
CYOA - Octavia

Jul 4th, 2013
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  1. >at night time you sat down in your comfortable chair
  2. >all around you were high-class ponies
  3. >for the first time ever, everyone in the room was wearing clothes
  4. >you felt far more at home here
  5. >even though everyone was dressed in their finest clothes
  6. >Rarity had been generous enough to take you to this concert in Canterlot
  7. >she had planned to go with Twilight, but the poor pony had fallen ill no more than two days prior
  8. >you were her second choice
  9. >partially due to your knowledge of classical music
  10. >partially because you let her sew clothes for you
  11. >you weren't quite sure how free clothes were considered at favor on your part, but you took any free cards you could get
  12. >the concert lasted two fulls hours
  13. >and what splendid hours they were
  14. >the grand hall was flooded with the greatest music you had ever heard
  15. >everything from Bethoofen to Marezart
  16. >ponies' ability to name things never ceased to amaze you
  17. >during these two hours you felt warmth, coldness, joy and pain
  18. >the musical skill of this orchestra was beyond anything you had ever heard
  19. >and as you sat there, watching them make emotions themselves come to life
  20. >you notcied one particular, grey cello-playing pony
  21. >her grace and beauty as she masterfully played those strongs was spellbinding
  22. >her composure and class was simply a joy to watch
  23. >watching her was almost a greater joy than the music in your ears
  24. >at the end of the concert, you went mingling with Rarity
  25. >but your mind was locked on the gery cello pony
  27. >you walk throughout the building alongside Rarity
  28. >you were her "date" after all
  29. >granted, you weren't of high class here in Equestria
  30. >but Rarity was proud to show you off to everyone
  31. >and you turned out to be quite the conversation initiator
  32. >practically everyone came over to ask about you
  33. >everyone was quite nice about it, too
  34. >after a quick exchange with a rich businesspony, you pull Rarity to the side
  35. >"Oh, darling, aren't you simply having the greatest time?"
  36. >she's been all smiles and laughter the whole night
  37. >it was quite refreshing to see her relax
  38. >she always put so much effort and energy into her work
  39. >particularly your suit, which was astounding
  40. "Yes, this really is amazing. But, I was wondering something."
  41. >Rarity looks to you with surprise
  42. >you hadn't shown much interest in this event prior to arriving
  43. >"Do tell, darling."
  44. "Well, during the concert I noticed this grey pony. She was playing the cello. Who is she?"
  45. >now Rarity looks even more surprised
  46. >but she does answer you
  47. >"Oh, her name is Octavia. She's a quite new addition to the orchestra. Quite young, too. But her musical skill is beyond most ponies thirty years her age! She truly is a talented pony."
  48. >you nod to her and smile
  49. "Yeah, she was fantastic."
  50. >Rarity gives you a sly smile
  51. >"Why do you ask, I wonder?"
  53. "I've always had an appreciation for classical music done right. I thought that was most of the reason you brought me, my dear."
  54. >you give Rarity a knowing smile as you finish
  55. >she simply shakes her head gently and look to the sky
  56. >"Oh, Anon!"
  57. >she pokes your shoulder with her hoof
  58. >"Always going on about laides, aren't you?"
  59. >you shrug and shoot her another smile
  60. "Well, I did quite enjoy the concert, actually. I never got around to going to one back on Earth, but this was far better than I expected."
  61. >Rarity gives you a genuine smile at that
  62. >"Well, I'm glad to have invited you, then. You are quite the handsome 'date', too."
  63. >you can't help but blush slightly at that
  64. >you're still not used to getting compliments
  65. >something ponies seem far better at than humans
  66. >the two of you stand there, looking at the mingling ponies before you
  67. >a break from all of this was quite nice
  68. >you enjoyed playing along with the high class games
  69. >but it was tiring nonetheless
  70. >you didn't notice Rarity leaving before she returns with a drink
  71. >she levitates it over to you
  72. >you hold up your glass and nod to her
  73. >she returns the gesture
  74. >it's quite a nice drink
  75. >on the dry side, but extremely tasty
  76. >you shudder to imagine what this cost
  77. >"So, Anon. Will you be pursuing this cello-pony of yours tonight, then?"
  80. >with a cheeky grin on your face, you reply
  81. "Tell me where she went, and I'll be on my merry way to conquer her heart."
  82. >Rarity giggles at your remark
  83. >"You never were much of a sophisticated conversationalist, but I'll give you points for trying at the end, there."
  84. >at least Rarity was always nice enough to let you have at least some glory
  85. >even though she was absolutely correct
  86. >"Well, although it isn't proper for a stallion to leave his mare to go in search of another pony."
  87. >she stares ironically at you
  88. >"I think I can let it slide it just this once."
  89. >at the sound of her words you beam
  90. >"It's not like I expected you to follow me around like a dog all night. Go and have some fun, dear."
