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May 27th, 2019
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  8. <meta name='author' content='
  9. _________________________________________
  10. | |
  11. | Defaced By Jok3r J3rry |
  12. | Gray Hat Teenagers ~ Myanmar |
  13. |_____________________________________________|' />
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  166. class TextScramble {
  167. constructor(el) {
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  186. this.update()
  187. return promise
  188. }
  189. update() {
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  196. output += to
  197. } else if (this.frame >= start) {
  198. if (!char || Math.random() < 0.28) {
  199. char = this.randomChar()
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  215. randomChar() {
  216. return this.chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.chars.length)]
  217. }
  218. }
  220. const phrases = [
  221. ' \"Don\'t get all weird about getting older!\"',
  222. ' Our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us!',
  223. 'H@ppy Birthd@y Mr End_User',
  224. 'By your Brother J0k3r J3rry.'
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  290. setTimeout(function(){
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  292. document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = `<center><div class="div2"><font style="color:#00ff00;font-weight:bold;">Happy Birthday Mr End_User</font></div>`;}, 8000);
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  299. var prob = [], seq = [];
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  301. prob.push(Math.pow(canvasCount-Math.abs(peak-i),3));
  302. seq.push(i);
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  304. return chance.weighted(seq, prob);
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  306. function animateBlur(elem,radius,duration) {
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  311. step: function(now) {
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  331. elem.css({
  332. transform: 'rotate(' + td + 'deg)' + 'translate(' + tx + 'px,'+ ty +'px)'
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  339. {
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  341. for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
  342. arr[j] = 0;
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  344. imageDataArray.push(arr);
  345. }
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  352. tempCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  353. tempCtx.putImageData(new ImageData(imageDataArray, w , h), 0, 0);
  355. return canvas;
  356. }
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