, bro)
  5. Tsaaq: ((I already have the app on my phone tbh lmaooo.))
  6. Smokeless: Jess had basically just isolated herself from everyone. She went to school work and home. She sighed tugging her hat down over her ears more as she walked down the street towards the comic book store. Tv was becoming boring for her so she figured a nice comic would work out nicely or even a manga. she opened the doors to the place and walked in looking around at all the books and stuff wondering where to start.-
  8. Tsaaq: Bliss went to drop down beside him. "What did you come up with for your character so far darling?" She asked with a smile, going to kiss his cheek because Eli was just so handsome and kissable.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hands on his jeans because he's still a man first and foremost. Seeing the two on the couch, he started in their direction, stopping when he saw Jess come into the shop and look around. Heading in her direction, he sent her a quick smile. "Hi. How can I help you?"-
  10. Smokeless: Jess stuffed her hands in her pockets and was going to walk off and browse around quietly. She stopped when she heard someone talking to her. she took a step back looking at Adam and she shrugged her shoulders."not sure really."she averted her eyes from him and her body tensed up slightly."just kind of looking is all."
  11. Covet: "Well I've got my name, and I've been reading up about my class, so far. I've also been looking into Drow things for Hayley..." He said leaning into her kiss. "I still need to roll stats, but I figured we could all do that depending on how busy tonight is. I want to get Adam started as well, since he doesn't know what kind of race he wants to be."
  12. Tsaaq: "So sweet." She grinned up at Eli. "Do you think her character would like me? I know dark elves have a thing where they hate people?" Bliss asked. "I had to roll stats a few times for my character. How about we make him an Orc or something cute and furry?" Bliss suggested.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, okay. Well if you need any help, just ask any one of us and we'd be happy to help you." He said with a curt nod of his head, turning to head over to Eli and Bliss. "How are y'all doing with the character building?"-
  14. Smokeless: Jess nodded her head and walked off towards one of the aisle."Thanks..." she looked through the spines of each book and comic. She couldn't really decide what she wanted to get into. All this was new to her. She picked up a random comic and scratched her head looking over the cover.-
  15. Covet: "It'd create an interesting character dynamic, considering that we're lawful good characters, but it's possible we can make it work. I want to have a world where all races are acceptable and are integrated together. It's based on personal character of a person, their race doesn't define them. Their class might." Eli said with a chuckle. " Good, You ready to sit down and get something thrown together? We were just taking about what race you'd like to be. There's quite a few."
  16. Tsaaq: She smiled at Adam. "It's going great! I can't wait for our characters to interact!" She answered. "But it's also important that we help you have a great character too." She told him. "I'm hoping we're a world where all races are intergrated so everyone can be friends." She turned to look over her shoulder at Jess. "Is she getting helped?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I asked her if she needed help and she said she was just looking for now." He took a seat down in the chair, resting his hands in his lap. "Im excited to start this. What have you come up with thus far?"-
  18. Covet: "A name, Class, race. I need to roll stats, but here check this out, and read over these race descriptions see if there's anything that appeals to you. You said you wanted to be a ranger? So something that has a natural high dexterity is going to help you. " Eli said as he handed the book over to Adam on the pages needed, then looked over at the girl, smiling when she'd been helped.
  19. Covet: [ ]
  20. Tsaaq: Bliss looked over Eli's shoulder then went to look at her phone once more. "Okay. I am Lady Faelys." She began to explain. "My attire is always white, uhhh. I had a list of personality traits somewhere." She said, helping with some nuts and bolts things Adam should remember doing.
  21. Alexithymiaa: -He reached out to take the book from Eli, scanning the pages as he read up a bit. "I like the idea of a Halfling. Do you think that would suit with a Ranger?" He asked, looking between them as he listened to Bliss, trying to take mental notes.-
  22. Smokeless: Jess picked up a random comic and walked over to the small group and smiled a little."umm sorry for interupting. I was jsut wondering if you guys might have an suggestions on any good reads."
  23. Covet: "I have Ser Arterios, an Acolyte for the church as a paladin." Eli said, then looked at Adam, "Yes that would work well, your weapons would be adjusted for your size, so your standard short bow, would actually be more like a long bow for you. Daggers would be short swords, because of your size modifier. But you'd be faster and could make up for difference of those weapons being bigger." Eli said, then clanced up at the chick, "That depends on what kind of genre you're into.
  24. Tsaaq: She began to applaud. She turned to Jess and got up from the couch. "We'll let the boys talk." She smiled. "Sandman is good, anything x-ment. Saga is good. Wicked + Divine, are you getting all this?" She asked the other blonde.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "That all sounds good. I don't know how I'm going to remember all of this, but this all sounds good. I should also be fleshing out appearance and personality traits?" He asked, watching Bliss walk away to help and guide Jess in the art of comics.-
  26. Smokeless: Jess shrugged some."Anything that doesn't suck..." she replied to Eli. She turned her attention to the blonde who she remembered seeing at that party. She wasgetting a little distracted by the memory. Her attention was brought back by bliss asking if she was paying attention."huh? oh umm no sorry I was thinking. I am not really like dee into comics. i'm jsut looking for something to read since I don't really have any friends around here."
  27. Tsaaq: "All of those comics are perfect for anti-social people who don't care to have friends." Bliss told her with a shrug. "Especially Saga." She nodded her head at Jess. "Come on. I'll take you to my staff picks."
