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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Time::Local;
- use Time::Local;
- use Fcntl qw(:flock);
- #
- # look for split films and record second half.
- #12 April 22. Change log file to be NOt in /tmp (cannot write to it).
- #Added new channels
- #14 April 2022
- #Check on title + description not program id.
- #sleep 3 secs at start of loop checking recording has been triggered
- #10 May 2022 Correction: needs GetVideoSourceList not VideoSourceList
- #
- #
- my $lockfile='/home/mythtv/.mythtv/checkfilm.lock'; #was '/tmp/checkfilm.lock';
- my $confile='/home/mythtv/.mythtv/checkfilm.cfg';
- my %validchannels;
- my $backend='';
- my $content;
- my %guide;
- my $match='fingerprint'; #set to ProgramId if preferred to Title + Description
- #Get calling params
- my $calling=join(' ',@ARGV);
- my $ChanId = -1; my $StartTime = ''; my $listchannels=0; my $reporting=0; my $help=0; my $verbose=0; my $developer=0;
- GetOptions ('ChanId=i' => \$ChanId, 'StartTime=s' =>\$StartTime,
- 'list'=>\$listchannels, 'report' => \$reporting,
- 'help' => \$help, 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- 'developer' => \$developer);
- # $developer - unused
- givehelp() if ($help);
- #we need a module:
- unless (eval "require scan_database") {
- print "couldn't load scan_database module\nSee\n";
- }
- }
- listchannels() if ($listchannels);
- #Hash of recording status texts and whether they indicate records is being/will be made
- my %recording=(
- WillRecord => 1,
- Pending => 1,
- Tuning => 1,
- Recording => 1,
- Unknown => 0,
- Failed => 0,
- Recorded => 0
- );
- #open log file and lock it
- open(LOCKFILE,'>',$lockfile) or die "Cannot open logfile $lockfile:\n$!\n";
- flock(LOCKFILE, LOCK_EX); #wait til it's free
- #vprint("\n$now log file open and locked");
- #off we go:
- my $now=TimeString(time());
- prechecks(); #exit unless listing channels or have a valid channel
- getguide($ChanId, $StartTime);
- #show callsign and guide data
- $content =~ m!<CallSign>([^<]*)</CallSign>!;
- if ($verbose){
- print "Callsign is $1\n";
- showguide(0);
- }
- unless (exists $validchannels{$ChanId}){exit 0};
- my $offset;
- if (isolatedpart(1)){
- vprint('#3 needs recording');
- $offset=1;
- }elsif (isolatedpart(0)){
- vprint('#2 needs recording');
- $offset=0;
- }else{ vprint('nothing to do'); myexit('');
- }
- #sanity checks
- if ($now ge $guide{2+$offset}{EndTime}){myexit("Too late to record this")};
- if ($guide{$offset}{RecordId} == 0){myexit ("No recording rule for #$offset")};
- $_=$offset +2;
- vprint("Triggering recording");
- if ($reporting){myexit('Recording suppressed as only reporting')};
- #Get recording rule for part 1
- my $url=$backend . "/Dvr/GetRecordSchedule?RecordId=$guide{$offset}{RecordId}";
- scan_database::ReadBackend($url, $content);
- my %recrule;
- scan_database::GetAllFields(%recrule, $content, '>', '</RecRule>');
- #modify it and trigger recording for part 2
- $recrule{StartTime}=$guide{2+$offset}{StartTime};
- $recrule{EndTime}=$guide{2+$offset}{EndTime};
- $recrule{Station}=$recrule{CallSign};
- scan_database::ValidatePost(%recrule, $backend .'/Dvr/AddRecordSchedule', 'raw', 12);
- #confirm changed
- my $found=0;
- for my $try (1 .. 6){
- sleep(3);
- getguide($ChanId, $StartTime);
- $_= $guide{$offset+2}{Status};
- if ($recording{$_}==1){
- vprint("Change confirmed at try $try");
- $found=1;
- last;
- };
- };
- if ($found){
- showguide(2+$offset)
- }else{
- print "Recording of $guide{$offset}{Title} triggered but not confirmed\n";
- };
- myexit('');
- sub showguide{
- my($start)=@_;
- if ($start){ #final confirmation
- printf "%-10s %-10s %22s $guide{$start}{Title}\n", $guide{$start}{Status}, $guide{$start}{Category}, $guide{$start}{StartTime};
- return;
- };
- print "# Status Category StartTime Title\n";
- for (0..5){
- printf "$_ %-10s %-15s %22s $guide{$_}{Title}\n", $guide{$_}{Status}, $guide{$_}{Category}, $guide{$_}{StartTime};
- #print "$guide{$_}{ProgramId}\n";
- };
- }
- sub isolatedpart{
- my($offset)=@_;
