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a guest
Mar 20th, 2019
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  1. english:
  2. unknown-command: "&cUnknown command."
  3. no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission!"
  4. under-development: "&cUnder development."
  5. first-join-message:
  6. - "&7&m----------------------"
  7. - " &rWelcome to &cKits&e!"
  8. - ""
  9. - " &6Website: &"
  10. - " &6Webshop: &"
  11. - " &6Teamspeak: &"
  12. - " &6Discord: &"
  13. - ""
  14. - " &rNeed help? &6/helpop"
  15. - ""
  16. - "&7&m----------------------"
  17. join-message:
  18. - "&7&m----------------------"
  19. - " &rWelcome to &cKits&e!"
  20. - ""
  21. - " &6Website: &"
  22. - " &6Webshop: &"
  23. - " &6Teamspeak: &"
  24. - " &6Discord: &"
  25. - ""
  26. - " &rNeed help? &6/helpop"
  27. - ""
  28. - "&7&m----------------------"
  29. language:
  30. usage: "&c/{label} <language>"
  31. not-setup: "&cNot setup language with this name." ##{language}
  32. already: "&cYour game language is already &e{language}&c."
  33. successful: "&cYour game language is now &e{language}&c."
  34. broadcast:
  35. usage: "/{label} <message>"
  36. message: "&7[&6Kits&7] &8» &a{message}"
  37. economy:
  38. help:
  39. - "&c/{label} set <player> <value>"
  40. - "&c/{label} deposit <player> <value>"
  41. - "&c/{label} withdraw <player> <value>"
  42. usage:
  43. set: "&cUsage: /{label} set <player> <value>"
  44. deposit: "&cUsage: /{label} deposit <player> <value>"
  45. withdraw: "&cUsage: /{label} withdraw <player> <value>"
  46. does-not-exists: "&cDoesn't exists profile with this name."
  47. invalid-value: "&cInvalid value."
  48. changed:
  49. set: "&a{target}'s &ebalance has been changed to &a${balance}&e."
  50. deposit: "&a{target}'s &ebalance has been deposited &a{amount}&e. New balance: &a${balance}&e."
  51. withdraw: "&a{target}'s &ebalance has been withdrawed &a{amount}&e. New balance: &a${balance}&e."
  52. balance:
  53. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  54. for-yourself: "&eYou have &a${balance}&e."
  55. for-other: "&a{target}'s &ehas &a${balance}&e."
  56. pay:
  57. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player> <amount>"
  58. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  59. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  60. can-not-transaction:
  61. invalid-amount: "&cInvalid amount!"
  62. min-amount: "&cMinimum amount: &e${min_amount}"
  63. max-amount: "&cMinimum amount: &e${max_amount}"
  64. not-enough-money: "&cYou don't have enough money."
  65. sender: "&eYou sent &a${amount} &eto &a{target}&e."
  66. target: "&eYou got &a${amount} &efrom &a{sender}&e."
  67. crate:
  68. inventory-full: "&cYour inventory is full."
  69. invalid-crate: "&cInvalid crate."
  70. key:
  71. usage: "&c/{label} key <player/*> <crate> <piece>"
  72. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  73. invalid-amount: "&cInvalid amount."
  74. successful:
  75. sender: "&eGiven &a{cratename} &ekey for &a{target}&e."
  76. target: "&eYou got &a{cratename} &ekey."
  77. teleport:
  78. to:
  79. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  80. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  81. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  82. sender: "&eYou have been teleported to &a{target}&e."
  83. here:
  84. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  85. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  86. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  87. sender: "&a{target} &ehas been teleported to &ayou&e."
  88. target: "&eYou have been teleported to &a{sender}&e."
  89. kit:
  90. create:
  91. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name>"
  92. already-exists: "&cAlready exists kit with this name."
  93. successful: "&a{name} &ekit successfully created."
  94. delete:
  95. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name>"
  96. does-not-exists: "&cDoes not exists kit with this name."
  97. successful: "&a{name} &ekit successfully deleted."
