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- #include <stdio.h>
- // #include <conio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- FILE *fp=fopen("temp.txt","a+");
- void exit();
- struct ops1{
- int n1,n2,res;
- }m;
- union ops2{
- int n1,n2,res1;
- float res2;
- }n;
- struct add_operation {
- int num;
- int f_num;
- }o;
- // function prototype
- int addition()
- {
- // declare a local variable
- int i,sum=0;
- printf (" How many numbers you want to add: ");
- scanf ("%d", &o.num);
- printf (" Enter the numbers: \n ");
- for (i = 1; i <= o.num; i++)
- {
- scanf(" %d", &o.f_num);
- sum = sum + o.f_num;
- }
- // fputs("bi",fp);
- fprintf(fp," Total Sum of the numbers = %d\n", sum);
- printf (" Total Sum of the numbers = %d\n", sum);
- printf("written to output file successfully...\n");
- return 0;
- }
- int subtract()
- {
- printf (" The first number is: ");
- scanf (" %d", &m.n1);
- printf (" The second number is: ");
- scanf (" %d", &m.n2);
- m.res = m.n1 - m.n2;
- printf (" The subtraction of %d - %d is: %d\n", m.n1, m.n2, m.res);
- fprintf(fp," The subtraction of %d - %d is: %d\n", m.n1, m.n2, m.res);
- printf("written to output file successfully...\n");
- }
- // use multiply() function to multiply two numbers
- int multiply()
- {
- printf (" The first number is: ");
- scanf (" %d", &m.n1);
- printf (" The second number is: ");
- scanf (" %d", &m.n2);
- m.res = m.n1 * m.n2;
- fprintf(fp," The multiplication of %d * %d is: %d\n", m.n1, m.n2, m.res);
- printf (" The multiplication of %d * %d is: %d", m.n1, m.n2, m.res);
- printf("written to output file successfully...\n");
- }
- // use divide() function to divide two numbers
- int divide()
- {
- printf (" The first number is: ");
- scanf (" %d", &m.n1);
- printf (" The second number is: ");
- scanf (" %d", &m.n2);
- if (m.n2 == 0)
- {
- printf (" \n Divisor cannot be zero. Please enter another value ");
- scanf ("%d", &m.n2);
- }
- m.res = m.n1 / m.n2;
- printf (" \n The division of %d / %d is: %d\n", m.n1, m.n2, m.res);
- fprintf(fp," \n The division of %d / %d is: %d\n", m.n1, m.n2, m.res);
- printf("written to output file successfully...\n");
- }
- // use sq() function to get the square of the given number
- int sq()
- {
- printf (" Enter a number to get the Square: ");
- scanf (" %d", &n.n1);
- n.res1 = n.n1 * n.n1;
- printf (" \n The Square of %d is: %d\n", n.n1, n.res1);
- fprintf(fp," \n The Square of %d is: %d\n", n.n1, n.res1);
- printf("written to output file successfully...\n");
- }
- // use sqrt1() function to get the square root of the given number
- int sqrt1()
- {
- printf (" Enter a number to get the Square Root: ");
- scanf (" %d", &n.n2);
- n.res2 = sqrt(n.n2);
- printf (" \n The Square Root is: %f", n.res2);
- fprintf(fp," \n The Square Root is: %f", n.res2);
- printf("written to output file successfully...\n");
- }
- int main()
- {
- // declaration a local variable op;
- int op;
- do
- {
- // displays the multiple operations of the C Calculator
- printf (" Select an operation to perform the calculation in C Calculator: ");
- printf (" \n 1 Addition \t \t 2 Subtraction \n 3 Multiplication \t 4 Division \n 5 Square \t \t 6 Square Root \n 7 Exit \n \n Please, Make a choice ");
- scanf ("%d", &op); // accepts a numeric input to choose the operation
- // use switch statement to call an operation
- switch (op)
- {
- case 1:
- addition(); /* It call the addition() function to add the given numbers */
- break; // break the function
- case 2:
- subtract(); /* It call the subtract() function to subtract the given numbers */
- break; // break the function
- case 3:
- multiply(); /* It call the multiply() function to multiply the given numbers */
- break; // break the function
- case 4:
- divide(); // It call the divide() function to divide the given numbers
- break; // break the function
- case 5:
- sq(); // It call the sq() function to get the square of given numbers
- break; // break the function
- case 6:
- sqrt1(); /* It call the sqrt1() function to get the square root of given numbers */
- break; // break the function
- case 7:
- exit(0); // It call the exit() function to exit from the program
- break; // break the function
- default:
- printf(" Something is wrong!! ");
- break;
- }
- printf (" \n \n ********************************************** \n ");
- } while (op != 7);
- fclose(fp);
- return 0;
- }
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