  91. >you're glad she isn't angry about this
  92. >although she is your friend, you could never know in these situations
  93. >you're pumped and ready to go
  94. >ready to go talk to that spectacular pony
  95. >you turn to leave Rarity but realise something
  96. >she didn't tell you anything yet
  97. >in your stupidity, you turn to face her again
  98. "So, uh, where is she?"
  99. >Rarity simply giggles
  100. >"How would I know, darling? I'm not the one keeping my eyes on ponies the entire night."
  101. >with a cheeky smile she walks off to a group of ponies
  102. >well, you sort of expected more from her
  103. >anyway, how hard could it be to find one pony?
  104. >in a crowd of at least 200
  105. >maybe pretty difficult, after all
  106. >but you'd have to start somewhere
  107. >and there were a lot of somewheres
  109. >there were so many ponies in this damn hall
  110. >finding a single, grey one would be damn difficult on your own
  111. >so you decide to get help from everyone around you
  112. >by mingling
  113. >you weren't quite used to this, but being a human had benefits
  114. >the conversation was always the same in the start
  115. >you could pull this off, no sweat
  116. >you look around for a few seconds before you spot three ponies talking to each other
  117. >they look happy and friendly
  118. >with as much confidence you can muster, you walk over to them
  119. >far before reaching them, they notice you
  120. >and for once you actually guessed correctly
  121. >these ponies were extremely nice
  122. >and the conversation went as you had expected
  123. >human this, human that
  124. >it was getting boring after a while
  125. >unfortunately, they weren't of any help regarding Octavia
  126. >with no use for them, you excused yourself and moved on
  127. >this continued for a while, unfortunately
  128. >after the fifth try with no look, you're ready to give up
  129. >but just as you leave you spot something good
  130. >a pony you recognise from the orchestra is in the bar
  131. >you quickly go to him and sit down on the bar stool beside him
  132. >you don't make it obvious you're here because of him
  133. >so you order a drink
  134. >turns out the drinks were free for the event
  135. >these ponies sure must have a lot of money to hand out free drinks
  136. >but you weren't complaining
  137. >now to tackle the orchestra pony
  138. >you notice he doesn't look too happy
  139. >like something's bothering him
  141. >you honestly feel bad for him
  142. "Why the long face?"
  143. >he looks to you and smiles
  144. >"Oh, you know. The usual. Trouble with the wife 'n all."
  145. >he just slumps back into his seat and stares at his drink
  146. >you've already forgotten about Octavia
  147. >this man's melancholy is really getting to you
  148. >you gently push his shoulder with a fist
  149. "Come on. You should be celebrating! You just played an amazing concert!"
  150. >it takes your all of your performance ability to sound chipper
  151. >he just looks to you and gives you a weak smile
  152. >"I guess I should. Cheers."
  153. >you lift your glass as he does the same
  154. >as you start drinking you wish it never had to stop
  155. >sweet Jesus this stuff was good
  156. >you're not sure if this is proper etiquette
  157. >but hot damn you don't care right now
  158. >you chug all of your likely expensive drink in one go
  159. >you slam the glass onto the table with a loud smack of your lips
  160. >the orchestra pony is simply staring at you in disbelief
  161. "Oh, uh, sorry. Forgot this is a fancy party and all that."
  162. >he bursts into laughter
  163. >you fail to see the humor, but it's nice that he's happy
  164. >"Oh, my. I haven't seen anyone do that in years! It's quite refreshing, actually."
  165. >he proceeds to perform the same action as you
  166. >he even lets out a quiet burp at the end
  167. >again he giggles
  168. >it feels good to cheer ponies up
  169. >no wonder Pinkie loves it so much
  170. >as his happiness returns, so does your thoughts of Octavia
  171. >but whether you should ask now or not is the real question
  173. >Octavia can wait
  174. >you're actually starting to get interested in this guy's life
  175. >maybe the drink was slightly stronger than you thought
  176. >or maybe you suck at mingling
  177. >but your mind decided to go with
  178. "So, does divorce exist in Equestria?"
  179. >you almost slap your hand in front of your mouth at the end
  180. >the very least you do is mentally slap yourself silly
  181. >the pony is just staring at you
  182. >like you're a real annoying asshole
  183. >truth be told you kind of were after that
  184. >"Uh, yeah, it does. Now, if you'll excuse me."
  185. >with those words he gets up and leaves
  186. >you bash your forehead into the table a few times before letting out a frustrated sigh
  187. >you really should learn to think before you speak
  188. >well, he may have been a good lead, but he isn't the only one in here
  189. >you should still be able to find out about Octavia somehow
  190. >and although you lost a good step toward finding that magnificent mare
  191. >you feel yourself getting annoyed not learning more about him
  192. >helping him overcome his troubles
  193. >you were looking forward to being the hero who saved the day
  194. >well, can't have everything, you guess
  195. >it's time to focus on the cello-pony
  197. >yeah, you had to find her
  198. >but drinks first
  199. >who could say no to free drinks this good?
