

Feb 19th, 2020
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  1. import asyncio import logging import re import time import os import sys logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) from telethon import TelegramClient, events from import JoinChannelRequest from import GetBotCallbackAnswerRequest from datetime import datetime from colorama import Fore, init as color_ama color_ama(autoreset=True) from time import sleep import json,re,sys,os try: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except: print ("\033[1;35m[-] \033[1;32mBạn Chưa Cài Pip, Vui Lòng Cài Pip => python .pip") sys.exit() c = requests.Session() link = "" a = requests.get(link) key = a.text os.system("clear") # Get your own values from api_id = 800812 api_hash = 'db55ad67a98df35667ca788b97f771f5' ''' DogeClick Bot Channel from Options: 1. Dogecoin_click_bot 2. Litecoin_click_bot 3. BCH_click_bot 4. Zcash_click_bot 5. Bitcoinclick_bot # ''' dogeclick_channel = 'Dogecoin_click_bot' def print_msg_time(message): print('[' + Fore.CYAN + f'{"%H:%M:%S")}' + Fore.RESET + f'] {message}') nkey = input ("\033[1;35m✓ \033[1;36mNhập Mật Khẩu : \033[1;33m") if (nkey==key): print() else: print ("\033[1;35m[-] \033[1;31mMật Khẩu Không Đúng . . . ! ! !") exit() async def main(): print(Fore.MAGENTA + 'Kiếm Tiền Du Học Vlog \n' + Fore.RESET) print(Fore.GREEN + ' ------Kiếm Tiền Du Học Vlog------ \n' + Fore.RESET) # Check if phone number is not specified if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: python phone_number') print('-> Input number in international format (example: +639162995600)\n') e = input('Press any key to exit...') exit(1) phone_number = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.exists("session"): os.mkdir("session") # Connect to client client = TelegramClient('session/' + phone_number, api_id, api_hash) await client.start(phone_number) me = await client.get_me() print(Fore.GREEN + f'Xin Chào: {me.first_name}({me.username})\n') print_msg_time('Bắt đầu làm việc: ') # Start command /join await client.send_message(dogeclick_channel, '/join') # Join the channel @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=dogeclick_channel, incoming=True)) async def join_start(event): message = event.raw_text if 'You must join' in message: channel_name ='You must join @(.*?) to earn', message).group(1) print_msg_time(f'Channel: {channel_name}...') # Join the channel await client(JoinChannelRequest(channel_name)) print_msg_time(Fore.YELLOW + f'Đang Join Channel...') # Clicks the joined await client(GetBotCallbackAnswerRequest( peer=dogeclick_channel,, data=event.message.reply_markup.rows[0].buttons[1].data )) # Print waiting hours @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=dogeclick_channel, incoming=True)) async def wait_hours(event): message = event.raw_text if 'You must stay' in message: waiting_hours ='at least (.*?) to earn', message).group(1) print_msg_time(Fore.GREEN + f'Hoàn Thành! Hãy Giữ Kênh Trong {waiting_hours} Sẽ Nhận Được Coin\n' + Fore.RESET) # No more ads @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=dogeclick_channel, incoming=True)) async def no_ads(event): message = event.raw_text if 'no new ads available' in message: print_msg_time(Fore.RED + 'Đã Hết Kênh Để Tool Join Rồi!\n' + Fore.RESET) e = input('Nhấn Enter Để Thoát Tool') exit(1) await client.run_until_disconnected() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main())
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