

Jan 15th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. /cd
  2. Outputs the current letters, numbers and conundrum
  3. /cd help
  4. Outputs different commands
  5. /cd rank or /cd leaderboard
  6. Output rank of user in letters, numbers and conundrum
  7. Can think about server/global rank or specific ranking
  8. /cd w or /cd l
  9. Output current letters round
  10. /cd n or /cd m
  11. Output current numbers round
  12. /cd c
  13. Output current conundrum
  14. /cd w/l [word]
  15. User's word to current letters round
  16. /cd n/m [expr]
  17. User's solution to current maths round
  18. /cd c [word]
  19. User's word for current conundrum
  20. ---
  21. Only admin can skip the current letters/numbers/conundrum or set up a timer that automatically changes round (e.g. after one hour)
  22. Only admin can reset everyone's scores
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