  200. >or free drinks in general
  201. >you order a few more drinks and down them each in one go
  202. >probably not the brightest of ideas
  203. >but they were just so tasty
  204. >when you've had three more, you stop
  205. >either ponies make drinks stronger than humans
  206. >or you really are a lightweight
  207. >either way, everything is getting blurry
  208. >the hall is gently wobbling about
  209. >you immediately regret this decision
  210. >how would you ever find Octavia while drunk?
  211. >just as you're cursing best at yourself internally, a freak chance occurs
  212. >a pony sits down next to you
  213. >and she speaks with the most sophisticated, calm voice you have ever heard
  214. >far more so than Rarity herself
  215. >completely dumbfounded you stare at Octavia
  216. >you look to the ceiling and silently thank God for this occurence
  217. >he doesn't reply
  218. >what a jerk
  219. >"A maretini, please. An extra olive, if you would."
  220. >the bartender simply nods and goes about his business
  221. >within record time, Octavia is sipping from her glass
  222. >all the while you're simply staring at her
  223. >luckily she hasn't noticed
  224. >or she's just ignoring you
  225. >could be either
  226. >realising what you're doing isn't very smart, you return to looking at the wall
  227. >you gotta plan every move carefully
  228. >and when drunk, that's easier said than done
  230. >you feel ready to speak
  231. >you have crafted an eloquent introduction for her
  232. >it will be good
  233. "You... you're the cello pony from the thing."
  234. >fuck
  235. >Octavia turns her eyes towards you
  236. >she simply inspects you
  237. >somehow she doesn't seem too surprised at the whole human thing
  238. >"Yes, quite right. And you must be the human accompanying the white dressmaker from Ponyville, correct?"
  239. >holy shit
  240. >this mare is psychic!
  241. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. How did you know?"
  242. >a tiny smile appears on her lips
  243. >you've never in your life seen a smile so tiny
  244. >"Well, for one, you were watching me the entire night."
  245. >double fuck
  246. >she wasn't supposed to notice that!
  247. >then again, you did only look at her throughout the entire concert
  248. >you add another point to her tally
  249. >Octavia 2, Anon 0
  250. >"Plus, my former housemate tells many stories of you."
  251. >triple fuck
  252. >you hope those stories are the good ones
  253. >but you also wonder who this housemate could be
  254. >"It's not every day a new species suddenly appears here in Equestria."
  255. >you notice she's actually turned her head towards you
  256. >all right, making progress
  257. >maybe the human thing did work, after all
  258. >but you couldn't let her run the show
  259. >she would wipe the floor with you in this state
  261. you desperately needed to sober up
  262. >drinking this much was a terrible idea
  263. >the entire room is spinning quickly
  264. >you look to the bartender and speak
  265. "I'd like a big box of crackers."
  266. >and with those words, you fall backwards
  267. >as you hit the floor, the world goes dark
  269. >some time later you finally regain consciousness
  270. >your head is throbbing violently
  271. "Ugh..."
  272. >you can do nothing more than groan as you wake
  273. >you make every move so very carefull
  274. >wouldn't want to throw up in this position
  275. >when you finally have the strength, you open your eyes
  276. >you're in a dark room
  277. >lying on a bed
  278. >this definitely isn't where you were before
  279. >it seems somewhat familiar, but you can't really tell
  280. >all you can do for now is stare at the ceiling
  281. >you simply haven't the strength to get up
  282. >laying here is quite fine, too
  283. >the bed is soft and comfortable
  284. >a sound from outside the room grabs your attention
  285. >suddenly it flies open
  286. >you can't even lift your head to see who enters
  287. >all you can hear is grumbling
  288. >as it comes closer, you can finally make out the words
  289. >"Of all the things I've seen, this takes the cake. I really should tell him a thing or- Anon!"
  290. >oh dear God, why?
  291. >Rarity enters your field of view
  292. >she looks upset
  293. >"What in the world have you been doing? Do you have ANY idea how far I had to carry you with my magic? It was exhausting! You better explain yourself right now!"
  295. >you groan at Rarity before speaking properly
  296. "Why does this keep happening? ... Also, where am I?"
  297. >Rarity just snorts at you as she gets into the bed next to you
  298. >"Carousel Boutique. And it keeps happening because you can't control yourself, Anon."
  299. >if it weren't for this massive headache, you'd be afraid of her
  300. >"Now I had to leave the biggest social gathering of all the high class ponies in Canterlot because SOMEONE had a little to much to drink!"
  301. >with that she lies down on her side and snorts once more
  302. "Sorry."
  303. >you can only manage a half-assed apology in your current state
  304. >"I'm sure you are."
  305. >you sigh
  306. >this night did not turn out at all as expected
  307. >you barely talked to Octavia
  308. >Rarity's furious
  309. >what a fan-fucking-tastic turn of events
  311. End.
  313. Anons done goof'd.
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