- my $target=$offset+2;
- #Check whether program '$offset' is a part 1 which needs a part 2 triggering
- #first check if part 1 is film
- unless ($guide{0+$offset}{Category}eq 'Film'){vprint("#$offset is not a film"); return 0};
- vprint("#$offset is a film");
- #and that it is recording
- $_= $guide{$offset}{Status};
- if ($recording{$_}==0){vprint("#$offset is not recording"); return 0};
- vprint("#$offset is recording");
- #Check if part 2 matches
- my $matchtext=$guide{0+$offset}{$match};
- if ($guide{2+$offset}{$match} ne $matchtext){vprint("#$target does not match"); return 0};
- vprint("#$target matches");
- #Check neigbours have different ProgramId
- for (1,3,4){
- if ($guide{$_+$offset}{$match} eq $matchtext){ vprint("#$offset has clashing neighbour"); return 0};
- }
- vprint("#$offset has no clashing neighbours");
- #Is part2 already scheduled or recorded?
- $_= $guide{$offset+2}{Status};
- if ($recording{$_}){vprint("#$target is being recorded already");return 0};
- return 1; #this one can be recorded!
- }
- sub prechecks{
- #Do checks before we open the scan_database module.
- vprint("\n$now checkfilm $calling");
- if ($ChanId==-1){myexit("Need --help or --list or --ChanId")};
- $verbose=1 if $reporting;
- #development aid -mythutil triggered invocation
- if ($ChanId==0){$ChanId=20025; $verbose=1}; #if invoked by mythutil
- if ($StartTime eq ''){$StartTime=$now}; #standard action
- #Check the config file
- unless (-r $confile){
- vprint("no config file - using dummy channel entry");
- $validchannels{$ChanId}='Unknown';
- return;
- }
- vprint("Reading config file $confile");
- open(CONFIG,'<',$confile) or myexit("Cannot open config file $confile:\n$!");
- while (<CONFIG>){
- chomp;
- #vprint($_);
- next unless (/\=/);
- s/^\s+//; #kill leading spaces
- s/\s+$//; #trailing
- next unless length;
- my ($k,$v)=split(/\s*=\s*/,$_,2);
- $validchannels{$k}=$v;
- };
- close CONFIG;
- if (exists $validchannels{$ChanId}){
- vprint("Found $ChanId in config");
- return;
- }else{
- vprint("Not an interesting channel: $ChanId");
- myexit('');
- }
- print "\nAt $now: checkfilm $calling\n" unless ($verbose);
- }
- sub getguide{
- my ($chan, $start)=@_;
- #Read the guide, show callsign, get 6 entries and show them
- my $url="$backend/Guide/GetProgramList?StartTime=$StartTime&ChanId=$ChanId&Count=6&Details=true";
- unless (scan_database::ReadBackend($url,$content)){myexit("Could not get guide data")};
- #Did we get any guide data?
- $content =~ m!<Count>(\w+)</Count>!;
- myexit('No guide data') if ($1==0);
- #extract fields
- scan_database::FillHashofHash(%guide, $content,'Program','#','StartTime','EndTime','Category','Title','ProgramId','Status','RecordId','Description');
- #check valid status values
- for (0..5){
- my $status=$guide{$_}{Status};
- unless (exists $recording{$status}){
- vprint("warning: Status not known: $status");
- $recording{$status}=0; #Assume not a recording status
- }
- $guide{$_}{fingerprint}=$guide{$_}{Title} . $guide{$_}{Description};
- }
- }
- sub vprint{
- print "$_[0]\n" if ($verbose);
- }
- sub myexit{
- if ($_[0] ne ''){print "$_[0]\n"};
- close(LOCKFILE);
- exit 0;
- }
- sub TimeString{
- (my $epoch)=@_;
- #return time as 2021-12-03T13:44:04
- my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($epoch);
- $year+=1900; $mon++;
- return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
- }
- sub ZtoEpoch{
- (my $Z)=@_;
- #eg 2022-03-17T20:00:00Z to epoch seconds
- $Z =~ /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)Z/;
- return timegm($6,$5,$4,$3,$2-1,$1-1900);
- }
- sub listchannels{
- #list all channels - grep it to extract the interesting ones and put in %interestingchannels
- my $temp; my %sources; my %ChanData;
- #get sources
- my $url=$backend. '/Channel/GetVideoSourceList';
- scan_database::ReadBackend($url, $temp);
- scan_database::FillHashofHash(%sources, $temp, 'VideoSource', 'Id', 'SourceName');
- #get channels per source
- for my $source (keys %sources){
- scan_database::ReadBackend($backend . '/Channel/GetChannelInfoList?SourceID='.$source.
