

Aug 11th, 2021
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  1. 10:53 AM] Red_Shaunia: Good evening. When you have time could you maybe give some thought as to why we are constantly loosing TPS. The server even crashed 2 days ago. I loaded on an entiry/mob control plugin but that is throwing errors in the console so ignore that. I also removed bedwars and its addon. Here is a timings report from yesterday.
  2. Aikar's Timings Viewer
  3. Aikar's Timings Viewer - View Timings v2 reports from Paper and Sponge
  4. [10:53 AM] Red_Shaunia: I am hoping we are not in a situation like 1.16 where we needed to upgrade the hardware to handle things.
  5. [11:24 AM] Giselbaer: I wouldn't expect a mob control plugin to help that much, as 43% of the whole time goes to entities, and 17%, so 2/5 of that, goes to villagers. But villagers are the one entity type you don't want to kill, or mobstack, or whatever, because players use them to trade.
  6. [11:27 AM] Giselbaer: There seems to be a massive storage system with a ton of hoppers somewhere, which was loaded all the time, and which needs ~ 10% of the whole server time just by itself.
  7. [11:29 AM] Giselbaer: But there's almost no correlation between any of the individual counts ( the non-red dots in the graph) and the tps loss (red dots). So it doesn't look, at first glance, like a problem specific to number of a single thing, be it mob count or villager count or hoppers or whatever.
  8. [11:31 AM] Giselbaer: Here's the MSPT over the last day, and the number of players:
  10. [11:31 AM] Giselbaer:
  12. [11:33 AM] Giselbaer: so at least there's a strong correlation, every player needs a bit of CPU, the more players the more CPU, and when there's too many, the server starts losing ticks
  13. [11:37 AM] Red_Shaunia: That was a detailed complete response. Now is there anything I can do. Allocate more ram ? Somehow find the storage system.
  14. [11:38 AM] Giselbaer: I don't know yet, I'm just at the beginning of checking things out :wink:
  15. [11:39 AM] Giselbaer: Your FarmControl seems to either be made for a different version of MC, or need another plugin that it's based on, judging from the error message
  16. [11:41 AM] Red_Shaunia: Yes I only plopped that on last night for server restart in hopes of helping. I’ve stopped the .jar for next restart to not load.
  17. [11:42 AM] Giselbaer: And the bedwars plugin seems to be made for a previous version of MC as well, as it complains about NoSuchMethodException errors, which mean it's calling a method that doesn't exist in this version of the server
  18. [11:43 AM] Red_Shaunia: I was afraid of that. I disabled it for today in an effort to make things better. Really wanted to load it and get more players engaged. I’ve got it all configured too but it’s not looking good.
  19. [11:45 AM] Giselbaer: I'm trying to make some sense of the crash log when the server crashed
  20. [11:47 AM] Red_Shaunia: At the time of the crash I personally was working on the new bedwar map using WorldEdit to paste in some barrier blocks.
  21. [11:52 AM] Giselbaer: I don't think it had too much to do with that. The thing that was blocked was DeepStorage checking inventories, and to do that, it needed to load a chunk that was supposedly unloaded. Loading that chunk took forever for some reason, which blocked everything else.
  22. [11:55 AM] Giselbaer: You're still on Paper 133, and the newest version is 172, but the changelog doesn't mention anything with chunkloading in between, so it isn't a bug that's known and has been fixed
  23. [11:55 AM] Red_Shaunia: You are brilliant the way you find this information. I jump the gun on trying to come up with solutions but do I need to create chunk loaders or a chunk loader plugin? I can't even begin to imagine removing the DeepStorage system. We had one we just replaced that was infinite storage chests and gave the players several months to convert over to this new one. Which by the way has been a really neat plugin. I know you are not saying the DSU's are the problem but in that one circumstance the chunk was not loaded.
