
Wilhlem/Rasia interlude 2

Feb 12th, 2013
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  1. [10:13:34 PM] Dolan: Its the same room where you first met the Commander; low ceiling but the size of a basketball court, smooth grey walls and floor, with a desk in the dead center. This time though the entire wall behind the Commander is taken up by images and .gifs of the battle and charts covered in technobabble. As you walk in the Commander is standing face the back wall with her hands behind her back and as the door closes behind you, you hear her ask, "What did we learn from this?".
  2. [10:16:42 PM] MR RAGE: "Self-preservation," Rasia strides forward unafraid, towards the desk. "Among other traits it demonstrated."
  3. [10:19:36 PM] Dolan: She makes an agreeing sound. "And what did you think of that parlor trick with the space-time continuim, Dr. Faustus?"
  4. [10:21:52 PM] DBN_006: "On first observation it looks something like the Dirac Sea, a theoretical vacuum as an infinite sea of particles and negative energy. I'll know more once I've finished analyzing the footage and the readings from our sensors."
  5. [10:27:22 PM] Dolan: Theres a smile in her voice. "I'm sure you will." She turns around and looks at the both of you square in the eyes. "I want you both to know that you did good. You were given a torn rope and told to climb a mountain, and you managed to get halfway up." She gives a brief smile, with actual warmth, before reverting her usual stoic expression.
  6. [10:29:00 PM] MR RAGE: Her gaze wanders, to any videos of the Evas taking damage, hesitating, or otherwise... "Not torn. Just not yet treated."
  7. [10:31:59 PM] Dolan: "The man previously in charge of the Children did not even attempt to teach them any sorts of tactics or military strategy, as is blatantly obvious. Until such time you deem them ready, I want you to teach them any and every skill you think necessary to prepare for the next Angel. Do you find that agreeable?"
  8. [10:33:28 PM] DBN_006: "Absolutely."
  9. [10:33:42 PM] MR RAGE: "Yes sir."
  10. [10:35:06 PM] Dolan: "I want to talk about the new pilot, Augusto. While he acted with comeplete disregard for his own personal safety, he seems quite talented. I want your opinions."
  11. [10:36:52 PM] MR RAGE: "He's...troublesome. Putting his ego over his safety." Rasia reaches up, smoothing her hair back.
  12. [10:37:26 PM] DBN_006: "I have to agree. Without proper guiadance he could become a liability to the entire team."
  13. [10:39:07 PM] Dolan: "At the same time, he seemed to have encouraged the Iraqi, Yusuf..." she pauses, thinking. "I expect you'll have trouble with him anyways. His background is shady."
  14. [10:40:02 PM] DBN_006: "Shady, ma'am?"
  15. [10:44:33 PM] Dolan: "He has certain ties with our esteemed benefactors, and no records before the age of 6. While normally that would be somewhat expected, given the chaos after the Impact, his records indicate Augusto is the son of a soldier that apparently died during the Impact while on station at a military research station in Spain. Then the trail goes dead again until age 11 whereupon he is selected as the French-Spanish Spartan trainee. And given his unsual looks, one must wonder."
  16. [10:46:11 PM] DBN_006: A glance to Rasia, then back to the Commander. "We'll keep our eyes and ears open."
  17. [10:48:04 PM] MR RAGE: A quiet nod, is all the Israeli offers. Intrigue and sabotage were things she smashed, not participated in.
  18. [10:48:31 PM] Dolan: She sits down at her desk and leans back. "Now, about the other pilots. I want to hear what you think after a week with them."
  19. [10:50:47 PM] MR RAGE: "Scared. In all truth, I probably shouldn't have indulged them by explaining my orders, but I could think of no better way to clear their heads. But I doubt any civilian adult would do better, in their position."
  20. [10:59:44 PM] DBN_006: The Doctor leans heavily on his cane. "Getting children to play soldier isn't easy. Making it worse is each of them seems to be troubled in a different way, though I'm no psychologist."
  21. [11:01:11 PM] MR RAGE: "Mn."
  22. [11:08:59 PM] Dolan: "If such troubles began to interfere too much with the safety and cohesiveness of the group, let me know. Otherwise we really have no choice but to continue down the path we are on," she says with slight distate. "Unfortunately I have much to attend to. Dr. Faustus, I believe Dr. Digane wished to speak with you about the readings you gathered in the last battle; she seemed quite beside herself on the phone. And Lt., the Director of Section-2 wishes to speak with you about security measures for publicity events. I can have a guard direct each of you to you respective destinations if you so desire."
  23. [11:09:58 PM] MR RAGE: "That won't be necessary. Thank you, sir." A salute.
  24. [11:11:10 PM] Dolan: She nods back.
  25. [11:12:27 PM] DBN_006: "I'll head down to see Dr. Digane right away."
  26. [11:13:43 PM] MR RAGE: Crisp and solid, the Lieutenant makes to walk alongside Faustus. No reason they couldn't go together, until their routes diverged.
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