
Three Short Mamono Stories

Sep 11th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. These are prompt requests from some buds on Discord. I figured why not put them here, too.
  3. Stalking Vampire
  5. The bustling streets of Brown Cay would certainly be enough to catch anyone’s attention. It was a sight to behold, neon billboards illuminating the multicolored cars below, window displays showing off the newest clothes, restaurants lined the sidewalks next to a park fountain, this was the hotspot of the town.
  7. Lucinda reveled in the night sky above her, this was the only time of the day she could experience it. With her messed up vamp schedule, she was either working, or sleeping the day away. She wanted more, she always felt lonely, she always wanted to meet someone.
  9. “Well speak of the devil!” She said to herself and not the one that walked in front of her. Like fate would have it, a lone man, eating dinner alone. He was eating on the outdoor patio of some nearby restaurant. Now it was her time to strike. Biting likely wouldn’t work, so she decided to play it cool, ease her way into it.
  11. “Excuse me sir?” She asked in a convincing fake tone. “Do you know where I can find the nearest subway tram?” She pulled a nearby chair and shoved her phone in his face to distract him.
  13. “Oh, uh. You take West Mason Street...” The sounds of his monotonous directions gave just enough time to slip a secret ingredient into his drink; Lucinda hoped the love potion would work.
  15. “Oh, thanks then.” She said when he was done rambling. “I’m not really from around here.” He bit into a forkful of pasta.
  17. “Really? Let me tell ya, Brown Cay is great!”
  19. They spent what seemed like hours talking about their homelands, Lucinda getting irritated that he hadn’t taken a drink yet. Still, she could feel a connection. A Baphomet waitress came out with more complimentary bread.
  21. “Ooh, mind if I try one?” Lucinda asked, the man just nodding with a piece in his hand. It looked so good to her, it was flaky, covered in melted butter, and...
  23. She couldn’t finish chewing the bread as she collapsed onto the pavement below. The man rushed to her side before she was rushed to a hospital.
  25. Stupid bread HAD to be garlic.
  29. Homeless Rat
  31. James made his way down the city’s sidewalk. He cursed at himself for missing the public bus. Good thing he knew the route home, bad thing he knew it took him through the rough part of town. Whatever, he’s following the advice his friends had given him.
  33. “Don’t make yourself seen in the M’s district!” “Make sure to always have a weapon on you!” “Your life is worth more than your virginity!”
  35. The M district was home to the unwed Mamono. Single men seldom live to recount the tales of their rape. That didn’t bother James, he just wanted to get home.
  37. The decrepit buildings paired with the crisp fall night made for an eerie combo for a man to be alone in. Whatever, all he had to do was make his way through the old suburb to-
  39. “Fresh Dick!” He heard a hoarse voice call from behind him. Ok, now time to panic. He didn’t look back at the indiscriminate mamono now chasing him. All James did was run, run, run. Twisting & turning on the sidewalks, he found himself in a dark alleyway. Perfect.
  41. He was now sandwiched between two buildings in a small strip that looked like it had never been cleaned. Cobwebs, bags of trash, mud and puddles (James hopes that’s what those last two were), and a lone dumpster. James sat down to catch his breath, making sure to avoid anything nasty.
  43. “What are you doing here?” A quiet voice asked. James looked around, only to find a small mouse girl. Even though she was as tall as him, her frame was excruciatingly skinny, visible ribs and sunken eyes.
  45. “Gah! Please! Don’t hurt me!” He cowered in fear. The mouse chuckled.
  47. “Why would I do that? I’m just lookin’ for food!” She turned away from him and began to dig in the dumpster, only her tail visible now. It was shivering in the cold.
  49. “Are you homeless?” He heard a sigh from the dumpster.
  51. “Yeah, but I make do with what I can find.” She explained, pulling out a rotten apple core and a half eaten burger.
  53. “Oh dear.” He said as she bit into her meal. James dug through his wallet. “Here’s $5. Go get yourself something nice.” The mouses eats wiggled as a grin spread across her face. It’s like it was her first time seeing money.
  55. “T-thank you!” She cried before running up to him to give a weak hug. Well there goes that sweater.
  57. The night ended as James safely ended up back home. He decided to return to the alley the next day, with more money and a blanket.
  61. Tsundere Selkie
  63. July in Phoenix, Arizona. Why must the Lord punish us in such ways? Chuck knew the “Washing Waves Water World” water park would be busy today. How did he know? He was a lifeguard. If it wasn’t for the umbrella and the clothes that he had put in the freezer overnight, he’d be dead where he sat. Good thing his shift was over soon, he couldn’t bear having to break up another fight between a Mershark and a Sea Bishop.
  65. His day was finally finished, and he sprinted into the employee den, feeling instant relief thanks to the AC. He walked to the locker room to change out of his swim suit.
  67. “Hey Chuck!” Selea called out. Selea was one of the park’s janitors and a part time mechanic, she was a whiz with a wrench. However, she mostly stayed in the air conditioned building everyday, due to her magic energy.
  69. “Hey Selly.” Chuck said while twisting the knob on his locker. He could see the cheer drop from her face.
  71. “I told you to stop calling me that!” She grunted before heading to one of the stalls. However, Chuck felt her bump into his back. “Cuse me.” She said nonchalantly, even after she already passed him. Whatever, no one else was in the room, so he changed. All was well for a minute.
  73. Selea left the stall (granted Chuck managed to put his boxers on so he wasn’t nude) and stepped behind him.
  75. “Hhrngh!” She grunted, pushing herself into his back, he could feel the coolness of her, and he didn’t mind one bit. But he did have to ask.
  77. “What are you doing, giving me a massage or somethin?” Selea jumped back.
  79. “N-no! I-I’m only trying to grab that screwdriver I dropped, idiot!” He looked down at his feet, nothing was there, she was holding in in her exposed hand.
  81. “Just say you want my dick and you can get it.” He joked, but that got him a shove instead.
  83. “Creep!” She yelled repeatedly, each time playfully slugging him on his shoulder. She finally left him alone and made her way out of the room. What was up with her? That was answered when he heard her whispering to herself.
  85. “I touched him, I can’t believe I touched him! He felt so warm!”
  87. Chuck smiled at the unintentional good deed he did.
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