  28. Tsaaq: ((Sorry I thought I pressed enter.))
  29. Covet: Eli smiled as Bliss got up to help Jess, then looked back at Adam. "Yes, that's all stuff you'll basically right down in your own notes. You'll also need to roll some stats as well." Eli said as he got up from the couch to go get a couple sets of dice from behind the counter.
  30. Covet: [It wasn't your post it was min. I forgot to press enter D:]
  31. Smokeless: [you both forgot XD]
  32. Alexithymiaa: "And what kind of stats would I be rolling for?" He asked, pulling out his phone to open that app with his character sheet, going to fill in information about his little Halfling character. "I'm sorry I'm so new at this."-
  33. Tsaaq: ((OH YOU BITCH))
  34. Alexithymiaa: (WHAT? THAT WAS MY TURN!)
  35. Covet: [XD No I'm the bitch not you XD]
  36. Smokeless: [we all bitches there lol ]
  37. Smokeless: Jess shrugged some."It's not that I don't want friends I guess im not really good at making them..but its whatever." She followed Bliss and tugged on her hat some."You are that girl that threw that halloween party not to long ago right?"
  38. Covet: "Your Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, and Charisma." Eli told him sitting back down, "Don't sweat it dude. I'm still pretty new too." He handed the four six sided dice over to Adam, "Roll those take the highest 3 numbers and add them together. Do this 6 times, and make sure to write the numbers down. Then we'll look at what we're putting in each stat."
  39. Tsaaq: She began to frown. "Well... It can be difficult to find like minded people." Bliss said with a slow nod. "Why yes... I did." She smiled. "It went off without a hitch if I do say so myself." She proudly wiggled, looking like an awkward turtle.
  40. Smokeless: Jess shrugged."I wouldn't know. I didn't stay long..." she looked over at all the comics and sighed some.she shifted in her stance and fiddled with her hat again.
  41. Alexithymiaa: (Bro what the fuck did you even just say about these dice...)
  42. Alexithymiaa: -Adam gingerly took the dice from him, turning them over in his hands as he looked down at them. "How do I know which roll is for which stat?"-
  43. Smokeless: [kiki lost me at Dexterity..."
  44. Covet: "That part doesn't matter yet. Because we'll put the best numbers you roll into the stat you'll use the most for your class. So, roll those four dice. And only add the three highest die together. Do that six times." Eli reiterated. [ (Roll the d6 4 times and only add the 3 highest numbers.)]
  45. Covet: [Pfft, I've been doing this shit for years. It's hard for me to dumb it down. I'm trying!]
  46. Smokeless: [ive never played Dnd]
  47. Smokeless: [ive wanted to though]
  48. Tsaaq: Bliss inhaled with a frown. "Well hopefully you can make an appearance at my holiday party. It should be just as fun?" She offered. "The Halloween party went so well. No fights or alcohol poisoning."
  49. Smokeless: "I don't know...My last party experiance wasn't very good." she didn't want to look at bliss when she said those words."I'll think about it though."
  50. Alexithymiaa: -Adam started rolling on the table in front of him, recording his rolls into his phone and adding them quickly. "Okay so I have fifteen, twelve, eight, thirteen, thirteen, and thirteen."-
  51. Covet: "Alright, good. You're going to want to put your highest roll into your Dex. As a ranger, the thing you need to worry about the least is your Charisma or intelligence. So given that information, put the rest of those numbers into your other stats how you see fit." Eli told him, before moving on as he went about getting his own stats done up.
  52. Tsaaq: She rose an eyebrow at Jess as she hurried away. She went back over to Eli and Adam. "Sorry to interrupt boys, but Jess was being a little funny about my Halloween party when I mentioned it. That's pecuilar right?" She asked curiously.
  53. Alexithymiaa: -He brought his phone up and started filling in his stats, reading them off to Eli. "Okay I have Strength at thirteen, dexterity at fifteen, intelligence at 12, wisdom at 13, constitution at 13 and charisma at 8." He announced, looking over to Bliss. "Funny how?"-
  54. Covet: "That sounds good. You're going to up your dex by another two, because of your race modifier. So it will be at a seventeen." He told him then looked at Bliss, "It could be yeah, What was she saying about it?" Eli asked.
  55. Covet: Eli got up to let Adam keep working on his character sheet with some guidlines he pointed out in the books. Then started over to the counter to get things cleaned up for the night. He looked over at Bliss, "Now what was that girl, Jess? you said talking about the party?"
  56. Tsaaq: "I don't know..." Bliss began to frown as she went to tidy up as well. "She made it seem like my party was unpleasant for her. But why would that be? Nobody caused a scene the whole night?"
  57. Covet: "Hmm. Maybe she just didn't feel comfortable because she didn't know anyone?" Eli said, "As far as I know it was a calm night, even with that little hiccup with Kelsey and her ex."
  58. Tsaaq: Bliss threw up her hands. "Exactly! That's what I was saying!" She shrugged. "Oh well. I suppose I'll guess until I can ask again."
  59. Covet: "I wouldn't sweat it too much. One person not being into it out of all those that were there and enjoyed it is still a pretty good percentage." He said with a smile, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he finished getting the closing things done so they could go upstairs and get their cuddle on.
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