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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. Devoire,
  3. Although I have enjoyed my time in Outcry, and enjoyed most of the people in Outcry, I am sending you this to explain the issues I have with the guild. I have 13+ years of experience leading as an officer, leader, and raid leader and a large portion of that time was spent simply following guild leadership, and during that time I believe I have learned how to recognize guilds that are destined for drama and eventually failure. Now, I hate to put you on the defensive right away, as that will make you less receptive to what I have to say, but honestly, unless you change the way you are running things, Outcry is not going to last as a major guild. I have broken down all the things that I believe need to change below.
  5. Leadership Transparency - Outcry leadership has almost 0 transparency, in fact, you guys are about as opaque as you could be. You make decisions and say that they are in the best interest of the guild and yet you don’t say WHY they are. You continually go behind locked doors to discuss anything of importance, when in reality, major decisions that involve everyone in the guild should be discussed in a more public domain where members can give their input. Honestly, from what I have heard from other people and what I feel myself, is that you act like everyone in your guild is an idiot or a little kid - with the exception of course of those that are brown nosing.
  7. Donations - During the first meeting, before Archeage was released, you led people to believe that they would be rewarded for their donations. At the very least get compensated for it. Now, I feel like I have been compensated enough, Repent has done a hell of a lot to ensure that I have good weapons, but other people don’t feel the same way. In our first meeting after live, it was essentially said that those donations are just going to the guild and they will not get compensated at all for them, and that’s fine, but you should’ve said that from the beginning. You also said that those that sent in houses would be greatly rewarded for it. Just an FYI, I only got my house back, not that I really care. I want to make it clear that I didn’t give donations for the reward, I did it to improve the guild.
  9. Land - Alaraen has 11 large farms on Growlgate. 11. 1 more than 10. You justify this by saying you don’t know how to divide the land. So it’s more fair to charge people a completely unrealistic amount of gold/tax certs to use the land? What I am really surprised and offended by, is the completely and utter laziness that has taken place over this issue. Sell part of the land to alts on another account, that would lower the weekly cost dramatically. Sell it to another officer that has no land, let them schedule 24 hours periods for their land that are different than Alaraen’s. It’s really not that difficult. There are plenty of solutions to the problem.
  11. Condescending Tone - When some of the officers are leading raids, they are so condescending towards people it makes me sick. Being a condescending asshole is not going to make people follow you better or listen to you more closely. If anything, it just pushes people away. When I start hearing that tone come out, I just leroy into a group of enemies and die, then afk and smoke a cig. Because I think everyone would prefer me afk than to say something very nasty.
  13. Loot Council - What really bothers me about this, is that you have 4 officer seats on the loot council and only 3 member seats. If anything it should be 2 officer 5 member, or at the very least 3 officer 4 member. Anything like this should ALWAYS be a majority of members over officers. Now, I think a loot council is the most biased, unproductive, and frankly silly way to distribute loot, but that is just my opinion. On a personal note, I find it very insulting that you ask me to type up a document for you, and yet you don’t even give me a response for it. Honestly, the response could’ve been “fuck that, I hate that idea” but instead I got silence, which to me says: “I don’t give a fuck about you or your idea”. And that, to me, is unacceptable. Honestly, instead of writing this I pondered just leaving Outcry, because I get the feeling that you guys just don’t care what I have to say, and if that’s the case, please, make it clear to me so I can stop wasting my time.
  15. Anyways, sorry this was so long, but I feel that I am speaking for more than just myself when I wrote this, so I wanted to make sure that everything was covered. Cheers.
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