  98. edit:
  99. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name>"
  100. does-not-exists: "&cDoes not exists kit with this name."
  101. successful: "&a{name} &ekit successfully edited."
  102. cooldown:
  103. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name> <cooldown in sec>"
  104. does-not-exists: "&cDoes not exists kit with this name."
  105. invalid-number: "&cInvalid number."
  106. successful: "&a{name} &ekit successfully cooldowned."
  107. list:
  108. are-not-exists: "&cKits are not exists."
  109. title: "&6&lKits: "
  110. splitter: "&c{name}&7, "
  111. load:
  112. ## usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name> <player>"
  113. usage: "{listkit}"
  114. please-wait: "&cPlease wait &e{time} seconds&c."
  115. has-valuable-item: "&eYou have valuable item(s). &cAre you sure you want to?"
  116. cooldown:
  117. ##default:
  118. ## enabled: true
  119. ## style: "{day}:{hour}:{minute}:{second}"
  120. ##custom:
  121. ## day: "day(s)"
  122. ## hour: "hour(s)"
  123. ## minute: "minute(s)"
  124. ## second: "second(s)"
  125. message: "&cYou have cooldown for &e{cooldown}&c."
  126. does-not-exists: "&cDoes not exists kit with this name."
  127. for-yourself:
  128. has-cooldown: "&cYou have &e{time} &ccooldown for this kit."
  129. successful: "&a{name} &ekit successfully loaded."
  130. for-other:
  131. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  132. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not load &e{name} &ckit for &eyourself&c."
  133. successful:
  134. sender: "&a{name} &ekit successfully loaded for &a{target}&e."
  135. target: "&a{name} &ekit successfully loaded by &a{sender}&e."
  136. time-changed:
  137. day: "&eTime set to day."
  138. night: "&eTime set to night."
  139. sunset: "&eTime set to sunset."
  140. gamemode:
  141. survival: "survival"
  142. creative: "creative"
  143. adventure: "adventure"
  144. ## spectator: "spectator"
  145. usage: "&c/{label} <gamemode> <player>"
  146. invalid-gamemode: "&cInvalid gamemode."
  147. for-yourself:
  148. already-in: "&cYou &eare already in &c{gamemode}&e."
  149. changed: "&aYour &egamemode has been changed to &a{gamemode}&e."
  150. for-other:
  151. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  152. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not change gamemode for &eyourself&c."
  153. already-in: "&c{target} &eis already in &c{gamemode}&e."
  154. changed:
  155. sender: "&a{target}&e's gamemode has been changed to &a{gamemode}&e."
  156. target: "&aYour gamemode has been changed to &a{gamemode} &eby &a{sender}&e."
  157. vanishmode:
  158. usage: "&c/{label} <player>"
  159. for-yourself:
  160. enabled: "&eVanish mode has been &aenabled&e."
  161. disabled: "&eVanish mode has been &cdisabled&e."
  162. for-other:
  163. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  164. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  165. enabled:
  166. sender: "&eVanish mode has been &aenabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  167. target: "&eVanish mode has been &aenabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  168. disabled:
  169. sender: "&eVanish mode has been &cdisabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  170. target: "&eVanish mode has been &cdisabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  171. staffmode:
  172. usage: "&c/{label} <player>"
  173. for-yourself:
  174. enabled: "&eStaff mode has been &aenabled&e."
  175. disabled: "&eStaff mode has been &cdisabled&e."
  176. for-other:
  177. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  178. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  179. enabled:
  180. sender: "&eStaff mode has been &aenabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  181. target: "&eStaff mode has been &aenabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  182. disabled:
  183. sender: "&eStaff mode has been &cdisabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  184. target: "&eStaff mode has been &cdisabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  185. chat:
  186. style: "&8[&bStaffChat&8] &3{sender} &8» &b{message}"
  187. enabled: "&eStaff chat has been &aenabled&e."
  188. disabled: "&eStaff chat has been &cdisabled&e."
