

Mar 6th, 2018
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  1. (11:39:11 PM) Edwardos: @seen parabyte
  2. (11:39:13 PM) trebot: Edwardos: parabyte was last seen in #wrongplanet 15 hours, 47 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <parabyte> :)
  3. (11:39:34 PM) Edwardos: I'm tracking Parabyte down. I need his person for something I'm investigating.
  4. (11:39:43 PM) Edwardos: I don't know where to start.
  5. (11:39:49 PM) Pingu: yeah what are you investigating :)
  6. (11:40:27 PM) Pingu: I don't need to track down anyone
  7. (11:40:47 PM) Edwardos: A Minecraft server he hosted.
  8. (11:40:47 PM) Pingu: It reeeeeeeeaaaaly bothers the British for some reason though
  9. (11:40:54 PM) Pingu: oh
  10. (11:41:00 PM) caramel [~caramel@unaffiliated/caramel] entered the room.
  11. (11:41:32 PM) Pingu: Would anyone disagree with the statement that when someone does not want you to investigate something, it means they have something to hide?
  12. (11:47:07 PM) Pingu: Cos what other reason is there?
  13. (11:47:49 PM) denza242 left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  14. (11:48:01 PM) denza242 [~denza252@sapphire/support/denza252] entered the room.
  15. (11:48:08 PM) Pingu: anyone? I'd love to be shown another reason
  16. (11:52:38 PM) Edwardos: That's victim blaming.
  17. (11:52:56 PM) Edwardos: Don't stalk people and tell them they should be okay with it for not being guilty.
  18. (11:53:03 PM) Edwardos: Same goes for NSA and CIA.
  19. (11:53:18 PM) Edwardos: "Nothing to hide" is blackmail talk.
  20. (11:55:19 PM) oleifera: yah but
  21. (11:55:24 PM) oleifera: what are the other reasons
  22. (11:55:42 PM) oleifera: is it just having the choice
  23. (11:55:51 PM) Edwardos: PRIVACY.
  24. (11:56:00 PM) Edwardos: PEOPLE LIKE HAVING A *PRIVATE* LIFE.
  25. (11:56:08 PM) Edwardos: I don't understand how people don't see that.
  26. (11:56:18 PM) oleifera: okay but
  27. (11:56:21 PM) oleifera: what are the benefits of privacy
  28. (11:56:36 PM) Edwardos: There are plenty of other reasons to not want people spying on you, I'm not budging.
  29. (11:56:45 PM) oleifera: what are they...?
  30. (11:56:50 PM) Edwardos: This conversation is over.
  31. (11:56:51 PM) Edwardos left the room ("Leaving").
  32. (11:56:54 PM) oleifera: wtf lol
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