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Mar 15th, 2013
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  2. Quiz questions are based on the recommendations made in ELISE | Informing your studies
  3. Question 1
  4. 1 out of 1 points
  6. You are looking for journal articles about climate change that refer to ozone depletion.
  8. Which of the following keyword searches using Boolean logic is the most effective for narrowing a broad topic?
  9. Answer
  10. Response Feedback: Correct.
  11. Question 2
  12. 1 out of 1 points
  14. Information you have found using the internet does not need to be cited.
  16. Is this true or false?
  17. Answer
  18. Response Feedback: Correct.
  19. Question 3
  20. 1 out of 1 points
  22. When you see a volume number in a citation, this usually means the citation is for:
  23. Answer
  24. Response Feedback: Correct.
  25. Question 4
  26. 1 out of 1 points
  28. The academic writing process requires preparation.
  30. Once you have analysed your topic, what are the next steps in the process, as outlined by ELISE?
  31. Answer
  32. Response Feedback: Correct.
  33. Question 5
  34. 1 out of 1 points
  36. The Student Code of Conduct only applies to my academic work, it doesn’t apply to my everyday interactions with other students and staff members of UNSW.
  38. Is this true or false?
  39. Answer
  40. Response Feedback: Correct.
  41. Question 6
  42. 1 out of 1 points
  44. Each time you refer to the ideas of another person you need to provide a reference or citation in order to avoid plagiarism.
  46. Is this true or false?
  47. Answer
  48. Response Feedback: Correct.
  49. Question 7
  50. 1 out of 1 points
  52. Here is a citation from a reading list:
  54. Collins, Andrew. (2011). The originality of Bram Stoker’s character Count Dracula. Notes and Queries, 58(4), 570-576.
  56. Which of the statements about this citation is correct?
  57. Answer
  58. Response Feedback: Correct.
  59. Question 8
  60. 1 out of 1 points
  62. Referencing is an important element of your essay writing.
  64. What is referencing?
  65. Answer
  66. Response Feedback: Correct.
  67. Question 9
  68. 1 out of 1 points
  70. Your lecturer warned the class that when writing assignments they should be aware of the issue of plagiarism.
  72. What is plagiarism?
  73. Answer
  74. Response Feedback: Correct.
  75. Question 10
  76. 1 out of 1 points
  78. Read the following statements about the advantages of using library resources.
  80. Which statement is false?
  81. Answer
  82. Response Feedback: Correct.
  83. Question 11
  84. 1 out of 1 points
  86. From the following list choose the secondary source.
  87. Answer
  88. Response Feedback: Correct.
  89. Question 12
  90. 1 out of 1 points
  92. Your lecturer has asked you to find three scholarly articles on the latest developments in quantum computing.
  94. Where would you be most likely to find scholarly research that is up-to-date?
  95. Answer
  96. Response Feedback: Correct.
  97. Question 13
  98. 1 out of 1 points
  100. A good way to find scholarly information that has been written by experts is to search a database. This information could be in journals, chapters in books, conference papers or technical reports.
  102. Is this true or false?
  103. Answer
  104. Response Feedback: Correct.
  105. Question 14
  106. 0 out of 1 points
  108. What type of resource does this citation refer to?
  110. Bookhardt, D. Eric, (2009). Public art in post-Katrina New Orleans. Public Art Review, 20(2), 78-9.
  111. Answer
  112. Response Feedback: Incorrect. Learn more at Locating / Understanding your reading list
  113. Question 15
  114. 0 out of 1 points
  116. Which of the following statements explains why it is useful to use truncation when searching a database?
  117. Answer
  118. Response Feedback: Incorrect. Learn more at Locating / Databases
  119. Question 16
  120. 1 out of 1 points
  122. Copyright limits apply to which of the following types of published works?
  123. Answer
  124. Response Feedback: Correct.
  125. Question 17
  126. 1 out of 1 points
  128. Your lecturer has asked you to find additional scholarly resources on e-commerce.
  130. Which of the following resources would be appropriate?
  131. Answer
  132. Response Feedback: Correct.
  133. Question 18
  134. 1 out of 1 points
  136. According to ELISE what are the elements of scholarly writing?
  137. Answer
  138. Response Feedback: Correct.
  139. Question 19
  140. 0 out of 1 points
  142. You have been given an assignment on a topic unfamiliar to you.
  144. According to ELISE, which of the following resources would be the best place to find a simple overview of the topic?
  145. Answer
  146. Response Feedback: Incorrect. Learn more at Creating / The academic writing process
  147. Question 20
  148. 1 out of 1 points
  150. Your lecturer has asked you to include journal articles as one of the sources for your assignment.
  152. Which of the following ways of finding journal articles was recommended in ELISE?
  153. Answer
  154. Response Feedback: Correct.
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