
mi piace

Mar 24th, 2015
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  1. Something that I like to do often is read. Reading is fun because it can quickly immerse you in wonderful new worlds. Reading can also teach a wide variety of things that are very interesting. Another thing I like to do is golf. Golfing is fun because you will definitely see major improvements in how good you are every time you play. Golf is also a good way to get lots of exercise, as you have to walk to the ball. It also is an outdoor sport you can always play with the whole family. Something else I like to do is play video games, they are great ways to help relax and have tons of fun with you friends, and can help challenge your brain.
  5. Nelson Mandela had bravery and perseverance as he used his skills, like being a lawyer, to help end apartheid and start organizations. He also went to other countries to seek their aid in helping his cause, and was successful. He also was faced with lots of hardships he managed to overcome.
  7. The text proves his bravery and perseverance with many examples. It shows that he applied things he learned while he was young to help make a change when he was older. For example, he lost his father when he was young, so he moved in with his dadโ€™s friend, the chief and learn from him how to be a good leader, which he used to liberate Africa. Another example is how he realized that peaceful tactics were not working, and so he used different methods. This shows he had enough perseverance and bravery to learn from his mistakes and play the hand dealt to him.
  9. The video shows that he had bravery and perseverance. It shows that He was these things even while facing adversity, for example he was given a life sentence, but while in prison he still worked hard to help his cause, and refused getting let out of prison at the cost of giving up what he thought was right and fought for. He also shows he inspired many other people to act similarly on his cause, while they faced similar adversity.
  11. In all, nelson Mandelaโ€™s life was full of misfortune. But still managed still to change his and the life of many otherโ€™s with his bravery and perseverance.
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