
pastebin monday - *trivial* life updates

Nov 2nd, 2015
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  1. hello heres some random thoughts im having right now.
  3. Got a new phone, its way better than my old one. I started playing starlight stage again, hopefully it goes well.
  5. Almost finished persona 3 last night, had to quit because it got too late. kinda mad about that because im on business trip until friday and i have no way to stream here.
  7. Got in a big argument with family as well. Really hoping I can move out permanently soon.
  9. Applied for another job last week, hoping I at least hear from them. It really stinks when you apply for a position with the same company you work for and they never even acknowledge your applicaiton, no confirmation email, no nothing. But im trying to be optimistic ^_^
  11. Like i said before traveling to another plant this week. Kinda nice because free food. Kinda sucks because i drove 5 hours today and i have to drive 5 hours home on friday. really sucks because i have to stay in a hotel with shitty internet for 4 nights. also shitty because theres not much to do. so im here from 8-5 just sitting on twitter and irc being bored.
  13. probably going to be doing the exact same thing next week too. and maybe even the week after. although im gonna try to schedule a trip to atlanta for part of next week to hopefully make a connection and find an opportunity there.
  15. every single day i hope and pray that one of the atlanta positions will play out. its been 5 months at this job and i havent really done anything. i just wanna go somewhere where i dont have to live at home and i have work to do. i like being busy it makes the day go by. being bored and sitting on irc really doesnt make the day go by at all. minutes seem like hours.
  17. on a lighter note my dad made reservations at texas de brazil for christmas eve. if you dont know what that is its a brazillian all you can eat steakhouse and its actually amazing.
  19. finally, i have no idea what to get for dinner tonight. mpg says taco bell maybe ill do that.
  21. cya next monday
  23. oh yeah i got pastebin pro its great :)
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