
how far?

Jun 17th, 2015
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  1. >"glarkle "
  2. "i know honey" you reply as you remove your muddy shoes and rest your spade against the wall.
  3. "I've got you a gift~"
  4. you sing as you swing the damp sack side to side slightly, the contents sqelching within.
  5. your special somepony screeched in surprise before leaping at you and hugging your chest.
  6. you take this moment to admire the beauty in your arms, from her milky white eyes, murky brown fur and a huge grin, literally from ear to ear, far larger than it should . gently you caress her muzzle leading up to her ear which you ever so gently knead between finger and thumb and lean in to kiss, resisting the urge to reach lest many razor teeth claim your tongue as an appetizer. your love giggles and pushes you away moving deeper into her crypt, and sensually sways her flank. hefting the sack over a shoulder you follow into the dark depths and, setting the 'meal' on the table you bring out the saw, place an arm behind your back an put on the best posh waiter act you can.
  7. "today meal is an exquisite treat for my lady, a young unicorn mare with a penchant for magic that assures the horn will have a tough outer bone and a soft center that madam loves so. the mare was a traveler pulling a sizable wagon, so the meat should be pleasantly tough, to the usual unicorn standards."
  8. all this talk has made your mare drool over her meal so without further adieu, you grip the blue unicorns head and begin to saw the base of the horn. true to your word it requires a fair amount of effort to cut but you get there eventually.
  9. as you hand her the horn you begin drilling holes either side of the head to attach the spit easier. by the time you finish you hear a satisfied groan, and chuckle as you reach over and wipe some magical residue off of her lips. with the best bit out of the way she simply grabs each end of the stick and begins devouring the head from the face.
  11. as she eats you regale the tale of the hunt, sneaking through the underbrush with bow in hand quiver resting for any threats or prey you hear someone sniffle. turns out it was a mare possibly alone, usually pony folk travel in groups, for safety, to you they are merely larger meals for your beloved. you had to take care for prey often has acute hearing for detecting predators such as yourself.
  13. it took most of the day but eventually the mare stopped and set up camp, alone. morose, she brings out a few carrots and stares at them before sighing and packing all but one away. conserving food? and traveling alone, its likely this mare left on bad terms. maybe she had a falling out with a partner, or parent either case it seems that this mare will be a missed by no one. you couldn't hope for a better chance.
  15. as night truly falls the blue coated mare retires to her carriage. Now you could sneak in, and slit the throat of the unicorn before she can even escape Luna's dream scape but where's the fun in that? instead you ponder your options , eyes drifting until they pass the still glowing embers of the camp fire...oh yes.
  17. setting fire to the four wheels you leap behind the cover of the bush and await. the fire spreads from licks against the walls to a blazing inferno, perhaps this meal shall be pre cooked? Alas ti's not to be as a sharp yelp rings through the area and the door is blasted off its hinges. as the unicorn leaps out of her house she stares agape as what must be her life erupts in flames around her. violently she shakes her head and her horn sparks to life sending small shocks into the sky. soon she begins panting legs shaking and eyes scrunched tight in focus as a small cloud begins to form. this is your chance the roar of fire and the mares casting cover the sound from you exploding from cover as moonlight and fire cast light against your shining blade as it swings by your side, you wont be needing it.
  19. leaping onto the mare she squeals, the shock making her lose concentration as she releases her magic in a fantastic bolt of blue completely destroying her homes salvation.not that it matters. within seconds you grab her horn, still warm to the touch and yank it down with all your might making her scream in pain and more importantly, exposes her neck. you thrust your head forwards, maw clamping around her throat the scream making a pleasant vibration against your lips as your teeth sink into her flesh. while not as effective as your mares, you still get the job done killing her scream and letting her lifeblood seep into your mouth and to enrich the soil. it was a grand sight to be sure, the moon shining above, a blistering fire and a mare in your arms, slowly leaving this world.
  21. you finish the tale as your lover takes a large bone and wraps her tongue around it, slowly devouring the remaining blood and flesh, and staring at you with lust filled eye's. tales of the hunt always get her in the moos as she finishes the final fetlock and stares at you, her wonderful eyes gleaming by the candle light and her muzzle parts in a grin revealing a killer set of teeth and dripping blood. this is the mare you fell in love with, and, as you chase her into the bedroom you wonder.
  23. how far will you go for your wifu?
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