
Full List of Roblox Globals as of 12/15/2019

Dec 14th, 2019
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  1. -- Courtesy of Matthew CntKillMe
  3. DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo
  4. plugin
  5. script
  6. warn
  7. CFrame
  8. gcinfo
  9. DateTime
  10. tick
  11. bit32
  12. debug
  13. NumberSequence
  14. assert
  15. tonumber
  16. Color3
  17. Enum
  18. _G
  19. UserSettings
  20. coroutine
  21. NumberRange
  22. PhysicalProperties
  23. Ray
  24. NumberSequenceKeypoint
  25. Vector2
  26. os
  27. delay
  28. spawn
  29. version
  30. string
  31. CellId
  32. stats
  33. DebuggerManager
  34. typeof
  35. _VERSION
  36. printidentity
  37. settings
  38. UDim2
  39. table
  40. TweenInfo
  41. loadstring
  42. require
  43. Vector3
  44. time
  45. Vector3int16
  46. setmetatable
  47. next
  48. wait
  49. ipairs
  50. Region3int16
  51. elapsedTime
  52. rawequal
  53. Vector2int16
  54. collectgarbage
  55. game
  56. newproxy
  57. shared
  58. Region3
  59. utf8
  60. Workspace
  61. xpcall
  62. rawset
  63. PathWaypoint
  64. tostring
  65. Instance
  66. workspace
  67. Random
  68. math
  69. PluginDrag
  70. pcall
  71. getfenv
  72. ColorSequenceKeypoint
  73. type
  74. ColorSequence
  75. select
  76. getmetatable
  77. Faces
  78. rawget
  79. UDim
  80. Rect
  81. BrickColor
  82. setfenv
  83. pairs
  84. Axes
  85. error
  86. print
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