
Librarian blast

Jun 25th, 2022
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  1. The Space Marine leader, a noseless horror whose face was criss-crossed with scar tissue, outstretched a gauntlet. A blue ball of flame appeared in his palm. It shot outward to strike Farsight in the chest.
  2. Incredibly, the flaming ball penetrated Farsight's energy shield as if it were not there. Alerts bleeped as a foul smell permeated the control cocoon. The damage control holo-doppel registered a serious wound; by the initial diagnostic, the fireball had burned through several layers of ablative material on the battlesuit's chest and chewed into the alloy beneath. He could see a large discoloured spot on the targeting suite, concentric rings of green and yellow where the strange missile had almost burned through.
  4. Farsight: Crisis of Faith
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