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- #version 150
- #define MAX_LIGHTS_COUNT 16
- struct Material {
- int hasNormalMap;
- vec4 ambient;
- vec4 diffuse;
- vec4 specular;
- vec4 emission;
- float reflectance;
- };
- struct DirectionalLight {
- vec4 direction;
- vec4 ambient;
- vec4 diffuse;
- vec4 specular;
- };
- struct Attenuation {
- float constant;
- float linear;
- float exponent;
- };
- struct PointLight {
- vec4 position;
- vec4 ambient;
- vec4 diffuse;
- vec4 specular;
- Attenuation attenuation;
- };
- struct SpotLight {
- vec4 position;
- vec4 ambient;
- vec4 diffuse;
- vec4 specular;
- Attenuation attenuation;
- vec3 direction;
- float cutoff;
- float exponent;
- };
- in vec2 textureCoordinates;
- in vec3 vertexNormal;
- in vec4 modelWorldPosition;
- in vec4 lightViewPosition;
- in mat4 f_modelViewMatrix;
- out vec4 fragColor;
- uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
- uniform sampler2D normalMap;
- uniform int materialExists;
- uniform Material material;
- uniform int directionalLightExists;
- uniform DirectionalLight directionalLight;
- uniform int pointLightsCount;
- uniform PointLight pointLights[MAX_LIGHTS_COUNT];
- uniform int spotLightsCount;
- uniform SpotLight spotLights[MAX_LIGHTS_COUNT];
- uniform mat3 transposedModelMatrix;
- uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
- vec3 normal;
- vec3 cameraDirection;
- vec4 getDirectionalLightColor(DirectionalLight light) {
- vec4 result;
- vec3 lightDirection = normalize(vec3(light.direction));
- result += material.emission;
- result += material.ambient * light.ambient;
- float nDotL = max(dot(normal, lightDirection), 0.0f);
- result += material.diffuse * light.diffuse * nDotL;
- float rDotVPow = max(pow(dot(reflect(-lightDirection, normal), cameraDirection), material.reflectance), 0.0f);
- result += material.specular * light.specular * rDotVPow;
- return result;
- }
- vec4 getPointLightColor() {
- vec4 result;
- for (int i = 0; i < pointLightsCount; i++) {
- vec4 lightDir = pointLights[i].position - modelWorldPosition;
- float distance = length(lightDir);
- vec3 lightDirection = normalize(vec3(lightDir));
- float att = 1.0f / (pointLights[i].attenuation.constant + pointLights[i].attenuation.linear * distance +
- pointLights[i].attenuation.exponent * distance * distance);
- result += material.emission;
- result += material.ambient * pointLights[i].ambient * att;
- float nDotL = max(dot(normal, lightDirection), 0.0f);
- result += material.diffuse * pointLights[i].diffuse * nDotL * att;
- float rDotVPow = max(pow(dot(reflect(-lightDirection, normal), cameraDirection), material.reflectance), 0.0f);
- result += material.specular * pointLights[i].specular * rDotVPow * att;
- }
- return result;
- }
- vec4 getSpotLightColor() {
- vec4 result;
- for (int i = 0; i < spotLightsCount; i++) {
- vec4 lightDir = spotLights[i].position - modelWorldPosition;
- float distance = length(lightDir);
- vec3 lightDirection = normalize(vec3(lightDir));
- float spotEffect = dot(normalize(spotLights[i], -lightDirection);
- float spot = float(spotEffect > spotLights[i].cutoff);
- spotEffect = max(pow(spotEffect, spotLights[i].exponent), 0.0f);
- float att = spot * spotEffect / (spotLights[i].attenuation.constant + spotLights[i].attenuation.linear * distance +
- spotLights[i].attenuation.exponent * distance * distance);
- result += material.emission;
- result += material.ambient * spotLights[i].ambient * att;
- float nDotL = max(dot(normal, lightDirection), 0.0f);
- result += material.diffuse * spotLights[i].diffuse * nDotL * att;
- float rDotVPow = max(pow(dot(reflect(-lightDirection, normal), cameraDirection), material.reflectance), 0.0f);
- result += material.specular * spotLights[i].specular * rDotVPow * att;
- }
- return result;
- }
- vec3 calcNormal(Material material, vec3 normal, vec2 text_coord, mat4 modelViewMatrix)
- {
- vec3 newNormal = normal;
- if (material.hasNormalMap == 1) {
- newNormal = texture(normalMap, text_coord).rgb;
- newNormal = normalize(newNormal * 2 - 1);
- newNormal = normalize(modelViewMatrix * vec4(newNormal, 0.0)).xyz;
- }
- return newNormal;
- }
- void main() {
- if (materialExists == 0) {
- fragColor = texture(textureSampler, textureCoordinates);
- } else if (materialExists == 1) {
- normal = calcNormal(material, normalize(transposedModelMatrix * vertexNormal), textureCoordinates, f_modelViewMatrix);
- cameraDirection = normalize(cameraPosition - vec3(modelWorldPosition));
- if (directionalLightExists == 1) {
- fragColor += getDirectionalLightColor(directionalLight);
- }
- if (pointLightsCount > 0) {
- fragColor += getPointLightColor();
- }
- if (spotLightsCount > 0) {
- fragColor += getSpotLightColor();
- }
- fragColor *= texture(textureSampler, textureCoordinates);
- }
- }
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