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Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. P: &8[&cTrapGame&8]&7
  4. command /trapgame <text> [<number>]:
  5. usage: /trapgame <start/stop/lives/pspawnset/bspawnset/info>...
  6. permission: skript.op
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg 1 is "start" or "begin" or "on":
  9. {trapgame} is set:
  10. send "&cA game is already running!"
  11. stop
  12. else:
  13. set {trapgame} to true
  14. disable pvp in all worlds
  15. set {_c} to 0
  16. loop all players:
  17. console command "/minecraft:clear %loop-player%"
  18. console command "/heal %loop-player%"
  19. apply saturation 1 to loop-player for 999 days
  20. apply resistance 10 to loop-player for 15 seconds
  21. apply blindness 1 to loop-player for 10 seconds
  22. apply slowness 10 to loop-player for 10 seconds
  23. apply jump boost -10 to loop-player for 10 seconds
  24. add 1 to {_c}
  25. broadcast "{@P} &a%loop-player%&f is Player %{_c}%!"
  26. teleport loop-player to {tg.pspawn::%{_c}%}
  27. console command "/spawnpoint %loop-player%"
  28. set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
  29. set loop-player's level to 0
  30. set {} to {tg.lives}
  31. console command "/scoreboard objectives add Lives dummy"
  32. console command "/scoreboard players set @a Lives %{tg.lives}%"
  33. console command "/scoreboard teams join TrapGame @a"
  34. console command "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Lives"
  35. wait 5 seconds
  36. broadcast "{@P} &7Starting in &45 &7seconds..."
  37. loop all players:
  38. play raw sound "random.orb" at loop-player with pitch 0 volume 1
  39. wait 1 second
  40. broadcast "{@P} Starting in &c4 &7seconds..."
  41. loop all players:
  42. play raw sound "random.orb" at loop-player with pitch 0 volume 1
  43. wait 1 second
  44. broadcast "{@P} Starting in &e3 &7seconds..."
  45. loop all players:
  46. play raw sound "random.orb" at loop-player with pitch 0 volume 1
  47. wait 1 second
  48. broadcast "{@P} Starting in &a2 &7seconds..."
  49. loop all players:
  50. play raw sound "random.orb" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1
  51. wait 1 second
  52. broadcast "{@P} Starting in &21 &7second..."
  53. loop all players:
  54. play raw sound "random.orb" at loop-player with pitch 2 volume 1
  55. stop
  57. if arg 1 is "stop" or "end" or "off":
  58. {trapgame} is not set:
  59. message "&cThere is no game running!"
  60. stop
  61. else:
  62. delete {trapgame}
  63. enable pvp in all worlds
  64. console command "/scoreboard objectives remove Lives"
  65. console command "/scoreboard teams leave @a"
  66. loop all players:
  67. console command "/heal %loop-player%"
  68. minecraft:fill -995 71 496 -995 100 496 minecraft:air
  69. stop
  70. if arg 1 is "lives":
  71. {trapgame} is set:
  72. message "&cCan't do this while game is running!"
  73. stop
  74. if arg 2 is not set:
  75. send "&cplease include number dumbass"
  76. stop
  77. set {tg.lives} to arg 2
  78. send "&7Set Lives to &a%arg 2%"
  79. stop
  80. if arg 1 is "pspawnset":
  81. if arg 2 is not set:
  82. send "&cplease include number dumbass"
  83. stop
  84. else:
  85. set {tg.pspawn::%arg 2%} to location of player
  86. send "&7Set &aPlayerSpawn%arg 2%&7 to your current location"
  87. stop
  88. if arg 1 is "bspawnset":
  89. if arg 2 is not set:
  90. send "&cplease include number dumbass"
  91. stop
  92. else:
  93. set {tg.bspawn::%arg 2%} to location of player
  94. send "&7Set &aBoosterSpawn%arg 2%&7 to your current location"
  95. stop
  96. if arg 1 is "info":
  97. send "&aPlayerSpawns: &7%{tg.pspawn::*}%"
  98. send "&aBoosterSpawns: &7%{tg.bspawn::*}%"
  99. send "&aLives: &7%{tg.lives}%"
  100. stop
  103. on death of player:
  104. {trapgame} is set
  105. remove 1 from {}
  106. console command "/scoreboard players remove %victim% Lives 1"
  107. broadcast "{@P} &a%victim% &7has %{}% lives!"
