

Jun 5th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Happy that the workers had repaired the stairs so he was able to get up to his room for the first time in a week, Adam was enjoying spending time in his room with Lady. His laptop was set up on the bed with Netflix going playing a random B movie he'd selected because it looked funny. He rested his head back on the dog like a pillow, his hands raised behind his head as he stroked her fur and aimlessly watched this very very terrible movie.-
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley moved about her bed room. Everything still smelled like smoke to her. Hera was unabashed. She fixed her hat on her head and went out of the room. She began to pass Adam's room and pulled the curtain aside a little. "I'm going downstairs to make coffee, want some?" She asked quietly.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -His eyes moved from the screen of his laptop to Hayley by the doorway, the corners of his mouth turning up into a small smile as he laughed. "I thought the kitchen was still all blocked off. How are you going to make coffee?"-
  4. Tsaaq: "I don't know. There's a lake across the street. There's garbage coffee grounds. I'm gonna pretend to be a bum and make nature bum coffee." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "It'll be cold and gross but it'll be better than Starbucks."
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Nature bum coffee?" He asked with a little bit of a laugh, sitting up and stretching his stiff arms. "I don't think that's a very good idea. Maybe we can just go out and pick up Dunkin Donuts or something like that."-
  6. Tsaaq: Hayley swayed in her spot and stepped into his room. "I don't want to be a pain in the ass..." She trailed off. "I guess Dunkin is a better option from bum coffee." She nodded.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "It would definitely be a better option." He pushed up from the couch bed and Lady immediately sat up because WHERE ARE YOU GOING HUMAN. "There's one right down the block, and it's a pretty nice night. Would you like to walk?"-
  8. Tsaaq: She looked around and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, it sure is..." Hayley inhaled deeply. "I think I need some fresh air and stuff. So yeah, let's walk there. I have to rehearse my order in my head anyways." She smiled a bit.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Rehearse your order? It's just a coffee, Halo." He laughed, leaning down to scoop up Lady's leash from the floor where he'd tossed it earlier when they came back from their walk. The second he picked it up, she jumped down off the bed all excited for walks. Hooking it onto her collar, he slipped the loop around his wrist, turning to face Hayley. "Do you want to grab anything?"-
  10. Tsaaq: "My hoodie." She said as she went to jog to her room and pulled the oversized black hoodie over her body. She went back to his room. "I have to make sure I don't say something dumb. Coffee, black, medium..." Hayley paused. "Maybe a donut..." She shrugged. "Are you getting something too?"
  11. Alexithymiaa: -He started towards the doorway, letting Lady walk out ahead of him. "Just a coffee. I dont like to have too much sugar so late at night. But I do really like their munchkins. They're delicious." He moved to the staircase, stepping down them carefully because he was a little uncomfortable with the state of them.-
  12. Tsaaq: She walked behind him as they went down the stairs. "I'll be up anyways but I don't know." Hayley said with a shrug. "Of course you don't have to practice your order. Your order is super simple." She watched as Lady walked in front of them.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Your order is super simple too." He shot back, heading to the door and pulling it open for her to step out ahead of them. "Any time you're ordering a plain black coffee, it's minimal effort on the barista's part."-
  14. Tsaaq: Hayley walked out and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I get tongue tied sometimes. Better be safe..." Hayley trailed off. She waited for him at the bottom of the porch and began to walk once everybody was outside. "I'm glad to be home but I keep thinking about that night..." She trailed off.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -He held the leash out in front of him so Lady could walk and do the sniff thing for her humans, making his way down the driveway to the sidewalk. "The night you walked in on Eli and Bliss?"-
  16. Tsaaq: "No!" Hayley answered instantly with her eyes wide. "Jesus Christ, Abs." She said quietly. "I meant the night of the fire... I wasn't even really that upset about the thing with Eli and Bliss. Just kind of annoyed because they're... I don't know. I'm not dwelling on it."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Oh." He spoke in a small voice, because clearly he was still thinking about it even after no one else seemed to care as much as he did. "Yeah, the fire. Why werent you upset?"-
  18. Tsaaq: She inhaled before looking around awkwardly. "Why wasn't I upset about Bliss and Eli having sex?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Well... yeah. I mean, not in general, but about walking in on that. They knew we were staying there and would be coming back there by the end of the night. And I understand it's their apartment, but it's just a little inconsiderate...."-
  20. Tsaaq: "People get horny and logic eludes them." Hayley replied before shrugging. "And they apologized. I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't do that... They'd just act all awkward or something. I'm sure they thought we were taking long to get home or something." Hayley explained.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Even still..." He trailed off, letting out a sigh. "Nevermind. It's over and they apologized to you." He stepped up out front of Dunkin Donuts which was CLOSED because it's almost 2am and that shit isn't 24 hours. "I didn't realize they would be closed."-
  22. Tsaaq: She bit the inside of her cheek. "Even still what?" She began to ask as she looked up at the sign and sighed. She lowered her head and began to dramatically drag her feet as they moved back the way they came. "Well... At least I got to walk." She said.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "It's still a nice night to be out." He tried to say cheerfully, not wanting to bring up the previous subject again. "And Lady needed to be taken out anyway so this killed two birds with one stone."-
  24. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips. "I still wanted coffee..." Hayley said with her head lowering. "But I guess I didn't need it or something." She frowned and watched Lady ahead of them as they walked.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -He stopped momentarily when Lady squatted to pee in the grass, waiting until she was done before continuing. "We'll get some coffee tomorrow morning. How does that sound?"-
  26. Tsaaq: Hayley turned to him and nodded her head. "Okay." She said. "But you're gonna have to get me up. I'll sleep through the afternoon on my own probably." She said.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I can do that. I'll get you up when I get up to go running and you can come with me." He smiled to her as he stepped back onto the property, making his way up to the front door and pushing it open to let Lady run ahead inside.-
  28. Tsaaq: "Thanks handsome." Hayley said as she went to walk inside. She pulled off her hoodie and yawned. "Well I'm gonna head to bed then." She said, moving towards the stairs.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I'll be up in a minute. I'm just going to get her fed." He stepped over to step on the leash to stop Lady from running in circles, leaning down to unhook it from her collar and loop it together in his hands.-
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