- '&OnlyVisible=false&Details=true', $temp);
- my %temphash;
- scan_database::FillHashofHash(%temphash, $temp, 'ChannelInfo', 'ChanId', 'CallSign','Visible');
- %ChanData = (%ChanData, %temphash);
- }
- for (sort keys %ChanData){
- if ($ChanData{$_}{Visible} eq 'true'){print "$_ = $ChanData{$_}{CallSign}\n"};
- }
- exit 0;
- }
- sub givehelp{
- my $logfile='/var/log/mythtv/checkfilm.log';
- my $location='/usr/local/bin';
- print "
- ============
- Aims
- ----
- Some channels in the UK transmit films in 2 parts split by a short news item and it is frustrating
- if you forget to trigger the second half for recording. ITV2, ITV4 and the 'GREAT' channels do this.
- This perl script looks for such instances and triggers the second half automatically.
- How does it work?
- -----------------
- The script is run by a system event at the start of a recording.
- After checking that the channel is an 'interesting' one, it will read the first 6 programs (#0 to #5) from the guide
- starting at --starttime or now.
- If either of the first two entries is:
- - a film which is recording or will record (a 'first half') AND
- - the next but one entry is not being recorded and has the same Title and Description (a second half) AND
- - neighbours do not have the same Title and Description THEN
- it will create a new recording rule for the second half.
- Note that the two starting entries are checked because the script may be run:
- - before scheduled start time if pre-scheduled (guide entry #1 will be part 1) or
- - after if manually triggered after the film started (guide entry #0 will be part 1).
- Also that ProgramId may seem an attractive parameter to match halves - found not reliable.
- Parameters
- ----------
- --ChanId eg --ChanId=20025
- --help or -h this text
- --list or -l list all visible channels with chanid and callsign.
- --report or -r report only - do not trigger a recording.
- --verbose or-v extra diagnostics
- --Starttime Test facility: eg --starttime=2022-03-15T21:00:00Z Default is 'now'.
- Setup
- -----
- 1. Put this script in (say) $location and make it executable (chmod +x).
- 2. Put the module in perl path and make it everyone readable.
- See:
- 3. Create a log file and a lock file:
- sudo touch $logfile
- sudo chmod 644 $logfile
- sudo touch $lockfile
- sudo chown mythtv:mythtv $lockfile
- sudo chmod 644 $lockfile
- 4. Set up a system event Recording Started:
- ${location}/ -v --chanid=%CHANID% >> $logfile 2>&1
- You can drop the -v once you feel that it is stable.
- Channel Filter
- --------------
- By default it checks all channels. If you wish to limit it to only 'interesting'
- ones then set up a config file.
- In April 2022 the channels were ITV2, ITV4, Channel 5, 5ACTION and the 'GREAT' ones:
- -l | grep ITV4 > $confile
- -l | grep GREAT >> $confile
- -l | grep ITV2 >> $confile
- -l | grep 'Channel 5' >> $confile
- -l | grep 5ACTION >> $confile
- Logging
- -------
- Logging is maintained by a redirect in the system event line and only takes place if the channel is an
- 'interesting' one or --report is set.
- log entries will consists of a single line saying that a recording had been triggered unless --verbose is set. eg
- WillRecord Film 2022-03-20T22:01:00Z Hitman Redemption
- To inhibit logging completely just redirect ouput to /dev/null.
- Locking
- -------
- To prevent problems with two sumultaneous invocations of the code a lock file is used: $lockfile
- Times
- -----
- Note that all times are in UTC. This matches UK winter time but a summer recording at 9pm will show as 20:00:00.
- Phil Brady. 2 April 2022.
- ";
- exit 0;
- }
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