  189. tablist:
  190. header:
  191. - ""
  192. - "&6&lMine&f&lWar &8&l- &6&lKits"
  193. - ""
  194. footer:
  195. - ""
  196. - "Server Address&7: &"
  197. - "Discord&7: &e"
  198. - ""
  199. sidebar:
  200. enabled: "&eEnabled"
  201. disabled: "&eDisabled"
  202. global: "&eGlobal"
  203. staff: "&eStaff"
  204. label: "&8&m--»------------«--"
  205. info: ""
  206. welcome:
  207. title: "&a&lWelcome {player}!"
  208. lines:
  209. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  210. - "&lIn latest update"
  211. - "&7» &e&lAdded kits"
  212. - "&7» &e&lFixed some bugs"
  213. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  214. - "&lUnder development"
  215. - "&7» &e&lClan rename"
  216. - "&7» &e&lClan chest"
  217. - "&7» &e&lTop lists"
  218. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  219. - "{server_info}"
  220. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  221. default:
  222. title: "&6&lKits"
  223. lines:
  224. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  225. - "Kills&7: &e{kills}"
  226. - "Deaths&7: &e{deaths}"
  227. - "Balance&7: &e${balance}"
  228. - "{server_label}"
  229. - "{server_info}"
  230. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  231. timer:
  232. title: "&6&lKits"
  233. lines:
  234. - "{koth_name}&7: &e{koth_time}"
  235. - "Energy&7: &e{bard_energy}"
  236. - "Cooldown&7: &e{bard_effect_cooldown}s"
  237. - "Spawn&7: &e{spawn}s"
  238. - "{warpname}&7: &e{warptime}s"
  239. - "Combat&7: &e{combattag}s"
  240. - "Enderpearl&7: &e{enderpearl}s"
  241. - "{server_label}"
  242. - "{server_info}"
  243. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  244. staffmode:
  245. title: "&6&lStaffMode"
  246. lines:
  247. - "&8» &rGamemode&7: &e{gamemode}"
  248. - "&8» &rVanish&7: &e{vanish}"
  249. - "&8» &rOnline&7: &e{online}"
  250. - "&8» &rTPS&7: &e{tps}"
  251. - "{server_label}"
  252. - "{server_info}"
  253. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  254. event:
  255. sumo:
  256. queue:
  257. title: "&6&lSumo Event"
  258. lines:
  259. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  260. - "In queue&7: &e{sumo_in_queue}"
  261. - "Starts in&7: &e{sumo_queuetime}"
  262. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  263. active:
  264. title: "&6&lSumo Event"
  265. lines:
  266. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  267. - "In game&7: &e{sumo_in_game}"
  268. - "Duration&7: &e{sumo_duration}"
  269. - "Round&7: &e#{sumo_round}"
  270. - "&e{sumo_matchplayer_1}"
  271. - "&vs"
  272. - "&e{sumo_matchplayer_2}"
  273. - "&8&m--»------------«--"
  274. timer:
  275. enderpearl: "&eYou can not use this for &c{time} second(s)&e."
  276. combattag:
  277. damager: "&eYou have been combat-tagged for &c{time} second(s)&e."
  278. entity: "&eYou have been combat-tagged for &c{time} second(s)&e."
  279. left-in-combat: "&c{player} &eleft in combat."
  280. can-not-use-command: "&cYou can not use this command in combat."
  281. setspawn:
  282. usage: "&cUsage: /{label}"
  283. location-changed: "&eSpawn location has been changed."
  284. spawn:
  285. usage: "&cUsage: &c/{label} <player>"
  286. for-yourself:
  287. already: "&cYou are already teleporting..."
  288. cancelled: "&cTeleport cancelled."
  289. started: "&eTeleporting to the spawn..."
  290. successful: "&eYou have been teleported to the spawn."
  291. for-other:
  292. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  293. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  294. sender: "&a{target} &ehas been teleported to the spawn."
  295. target: "&eYou have been teleported to the spawn by &a{sender}&e."