  24. [11:56 AM] Red_Shaunia: Amazing how fast the builds roll out. I feel like we only just put on #133 2 ish weeks ago
  25. [11:56 AM] Giselbaer: yes, but the fact that the chunk was not loaded is not correlated to DSU trying to load the chunk; could have been anything else as well
  26. [11:57 AM] Red_Shaunia: Alright
  27. [12:02 PM] Giselbaer: Paper does do some optimizations with chunk loading, it loads them asynchronously whenever it can. So for example, if a player teleports somewhere, it loads the one chunk the player is in, sends that to the player, schedules the other chunks to load in the background, and sends them to the player whenever they arrive. Vanilla MC just loads them all, and blocks until they're all there. It can't do that kind of optimization when a plugin says it needs the chunk NOW, which increases the likelihood of that happening when a plugin requests a chunk. But it doesn't mean the plugin is doing something wrong.
  28. [12:06 PM] Giselbaer: In your spigot.yml, you have the entity-activation-range for animals set to 32. I'd reduce that to something between 10 and 16. Which means animals will freeze unless they're close to the player, but 10 is still far enough to not interfere with players using a lead, or luring them with food. That should reduce some of the time spent ticking entities.
  29. [12:07 PM] Red_Shaunia: Somedays I am so very happy about what I've learned and how things are going. Then you talk and I question why am I doing this at all. :slight_smile:
  30. [12:08 PM] Red_Shaunia: I will make that change right this minute.
  31. [12:08 PM] Giselbaer: You could also set tick-inactive-villagers to false, and slightly reduce the entity-activation-range for villagers to 24, but you might get complaints from players that villagers stop refreshing trades unless the player is close to them.
  32. [12:11 PM] Red_Shaunia: True about possible complaints. I still think I'd like to do this suggestion anyway and go from there. We can always put it back.
  33. [12:11 PM] Giselbaer: And, it seems your view distance is set to 10 in, and spigot.yml doesn't change that by setting it to default. Reducing this will reduce the number of chunks that need to be loaded, and in Aikar's timings, the chunk provider is one of the things that takes a lot of time. Maybe you can reduce it to 8, this means instead of 21*21 chunks you'll only have 17*17 per player, which means 1/3 less loaded chunks.
  34. [12:12 PM] Giselbaer: Again, this might provoke player complaints, because if you're sitting in the middle of your base, and your 1st farm 150 blocks west and your 2nd farm 150 blocks east are both running, neither will be running anymore after that change.
  35. [12:12 PM] Red_Shaunia: Alright. I've made the three suggested changes to the spigot.yml. I will now change distance to 8.
  36. [12:12 PM] Giselbaer: But I think that's something they'll just have to live with.
  37. [12:15 PM] Red_Shaunia: I am sure that will interfere with my recordings of Player Builds of the month using the Replay Mod. We shall see. Regardless it is set to 8 now.
  38. [12:16 PM] Red_Shaunia: I was getting frustrated looking at everything and not having a true understanding of what was happening ergo I finally reached out to you. Thank you,
  39. [12:20 PM] Giselbaer: Oh, and one thing, I copied a plugin named AdjustingSpawnLimit to your plugins directory. It's something I made a year ago, which checks TPS, and if TPS is lower than 19, it reduces the number of mobs that should be around per player. So it will slowly reduce the number of entities when tps are low, and increase them again when tps become better. So while TPS are good, mob farms should work as known, but they will have reduced spawns while tps are low.
  40. [12:21 PM] Red_Shaunia: YES!!!! Several times a day right now TPS is dropping to 13, 14, and 15.
  41. [12:25 PM] Giselbaer: It's set to 50 in bukkit.yml, the plugin will reduce that to 25 when tps are low.
  42. [12:27 PM] Red_Shaunia: Ya know I was headed to the bukkit spigot and paper ymls next. Glad i didn’t and knowledgeable you got to look at the values we’ve been using.
  43. [12:38 PM] Giselbaer: Tell me what happens after the server restarts, which effect the changes have on TPS
  44. [12:41 PM] Red_Shaunia: Absolutely I will. Not necessarily which effect specifically but as a overall. I sure appreciate the time you put in to help me.
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