

Dec 18th, 2018
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  66. @click="title = 'Mutsune'"
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  69. Mutsune
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  71. <a
  72. class="navbar-item"
  73. @click="title = 'API'"
  74. :class="{'is-active': title === 'API'}"
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  80. @click="title = 'X'"
  81. :class="{'is-active': title === 'X'}"
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  144. watch: {
  145. title: function (value) {
  146. switch (this.title) {
  147. case 'Mutsune':
  148. this.subtitle = '<a href="/">Something here Mutsune</a>'
  149. break;
  150. case 'API':
  151. this.subtitle = '<a href="/">Something here API</a>'
  152. break;
  153. case 'X':
  154. this.subtitle = '<a href="/">Something here X</a>'
  155. break;
  156. case 'Y':
  157. this.subtitle = '<a href="/">Something here Y</a>'
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