  296. kill-reward: "&eYou got &a${reward} &efor kill."
  297. delwarp:
  298. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name>"
  299. does-not-exists: "&eDoes not exists warp with this name."
  300. successful: "&a{name} &ewarp has been deleted."
  301. setwarp:
  302. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name>"
  303. already-exists: "&eAlready exists warp with this name."
  304. successful: "&a{name} &ewarp has been created."
  305. warp:
  306. list:
  307. are-not-exists: "&cWarps are not exists."
  308. title: "&6&lWarps: "
  309. splitter: "&c{name}&7, "
  310. ## usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <name> <player>"
  311. usage: "{warplist}"
  312. does-not-exists: "&cDoes not exists kit with warp name."
  313. for-yourself:
  314. already: "&cYou are already teleporting..."
  315. cancelled: "&cTeleport cancelled."
  316. started: "&eTeleporting to the &a{name} &ewarp..."
  317. successful: "&eYou have been teleported to the &a{name} &ewarp."
  318. for-other:
  319. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  320. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  321. sender: "&a{target} &ehas been teleported to the &a{name} &ewarp."
  322. target: "&eYou have been teleported to the &a{name} &ewarp by &a{sender}&e."
  323. ping:
  324. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  325. for-yourself: "&eYour ping: &a{ping}ms"
  326. for-other:
  327. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  328. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  329. get-ping:
  330. - "&e{target}'s ping: &a{targetping}ms"
  331. - "&eDifference: &a{differenceping}ms"
  332. heal:
  333. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  334. for-yourself: "&eYou have been healed."
  335. for-other:
  336. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  337. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  338. sender: "&a{target} &ehas been healed."
  339. target: "&eYou have been healed by &a{sender}&e."
  340. feed:
  341. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  342. for-yourself: "&eYou have been fed."
  343. for-other:
  344. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  345. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  346. sender: "&a{target} &ehas been fed."
  347. target: "&eYou have fed healed by &a{sender}&e."
  348. privatemessage:
  349. message:
  350. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player> <message>"
  351. for-other:
  352. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  353. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  354. sender: "&7(&eTo &a{target}&7) &e{message}"
  355. target: "&7(&eFrom &a{sender}&7) &e{message}"
  356. reply:
  357. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <message>"
  358. not-has: "&cYou are not messaging anyone right now."
  359. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  360. fly:
  361. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  362. for-yourself:
  363. enabled: "&eFly mode has been &aenabled&e."
  364. disabled: "&eFly mode has been &cdisabled&e."
  365. for-other:
  366. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  367. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  368. enabled:
  369. sender: "&eFly mode has been &aenabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  370. target: "&eFly mode has been &aenabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  371. disabled:
  372. sender: "&eFly mode has been &cdisabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  373. target: "&eFly mode has been &cdisabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  374. god:
  375. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  376. for-yourself:
  377. enabled: "&eGod mode has been &aenabled&e."
  378. disabled: "&eGod mode has been &cdisabled&e."
  379. for-other:
  380. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  381. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  382. enabled:
  383. sender: "&eGod mode has been &aenabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  384. target: "&eGod mode has been &aenabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  385. disabled:
  386. sender: "&eGod mode has been &cdisabled &efor &a{target}&e."
  387. target: "&eGod mode has been &cdisabled &eby &a{sender}&e."
  388. combattaged:
  389. can-not-use-command: "&cYou can not use this command."
  390. freeze:
  391. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} <player>"
  392. not-online: "&e{target} &cis not online."
  393. has-bypass: "&e{target} &chas bypass."
  394. can-not-use-command: "&cYou can not use this command."
  395. left: "&8&l[&4&lALERT&8&l] &e{target} &cleft while frozen."
  396. frozen:
  397. sender: "&a{target} &efrozen successfully."
  398. target: "&cYou have been frozen by &e{sender}&c."
  399. unfrozen:
  400. sender: "&a{target} &eunfrozen successfully."
  401. target: "&cYou have been unfrozen by &e{sender}&c."
