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Feb 9th, 2017
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  1. imbatmanasshitcis gay boys think they're hot shit :)
  2. thewalkerslayerDamn boi πŸ˜πŸ’―
  3. mi.le.sim am hot shit and your coming for your own community now huh? HYPOCRITE
  4. gurohtmlwow my son is serving looks and lookin masc as FUCK
  5. alanaminati@mi.le.s maybe stop being a transphobic piece of fucking shit? lmao "cash me ousside" grow the fuck up
  6. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s im not part of the gay boy community im part of the trans and bi community like "coming for your own community" by that logic your friends are doing exactly that :)
  7. mi.le.s@alanaminati bitch i wish youd cash me out side but no both yall pussied moved schools bc of me
  8. mi.le.sim confused about what you just said but i'm confused by you in general @imbatmanasshit
  9. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s who the fuck said we moved schools cause of you, get out of your own fucking ego
  10. mi.le.slmao so just randomly you moved school while me and fiona were having problems with alana? @imbatmanasshit
  11. mi.le.s@alanaminati meet up then lol your little ass will get worked
  12. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s you dont know shit about me! i moved schools cause i didnt have any good friends besides alana and i was planning on moving literally the entire school year! i moved cause wms wasnt working! why the fuck would i move cause of some basic gay boy who cant even think of original insults to throw at me and my friends!?
  13. mi.le.sBWAHAHAHAH basic gay boi bitch where
  14. mi.le.sno other gay boy would knock you and your dumb ass friends out but i will!
  15. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s your profile picture is literally you drinking starbucks with the snapchat puppy filter
  16. mi.le.syours is a bitch @imbatmanasshit
  17. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s wow. im deveastated. i have never been called a bitch. ever. in my life. im going to go cry now.
  18. imbatmanasshit*devastated
  19. iris.what@mi.le.s needs to get a life! Move on! Shoo! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my dude looks incredible and you're salty over what? Grow up.
  20. mi.le.sgood
  21. mi.le.s@iris.what ill get on you too shoo hoe
  22. iris.whatIdc, roast tf out of me, at least I have a lot outside of my instagram
  23. iris.whatLife*
  24. imbatmanasshithave i ever mentioned how much i love @iris.what shes beautiful
  25. alanaminati@mi.le.s LMAO! Get out of your own head lil bitch, we switched because wms is trash! i really wouldn't try me fuckin cunt
  26. baileyluce@mi.le.s hello friend i don't know you but i would really appreciate if you would calm yourself for a moment and reflect upon what you're saying to my dude ryan right now
  27. mi.le.s@iris.what tryna roast me when you dont knowπŸ˜‚ get yourself with you 15 followers
  28. mi.le.s@alanaminati well bitch im tryin you FUCK YOU GONNA DO MEET UP BITCH
  29. mi.le.swhen i came to annas house your pussy ass stayed inside and said we threw shit lmao pussy @alanaminati
  30. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s you literally just proved iris's point lmao
  31. alanaminati@mi.le.s u betta shut the fuck up before YOU get YOUR ass worked lmao!! you have no fucking clue how many people hate you and would come after you in a heartbeat. you're truly a terrible person and one day you'll realize, maybe hmm get a fucking life and stop trying to nudge your way into others. you're a fucking toy, get the fuck outta here with your weak ass insults hon. your hilarious
  32. mi.le.s@alanaminati why dont you come for me then well see lol text me when and where
  33. mi.le.s@imbatmanasshit not really
  34. mi.le.s@imbatmanasshit not really
  35. mi.le.s@alanaminati only you and your emo friends hate me lol get all of them to come for me your gonna need them
  36. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s um ya you did. she said you dont have a life outside of instagram and you insulted her by pointing out how many followers she has
  37. iris.whatDont get mad at @mi.le.s He's only proving Ryan's initial statement :)
  38. alanaminati@mi.le.s lmaoooo bitch we stayed inside because anna wasn't bout to get in trouble for a stupid irrelevant fuck like you. fuckin threaten me bc were fucking terrified of you. your so fucking scary omg with your starbucks and dog filters. honestly i don't get why you think your bad shit, tell me who you've ever fight and when. your a fucking cunt
  39. mi.le.sthats does say anything about my life outside of instagram... it takes to seconds to find that out
  40. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s you sound dumb.
  41. mi.le.s@alanaminati you and tomorrow meet tf up... i never said i faught someone that never came up...?
  42. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s like why do you think she cares how many people follow her on insta
  43. alanaminati@mi.le.s all your basic ass friends that can't go a day without saying "ugh my life sucks! my mom only gave me $300 for my birthday!!! wtf!!" hate me as well and guess what, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT!! You are literally so funny
  44. mi.le.s@alanaminati your fucking retarded me and my friends dont say that... i got shoes for my birthday so i dont know what your talking about
  45. alanaminati@mi.le.s You've prolly never fought anyone bc your a weak ass bitch. You got so much shit against me? How bout you come for me. You are literally irrelevant i could not give a single fuck about you. Fuck off ya little bitch
  46. mi.le.sand changing the subject from us fighting i see @alanaminati
  47. iris.what@alanaminati he isn't even worth it. Don't waste your time on somebody who's self esteem if based on his follower count.
  48. alanaminati@mi.le.s You are so stupid w o w
  49. iris.what#nolifemiles
  50. mi.le.s@iris.what lol when did i mention my followers i go on instagram post shit and fight with dumb ass kids like you
  51. mi.le.s@alanaminati then meet up and tell me that
  52. iris.what@mi.le.s well u sure gave a shit about my followers πŸ˜‚ what ere you even fighting for? What tf u gonna do?? Ur just whiningπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  53. imbatmanasshit@mi.le.s wait whats your sign
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