  108. if {} is less than 1:
  109. broadcast "{@P} &a%victim%&7 is eliminated!"
  110. console command "/scoreboard teams join Spectator %victim%"
  111. console command "/scoreboard players reset %victim% Lives"
  112. console command "/gmsp %victim%"
  115. on respawn:
  116. {trapgame} is set
  117. wait 1 tick
  118. apply saturation 1 to player for 999 days
  119. apply resistance 10 to player for 3 seconds
  120. set the player's level to 0
  121. teleport the player to a random location of {tg.pspawn::*}
  123. # MICHAEL
  124. on projectile hit:
  125. projectile is ender pearl
  126. loop all players in radius 1 of event-location:
  127. push the loop-player upwards at speed 1
  129. on rightclick on dispenser:
  130. player's gamemode is adventure
  131. cancel event
  133. on projectile hit:
  134. projectile is arrow
  135. delete projectile
  138. # BOOSTERS
  139. # _____________________________________________________________________
  142. every 30 seconds:
  143. {trapgame} is set
  144. chance of 50%:
  145. broadcast "{@P} &7A &a&lPOWERUP &r&7has spawned somewhere on map!"
  146. set {_b} to a random integer between 0 and 13
  147. if {_b} is 1:
  148. drop a sugar named "&bSpeed Boost" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  149. stop
  150. if {_b} is 2:
  151. drop a red dye named "&cHealing" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  152. stop
  153. if {_b} is 3:
  154. drop a light gray dye named "&7Invisibility" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  155. stop
  156. if {_b} is 4:
  157. drop a ender pearl named "&5Teleport Away" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  158. stop
  159. if {_b} is 5:
  160. drop a player head named "&6Toggle Michael" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  161. stop
  162. if {_b} is 6:
  163. drop a fermented spider eye named "&8Hinder Enemy" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  164. stop
  165. if {_b} is 7:
  166. drop a purple dye named "&dTeleport Enemy" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  167. stop
  168. if {_b} is 8:
  169. drop a clock named "&4Find Enemy" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  170. if {_b} is 9:
  171. drop a gunpowder named "&2Call Tactical Nuke" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  172. if {_b} is 10:
  173. drop a ink sack named "&0Blind Enemy" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  174. if {_b} is 11:
  175. drop a cyan dye named "&3Resistance" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  176. if {_b} is 12:
  177. drop a light green dye named "&aGain Life" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  178. if {_b} is 13:
  179. drop a water bottle named "Laboratory" at a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  181. on drop:
  182. {trapgame} is set
  183. cancel event
  184. on pickup of sugar, red dye, light gray dye, ender pearl, player head, fermented spider eye, gunpowder, purple dye, ink sack, cyan dye, light green dye, or water bottle:
  185. {trapgame} is set
  186. broadcast "{@P} &7Somebody has picked up a &a&lPOWERUP &r&7!"
  187. on pickup of clock:
  188. {trapgame} is set
  189. player has 1 clock:
  190. send "&ccant have 2 of those powerups noob"
  191. cancel event
  192. stop
  193. player has 1 compass:
  194. send "&ccant have 2 of those powerups noob"
  195. cancel event
  196. stop
  197. broadcast "{@P} &7Somebody has picked up a &a&lPOWERUP &r&7!"