  402. koth:
  403. help:
  404. - "&8&m---------------------"
  405. - " &9&lKoths Help"
  406. - "&8&m---------------------"
  407. - "&c/{label} create <name>"
  408. - "&c/{label} delete <name>"
  409. - "&c/{label} start <name>"
  410. - "&c/{label} stop <name>"
  411. - "&c/{label} list"
  412. - "&8&m---------------------"
  413. create:
  414. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} create <name> <time>"
  415. already-exists: "&cAlready exists koth with this name." ##{name}
  416. selection: "&cPlease select positions."
  417. successful: "&a{name} &ekoth successfully created."
  418. delete:
  419. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} delete <name>"
  420. does-not-exists: "&cDoes not exists koth with this name." ##{name}
  421. is-active: "&cYou can not delete this koth because is active."
  422. successful: "&a{name} &ekoth successfully deleted."
  423. start:
  424. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} start <name>"
  425. is-active: "&cYou can not start koth because is already started."
  426. does-not-exists: "&cDoes not exists koth with this name." ##{name}
  427. invalid-time: "&cInvalid time."
  428. successful: "&a{name} &ekoth successfully started."
  429. stop:
  430. usage: "&cUsage: /{label} stop"
  431. does-not-active: "&cYou can not start koth because is already started."
  432. successful: "&a{name} &ekoth successfully stopped."
  433. started:
  434. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  435. - "&7\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588"
  436. - "&7\u2588&6\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588&7\u2588 &a{name} &ekoth has"
  437. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588\u2588\u2588 &ebeen started."
  438. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588\u2588\u2588 &cCoords: &7X: {centerx}, Z: {centerz}"
  439. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  440. broadcast:
  441. somebody: "&eSomebody controlling &a{name} koth&e. &cCoords: &7X: {centerx}, Z: {centerz}"
  442. nobody: "&eNobody controlling &a{name} koth&e. &cCoords: &7X: {centerx}, Z: {centerz}"
  443. ended:
  444. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  445. - "&7\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588"
  446. - "&7\u2588&6\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588&7\u2588 &a{name} &ekoth captured"
  447. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588\u2588\u2588 &eby &a{capturer}&e."
  448. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588&6\u2588&7\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  449. - "&7\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588"
  450. capturing: "&eNow you are capturing..."
  451. knocked: "&cYou have lost control of &e{name}&c."
  452. for-other:
  453. knocked: "&e{capturer} &chas lost control of &e{name}&c."
  454. clan:
  455. help:
  456. - "&8&m------------------------------------------"
  457. - " &9&lClans Help"
  458. - "&8&m------------------------------------------"
  459. - "&8» &c/{label} info <clan/player> &7Clan information."
  460. - "&8» &c/{label} create <name> &7Creating a clan."
  461. - "&8» &c/{label} deposit <amount> &7Clan depositing."
  462. - "&8» &c/{label} withdraw <amount> &7Clan withdrawing."
  463. - "&8» &c/{label} invite <player> &7Inviting player to the clan."
  464. - "&8» &c/{label} accept <name> &7Accepting clan invite."
  465. - "&8» &c/{label} kick <player> &7Kicking player from clan."
  466. - "&8» &c/{label} leader <player> &7Giving leader for player."
  467. - "&8» &c/{label} promote <player> &7Promoting player to captain."
  468. - "&8» &c/{label} demote <player> &7Demoting player to member."
  469. - "&8» &c/{label} kick <player> &7Kicking player from clan."
  470. - "&8» &c/{label} disband &7Disbanding a clan."
  471. - "&8» &c/{label} list &7Listing clans."
  472. - "&4&lUnder development"
  473. - "&8» &c/{label} rename &7Renaming clan."
  474. - "&8» &c/{label} chest &7Opening clan chest."
  475. - "&8» &c/{label} top <kills/points> &7Listing clan topkills/points."
  476. - "&8&m------------------------------------------"
  477. not-found-clan:
  478. you: "&cYou are not in clan."
