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a guest
Apr 24th, 2018
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  1. All subliminals always work for me
  2. Why do all subliminals always work for me?
  3. I get fast and full results
  4. Why do I get fast and full results?
  5. I wake up with full desired results
  6. Why do I wake up with full desired results?
  7. My subconcious is at its peak performance
  8. Why is my subconcious at its peak performance?
  9. Subliminals do not create clashes for me
  10. Why do Subliminals do not create clashes for me?
  11. All my blockages and clutters are removed
  12. Why are all my blockages and clutters removed?
  13. I am a master at playing the piano
  14. Why am I a master at playing the piano?
  15. I am a legendary pianist
  16. Why am I a legendary pianist
  17. I am the greatest pianist of all time
  18. Why am I the greatest pianist of all time?
  19. I easily play the piano beautifully
  20. Why do I easily play the piano beautifully?
  21. My piano skills are out of this world
  22. Why are my piano skills out of this world?
  23. My piano playing makes people inspired
  24. Why does my piano playing make people inspired?
  25. I can heal myself and others by playing the piano
  26. Why can I heal myself and others by playing the piano?
  27. My piano skills are magnificent
  28. Why are my piano skills magnificent
  29. I get better at playing the piano each nanosecond
  30. Why do I get better at playing the piano each nanosecond?
  31. I play the piano comfortably
  32. Why do I play the piano comfortably?
  33. I have perfect sight reading abilities
  34. Why do I have perfect sight reading abilities?
  35. I can sight read perfectly
  36. Why can I sight read perfectly?
  37. My sight reading is perfect
  38. Why is my sight reading perfect?
  39. I can play the piano perfectly
  40. Why can I play the piano perfectly?
  41. I always play the correct notes
  42. Why do I always play the correct notes?
  43. I always remember what I play
  44. Why do I always remember what I play?
  45. I can memorize songs easily
  46. Why can I memorize songs easily?
  47. I can memorize songs perfectly
  48. Why can I memorize songs perfectly?
  49. I never make mistakes
  50. Why do I never make mistakes
  51. I never make mistakes when playing the piano
  52. Why do I never make mistakes when playing the piano?
  53. I look beautiful when I play the piano
  54. Why do I look beautiful when I play the piano?
  55. My piano playing is beautiful
  56. Why is my piano playing beautiful?
  57. I create piano masterpieces easily
  58. Why can I create piano masterpieces easily?
  59. I find playing the piano easy
  60. Why do I find playing the piano easy?
  61. When I play the piano people are mesmerized
  62. Why when I play the piano are people mesmerized?
  63. I play the piano with ease
  64. Why do I play the piano with ease?
  65. I play the piano flawlessly
  66. Why do I play the piano flawlessly?
  67. I enjoy playing the piano
  68. Why do I enjoy playing the piano?
  69. Every time I play the piano I get better
  70. Why do I get better every time I play the piano?
  71. I can play the piano by ear
  72. Why can I play the piano by ear?
  73. I know all the scales and techniques
  74. Why do I know all the scales and techniques?
  75. I am an inspiration to others
  76. Why am I an inspiration to others?
  77. I win all competitions I compete in
  78. Why do I win all competitions I compete in?
  79. I get invited to events
  80. Why do I get invited to events?
  81. I have mastered the piano
  82. Why have I mastered the piano?
  83. I am motivated to play the piano
  84. Why am I motivated to play the piano?
  85. Every time I play the piano I improve
  86. Why do I improve every time I play the piano?
  87. I am a succesful pianist
  88. Why am I a succesful pianist?
  89. I am extremely fast at playing the piano
  90. Why am I extremely fast at playing the piano?
  91. My hands move extremely fast when playing the piano
  92. Why do my hands move extremely fast when playing the piano?
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