  200. on rightclick holding sugar:
  201. name of player's weapon is "&bSpeed Boost"
  202. remove 1 sugar named "&bSpeed Boost" from player
  203. apply speed 1 to player for 999 days
  204. if {trapgame} is set:
  205. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &b&lSPEED BOOST"
  206. #HEALING
  207. on rightclick holding red dye:
  208. name of player's weapon is "&cHealing"
  209. remove 1 red dye named "&cHealing" from player
  210. apply regeneration 5 to player for 2 seconds
  211. if {trapgame} is set:
  212. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &c&lHEALING"
  214. on rightclick holding light gray dye:
  215. name of player's weapon is "&7Invisibility"
  216. remove 1 light gray dye named "&7Invisibility" from player
  217. apply invisibility 1 to player for 10 seconds
  218. if {trapgame} is set:
  219. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &7&lINVISIBILITY"
  221. on rightclick holding ender pearl:
  222. name of player's weapon is "&5Teleport Away"
  223. cancel event
  224. remove 1 ender pearl named "&5Teleport Away" from player
  225. chance of 50%:
  226. teleport player to a random location of {tg.pspawn::*}
  227. else:
  228. teleport player to a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  229. if {trapgame} is set:
  230. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &5&lTELEPORT"
  232. on rightclick holding player head:
  233. name of player's weapon is "&6Toggle Michael"
  234. remove 1 player head named "&6Toggle Michael" from player
  235. console command "/setblock -1007 66 546 minecraft:redstone_block"
  236. if {trapgame} is set:
  237. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &6&lTOGGLE MICHAEL"
  239. on rightclick holding fermented spider eye on player:
  240. name of player's weapon is "&8Hinder Enemy"
  241. target player is set
  242. remove 1 fermented spider eye named "&8Hinder Enemy" from player
  243. apply slowness 1 to target player for 999 days
  244. if {trapgame} is set:
  245. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &8&lHINDER &r&7on &a%target player%"
  247. on rightclick holding purple dye on player:
  248. name of player's weapon is "&dTeleport Enemy"
  249. target player is set
  250. remove 1 purple dye named "&dTeleport Enemy" from player
  251. if {trapgame} is set:
  252. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &d&lTELEPORT &r&7on &a%target player%"
  253. chance of 50%:
  254. teleport target player to a random location of {tg.pspawn::*}
  255. else:
  256. teleport target player to a random location of {tg.bspawn::*}
  257. #FIND ENEMY
  258. on rightclick holding clock:
  259. name of player's weapon is "&4Find Enemy"
  260. remove 1 clock named "&4Find Enemy" from player
  261. set {_d} to 1000
  262. loop all players:
  263. loop-player is not the player
  264. loop-player's gamemode is adventure
  265. if the distance between player and loop-player is less than {_d}:
  266. set {_closest} to loop-player
  267. set {_d} to the distance between player and loop-player
  268. if {trapgame} is set:
  269. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &4&lFIND ENEMY"
  270. give player a compass named "&7Tracking &a%{_closest}%"
  271. loop 15 times:
  272. set the compass target of player to {_closest}'s location
  273. send "&c%{_closest}% is %the distance between player and {_closest}% blocks away. Y: %y-coordinate of {_closest}%"
  274. wait 2 seconds
  275. remove 1 compass from player
  276. on click holding compass:
  277. cancel event
  279. on rightclick holding gunpowder:
  280. name of player's weapon is "&2Call Tactical Nuke"
  281. remove 1 gunpowder named "&2Call Tactical Nuke" from player
  282. console command "/setblock -1036 76 541 minecraft:redstone_block"
  283. wait 1 second
  284. console command "/setblock -1036 76 541 minecraft:air"
  285. wait 4 seconds
  286. if {trapgame} is set:
  287. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &2&lTACTICAL NUKE"
  289. on rightclick holding ink sack on player:
  290. name of player's weapon is "&0Blind Enemy"
  291. target player is set
  292. remove 1 ink sack named "&0Blind Enemy" from player
  293. apply blindness 1 to target player for 5 seconds
  294. apply night vision 1 to target player for 5 seconds
  295. if {trapgame} is set:
  296. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &0&lBLINDNESS &r&7on &a%target player%"
  298. on rightclick holding cyan dye:
  299. name of player's weapon is "&3Resistance"
  300. remove 1 cyan dye named "&3Resistance" from player
  301. apply resistance 1 to player for 999 days
  302. if {trapgame} is set:
  303. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &3&lRESISTANCE"
  304. #GAIN LIFE
  305. on rightclick holding light green dye:
  306. name of player's weapon is "&aGain Life"
  307. remove 1 light green dye named "&aGain Life" from player
  308. if {trapgame} is set:
  309. console command "/scoreboard players add %player% Lives 1"
  310. add 1 to {}
  311. broadcast "{@P} %player% has used &a&lGAIN LIFE"
  313. on right click with water bottle:
  314. name of player’s weapon is “Laboratory”
  315. remove 1 water bottle named “Laboratory” from player
  316. if {trapgame} is set:
  317. console command “/setblock -995 82 496 minecraft:gravel”
  318. RAW Paste Data
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