  479. other: "&cNot clan or member with the name &e{result} &cfound."
  480. is-full: "&cThe clan is full."
  481. can-not-hit-teammate: "&a{entity} &eis in your clan."
  482. already:
  483. in-clan:
  484. you: "&cYou are already in clan."
  485. exists: "&cAlready exists clan with this name." ## {name}
  486. info:
  487. usage: "&c/{label} info <clan/player>"
  488. splitter:
  489. offline: "&c"
  490. online: "&a"
  491. text: "{target}&7[&e{kills}&7], "
  492. successful:
  493. - "&8&m--------------------------"
  494. - "&6{name} &7[{onlinesize}/{size}]"
  495. - " &8» &eBalance: &7${balance}"
  496. - " &8» &eLeader: &7{leader}"
  497. - " &8» &eCaptains: &7{captains}"
  498. - " &8» &eMembers: &7{members}"
  499. - " &8» &eKills: &7{kills}"
  500. - " &8» &ePoints: &7{points}"
  501. - "&8&m--------------------------"
  502. list:
  503. usage: "&c/{label} list <page>"
  504. invalid-page: "&cInvalid page."
  505. are-not-exists: "&cClan are not exists."
  506. header:
  507. - "&8&m--------------------------"
  508. - "Currently page&7: &e{page}"
  509. - "&8&m--------------------------"
  510. format: "&8» &6{name} &7[{onlinesize}/{size}]"
  511. footer:
  512. - "&8&m--------------------------"
  513. - "Other page&7: &e/{label} list <page>"
  514. - "&8&m--------------------------"
  515. create:
  516. usage: "&c/{label} create <name>"
  517. already-exists: "&cAlready exists clan with this name." ##{name}
  518. invalid-chars: "&cInvalid chars."
  519. too-long-or-short: "&cThis name is too long."
  520. successful: "&e{leader} &chas been created clan named &e{name}&c."
  521. deposit:
  522. usage: "&c/{label} deposit <amount>"
  523. can-not-transaction:
  524. invalid-amount: "&cInvalid amount!"
  525. min-amount: "&cMinimum amount: &e${min_amount}"
  526. max-amount: "&cMinimum amount: &e${max_amount}"
  527. not-enough-money: "&cYou don't have enough money."
  528. reached-max-balance: "&cClan has been reached max balance." ##{max_amount}
  529. successful: "&e{player} &chas been deposited &e${amount} &cto clan."
  530. withdraw:
  531. usage: "&c/{label} withdraw <amount>"
  532. must-be-leader-or-captain: "&cYou must be leader or captain."
  533. can-not-transaction:
  534. invalid-amount: "&cInvalid amount!"
  535. min-amount: "&cMinimum amount: &e${min_amount}"
  536. max-amount: "&cMinimum amount: &e${max_amount}"
  537. not-enough-money: "&cClan does not have enough money."
  538. reached-max-balance: "&cYou have been reached max balance." ##{max_amount}
  539. successful: "&e{player} &chas been withdrawed &e${amount} &cto clan."
  540. invite:
  541. usage: "&c/{label} invite <player>"
  542. must-be-leader-or-captain: "&cYou must be leader or captain."
  543. not-online: "&cThis player is not online." ##{target}
  544. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  545. already-invited-to-your-clan: "&cThis player is already invited to your clan." ##{target}
  546. already-in-your-clan: "&cThis player is already in your clan." ##{target}
  547. inv-message: "&eYou have been invited to the &c{name} &eclan."
  548. successful: "&c{invited} &ehas been invited to the clan by &c{inviter}&e."
  549. expired: "&c{invited}'s &einvite has been expired."
  550. accept:
  551. usage: "&c/{label} accept <clan>"
  552. not-invited: "&cYou are not invited."
  553. successful: "&c{invited} &ehas been joined to the clan."
  554. leave:
  555. usage: "&c/{label} leave"
  556. can-not: "&cYou can not leave from the clan because you are leader."
