
Should auto l canceling be allowed in tournaments for PM?

Jul 2nd, 2015
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  1. I think that it will cause a problem in tournaments because whether L canceling is holding you back from preforming at a top level or it is just second nature, it is a part of the game that adds more depth and skill into completly mastering the game. By using auto l canceling, you are shortening the gap between players who really practiced in order to succeede and those who can now preform at a closer level without any work. Now for players who are just starting out while not in a tournament scene. It can be handy to have on while practicing other fundamentals such as wave dashing, short hopping, ect so that they can focus on those while not having to worry about l canceling. They can then later turn it off and practice l canceling itself. But in a tournament scene I reccomend against allowing it. It does remove an element of depth and skill as well as make the hours of practice put in by many top players wasted. Now there probably will be certain tournaments where it is allowed anyways. It can't be helped because not everyone can agree. It is very similar to the argument going in the smash 4 community about customs. While the decision to not allow it is quite different in each case, the splitting of the community caused by disagreements like these are similar. If a large tournament is held where players from both opposing sides attend, auto l canceling should not be allowed. Anything in higher importance than a local tournament should not allow auto l canceling. Think of auto l canceling as a crutch while practicing. A bit silly but true analogy I came up with puts auto l canceling into a simple perspective. If professional bicyclists were suddenly allowed to use training wheels, all of a sudden all that practice of turning, balance, ect automatically becomes a waste. Training wheels are a crutch used to first learn how to ride a bike and then once learned, they are removed. While auto l canceling may help newer players compete at a higher level, it is the same as if you were to turn on timed mode, or any other sort of rule. It should be regarded as a feature to use at your own leisure on your own time. Use it to practice fundamentals and then move past it and then become a better player. Not only will learning l canceling normally be fair to the players who already learned it and keep the skill level required from dropping, but it also provides greater satisfaction from learning how to do it the normal way and in the end, it will not hurt the project m community. Because in the grand scheme of things we all share a love for the beautiful game and community that we are all apart of. We all want what's best for the community whether you support auto l canceling or not. I hope you all can see what I am getting at with my oppinion.
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