  557. successful: "&e{player} &chas been left from the clan."
  558. leader:
  559. usage: "&c/{label} leader <player>"
  560. must-be-leader: "&cYou must be leader."
  561. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  562. not-in-your-clan: "&cThis player is not in your clan." ##{target}
  563. successful: "&e{player} &chas been given leader of &e{name}&c."
  564. promote:
  565. usage: "&c/{label} promote <player>"
  566. must-be-leader: "&cYou must be leader."
  567. not-online: "&cThis player is not online." ##{target}
  568. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  569. not-in-your-clan: "&cThis player is not in your clan." ##{target}
  570. already-promoted: "&cThis player is already promoted." ##{target}
  571. successful: "&e{player} &chas been promoted to captain of &e{name}&c."
  572. demote:
  573. usage: "&c/{label} demote <player>"
  574. must-be-leader: "&cYou must be leader."
  575. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  576. not-in-your-clan: "&cThis player is not in your clan." ##{target}
  577. not-promoted: "&cThis player is not promoted." ##{target}
  578. successful: "&e{player} &chas been demoted to member of &e{name}&c."
  579. kick:
  580. usage: "&c/{label} kick <player>"
  581. must-be-leader: "&cYou must be leader."
  582. must-be-leader-or-captain: "&cYou must be leader or captain."
  583. can-not-yourself: "&cYou can not use this for &eyourself&c."
  584. not-in-your-clan: "&cThis player is not in your clan." ##{target}
  585. successful: "&e{target} &chas been kicked from the clan by &e{player}&c."
  586. disband:
  587. usage: "&c/{label} disband"
  588. must-be-leader: "&cYou must be leader."
  589. kick-message: "&eYou have been kicked from the &c{name} &eclan."
  590. successful:
  591. leader: "&e{leader} &chas been disbanded clan named &e{name}&c."
  592. staff: "&cStaff &e{staff} &chas been disbanded clan named &e{name}&c."
  593. top:
  594. points:
  595. header:
  596. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  597. - "&a&lTop 5 Clan Points"
  598. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  599. format: "&a#{place} &r{name}&7: &e{points}"
  600. footer:
  601. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  602. kills:
  603. header:
  604. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  605. - "&a&lTop 5 Clan Kills"
  606. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  607. format: "&a#{place} &r{name}&7: &e{kills}"
  608. footer:
  609. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  610. class:
  611. activated: "&e{class} &aclass has been activated."
  612. deactivated: "&e{class} &c class has been deactivated."
  613. bard:
  614. not-enough-energy: "&cYou don't have enough energy."
  615. have-cooldown: "&cYou can not do this because you have cooldown."
  616. knockback:
  617. usage:
  618. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  619. - "&4&lKnockback settings"
  620. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  621. - "&c/{label} currently - &7Currently knockback settings"
  622. - "&c/{label} sethorizontal <value> - &7Horizontal multiplier."
  623. - "&c/{label} setvertical <value> - &7Vertical multiplier."
  624. - "&c/{label} setground <value> - &7Ground multiplier."
  625. - "&c/{label} setair <value> - &7Air multiplier."
  626. - "&c/{label} setwalk <value> - &7Walk multiplier."
  627. - "&c/{label} setsprint <value> - &7Sprint multiplier."
  628. - "&c/{label} setenchant <value> - &7Enchant multiplier."
  629. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  630. currently:
  631. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  632. - "&4&lCurrently knockback settings"
  633. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  634. - "&cHorizontal multiplier: {horizontal}"
  635. - "&cVertical multiplier: {vertical}"
  636. - "&cGround multiplier: {ground}"
  637. - "&cAir multiplier: {air}"
  638. - "&cWalk multiplier: {walk}"
  639. - "&cSprint multiplier: {sprint}"
  640. - "&cEnchant multiplier: {enchant}"
  641. - "&7&m-----------------------------"
  642. invalid-value: "&cInvalid value."
  643. changed: "&eMultiplier {type} has been changed."
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